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Comparison and Contrast Events in Relation to Racialism - Research Paper Example

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This resarch paper "Comparison and Contrast Events in Relation to Racialism" discusses the development of race and prejudice. This book is about social and racial identity. Dr. Tatum's objective in writing this book is to teach how an individual can handle racial conflicts…
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Comparison and Contrast Events in Relation to Racialism
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«Comparison and Contrast Events in Relation to Racialism» Dr Beverly Tatum, in this book, analyzes the development of race and prejudice. This book is about social and racial identity, and it also talks about ethnicity. Dr. Tatum objective in writing this book is to teach on how an individual can handle racial conflicts. Dr. Tatum main point is the fact blacks are the most vulnerable people to suffer racism (16). She argues that, black people face discrimination, racism, prejudice and stereotyping. To her, the main culprits who propagate racism are the white people, and this is because of the concept of natural advantage. Dr. Tatum, observes that minority people are judged on what the society perceives them, and not on their ability, and their views of life. She manages to create a picture of how a child moves from a baby to an adult, passing through the stages of adolescent. On this note, she gives an explanation on the innocence of child, in regard to the racial behaviors, and the classes that emerge at their social surroundings. She denotes that a child is innocent because he or she is unable to understand the reasons that make people discriminate against each other. This includes the reasons behind stereotyping, ethnicity, and racialism. She manages to depict real life examples, in justifying her arguments. For instance, Dr Tatum gave an example depicting her ten year old child understanding of racialism. According to the Dr, her child took a keener interest on his physical attributes, such as height at the expense of his social surroundings (Tatum, 24). The child did not know anything about ethnicity, racialism, and all negative elements that accompany these notions. Dr. Tatum succeeds in breaking down the stages of racial awareness in his book. She identifies three stages of racial identity and socialization. The first stage is knowledge of an individual’s racial identity, followed by interaction with people of different racial identities (Tatum, 15). The last stage, is the process on how an individual handles this racial encounters. On this note, the main theme denoted by Dr. Tatum is racialism. She manages to highlight this concept throughout the book. She manages to introduce a reader on the world of racialism, by depicting this aspect of racialism in a school context. In the first paragraph, she describes a situation in a mixed school restaurant involving the behaviors of the black students. She denotes that, they always sit together while having their meals. She also states that, the White children follow the behavior, and sit while having their meals. She poses a question and asks, why are they behaving like that( Tatum, 7). She thus states that it is because of racialism. In her arguments, Dr. Tatum states that, when people are young, they sit together, play together and are not concerned about their racial identities. However, this situation changes as they grow up, and are more aware of their racial identities. Literature Review: The dominant theme depicted in this book is racial identity, and it focuses on a black population. Tom Burrell, is an author who has written extensively on racialism and ethnicity. He has written a book by the title erasing the myths of black inferiority. The book explains concurs with the assertions of Dr Tatum that black people are the most vulnerable to racialism. Burrel denotes that Black people after a long period of suffering discrimination, they looked for ways, and measures of overcoming their challenges, and therefore coming up with ways of ensuring that they survive in the society. Burrell gives an example of President Barrack Obama, who despite being Black, managed to overcome the challenges of stereotyping and make it as the first black President of United States of America (15). He believes that the concept of racialism in encrypted in the minds of black people, because there are equal opportunities in United States of America, and any body, despite their origin can make it in life (Burrell, 09). On this note, Burrell believes that Black people are brain washed to the extent that anything negative happening to them, they believe that it is because of racialism. He relates the historical events concerning racialism, with the current events to create a balance of his assertions. To him, how an individual reacts to racialism is the issue, and note racialism. He argues that racialism is not an issue, but the response by the victim is the issue. Basing on these arguments, Burrell agrees with the assertions of Tatum that the manner in which an individual responds when faced with racialism, contributes to a larger percentage on the successes of winning against this vice. This paper looks at the racial events in America and the World. The period of its analysis is in the past one year, and compares these events with the teachings contained in Dr Beverly Tatum’s book. This paper also identifies how these events contrast with the teachings of Dr. Beverly. In meeting its objectives, this paper analyzes the events in the United States political affairs, and the events happening at the International sports arena. In Sports, this npaper concentrates on how black players have suffered prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination while engaging in the discipline. This paper will analyze the nature of the American school system, and compare or contrast it with the teachings contained in the book by Dr. Beverly. On this note, this paper will identify on whether racism occurs in a mixed school or not, and how the administrators handle the conflict. Comparison and Contrast: Black football players are always vulnerable to racialism in Europe, and this comes from the various fans of the opposing team. For example, Mario Ballotelli was racially abused in a friendly football match between Italy and Ukraine. Tis was in a preparation for the Euro tournament, which was held in Poland and Ukraine. Fans made some monkey chants, associating Mario Ballotelli to a monkey. This is because of the black color of the striker. Ballotelli threatened to walk outside the pitch, and was frustrated by such kind of a treatment (Manzenreiter, 31). Dr Beverly in his book denotes that Blacks are the most vulnerable to suffer racialism from the white people. The Ukrainean fans were white, and because of their color, they believed that they are superior than Mario Ballotelli. By making those chants, they were making a point that Ballotelli comes from the ancestry of monkeys (Manzenreiter, 36). Dr Tatum argues that to propagate racialism, people are assigned into social groups, termed as classes, and on this regard, one group believes it is superior to another. Tatum observes that racialism comes from the perception of an individual (31). She denotes that the environmental and social conditions shape the understanding of an individual in regard to him or herself. She further denotes that a person understands himself basing on how other people look at him/ her. By applying this knowledge, we can deduce that the behavior of the white fans at the stadium was based on their belief that they belonged to a superior race. The white fans at the stadium belonged to the white race. The chant was unison, meaning that all of them believed of their superiority of race (Rosenblum et al, 12). Dr Tatum asserts that white children could not interact with their black counterparts because of the notion of superiority. On this basis, blacks worked hard in class, to overcome their challenges in relation to ethnic and racial identity. In football, Mario Ballotelli worked hard at the pitch and was thus an important player for the Italian team (Manzenreiter, 39). Dr Tatum gives an example when she was a student. She asserts that she does not remember any name of his white colleagues, and this is because of racialism. The white students believed they were superior, and associating with their black colleagues was limited. In the Ballotelli incident, racism came from the white fans. Dr. Tatum argues that it is the white who propagate racialism, and the blacks are on most occasions the victims. This is because they do not enjoy the element of natural advantage (Rosenblum et al, 27). Dr. Tatum therefore believes that black individuals are disadvantaged in economics, politics, and all other aspects of their social lives. In her opinion, these disadvantages are construed on the minds of white young children, who do not believe that anything good can come from a black person. She gives an example of how a child doubted on whether Queen Cleopatra was black. In the opinion of the child, a black person is not beautiful. The Western literature depicts the queen as a beautiful woman, who managed to attract the attention of a Roman empire. A difference in the teachings of Dr. Tatum, and Ballotelli emanates from the reaction of the striker. The striker reacted with anger and frustration and insulted the fans, threatening to stop playing. Dr Tatum advocates for a peaceful resolution of such kind of a problem (Tatum, 59). She argues that people who practice racialism are ill informed, and it is important for any person who encounters the abuse to understand this notion. By understanding this notion, the victim will look for proper channels of solving the problem, instead of responding with violence. Another difference of the event with the teachings of Dr. Beverly, is the reaction that came from the members of the strikers team. His team mates were white, and they consoled the striker, urging him to continue with the game and ignore the chants. In solidarity, the team threatened to pull out of the tournament, if the racial behavior continued. Dr. Tatum asserts that black people will always seek solace among people of the same color as themselves. With the case of Ballotelli is different. He sought comfort amongst his team members, and they were all whites. In explaining this incidence, we can assert that his fellow team mates were not racists, and they easily accommodated Ballotelli, despite a difference in their racial characteristics. Dr. Tatum argues that a situation like this is expected. This is because people have an element of multiple identities. Even though Ballotelli was black, in relation to his genetic make-up, his identity was white, in relation to the environment in which he grew up. He lived in Italy, from childhood, to adulthood, and he enjoys the citizenship rights of the state. Due to this, his fellow country identified with him, and viewed him as one of them. The re-election of President Barrack Obama is another current event under study. Barrack Obama is an American citizen of black origin (New York Times, 1), and the first black President of United States of America. He competed against Governor Romney in the concluded Presidential elections, and Romney is white. The blacks are a minority in United States of America, and the President could not take power by relying on them. Dr. Tatum asserts that the whites view themselves as a superior race, in comparison with black people. This was not reflected in the American elections, because a majority of the white population voted for President Barrack Obama. Had they had the notion, there is no way these people could vote for President Barrack Obama. The President is an offspring a black Kenyan man, and a white American woman, and therefore he is multi-racial. Dr. Tatum further assets that multiracial children find it hard to be acceptable among the white children, and white adults. When you compare the current events at the United States political system, this notion is not correct. This is because President Barrack Obama managed to win the support white people, who accepted him, despite being multi-racial. However, Dr. Tatum believes that a person, who suffers racialism, will always look for ways of converting their disadvantage, to opportunities. Using Obama as an example, Dr. Tatum will argue that the president worked hard, despite his genetic characteristics. He had the right mindset to overcome the various challenges that faced him, as a result winning the presidency. (Burrell 16). In relation to president Barrack Obama, the issue of identity that played out in the elections is similar to how Dr. Tatum explains it. According to Dr. Tatum, white people do not want to contaminate their genetic composition, with people of other races. For instance, if an individual has a parentage of mixed races, the person is referred to as a black person. For instance, if a person emanates from a black father, and a white mother, the offspring of such a union is considered black. The whites are obsessed with purity, and a genetic make-up of an individual must be 100% pure for such a person to be called white (Dugane, 67). In the UK, a Manchester United player is leading a group of colored players to protest against emergence of racism in football. The group came into existence in June 2012, and most of its members are black players. It emerged out of dissatisfaction of the penalties given to John Terry, who was accused of racially abusing Anton Ferdinand. Terry was banned for four matches, after uttering racist words against Anton Ferdinand (Thompson, 17). This group of players was advocating for the review of the punishment meted at terry, and a tougher punishment if such an act occurs in the English premier league. It advocates for a ban for life, to any player found racially abusing his counterpart, and this punishment was to be applied at all institutions under the authority of the English Football Association. The group was fighting for an introduction of legislations that would regulate the employment of minority groups as team managers and assistants, thus advocating for the notion of affirmative action in British football system (Thompson, 25). This laws should be similar to those introduced by Dan Rooney in the American NFL league. The Ferdinand group was making a comparison between the situation in the English league with that of the American NFL league before the introduction of the Dan Rooney laws. According to the group, it was essential to enact those laws in Britain, as they will help in fighting racialism. Dr Tatum in his book asserts that, in a racial context, people hang out together. On this note, the group by Rio Ferdinand consisted of players of black origin. This is because they felt that their interests were catered for in the group, and it will succeed in articulating their demands. These players shared a similar racial identity, and they identified with the problems faced by Anton Ferdinand. Dr. Tatum asserts that, it is important to speak against racism, as this will lower its effect and impact in the society. On this note, the action by the Ferdinand group gains support from the literature by Dr. Tatum. To conclude, this book by Dr. Tatum gives a realistic understanding of the concepts of racialism. The author successfully manages to use real life examples in denoting this concept, and how it affects the society. The author has also managed to effectively depict different ideas that relate to racialism in different parts of the book. The book has five parts, and part one is an introduction on the concepts covered, part two gives a description of the racial interaction of different groups, and part three gives a description of how white people view themselves. Part four analyzes the concept of racialism in a wider perspective, and speaks on the importance of advocating against racialism. Works Cited: Burrell, Tom. Brainwashed. ; Erasing the Myth of Black Inferiority.. New York: Hay House, Incorporated, 2010. Print. Duganne, Erina. The self in black and white: race and subjectivity in postwar American photography. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press :, 2010. Print. Manzenreiter, Wolfram. Governance, Citizenship and the New European Football Championships: the European spectacle.. London: Routledge, 2012. Print. "Politics." Barrack Obama. New York Times, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2012 ndex.html>. Rosenblum, Karen Elaine, and Toni Travis. The meaning of difference: American constructions of race, sex and gender, social class, sexual orientation, and disability. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. Print. Tatum, Beverly Daniel. "Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?" and other conversations about race. New York: BasicBooks, 1997. Print. Thompson, James. Sport, difference and belonging: conceptions of human variation in British sport. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2012. Print. Top of Form Bottom of Form Read More
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