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Relationship between Nature and Culture, as well as Civilization - Essay Example

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This essay "Relationship between Nature and Culture, as well as Civilization" discusses significant changes in the relationship between nature and culture during the 20th century. Contemporary thinking has it that there were generally several questionings, as well as a reversal in values…
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Relationship between Nature and Culture, as well as Civilization
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Understanding Culture Understanding culture Relationship between nature and culture, as well as civilization Jean-Marc (2014) explains that there were some significant changes in the relationship between nature and culture during the 20th century. Contemporary thinking has it that there were generally several questionings, as well as reversal in values. The relationship at the onset of the century has been characterized by oppositions, differences especially during the helm of physics and anthropology. At some point, custom, artifice, and convention has been used to distinguish culture form nature. Giblett (2011) extrapolates that culture is perceived as an institution belonging to human beings and often the exercise of the will is reflected. Culture can also be referred to as a climate where rules, regulations and values and practiced in reference to the action of the humans who are usually culprits of inconstancy. In addition, it encompasses the domain where the beliefs are diverse; decisions made by humans contradicting; as well as human passions being inconsistent. However, nature manifests as a reality. It is usually characterized by stability or permanence or regularity or all as listed. For an instant, seasons tend to recur; forms of life are constant, as well as the world in material form. This makes nature a kind of a guarantee to human being’s substantiality. Ausubel (2012) elaborates that nature provides solidity where people can rely not only in its actions but also its enterprises. Apparently, nature tends to conceal undiscovered truth. Naturalness does not incorporate deliberated thoughts and it is usually spontaneous, unreasoned and instinctive. Moreover, it is deterministic and constrained; and its operations are within a strict system or mechanism. This is unlike culture where humans have the leverage of evading the rules (even those that they have defined) to either reject or invent other. Despite the fact that it is artifice, it is positive in that the invention of new forms of their existence cannot emanate from nature and the defined order of nature. According to Jesse-marc (2014), naturalness is viewed to encompass standards or ideas that are ethical. On moral grounds, it is anything that is genuine, true, healthy, and anything that deviates from those in terms of thinking or attitude are viewed as decadence. For example actions like recycling of waste products are human behavior ideals. However, in this phenomenon, nature can be viewed as a cultural standard. On the other hand, culture can be constructed not only as the finality but also the nature’s future. In such a scenario, nature is a cluster of resources and packs of energy characterized by non-determination. Therefore, culture is comprehended as an activity which entails the utilization of these resources, as well as the energies which in turn gives either determination or meaning. Nature within and around man can be developed and shaped. Educational practices and agricultural practices among many others are best examples of scenario where culture is used to model nature. Giblett (2011) argues that it is next to impossible if not difficult for a kind of behavior to be embedded on a human being even if that behavior is perceived to be natural. That which is in a human being is either manufactured or natural or both being that no kind of behavior is does not owe biological well being. And simultaneously moves further from the basic nature. The following three examples illuminate that the intellectual configuration that culture followed nature is gradually changing. One of the examples was that the idea that persisted in the half of the century was the physical nature as a representation of the reality as an objective to be explained and described. It was a reality outside the realms of man which he faced by attempting to incorporate both its scientific and objective views. However, theories on quantum physics do not commensurate with the belief. The arguments behind quantum physics on this particular phenomenon are that the natural phenomenon is dependent on initial boundaries/conditions. The second example is in reference to natural environment. Here, ecology is viewed as a vital in the relationship between human being and nature. This relationship has of late been attached to a new ethical meaning where man has been bestowed the responsibility of taking care of the nature. The last example incorporates anthropology which tends not to be dualistic. It rejects the options of naturalism and culturalism. Nature should therefore be view distinctly as a form that man tends to use as the function of culture. On the other hand, in the relationship between nature and civilization, people usually think of the world created by man and the world the man’s creation as distinct and unequal. Human actions have become vital drivers of the changes in the planet. Since the dawn of towns/cities roughly eight thousand years age, cities were usually related to civilization and the environment outside its entrance and exists were perceived to be not only chaotic and dangerous. Cities were baskets of vices such as corruption and the natural environment was not spoiled. It was a wilderness that needed protection from human greed. Surprising, close to have the population of the planet life in the cities currently and the percentage is anticipated to get to 80 by 2050. The resources needed by the cities and feedbacks that emanate from these cities have significantly affected the planet. The hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere are fast changing due to cities and the requirements they need. This has resulted into two kinds of environment-natural and built environment. According to Ausubel (2012), the manner in which resources have been drawn from nature into the cities has lead to un-sustainability. Therefore, nature and civilization are in conflict. There are ecological implications of industrialization brought about by civilization. Some of these effects are air and water pollution and deterioration of soils among many others. The factors that have attributed to these conflicts are population, market, technology, social relation, and attitudes. Population is demographically characterized by the reduction of the size of families, individuals getting married at later ages, contraceptives being promoted, and reduced level of sexual expression as cities and industries blossom. Social relation changes in reference to division of labor where women and men are inclusively incorporated into labor force (Jesse-Marc 2014). Culture as an ideology Ideology can be referred to as imaginations in relation to the existence of conditions that are real. It’s a set of ideas either consciously or unconsciously with the intentions of making goals or motivations or expectations. It is a vision that is comprehensively normative. Sometimes, it is a set of ideas that have been proposed to societal members by the dominant people or class in the society. On the other hand, culture is a set of beliefs that are customary and values that are religious, ethnic, and social. It remains in force from one generation to another and it’s organized by ideology. Ideology can be viewed as an intellectual facet of culture. In ideology, the beliefs, norms and values are justified. Ideologies in most cases play roles in changing of culture. Ideologies are constructed with the aim of instilling certain agendas or inculcating some notions. They are aimed at perpetuating and propagating interest of certain individuals especially the elites in higher political system. Culture tends to emanate from socially, economically, and politically constructed norms and values that prevail progressively from generation to generation. It is usually influenced with ideological changes as ideologies are rarely or rather are never static. They are systems with meanings that are abstracted and applied to societal matters making it a focal point of politics. The origin of ideology is associated with French philosophers of the late 18th century who were rational. They referred to ideology as either science related to ideas or philosophy related to the mind. Marxist theory attempts to elaborate on its development though in political theory discourses. The development encompassed comprehension of the relation among economic, political, and cultural aspects in particular societies. Marx views ideology as the articulation of culture inclusive of ideas and the economy of politics which encompasses production. Marxism is a social theory that in relatively complex in nature though it transcends political movements in the context of culture and history. In addition, it is an overgrowth of traditions related to western intellectual which has significant impact in the modernized societies. Marxism illuminates the classification of society in form of class structure in cultural setting. The dominant class not only control but also own means of production while the working class survive through offering their services to the dominant ones. The comprehension of ideology is vital in cultural analysis. For an instant, Marx and Engels developed and constructed critiques against the notion that religion was the influence that would impact on cultural practices. To them, ideologies were thoughts that ideas were the determinants of the forms of the society. The hegemonies of culture, through the philosophy of Marxist explain how cultural diversity of a society is dominated by the elites or the ruling class. The ruling class has the ability to influence the culture of the society where they dwell. Their views of the world usually become the view that is imposed in the world and embraced as a norm in the cultural form. It legitimates the validity of dominant ideology. This ideology is beneficial to the ruling class by maintaining the status quo in reference to political, economic, and social aspects One of the most popular forms of culture is popular culture where there is an avenue for either consenting or resisting hegemony. Apparently, hegemony arises from popular culture where there is security. It is not a platform where socialism which is categorized as socialist culture can be expressed. However, it allows the constitution of socialism. Culture is easily comprehended through the evaluation of social structure and the history of its contingency. The importance of culture is that it is ideal not only in the constitution of structure highlighted earlier but also in the shaping of history. The studies of culture usually assume that societies that are capitally industrial are fragmented along gender, class, and ethnic lines. Culture is one of the avenues where division or fragmentation are established, as well as contested. It is the ground for the continuation of struggle over a meaning or meanings where a particular group in the society try to provide resistance unto meaning being imposed by the ruling class who are the dominant facets in that particular society. The struggle therefore makes the culture ideological. This makes ideology as the focal point in the study of culture. Adam Kuper argues that cultural practices and texts are not embedded with meaning which provide the guarantee with the intention of production. Meaning is only incorporated by the articulation act. Meaning is usually subscribed to potential arena of conflict thus making the cultural field in the study of cultures a ground for ideological struggle. A ground where there is either incorporation or resistance. It’s a battle field for the victory or loss of hegemony. Critiques argue that models related to ideological struggle results in popular culture being celebrated. Positive and negative effects of globalization on culture Piger (1998) defines globalization as a process in which social, economic, political and cultural relation optimizes on the global arena and consequently impact on individuals, daily lives, and local experience. It is a process associated with integration as a product for exchanging views in the world, ideas, and other cultural aspects related to exchange of both natural and cultural resources worldwide. This concept is perceived differently by individuals. To some, it is results into positive progress in economic, political and technology while to others; it is antagonists and hegemonic to both national and local economies. It compresses and synchronizes the world. Moreover, the consciousness of the globe holistically is intensified in that there is concrete interdependence globally and as well as the consciousness of the globes as a whole. Economists view globalization as a process that entails the integration of economies of nations with that of the world through foreign investments, trade, spread and increase in technology, and flow of capital. The process has had profound effects on the world that human dwells in besides changing the operations numerous factors. Globalization has completely changed the scale and structure of relationship between humans especially the geographical scale. It has had implications at the national, local, international and global sphere. Its benefits at one level cause negative implications at other levels with the results of the scale of implication being not only unpredictable but also uncertainty. The unpredictability results into instability and inflict risks to the involved actors. Wise (2008) asserts that the economics behind globalization is vital in the comprehension of the work processes and the implications to other issues. Suppose the economic implications and consequences on globalization were not present, the implications on cultural, social, and political would either not be sustained or become insignificant in terms of threats. In the contemporary global scale, economics and finance are the drivers of globalization. Globalization has provided the requisite nutrients to the thriving capitalism. On economic front, it is often viewed as a key economic aspect that entails optimized interactions and integration of economic systems through the thriving trade in the international arena, as well as investments and flow of capital. The advancement of communication and transportation has consequently enabled companies to fledge their wings beyond territorial borders into the global arena (Ausubel, 2012). The movement can be viewed as a positive effect since these organizations are infiltrating into new markets thus increasing opportunities for the company and the communities within the locality of the companies’ operations. Therefore globalization has lead to the emergence of multinational corporations which has contributed to the integration of the market, increase in employment, and increase in wealth in the countries of operations. There are also other indirect positive impacts of establishment of companies such as social benefits. In addition, globalization alongside the rise of Multinational Corporation have lead to the increase in the investment flow into areas that are least developed. Consequently, these investments in these localities have positive implications not only on the local economy but also on the population. In scenarios where the a country is characterized by free market economic system there is usually little distribution of wealth since reinvestments are directed to the owners of the companies and not to the community (Jean-Marc, 2014). These communities or countries are exploited by the global companies are they receive very little benefits. Through globalization, deterritralization, technology, and flow of capital across national and international boundaries have lessened the importance of space that countries in making decisions related to economics. Multinational companies therefore have changed the power structure as they are able to infiltrate into traditional boundaries that had been set by the counties. Traditionally, the nations had a role of facilitating and integrating the social and economic development. These role has been weakened and currently being control and determined individuals who are driven by the urge to accumulate capital (Wise, 2008). One of the main negative effects of globalization is the gradual increase in gap between the developed countries and those that are economically less developed. Despite the fact that through globalization, some countries have benefited from economic development while others remain and languish in poverty. Most individuals associate globalization to the decreasing level of poverty, as well as income globally. For an instant, China has witnessed immense development of its economy due to its openness to the world trade. Moreover, it has encouraged the country’s (China) social development. Income per capita has grown as a consequence of development accelerated by globalization. Unfortunately, there is a school of thought that the increasing influence of globalization tends to benefit newly developed countries hence will minimize the gap between the less economic developed nations and those that are highly developed. The spread of products, language and custom has also been accelerated by globalization. Individuals have developed awareness and familiar with cultures of other nations which in turn has increased understanding. Cultures are integrated and are able to blend due to globalization though cultural differences that are unique are slowly fading. It promotes diversity through interactions beyond boundaries hence synchronization of culture leading to pluralization. Cultures of the world have diffused to many parts of the world and it manifests in form of literature, food, music et cetera. It has gain popularity and aided the improvement of living standards with little challenges to the local traditions. Products especially from multinational corporations such as coca-cola are homogeneous throughout the countries where they are sold. It is also prudent to note that the Americanization of the world is an emerging trend due to globalization. The tastes and behaviors of the consumers are converging to commensurate with the American model. In addition, English has emerged as a dominant language in both the academic and business arena (Jean-Marc, 2014). Ways in which thinking about culture have been affected by postmodernism In order to comprehend post modernity it is prudent to draw a thin line between the culture of postmodernism and theory of postmodernism. The contemporary period in has been referred to by many as the age of post modern. Interestingly, contemporary critics are interested providing sense of the time of their lives. Other critics view post modernism as a form of as a form of liberation while others perceive it as a form of enslavement. Postmodernism is the state of the culture or economy or societal conditions that prevail after modernity. There are some views that modernity came to a halt in the 20th century approximately in the eighties and early nineties. Despite the fact that modernity and post modernity are so distinct, this distinction tends to be complex or rather complicated. It is characterized by capitalism in the post industrial age and culturally through humanism and enlightenment. Thereafter, it was replaced by post modernity although some individuals still extrapolate modernity as developments realized in the post modern period. Interestingly, there are those who believe that modernity ceased after the Second World War. Conditions related to post-modernity is often characterized by cultures that whose functions have been rendered redundant in any state contrary to the modernism state of the mind. Others argue that post modernity was not actually after modernity but a continuation of modernity. Therefore, post modernity can be described as in reference to institutional and creation changes and social and political outcomes. It can also be referred to a set of ideas in the contemporary period. The ideas of modernity frame most of peoples’ thoughts especially in western culture. In addition, they frame the main institutions inclusive of the education. In European history, the mid to late 18th century, modernity was a period for changes in the social, economic and political arenas. Some of the revolutions that characterized the period were the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. Moreover, the concept of capitalism was infiltrating into major powers, besides the growing interest of European powers into other parts of the world (Wise, 2008). One of the ideas of modernism was that individuals were rational and autonomous where they would think and as well act independently. The second idea entailed modernism as a platform for knowledge or reason channeled towards the liberation of humans and their happiness with education playing a significant role. The knowledge in discussion is one that provided description and articulated order in a stable manner. Those who have been marginalized by this knowledge such as women have often criticized these ideas. Post modernism has been a major critique of these ideas. Some theorists argue that post modernism is the transition from stable times that were solid to times that were liquid in stability. The idea of progress that characterized modernity losing grounds and that people are following one channel of truth towards goals that are universal. In this channel, there is an imagination of equality, knowledge and justice. More focus has been channeled towards multiple channels and plurality (Giblett, 2011). Plurality focus is on diversification and differences, as well as knowledge in partiality. In addition, change is not in linear progress form but through networks or flows, connections inclusive of reconnections since they are constantly formed or reformed without solidification time. Therefore as modernity focuses on coherence, order, stability, direction, and universality, post modernity focuses on diversity, fragmentation, and discontinuity. Post modernity influence on culture can also be view on how medieval ideas impacted on the society in the medieval period. Post modern ideas are manifestation of the culture of post modernity. Francois Lyotard’s conditions of post modernity provide description of the era of post modernity. It is important to comprehend that these conditions did not encompass the reasons for culture to be postmodern. Post modern is the era characterized by commodity that is virtual, data that tend to be cynical, nihilism culture, society with mass consciousness, and where war is artificial (Giblett, 2011). Humans are extremely bored, alienated, on the annihilation path, and their experiences are lowered to commoditization. The theorists have greatly affected the societies with their convictions or ideas and have led to people being confused especially on the terms thy employ. Leftists have fragmented post modernity and are not in unison over it’s the neurotic trend of dividing it into facets. For an instant, an individual who dwells on the street may argue how post modernity is irrelevant in their in reference to their lives. However, on the screen of reality and truth, it is the production mode, the being mode as it tends to frame the society (Giblett, 2011). Individuals are affected by post modernity ideas just like the medieval ideas of the medieval society. The relevance of race for understanding culture and cultural difference Hogan (2005) illuminates that countering racism is possible through the comprehension of cultural diversity and attaching some values to the diversity. Persons should freely explore how unique their culture is and have a sense of identity in the development of the diversity in terms of culture within the world where they live. When the expression of culture is denied or suppressed it limits the expression of unique approaches to life and knowledge transmission from a generation to the other. Diversity has become the most universal or global quality. Communication is ideal in aiding the comprehension of the diversity. Children especially from minority communities or groups usually encounter challenges as they attempt to resolve the comprehension of their identity especially when they are faced with the reality that certain aspects of their lives or within their lives are not accepted or embraced by the society that circumscribe them (Giblett, 2011). Consequently, in some cases, these children are consciously or unconsciously confronted by confusion of their identities which in turn may lead to anxiety. Adolescents are the most affected by identity confusion. If an individual has little or no connection with the cultural context that defines them, a sense of alienation tends to infiltrate their thoughts. The globalization has somehow homogenized the world. The world consists of numerous races with different cultural practices. Some cultural practices tend to be similar (converge) but in most cases they diverge. As noted earlier in this essay, one of the greatest qualities of the universe is diversity. Diversity manifests itself in various forms. One of the forms is the existence of several races. The uniqueness of each race in the national, local or global arena is significant for the development of the world in all aspects such as social development, economic development, and political development. It is prudent to understand that culture is a vital ingredient that drives lives of individuals. It can influence values, views hope, humor, loyalty, fears, and worries. In individual brought up in one geographical sphere is likely to exhibit characteristics that are different to another in a different geographical sphere too. There are some countries that have prospered due to diversity of cultures. For an instant, in the US, there are several races (Wise, 2008). These races have different cultural beliefs and practices. Despite some reported cases of racism, the diversity has spurred economic, social, and political advancement of the nation. World global forums through various means such as sports have played a key role in demystifying the negative perception on races. Reference List: Jean-Marc, B., (2014). Nature and Culture. Retrieved on 17th April 2015 from: Giroux, H. A. (1984). Ideology, culture, & the process of schooling. Philadelphia: Temple Univ Press. Giblett, R. J. (2011). People and places of nature and culture. Bristol, UK: Intellect. Ausubel, K. (2012). Dreaming the future: Reimagining civilization in the Age of Nature. White River Junction, Vt: Chelsea Green Pub. Wise, J. M. (2008). Cultural Globalization: A Users Guide. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Hogan, J. P. (2005). Cultural identity, pluralism, and globalization. Washington, D.C: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. Pilger J, (1998), Hidden Agendas , London. Chapters 1 and 5 Wise, J. M. (2008). Cultural Globalization: A Users Guide. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Read More
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