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Modernism: Truth is a fundamental characteristic modernism literature. However, the truth associated to modernism does not take the virtuous form of truth as it is relative. Truth is subject to individual interpretation. In the case of this narrative, The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife, the Doctor does not “steal” the wood because he logically reasoned out the possibility of a claim against those of the wood rotting. Proclaiming to himself that the chances of rotting are higher, it is more beneficial that he takes them instead.
To the Indian, the doctor stole the logs by virtue of it belonging to the saw mill company.The modernism authors tend to lean towards breaking away from established religious political and social views. Traditionally authority meant security religion provided peace and social norms represented order. However in the setting of this narrative, it is the opposite. Figures of authority represent untrustworthiness religious affiliations represent oppression, and social norms are constraint to individual and public development.
The doctor has social status, and little of his intimate self influences the narrative. This strategy efficiently makes him a representation of an institution rather than a person.The Indian, Boulton, out rightly accused the doctor of stealing, not afraid of his status in society. Defiance against authority and religion arises when Nick chooses to go hunting with his father rather than abide to his mothers calling. The doctor’s wife’s religious beliefs are stifling probably due to her condescending and judgemental representation of them.
The representation of the self is a significant characteristic of modernism literature. Most authors achieve this through a combination of writing skills such as the first person narration. Delve into the subconscious is another way of representing the individuality of the characters. As mentioned above, truth is a subjective, and through the portrayal of individualism, the author explores the nature of truth so described above. Authors during this period also broke away from the linear sequencing of literature.
The use of fragmented storylines, plots and themes, achieve “disorder” in the narrative. The aim of this style is to show the disorderliness of life at the time modernism was taking root. In this narrative, there is the presence of war (World War 1) amidst the shift of power struggle in society (Indians standing up against white people). People needed to break away from restrictions and constraints such as religion, authority, social status and societal norms.Works CitedHemingway, Ernest.
The Complete Short Stories Of Ernest Hemingway. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998.
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