Decree enforcement, to changeable degrees at different levels of administration and in different agencies, is also usually charged with the errands of deterring criminal activity and of preventing the successful commission of crimes in progress; the service and enforcement of warrants, writs and other orders of the courts; as long as a first response to emergencies and other threats to public safety; the defense of certain public amenities and communications; the maintenance of public order; the protection of public officials; and the operation of some correctional facilities typically at the local level. (Woodside, Martin, 2008)
The primary local modern police department recognized in the United States was the Boston Police Department in 1838 followed by the New York City Police division in 1844. Early on, the community did not respect the police, as corruption was rampant. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, there were few dedicated units in police departments.
The arrival of the police car, two-way radio, and telephone in the early twentieth century transformed policing into an imprudent approach that focused on responding to calls for service. California police chief that was led by Berkeley, August Vollmer in the 1920s, police began to professionalize, take on new technologies, and place stress on training. With this change, police authority and control became more centralized. A student of Vollmer named O.W. Wilson helped to reduce dishonesty and initiate professionalism in Wichita, Kansas, and later in the Chicago Police Department. Strategies engaged by O.W. Wilson included revolving officers from area to area to reduce their susceptibility to corruption, establishing an unprejudiced police board to help preside over the police force, a firm merit system for promotions within the department, and an antagonistic, recruiting drive with higher police salaries to attract competently qualified officersDespiteof such reforms, highly autocratic leaders led police agencies and there remained a lack of revere between police and minority communities.