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Albert Einstein: Why Socialism Write a one sentence summary of each paragraph in the essay It is appropriate to talk about Socialism even though one may not be an expert in Economics or Sociology. 2.- Economics and Sociology are different from Science due to the fact that observed economic and social phenomena are very hard to evaluate.3.- The real purpose of Socialism is to overcome the present "predatory phase" of human development.4.- Socialism is ethical, and Science cannot create ends for society and, even less, instill them in human beings.5.- Even though some individuals feel indifferent or even hostile towards finding a solution for the human race, in this time of crisis anybody can give his/her opinion about the future ahead.6.- As an expression of painful solitude and isolation, many people find themselves to be hopeless about the future of Humankind.7.- It is difficult to answer why one feels empathetic about the future well-being of the human race. 8.- Man is a solitary and a social being at the same time, and this can be so due to biological inheritance, but mostly from social inheritance as society is the strongest drive in the shaping of his character and conditions.9.- The social pattern and interrelationships of human beings are subjected to change, and they are not just dependent of hereditary conditions as they can influence their lives through conscious thinking and wanting.10.- The cultural constitution of man is the one factor that can be changed, not the biological, and it greatly determines the relationship between the individual and society, so human beings are not condemned to annihilate each other or to be at the mercy of fate.11.- As well as the biological constitution can't be modified, the same applies to the technological and demographic developments that have created conditions in which Mankind constitutes a community of production and consumption.12.- All human beings are suffering from a process of deterioration because they are prisoners of their own egotism, and they are unable to enjoy life as they don't devote themselves to society as the only way to find meaning in life. 13.- The real source of evil is the economic anarchy of Capitalism as the means of production are the private property of individuals.14.- By using the means of production, the worker produces new goods which become the property of the capitalist, but the worker doesn't receive anything significant from the real value of the goods that he produces. 15.- There is an oligarchy formed by few and big capitalists with an enormous power that cannot be measured accurately, so the private capitalists control, directly or indirectly, the political and legislature life of society.16.- In present day, Capitalism production is carried on for profit, not for use, and there is a lot of competition, so there is no guarantee against unemployment, and this could lead to severe depressions.17.- The worst evil of Capitalism is the crippling of the workers due to the exaggerated competitive educational attitude. 18.- The solution is the establishment of a Socialist economy with a an educational system oriented towards social goals.19.- A planned society is not yet Socialism, because we still have to solve the problem of bureaucracy.20.- The foundation of the Monthly Review magazine is beneficial to the study of Socialism in our age of transition.2. Write a one paragraph summary of Einstein's main point in the essay.
In Liberalism Resurgent we find an Einstein's quote that can summarize this essay very well. It is the following: "We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." (Einstein, Albert. Liberalism Resurgent. 1996.) Einstein is proposing Socialism as a solution to Mankind's problems, and a significant change of mind is required to adopt that Socialist economic model. Einstein is optimistic about the future of Humankind, and that is the reason he is proposing a new model based on the socialization of the means of production and the education system oriented towards social goals.
It is very important to note that at the end of his essay Einstein is worried about the danger of Communism as The Hebrew University of Jerusalem clearly states: "For Einstein, socialism was the only way to protect the poor from the "evil" of capitalism. At the same time, he criticized the Soviet Union's extreme form of socialism (Communism), warning that "a planned economy may be accompanied by the complete enslavement of the individual." (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Albert Einstein Archives. 28-857).3.
Write a one paragraph response to the argument. The proposed idea of Einstein is filled with good intentions, but in the practical world it is not that easy to implement. Einstein is right regarding the compensation for the workers. They should be paid according to the real value of the goods that they produce. There should be a better distribution of wealth. But to abolish private property might produce a worst evil. We have an example in the fall of the Soviet Union. Private property is a way of freedom.
When Einstein spoke about the danger of bureaucracy, he had this fear in mind. The lost of freedom was surely in his mind even though he didn't say it in writing. Besides all that, Einstein didn't consider the intervention of God in human's affairs. Atheism is a weak point for Socialism and Communism.4. Write a one paragraph response to the entire essay, considering everything about it.In the Bible (Acts 2:44-45; 4:35-35) we find that the primitive community of Christians shared all their possessions, and there were no needy people among them.
But notice that there was private property. There was a fair distribution of wealth, and that is what Einstein had in mind all along this essay. The way he showed his arguments seems valid, but his conclusions are somewhat faulty, because sooner or later Humankind will enjoy happiness and well-being because God is eudemonic and so God is leading all of Mankind to Paradise as the love of God is unconditional for everybody. The scenes that we find in the New Testament are prophetic. An universalist society is the future for all of Humankind.
Works CitedEinstein, Albert. "Why Socialism" Monthly Review. Volume 50, Number 1. New York. (May 1949). 1 Oct. 2005. . Einstein, Albert. "Why Socialism" Monthly Review, New York. (May, 1949). Transcribed by Joseph Woodard Transformed to HTML format April 9, 1996 by Fredrik Bendz. 1 Oct. 2005. .Einstein, Albert. "Why Socialism" Monthly Review, New York, (May, 1949). Liberalism Resurgent. Transcribed by Lenny Gray. 1 Oct. 2005. . The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Albert Einstein Archives. 28-857. "Why Socialism Manuscript.
1949" American Museum of Natural History. 1 Oct. 2005. .
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