Despite the similarities though, they would be different in some way.
One of how human beings are different is the way their minds work. The human mind is a wonderfully made organ and from it, comes all sorts of creative arts and sciences. Without it, we would not be alive, and if we were all the same, we would think the same way, and produce the same things. In this way, the world would be very boring. However, as we are all different, we are capable of creating things that make it easier for us. Music, art, and literature are just some of the examples that make life interesting.
Different inventions and innovations have improved life dramatically. Imagine how life would be without computers or television sets. How difficult, long, and tiring transport would be if we did not have the Wright brothers coming up with airplanes or Henry Ford with his motor vehicle? Life would be considerably shorter, and harder. Because of the good, these inventions have had in society, the inventors have a right to benefit from their labors, and as they were able to make whatever they did as a result of their brains, this is called intellectual property.
However, not everyone in the world has good intentions and as such, other people would like to reap the benefits of work they did not do. Many countries have recognized this and consequently, have come up with laws that try to protect the inventors of particular innovations. The results have been the trademark, patent, and copyright laws. Based on different scenarios that happen in life, this paper will focus on the three aspects and try to find ways in which the owners of intellectual property can be protected from unscrupulous characters.
TrademarksTrademarks are distinct devices used by companies to differentiate their goods and services from those offered and produced by other companies and businesses (Merges et al, 2010). Trademarks are important as they help customers distinguish what they want from what they do not want and what they normally use and counterfeit products and services offered by other companies. This means that at times, other companies might use the registered marks of other companies to pass out their goods and services, destroying the customer base of the company which has that particular mark as its distinguishing feature.
Trademarks are legally protected by the US law. If suspected of infringing these laws, one is liable to face a court injunction that might lead to him paying hefty compensation packages to the one whose rights he has infringed.
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