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Roles of a father in a family The discussion addresses the specific roles that fathers play in the American society. However, it also points out the opposing views on the roles of a father in any family. My personal refutation is also presented towards the end of the paper besides my appeal to the readers of the same theme. A current research indicates that father’s roles are currently changing from the traditional breadwinning or disciplinarian to being a comforter and a moral teacher. Most people argue that fathers should impart moral values to their children mostly emotional support and discipline.
About eighty-six percent of people claim that fathers should income to their children. Both the gender grade men as the ones charged with the responsibility to provide the moral education to their children. Most Americans believe that the presence of a father in the family makes the children feel cheerful and happy. Such have positive impacts on the emotional well-being of children at home. Fathers just like the mothers also have stress on how to balance their work time and that in the family.
With the increasing demands of everyday life, fathers have the responsibility to raise income for the family and as well to be with the children to give the children moral education. That remains a significant challenge. Conversely, some persons feel that mothers are the ones that educate their children on the moral values in life. Some argue that mothers spend more time with their children.My personal refutation Just like in the traditional ways, the fathers should continue with their breadwinning roles and leave the family issues to the mothers.
If such could happen, the mother will have enough time to care for the children. As such the fathers will also have enough time to provide for the family. The common citizens should take heed to help save our children.Work cited
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