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Sherlock Holmes and the Police Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective used in publications from 19th and 20th century. In those publications, the author draws a line between the police and the detectives as it would be in a real life situation. The police are incompetent and use insufficient methods to deal with cases or situation in their line of work. This is heavily contrasted to the detective who employs logic and rational thinking to solve the cases. In one of the excerpts, it says, ” detection is and supposed to be a science and should be treated in the same unemotional and cold manner.
You should attempt to tinge detection with romance, which will produce the same effect as if it was a love story. Some facts should be held or at least, given some proportion of it (Harrington pp 74).” The police and the Sherlock Holmes come from different worlds when it comes to construction of knowledge. Sherlock Holmes would use analytical reasoning from the effects to causes that help him in unearthing the motives behind the criminal activities. This is different with the police in that the police would look at the causes and would start suspecting without relying on logical and sound judgment.
The police acknowledge the power of detective Sherlock Holmes and even ask for his help when he is on vacation. The investigation Sherlock Holmes unearths, he brings to the police and he finds fun in baffling the police inspectors with his detective deductions. What matters most to him is the gathering the right information to makes his deductions. The parallel nature of conducting an investigation makes the Sherlock Holmes and the police have a very distinct life which polarizes their relationship to the end of the story.
Works Cited Harrington, Ellen Burton. "error, Nostalgia, And The Pursuit Of Sherlock Holmes In Sherlock." Sherlock and Transmedia Fandom." Essays on the BBC Series (2004): 70-88. Print
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