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Symbolism in This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona by Sherman Alexie - Essay Example

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"Symbolism in This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona by Sherman Alexie" paper focuses on a poignant narrative about identity, reawakening, and familial love. It relates a journey made by the protagonist, Victor, to claim the ashes of his father, who has died and been cremated in Phoenix. …
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Symbolism in This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona by Sherman Alexie
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Symbolism in “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona.” Sherman Alexie’s short story, “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” is a poignant narrative about identity, reawakening and familial love. It relates a journey made by the protagonist, Victor, to claim the ashes of his father, who has died and been cremated in Phoenix, Arizona. Victor, a native Indian, travels from the Indian reservation in Washington to Phoenix. He is accompanied by his estranged cousin, Thomas Builds-the-Fire, whose financial aid makes the trip possible for the cash-strapped Victor. Victor and Thomas fly to Phoenix, claim the ashes and the money in Victor’s father’s bank account and drive back in the father’s pick up. They part ways and return to their individual lives. On first reading, this narrative appears to be a simple, straightforward account of a road-trip and a friendship. However, on further study, further layers of meaning emerge from under the surface. “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” is an in-depth exploration of the themes of identity and rebirth. Alexie uses powerful symbolism to convey the complex nuances of his story. “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” is a tale of rebirth, symbolized by the title, the ashes, the names, the boys’ friendship and Thomas’s stories. The title, “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” is one of the most important symbols in the story. Phoenix is the place to which Victor’s father heads after deserting his family. The title conveys the vast geographical and spiritual space which separates Victor from his father: Victor has to bring his father “all the way back from Phoenix” (Alexie, 7). The father is obviously a loner in Phoenix, as his death is revealed only by the foul odor emanating from his trailer “after a week in hundred-degree temperatures before anyone found him” (Alexie, 13). The title is also a symbol of rebirth. The Phoenix is a mythical, eagle-like bird with shiny feathers of red, gold and purple. It is reputed to have a life-span of at least five hundred years. At the end of its life, the old bird flies to Heliopolis, or the ‘City of the Sun,’ in Egypt. It builds a nest on the top of the Temple of the Sun with cinnamon twigs and resin. Lying in this fragrant nest, it breathes its last. Ignited by the sun, the bird and the nest go up in flames. A new Phoenix emerges from the ashes. The Phoenix symbolizes immortality and rebirth (Shumaker). Victor is alienated from his father and has not “seen him in a few years” (Alexie, 7). However, the bonds of family cannot be destroyed. They are passed on from one generation to the next. Although Victor has no close contact with him, the father’s death is “a genetic pain” (Alexie, 7). The title suggests that, as Victor travels to Phoenix and claims the remains of his father, the old man lives on in his son. Victor experiences a sense of closure as he “searched his mind for memories of his father, found the good ones, found a few bad ones, added it all up, and smiled” (Alexie, 14). His bond with his father is strengthened. This theme of rebirth is emphasized towards the conclusion of the story, when Thomas states his intention of scattering Victor’s father’s ashes in Spokane Falls and his certainty that “He will rise, Victor, he will rise” (Alexie, 17). As the new offspring rises from the ashes of the old Phoenix, Victor, the son, rises from the ashes of his father. The ashes constitute another powerful symbol in the story. They are related to the myth of the Phoenix above, in which the ashes of the predecessor are the raw material for the rebirth of the progeny. In addition to this, the ashes also stand for the past. Both Victor and his father run away from their past. The father “wants to run and hide” (Alexie, 14). The father runs away from the reservation to Arizona, while Victor metaphorically runs away from his father. The ashes symbolize connection. The ashes form the bridge which connects Victor to his past and to his father. By accepting the ashes, Victor accepts his father and opens his heart to the enduring legacy of his parent in his life. The ashes stand for family bonds. The father-son relationship which is lost by Victor is reclaimed by him through the ashes. The ashes also symbolize the bond of kinship between Victor and Thomas. Victor is surprised when Thomas says, “Yeah, I remember your Dad” (Alexie, 14). He learns that Thomas, his cousin, shared a unique relationship with his father. It is Victor’s father who finds the thirteen year old Thomas stranded far from home in Spokane and takes care of the boy. The father secures an assurance from Thomas that he will look after Victor. The father thus becomes a bridge between the two cousins. Thomas and his uncle share a special bond founded on their concern for Victor. Thomas reaffirms this commitment when he tells Victor, “I came because of your father (Alexie, 14). The ashes are not only a bridge between Victor and his father, but also between Victor and Thomas. Victor acknowledges his enduring bond of kinship with his cousin by giving him “the cardboard box which contained half of his father” (Alexie, 17). By sharing his father’s ashes with Thomas, Victor cements their relationship. Victor’s relationship with Thomas symbolizes his relationship with his native Indian heritage. Victor and Thomas are close friends as young children, as they “were the same age, had grown up and played in the dirt together” (Alexie, 14). They share “tears and scars” (9), a bicycle, wasp stings, fireworks and countless stories. As they grow older, Victor realizes that Thomas is a pariah among the other boys and “Nobody talked to Thomas because he told the same damn stories over and over again” (14). As a fifteen year old adolescent, Victor, sensitive to peer pressure and the taint of associating with Thomas, becomes “really drunk and beat Thomas up for no reason at all” (10).He does this with the other boys looking on so that his break with his cousin is proclaimed. Breaking with Thomas symbolizes Victor’s breaking with his heritage, as it is Thomas who represents tribal bonds, cultural purity and native Indian tradition. Victor acknowledges Thomas as the living emblem of his heritage. When Victor is caught in the anguish of his father’s death and “felt a sudden need for tradition,” (14) he turns to Thomas for help. Their journey to Phoenix revives their bond. Victor’s acceptance of Thomas’ help is emblematic of his new receptivity to his cultural roots. Victor apologizes for beating Thomas as an adolescent and that wound is healed. Victor imbibes some of Thomas’ way of thought. Earlier, it is Thomas who thinks “about things too much” (9): be it the irony of native Indians celebrating the Fourth of July or the advent of street lights. Now, it is Victor who muses on class differences as they discuss their interaction with the gymnast on the flight. Victor acknowledges Thomas’ influence and says, “Maybe I caught it from you” (12). As implied by his name, Thomas is the metaphorical fire which kindles Victor’s rebirth as an Indian and as a son. The names of the boys are symbolic in their contribution to the development of the narrative. Thomas Builds-the-Fire is obviously a reference to the myth of the Phoenix. It is significant that, when Thomas attempts to fly, he “flapped his arms like a crazy eagle” (9) The Phoenix is an eagle-like bird. Thomas rekindles Victor’s love for his father, by telling him that his father cared so deeply for him that he made a deal with Thomas by which Thomas “had to watch out for” Victor (14). The name ‘Victor’ is also an obvious reference to Victor’s triumph over his reluctance to accept his past and his heritage. Victor overcomes the negative emotions which built a barrier between himself and his family and cultural bond. It is Thomas who kindles the flame of regeneration in Victor. He is the keeper of Victor’s heritage and the guardian of his roots. He keeps Victor bound to his native Indian culture through the enchantment of his stories. Thomas’ stories are another important symbols in “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona.” Every story makes a representative statement. Thomas’ story of Victor’s father warns Thomas that his parent is poised to run away from his family and his heritage. The tale of the “two Indian boys who wanted to be warriors” (9) highlights the difficulties of holding fast to cultural roots in the face of the changing times and the modernity which threatens to obliterate their old ways. Thomas’ account of his meeting with Victor’s father in Spokane is a moving representation of the father’s love and concern for his son. His autobiographical narrative emphasizes America’s ruthless destruction of the native Indians and the irony of his father dying “fighting for this country, which had tried to kill him for years” (16). Above all, Thomas’ stories are the symbols of native Indian heritage. Thomas says that knows things because he “heard it on the wind. I heard it from the birds. I felt it in the sunlight” (14), reflecting the Indian tradition of living close to nature. These stories are a part of the tribal folklore which is passed on verbally through the generations. It is the stories which strengthen “the tribal ties, the sense of community” (17) which preserve tradition. By agreeing to Thomas’ entreaty to listen “just one time when Im telling a story somewhere” (18), Victor binds himself to his tribal roots. Symbolism plays a very significant role in “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona.” A large part of the story’s appeal lies in the use of powerful symbols to convey the themes of regeneration, family bonds and cultural roots and identity. The title of the story, the father’s ashes, Thomas and Victor’s relationship and names and Thomas’ stories all contribute to these themes. Cultural heritage can be rejected but it never dies out in the blood and always waits to be rediscovered and embraced anew. It is an enduring part of self-identity and can never be let go. “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona” is a symbolic voyage to reclaim Victor’s roots. Works Cited. Alexie, Sherman. “This Is What It Means to Say, Phoenix, Arizona.” Title of Collection. Ed. Editors Name(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication. Shumaker, Heather. “The Phoenix Through The Ages.” Swarthmore College Bulletin. Oct 2008. Web. 11 Nov 2013. "This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix, Arizona" by Sherman Alexie First published in Esquire In 1994 Anthologized in Best American Short Stories of 1994 Adapted with other Alexie stories for the 1998 film Smoke Signals Just after Victor lost his job at the BIA, he also found J out that his father had died of a heart attack in Phoenix, Arizona. Victor hadnt seen his father in a few years, only talked to him on the telephone once or twice, but there still was a genetic pain, which was soon to be pain as real and immediate as a broken bone. Victor didnt have any money. Who does have money on a reservation, except the cigarette and fireworks salespeople? His father had a savings account waiting to be claimed, but Victor needed to find a way to get to Phoenix. Victors mother was just as poor as he was, and the rest of his family didnt have any use at all for him. So Victor called the Tribal Council. "Listen," Victor said. "My father just died. I need some money to get to Phoenix to make arrangements." "Now, Victor," the council said. "You know were having a difficult time financially." "But I thought the council had special funds set aside for stuff like this." "Now, Victor, we do have some money available for the proper return of tribal members bodies. But I dont think we have enough to bring your father all the way back from Phoenix." "Well," Victor said. "It aint going to cost all that much. He had to be cremated. Things were kind of ugly. He died of a heart attack in his trailer and nobody found him for a week. It was really hot, too. You get the picture." "Now, Victor, were sorry for your loss and the circumstances. But we can really only afford to give you one hundred dollars." "Thats not even enough for a plane ticket." "Well, you might consider driving down to Phoenix." "I dont have a car. Besides, I was going to drive my fathers pickup back up here." "Now, Victor," the council said. "Were sure there is somebody who could drive you to Phoenix. Or is there somebody who could lend you the rest of the money?" "You know there aint nobody around with that kind of money." "Well, were sorry, Victor, but thats the best we can do." Victor accepted the Tribal Councils offer. What else could he do? So he signed the proper papers, picked up his check, and walked over to the Trading Post to cash it. While Victor stood in line, he watched Thomas Buildsthe-Fire standing near the magazine rack, talking to himself. Like he always did. Thomas was a storyteller that nobody wanted to listen to. Thats like being a dentist in a town where everybody has false teeth. Victor and Thomas Builds-the-Fire were the same age, had grown up and played in the dirt together. Ever since Victor could remember, it was Thomas who always had something to say. Once, when they were seven years old, when Victors father still lived with the family, Thomas closed his eyes and told Victor this story: "Your fathers heart is weak. He is afraid of his own family. He is afraid of you. Late at night he sits in the dark. Watches the television until theres nothing but that white noise. Sometimes he feels like he wants to buy a motorcycle and ride away. He wants to run and hide. He doesnt want to be found." Thomas Builds-the-Fire had known that Victors father was going to leave, knew it before anyone. Now Victor stood in the Trading Post with a one-hundred-dollar check in his hand, wondering if Thomas knew that Victors father was dead, if he knew what was going to happen next. Just then Thomas looked at Victor, smiled, and walked over to him. "Victor, Im sorry about your father," Thomas said. "How did you know about it?" Victor asked. "I heard it on the wind. I heard it from the birds. I felt it in the sunlight. Also, your mother was just in here crying." "Oh," Victor said and looked around the Trading Post. All the other Indians stared, surprised that Victor was even talking to Thomas. Nobody talked to Thomas because he told the same damn stories over and over again. Victor was embarassed, but he thought that Thomas might be able to help him. Victor felt a sudden need for tradition. "I can lend you the money you need," Thomas said suddenly. "But you have to take me with you." "I cant take your money," Victor said. "I mean, I havent hardly talked to you in years. Were not really friends anymore." "I didnt say we were friends. I said you had to take me with you." "Let me think about it." Victor went home with his one hundred dollars and sat at the kitchen table. He held his head in his hands and thought about Thomas Builds-the-Fire, remembered little details, tears and scars, the bicycle they shared for a summer, so many stories.  Thomas Builds-the-Fire sat on the bicycle, waited in Victors yard. He was ten years old and skinny. His hair was dirty because it was the Fourth of July. "Victor," Thomas yelled. "Hurry up. Were going to miss the fireworks." After a few minutes, Victor ran out of his house, jumped the porch railing, and landed gracefully on the sidewalk. "And the judges award him a 9.95, the highest score of the summer," Thomas said, clapped, laughed. "That was perfect, cousin," Victor said. "And its my. turn to ride the bike." Thomas gave up the bike and they headed for the fairgrounds. It was nearly dark and the fireworks were about to start. "You know," Thomas said. "Its strange how us Indians celebrate the Fourth of July. It aint like it was our independence everybody was fighting for." "You think about things too much," Victor said. "Its just supposed to be fun. Maybe junior will be there." "Which Junior? Everybody on this reservation is named junior." And they both laughed. The fireworks were small, hardly more than a few bottle rockets and a fountain. But it was enough for two Indian boys. Years later, they would need much more. Afterwards, sitting in the dark, fighting off mosquitoes, Victor turned to Thomas Builds-the-Fire. "Hey," Victor said. "Tell me a story." Thomas closed his eyes and told this story: "There were these two Indian boys who wanted to be warriors. But it was too late to be warriors in the old way. All the horses were gone. So the two Indian boys stole a car and drove to the city. They parked the stolen car in front of the police station and then hitchhiked back home to the reservation. When they got back, all their friends cheered and their parents eyes shone with pride. You were very brave, everybody said to the two Indian boys. Very brave." "Ya-hey," Victor said. "Thats a good one. I wish I could be a warrior." "Me, too," Thomas said. They went home together in the dark, Thomas on the bike now, Victor on foot. They walked through shadows and light from streetlamps. "Weve come a long ways," Thomas said. "We have outdoor lighting." "All I need is the stars," Victor said. "And besides, you still think about things too much." They separated then, each headed for home, both laughing all the way.   Victor sat at his kitchen table. He counted his one hundred dollars again and again. He knew he needed more to make it to Phoenix and back. He knew he needed Thomas Builds-theFire. So he put his money in his wallet and opened the front door to find Thomas on the porch. "Ya-hey, Victor," Thomas said. "I knew youd call me." Thomas walked into the living room and sat down on Victors favorite chair. "Ive got some money saved up," Thomas said. "Its enough to get us down there, but you have to get us back." "Ive got this hundred dollars," Victor said. "And my dad had a savings account Im going to claim." "How much in your dads account?" "Enough. A few hundred." "Sounds good. When we leaving?" *           *           * When they were fifteen and had long since stopped being friends, Victor and Thomas got into a fistfight. That is, Victor was really drunk and beat Thomas up for no reason at all. All the other Indian boys stood around and watched it happen. Junior was there and so were Lester, Seymour, and a lot of others. The beating might have gone on until Thomas was dead if Norma Many Horses hadnt come along and stopped it. "Hey, you boys," Norma yelled and jumped out of her car. "Leave him alone." If it had been someone else, even another man, the Indian boys wouldve just ignored the warnings. But Norma was a warrior. She was powerful. She could have picked up any two of the boys and smashed their skulls together. But worse than that, she would have dragged them all over to some tipi and made them listen to some elder tell a dusty old story. The Indian boys scattered, and Norma walked over to Thomas and picked him up. "Hey, little man, are you okay?" she asked. Thomas gave her a thumbs up. "Why they always picking on you?" Thomas shook his head, closed his eyes, but no stories came to him, no words or music. He just wanted to go home, to lie in his bed and let his dreams tell his stories for him.   Thomas Builds-the-Fire and Victor sat next to each other in the airplane, coach section. A tiny white woman had the window seat. She was busy twisting her body into pretzels. She was flexible. "I have to ask," Thomas said, and Victor closed his eyes in embarrassment. "Dont," Victor said. "Excuse me, miss," Thomas asked. "Are you a gymnast or something?" "Theres no something about it," she said. "I was first alternate on the 1980 Olympic team." "Really?" Thomas asked. "Really." "I mean, you used to be a world-class athlete?" Thomas asked. "My husband still thinks I am." Thomas Builds-the-Fire smiled. She was a mental gymnast, too. She pulled her leg straight up against her body so that she couldve kissed her kneecap. "I wish I could do that," Thomas said. Victor was ready to jump out of the plane. Thomas, that crazy Indian storyteller with ratty old braids and broken teeth, was flirting with a beautiful Olympic gymnast. Nobody back home on the reservation would ever believe it. "Well," the gymnast said. "Its easy. Try it." Thomas grabbed at his leg and tried to pull it up into the same position as the gymnast. He couldnt even come close, which made Victor and the gymnast laugh. "Hey," she asked. "You two are Indian, right?" "Full-blood," Victor said. "Not me," Thomas said. "Im half magician on my mothers side and half clown on my fathers." They all laughed. "What are your names?" she asked. "Victor and Thomas." "Mine is Cathy. Pleased to meet you all." The three of them talked for the duration of the flight. Cathy the gymnast complained about the government, how they screwed the 1980 Olympic team by boycotting. "Sounds like you all got a lot in common with Indians," Thomas said. Nobody laughed. After the plane landed in Phoenix and they had all found their way to the terminal, Cathy the gymnast smiled and waved good-bye. "She was really nice," Thomas said. "Yeah, but everybody talks to everybody on airplanes," Victor said. "Its too bad we cant always be that way." "You always used to tell me I think too much," Thomas said. "Now it sounds like you do." "Maybe I caught it from you." "Yeah." Thomas and Victor rode in a taxi to the trailer where Victors father died. "Listen," Victor said .as they stopped in front of the trailer. "I never told you I was sorry for beating you up that time." "Oh, it was nothing. We were just kids and you were drunk." "Yeah, but Im still sorry." "Thats all right." Victor paid for the taxi and the two of them stood in the hot Phoenix summer. They could smell the trailer. "This aint going to be nice," Victor said. "You dont have to go in." "Youre going to need help." Victor walked to the front door and opened it. The stink rolled out and made them both gag. Victors father had lain in that trailer for a week in hundred-degree temperatures before anyone found him. And the only reason anyone found him was because of the smell. They needed dental records to identify him. Thats exactly what the coroner said. They needed dental records. "Oh, man," Victor said. "I dont know if I can do this." "Well, then dont." "But there might be something valuable in there." "I thought his money was in the bank." "It is. I was talking about pictures and letters and stuff like that." "Oh," Thomas said as he held his breath and followed Victor into the trailer.   When Victor was twelve, he stepped into an underground wasp nest. His foot was caught in the hole, and no matter how hard he struggled, Victor couldnt pull free. He might have died there, stung a thousand times, if Thomas Builds-the-Fire had not come by. "Run," Thomas yelled and pulled Victors foot from the hole. They ran then, hard as they ever had, faster than Billy Mills, faster than Jim Thorpe, faster than the wasps could fly. Victor and Thomas ran until they couldnt breathe, ran until it was cold and dark outside, ran until they were lost and it took hours to find their way home. All the way back, Victor counted his stings. "Seven," Victor said. "My lucky number."*           *           * Victor didnt find much to keep in the trailer. Only a photo album and a stereo. Everything else had that smell stuck in it or was useless anyway. "I guess this is all," Victor said. "It aint much." "Better than nothing," Thomas said. "Yeah, and I do have the pickup." "Yeah," Thomas said. "Its in good shape." "Dad was good about that stuff." "Yeah, I remember your dad." "Really?" Victor asked. "What do you remember?" Thomas Builds-the-Fire closed his eyes and told this story: "I remember when I had this dream that told me to go to Spokane, to stand by the Falls in the middle of the city and wait for a sign. I knew I had to go there but I didnt have a car. Didnt have a license. I was only thirteen. So I walked all the way, took me all day, and I finally made it to the Falls. I stood there for an hour waiting. Then your dad came walking up. What the hell are you doing here? he asked me. I said, Waiting for a vision. Then your father said, All youre going to get here is mugged. So he drove me over to Dennys, bought me dinner, and then drove me home to the reservation. For a long time I was mad because I thought my dreams had lied to me. But they didnt. Your dad was my vision. Take care of each other is what my dreams were saying. Take care of each other." Victor was quiet for a long time. He searched his mind for memories of his father, found the good ones, found a few bad ones, added it all up, and smiled. "My father never told me about finding you in Spokane," Victor said. "He said he wouldnt tell anybody. Didnt want me to get in trouble. But he said I had to watch out for you as part of the deal." "Really?" "Really. Your father said you would need the help. He was right." "Thats why you came down here with me, isnt it?" Victor asked. "I came because of your father." Victor and Thomas climbed into the pickup, drove over to the bank, and claimed the three hundred dollars in the savings account.   Thomas Builds-the-Fire could fly. Once, he jumped off the roof of the tribal school and flapped his arms like a crazy eagle. And he flew. For a second, he hovered, suspended above all the other Indian boys who were too smart or too scared to jump. "Hes flying," junior yelled, and Seymour was busy looking for the trick wires or mirrors. But it was real. As real as the dirt when Thomas lost altitude and crashed to the ground. He broke his arm in two places. "He broke his wing," Victor chanted, and the other Indian boys joined in, made it a tribal song. "He broke his wing, he broke his wing, he broke his wing," all the Indian boys chanted as they ran off, flapping their wings, wishing they could fly, too. They hated Thomas for his courage, his brief moment as a bird. Everybody has dreams about flying. Thomas flew. One of his dreams came true for just a second, just enough to make it real.   Victors father, his ashes, fit in one wooden box with enough left over to fill a cardboard box. "He always was a big man," Thomas said. Victor carried part of his father and Thomas carried the rest out to the pickup. They set him down carefully behind the seats, put a cowboy hat on the wooden box and a Dodgers cap on the cardboard box. Thats the way it was supposed to be. "Ready to head back home," Victor asked. "Its going to be a long drive." "Yeah, take a couple days, maybe." "We can take turns," Thomas said. "Okay," Victor said, but they didnt take turns. Victor drove for sixteen hours straight north, made it halfway up Nevada toward home before he finally pulled over. "Hey, Thomas," Victor said. "You got to drive for a while." "Okay." Thomas Builds-the-Fire slid behind the wheel and started off down the road. All through Nevada, Thomas and Victor had been amazed at the lack of animal life, at the absence of water, of movement. "Where is everything?" Victor had asked more than once. Now when Thomas was finally driving they saw the first animal, maybe the only animal in Nevada. It was a long-eared jackrabbit. "Look," Victor yelled. "Its alive." Thomas and Victor were busy congratulating themselves on their discovery when the jackrabbit darted out into the road and under the wheels of the pickup. "Stop the goddamn car," Victor yelled, and Thomas did stop, backed the pickup to the dead jackrabbit. "Oh, man, hes dead," Victor said as he looked at the squashed animal. "Really dead." "The only thing alive in this whole state and we just killed it." "I dont know," Thomas said. "I think it was suicide." Victor looked around the desert, sniffed the air, felt the emptiness and loneliness, and nodded his head. "Yeah," Victor said. "It had to be suicide." "I cant believe this," Thomas said. "You drive for a thousand miles and there aint even any bugs smashed on the windshield. I drive for ten seconds and kill the only living thing in Nevada." Yeah," Victor said. "Maybe I should drive." "Maybe you should."   Thomas Builds-the-Fire walked through the corridors of the tribal school by himself. Nobody wanted to be anywhere near him because of all those stories. Story after story. Thomas closed his eyes and this story came to him: "We are all given one thing by which our lives are measured, one determination. Mine are the stories which can change or not change the world. It doesnt matter which as long as I continue to tell the stories. My father, he died on Okinawa in World War II, died fighting for this country, which had tried to kill him for years. My mother, she died giving birth to me, died while I was still inside her. She pushed me out into the world with her last breath. I have no brothers or sisters. I have only my stories which came to me before I even had the words to speak. I learned a thousand stories before I took my first thousand steps. They are all I have. Its all I can do." Thomas Builds-the-Fire told his stories to all those who would stop and listen. He kept telling them long after people had stopped listening.   Victor and Thomas made it back to the reservation just as the sun was rising. It was the beginning of a new day on earth, but the same old shit on the reservation. "Good morning," Thomas said. "Good morning." The tribe was waking up, ready for work, eating breakfast, reading the newspaper, just like everybody else does. Willene LeBret was out in her garden wearing a bathrobe. She waved when Thomas and Victor drove by. "Crazy Indians made it," she said to herself and went back to her roses. Victor stopped the pickup in front of Thomas BuildstheFires HUD house. They both yawned, stretched a little, shook dust from their bodies. "Im tired," Victor said. "Of everything," Thomas added. They both searched for words to end the journey. Victor needed to thank Thomas for his help, for the money, and make the promise to pay it all back. "Dont worry about the money," Thomas said. "It dont make any difference anyhow." "Probably not, enit?" "Nope." Victor knew that Thomas would remain the crazy storyteller who talked to dogs and cars, who listened to the wind and pine trees. Victor knew that he couldnt really be friends with Thomas, even after all that had happened. It was cruel but it was real. As real as the ashes, as Victors father, sitting behind the seats. "I know how it is," Thomas said. "I know you aint going to treat me any better than you did before. I know your friends would give you too much shit about it." Victor was ashamed of himself. Whatever happened to the tribal ties, the sense of community? The only real thing he shared with anybody was a bottle and broken dreams. He owed Thomas something, anything. "Listen," Victor said and handed Thomas the cardboard box which contained half of his father. "I want you to have this." Thomas took the ashes and smiled, closed his eyes, and told this story: "Im going to travel to Spokane Falls one last time and toss these ashes into the water. And your father will rise like a salmon, leap over the bridge, over me, and find his way home. It will be beautiful. His teeth will shine like silver, like a rainbow. He will rise, Victor, he will rise." Victor smiled. "I was planning on doing the same thing with my half," Victor said. "But I didnt imagine my father looking anything like a salmon. I thought itd be like cleaning the attic or something. Like letting things go after theyve stopped having any use. "Nothing stops, cousin," Thomas said. "Nothing stops." Thomas Builds-the-Fire got out of the pickup and walked up his driveway. Victor started the pickup and began the drive home. "Wait," Thomas yelled suddenly from his porch. "I just got to ask one favor." Victor stopped the pickup, leaned out the window, and shouted back. "What do you want?" "Just one time when Im telling a story somewhere, why dont you stop and listen?" Thomas asked. "Just once?" "Just once." Victor waved his arms to let Thomas know that the deal was good. It was a fair trade, and that was all Victor had ever wanted from his whole life. So Victor drove his fathers pickup toward home while Thomas went into his house, closed the door behind him, and heard a new story come to him in the silence afterwards. Read More
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Textual Analysis: This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona

This essay discusses textual analysis: this is what it means to say phoenix, Arizona.... Like what has been delineated, he tells stories that he remembers, including the memories he had with Victor's father.... It leads him back to what life had used to be....
4 Pages (1000 words) Literature review

Life and Conflict in Friendship

Instructor name: Date due: Life and Conflict in Friendship “This is what is what it means to say phoenix arizona”, by Sherman Alexie is a short story of two native- American men, Victor and Thomas.... In this story, alexie uses flashbacks and present actions and conflict in everyday life to share with the reader hidden or deep symbolic meanings buried in the text.... Here, alexie depicts Victor as a poor, sheltered Native American living on the reservation....
2 Pages (500 words) Essay

Alexie Sherman What You Pawn I Will Redeem

Though several scholars would contest this historical interpretation, sherman alexie shows how colonization affected and still affects modern-day Native Americans.... This paper aims to analyse recovering the stolen Indian identity in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” written by alexie Sherman.... hellip; The paper dwells on “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” by alexie.... In “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” alexie narrates the story of Jackson Jackson, a chronically homeless Spokane Indian man who needs money to buy back an important family relic that was stolen years back....
6 Pages (1500 words) Essay

Synthesis-Response: Amy Tan, Sherman Alexie and Eric Liu

An essay "Synthesis-Response: Amy Tan, Sherman Alexie, and Eric Liu" claims that the works “The Joy of Reading and Writing” by sherman alexie, “The Accidental Asian: Notes of a Native Speaker” by Eric Liu are based on the real happenings in the lives of the authors.... sherman alexie is a Spokane who grew up in an area reserved for the members of Spokane community....
4 Pages (1000 words) Essay

The Target Population Assignment-Phoenix, Arizona

The educational attainment of most people in Phoenix, arizona is mixed.... Most people in Phoenix, arizona are doing management, professional and related occupations.... Also, around 177,600 People in Phoenix, arizona are sales and office occupations.... A critical analysis of the population statistics for Phoenix, arizona shows that the area presents good opportunities for establishing restaurant business.... Among those tracts, it can be observed that some have more household income than other parts of phoenix....
4 Pages (1000 words) Essay

The Language of Paradox by Sherman Alexie

This essay "The Language of Paradox by sherman alexie" analyzes the poem “On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City” by sherman alexie based on Cleanth Brooks' notion of paradox in the language of poetry.... The poem “On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City” by sherman alexie is analyzed based on Cleanth Brooks' notion of paradox in the language of poetry.... herman alexie presents a Native American narrator in the poem....
7 Pages (1750 words) Essay
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