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Young Adult Literature and the Childrens Imagination - Research Proposal Example

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This paper focuses on young adult literature. It is literature that is written for and marketed to young adults. The young adults who are the audience of this literature are the ones who are aged between the age of twelve and eighteen years. They can also be referred to as the adolescent…
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Young Adult Literature and the Childrens Imagination
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This research proposal is a prerequisite for research to be carried on the practices that make up self-censorship of professional librarianship in young adult literature. The researcher will try to find out why school library media specialists reject to add books with edgy content to their collection. The problem statement is the section that the researcher sets forth the underlying focus of his undertaking (Tomang, 2009). The problem that will be addressed in this case is the practices that make up self-censorship of professional librarianship in young adult literature.

The research will try to find out why the librarians, especially in high school, engage in self-censorship where they restrict the access of the young adult literature by the teenagers in the school library. The researcher will examine whether this action is justified and the effects that it has on the writers and the teenagers themselves. In his book methodologies of sociological research, Kimberley (2008) opines that every research must have a clearly stated purpose that motivates and guides the researcher throughout the research.

The research will have no value to the researcher himself and to the field within which it is conducted if the researcher himself (who carried out the research) is unable to determine the purpose of his undertaking. The purpose of this research will be identifying the practices that make up self-censorship of professional librarianship in young adult literature. The researcher will be specifically interested in self-censorship of high school’s library media specialists. Research questions are the “signposts that help the researcher to navigate the maze of his research” (Kimberley, 2008).

This is because the research revolves around answering these research questions. The success of the research is gauged by how well the researcher answers the questions that were set forth at the beginning of the research process. The quality of the research will also be gauged by the objectivity of the research questions that are addressed. The following is the major research question that the researcher will be answering in this study. What are the practices that makeup the self-censorship of professional librarianship in young adult literature?

This research question will act as the major objective of the research. All of the research will revolve around this question. This is the right to search for and acquire information from every perspective that is available in the absence of any restrictions from any person or authority (Woodworth-Roman & Wyatt, 2005). In other words, any person in society should be allowed to seek out information from all the available sources and points of view. The same may apply for the individual having the right to express his views regardless of their orientation.

Banning of some points of view (for example banning of controversial books) is tantamount to curtailing of this freedom. This is the process where ideas and point of views that are deemed by the government or any other form of authority to be controversial or inappropriate are suppressed (Whelan, 2009). The suppression may take many forms, banning of the publications bearing these sentiments been one of the censorship techniques.

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