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Source The first article, ‘’Leadership, Employee Satisfaction and Turnover in the UAE Public Sector’’ ed by Badria Abdallah Al-Hummadi , describes a research that has investigated how employees turnover and job satisfaction are influenced by the leadership style in the UAE. In this case, the journal evaluates transformational -transitional management styles and how it influence job satisfaction and subsequent turnover. The journal is important in my article as it gives significant facts concerning job satisfaction and turnover in the UAE.
Some of the important areas that the research has highlighted include the role of gender, job stress and the role of high-quality management in mitigating job dissatisfaction and preventing turnover. In addition, the journal has given detailed causes of job dissatisfaction and high rate of turnover in business organizations in UAE.Lastly, the author has given several recommendations on how to solve this problem. Among the recommendation is that managers should understand the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover.
The second article, “Job Satisfaction and Performance of Government Employees in UAE”, authored by Sabri Al Sejini, Mohamed E Ibrahim, and Omaima Abdul Aziz Al Qassimi compares self-assessed performance and the level of job satisfaction in the UAE among government employees. In this case, the journal takes into consideration variables such as age, gender, tenure, position, marital status and nationality and the way they relate to job satisfaction in the public sectors. The journal is very important in my research as it provides background information on causes of dissatisfaction.
The journal, furthermore, answer the question whether job satisfaction has any regression with performance. In this case, the journal has explained the effects of feeling and emotions in job satisfaction. As such, the article forms a backbone of my literature review.
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