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Shanghai World Financial Center Evacuation Procedures - Assignment Example

From the paper "Shanghai World Financial Center Evacuation Procedures" it is clear that carelessness, negligence, and lack of fire safety knowledge are the main reasons behind such fire outbreaks and the death of a number of innocent people during fire emergencies…
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Running Head: Critical Reflection Report Name: Course: University: Tutor: Date of Submission: Introduction This paper is a critical reflection and personal reflection on the research process under taken on one aspect of fire management thus “effectiveness of the Shanghai World Financial Center evacuation procedures” located in China. The research project undertaken was related to the course work covered hence I did not encounter many difficulties in carrying out the project. The report also will give an in-depth analysis of the researcher’s roles, experiences, learning and challenges experienced during the planning process, actual research process and writing up of the draft research report. Early stages of the research process, finding a topic crafting research questions, aims, objectives, and locating information for literature review In undertaking the research, the concepts and ideas covered during the course semester were important for the research project. In order to develop a topic of research it was necessary to understand clearly the role of fire management as well as safety especially in buildings. In addition, it was also important to understand the role of fire service and in particular various measures related to fire safety and management. Understanding various aspects of fire management linked to the aspect of evacuations and the importance of implementing effective evacuation procedures for occupants of a building especially during fire or any other emergency disaster. Once this was established a developed a research project “The effectiveness of Shanghai World Financial Centre Evacuation procedures”. To start off I developed core project values, vision, objectives and aims which were fundamental guide all through the research project. The established set of values and mission statement was essential since it helped me remain motivated, stay on task, and keep my eyes set on the goals.  Choosing a topic and modifying initial research project already done Choosing a topic was a hard task since initially I had several topics I wanted to explore on and most of them were related to my broad experience in fire service management as well as other concepts covered in different modules during my course work. The process of choosing a topic was quiet challenging hence it took a longer period than expected given the fact that aim of the research project was to choose a strong unique topic which I would enjoy working on. During the process of topic development so many ideas came across my mind causing confusion within myself. Through, the process of brain storming and discussion with my core class mates I was able to settle down on the topic thus the “effectiveness of Shanghai World Financial Centre evacuation procedures”. Brainstorming is defined as the process of generating creative ideas and solutions through an analysis of various points and concepts. Asking questions was a significant tool at this stage and it helped me know the level of interest other people had in the case study of my choice hence in a way it became a motivating factor for me(Mark. 2009,pp.89-95). I felt from the very beginning that I had wanted a research topic related to effectiveness of evacuation procedures but I was not sure of how to structure and approach the topic and contextualize it to the fire and safety management. Before commencement of the research process, I had various ideas and information in relation to the effectiveness of the Shanghai World Financial Center evacuation procedures. I wanted to find out what the research findings will indicate and subsequent conclusions from the research study. Locating information for the research project literature review was an easy task given the mere fact that I had already done a research project in the first year and this year’s research project was just a matter of modifying the earlier on written research project. Moreover, the knowledge which I had gained in class over the years was of great help in researching information and materials related to the topic of study. My biggest concern was narrowing down the topic into something feasible which could cover an aspect of fire management Data collection process During data collection co-operation played a significant role between me and the respondents. Social interdependence theory argues that co-operative learning experiences tends to encourage higher achievement I experienced communication problems given the fact that the project was being undertaken in China Language barrier was a significant factor as some of the respondents could not effectively communicate in English (Zikmund,2003,pp.23-45),. Communication actually is the exchange and flow of information as well as ideas from one person to another. In most cases it involves assigning and conveying meaning to particular thoughts as way of creating a shared understanding. Effective communication tends to occur only if the receiver and the sender understand the exact information or ideas being conveyed (Zikmund, 2003, pp.23-45). The communication process played a significant role in the entire research project though to effectively achieve the objective of the entire data collection process for the research project, this process required a vast of repertoire of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating. Good communication skills are important in any research project hence developing greater confidence in how I communicate with respondents especially during the interviews was necessary in collecting relevant information(Zikmund,2003,pp.23-45). Lessons learned and Challenges encountered Having completed my research project I have learned how to argue my points better in a research paper using facts and examples .Since the research project involved analyzing past studies done on the topic as well as properly acknowledging the authors through proper citation in the literature review, my arguments have become much better. For any research project a reader can only take given arguments more seriously if the facts as well as the ideas, thoughts and opinions have been well backed up especially in cases where the facts have been researched from credible sources(Zikmund,2003,pp.23-45). In developing the literature review I was supposed to gather various facts and past studies done on the topic which was of a great help since I was able to easily form my own points and make conclusions relating the literature review and the real findings on the ground. Though, I was able to present the arguments especially in the introductory part they were still backed up well- known credible sources in order to strengthen my research project. The research project required application of good research skills in particular critical thinking, , analysis and dissemination. Since the research project used quantitative research design critical thinking research skills were necessary. Critical thinking research skills actually refer to in depth analysis of facts as well as a thorough examination of the truth and validity of arguments. It is a process which involves the evaluation of relative importance of ideas and thoughts raised by other researchers in relation to the topic of study(Zikmund,2003,pp.23-45). Analysis is the ability to gather relevant data and information through the application of various methods consisting of information synthesis, critical thinking and data reduction. Analysis being core research skills was important in analysis of the collected data and its relevance to the problem of study. In addition, it helped me to gather only relevant data related to the topic of study hence increasing the efficiency as well as validity of the research project. Dissemination is also another significant research skill which involves communicating to others the purpose and outcomes of any research project. It therefore requires the ability to summarize information, explain the aims, motives, results and conclusions of the research. These skills were important as they helped me to summarize my findings as well as conclusions in relation to the topic of study (Mark. 2009, pp.89-95). Having utilized the three mentioned research skills in the research project my researching skills have tremendously improved a great a deal compared to the other previous research papers I have already done. In previous research projects I got stuck due to lack of sufficient material as well as information related to the topic of study hence ended up only using and quoting few sources but with enough knowledge that I have gained both in class and through self experience in this research project I was able to use a numerous sources and information. I having done a thorough and challenging research project on the effectiveness of Shanghai World Financial Centre evacuation procedures and why they have been chosen, has helped me better understand the importance of fire management and safety in depth as well as the need for evacuation procedures in any building. Understanding the topic in depth was necessary in making a better argument as far as the research project is concerned especially when it came to analyzing the research findings and making conclusions. Since Fire management and safety is a wide topic as well as evacuations procedures which was the topic of study, it required using a variety of sources and information (Mark. 2009,pp.89-95).. Using numerous sources and information allowed me to get information about my arguments from many different perspectives as well as relate my project with other project undertaken in the same field. Through the incorporation of various perspectives, thoughts, ideas and information extracted from different sources and authors, I was able to create a conclusive argument which eventually set a tone for the entire paper. The formulated conclusive argument was important since it made my argument apparent throughout the entire paper. In carrying out the research project I consulted with my other course mates in specific areas where I could easily locate information related to my topic of study given the fact that they too were undertaking a research project in same field as mine although on a different aspect. Finding a bunch of information is usually beneficial for any research project since it helps a researcher to see as well as cover a broad spectrum of what needs to be covered in the paper. Encyclopedias, books, periodicals, newspapers, Internet, inside and outside experts all helped me engage in exploratory research (Mark. 2009, pp.89-95). All these resources were of great help to me because I was able to relate various ideas into several different categories to cover the essential research questions, aims and objectives. Though, I had done a research project earlier on related in the same area I consulted with other students through individual conversation. The conversations which I had with my colleagues were knowledgeable of the topic, but only gave me a general overview of how I could approach the topic. Earlier stages of the research project were a bit overwhelming as well as stressful. Time management was essential in the entire project given the mere fact that time management is a crucial motivation factor in any research project. Research a process can be described as a balancing act which takes years of experience and practice. Time management therefore is important since the earlier you get something done the better. Knowing the research project goals and objectives in advance as well as clearly looking at the task at hand in a systematic order helped me overcome some of the obstacles in writing the paper and finding appropriate research materials. Given the mere fact that evacuation procedures and their effectiveness is a wide topic as it covers various concepts related to fire management and safety, the research project paper was a tedious process which needed enough time, effort and patience. It was difficult to put little ideas of research together as way of achieving a well balanced paper. Making transitions clear in the research paper as well as putting ideas together so that they could make sense to the reader was a difficult task for me. Maintaining as well as writing a balanced paper is usually a hard task hence sometimes it is usually hard to predict the kind of paper expected. The frustrating thing about any ongoing research is usually editing and feedback process though without mistakes and revisions researchers cannot grow stronger and more confident in their writing. Before writing my final paper it required a lot of editing which led to frustration and self pity. Editing a paper several and different times can led to different interpretations of the grammar ,words choices, sentence structure, voice among other aspects was a challenge for me. Conclusion In writing the research project I went through various steps from earliest rough draft to final draft. Keeping a record of the calendar, rough drafts, due dates that helped me keep on the right research track as well as it motivated me throughout the tedious and redundant procedure of writing a research paper. In addition, I spent a lot of time reading various sources, highlighting, revising, and reading material not only to understand my research project in its early stages, but to be confident enough to paraphrase it and present it in my own words. Before doing the actual research I had only ideas about my topic with no solid as well as conclusive information which later on developed during the research process. This research project from my own opinion is one of my best research papers since I have learned a lot from it. This paper made me do a broad research as well as made me think about the facts, ideas and thoughts learned in class as well as how to appropriately use them. Through the application of the concepts learned in class and during the course semester it helped me to develop more points and come to a good conclusion about the research project. In conclusion I was able to learn various concepts related to fire safety and management. First and foremost, Evacuation plans today are essential since they provide useful information as well as teach occupants of a building the safest and quickest way of getting out of a building during fire emergencies (Mark. 2009,pp.89-95). Occupants of a building therefore should ensure that they understand the evacuation procedures of the building as well as the importance of getting out of the building during an emergency or any other disaster.  Given the mere fact that fires are very real and a serious danger to human beings which can happen anywhere at any time evacuation procedures have become important especially for tall building which are being built. In the event of fire it is always necessary that all the occupants familiarize themselves with Emergency Evacuation Procedures for the building as well as the location of fire exits and the operation of fire fighting emergency department. Evacuation procedures should be short, simple and at minimum they should cover Fire, Earthquake, Bomb Threat and Medical Emergency situations (Averill and Song ,2007,pp.28-49). It is important for each emergency evacuation procedures to be written in point form and with a maximum of about six points for each situation since evacuation procedures which are longer than six points may be confusing to the occupants of the building. With the increasing populations around the world as well as the rapid need for high –rise buildings, the safety and security need of such tall buildings has become a serious matter of concern. Today, high –rise buildings such as Shanghai World Financial Center are prone to fire disasters as well as other fire related tragedies. People living and residing as well as working in high rise tall buildings tends to lose their lives due to negligence and poor fire management measures. As a way of saving such victims it is extremely essential for high rise buildings to implement proper fire management safety measures such as effective evacuation procedures. Though, today many of the high-rise buildings have proper and sophisticated fire safety management measures in place just as Shanghai World Financial Center, it can be assumed that the building is totally secured in case of a fire emergency (Mark. 2009,pp.89-95). Carelessness, negligence and lack of fire safety knowledge are the main reasons behind such fire outbreaks and the death of a number of innocent people during fire emergencies. In order to have effective fire management systems as well as effective evacuation procedures for high-rise buildings such as Shanghai World Financial Center it’s important to teach the occupants of the building about fire safety methods and procedures. In addition, educational and training programs related to fire safety measures in particular evacuation procedures are important since they help in providing knowledge to the building occupants about various aspects of a fire disaster and how to come out of it unscathed (Allan, 2009,pp.120-145). From the research project it was clear that high rise buildings should have proper should also have proper signage for exit routes so as to help people out of the building quickly in case of such incidences. Like any other emergency disaster it is necessary to have an emergency a plan in place which can respond immediately and correctly in a fire emergency. Inadequate and lack of fire emergency plans can have deadly consequences to the occupants of a building. In relation to Shanghai World Financial Center which was the case study of my research project it is necessary that Shanghai authorities accept the concept of using elevators as supplementary means of evacuation for this super-high-rise building for potential future developments though the building has in place various evacuation modes, emergency action plans as well as other high technological fire safety systems(Allan, 2009,pp.120-145). Overall, I really enjoyed working on this project. I was glad that I was able to do my share of helping to improve the world. This project therefore fit perfectly with the aspect of fire management since I was able to do my share of helping to improve the world. In addition, I was able to apply what I learned in class to a real world situation both now and in the future. This project has made a big impact on me in relation to fire management service. This research project was very demanding so it forced me to acknowledge various areas that I lacked confidence eventually building on them (Mark. 2009,pp.89-95). Recommendations Social interdependence theory tends to recognize a type of group interaction called positive interdependence which usually implies cooperation. Many studies indicate that cooperative learning experiences tends to encourage higher achievement as well as a successful outcome. In relation to this research project for future group work, I would recommend that the project be carried out in groups each with a chairperson to help as well as encourage cooperation especially when the tasks are being shared out. References Allan, G A (2009). Fire Risk: Fire Safety Law and Its Practical Application. London: Thorogood Publishing, pp.120-145 Averill J. D. and Song W. (2007). “Accounting for Emergency Response in Building Evacuation: New York: Book Press,28-49 Mark. M (2009).Writing Critical research projects Reflection reports. New York:Mc-Graw Hill.pp.89-95 Zikmund, W. (2003), Business Research Methods, Ohio: Thompson South-western,pp.23-45 Read More

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