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Urban Policy Planning in Seoul - Case Study Example

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This case study "Urban Policy Planning in Seoul" discusses the prevention of dangers caused by sinkholes in the Seoul region that can only be avoided by implantation of safety policy in the area. However, the policy should be made clear to all individuals who are directly affected by the sinkhole policy. …
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Urban Policy Planning in Seoul
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Urban Policy planning in Seoul Insert Insert Introduction A policy is a laid down rules and procedures that govern the relationship between individuals in an organization. The system enables the management of any group to be effective thus reducing on unnecessary disputes in a society or a country. Therefore, the existence of the system ensures that there are efficiency and effectiveness of operation of an organization or country. In the metropolitan areas in the country, sinkholes occur because of improper management of the construction system, aging water as well as sewage facilities, including lowering the water table because of the compound action. History of Seoul Seoul is located in South Koreas in the southern Korean Peninsula; the city is surrounded by the yellow sea and Japan to the west and the east. The country is covered by approximately 99,274 kilometers of mountains with the western and the southern parts of the city covered with plains (Broughton, 2015). The city of Seoul was once considered a poor town in South Korea. Today, the city has grown and is bloomed as a cultural capital that is well endowed and integrated with well architectural buildings and top museums that influence so many people to visit these scenarios. The background of Seoul started in the 18BC when the city was chosen to be the capital of the Baekian Kingdom. However, it had very many rules from which the name was derived. The city gained fame during the dynasty of Joseon, who chose Seoul to be the capital city of his Kingdom. Geologically South Korea did not occur much in this sinkhole and did not pay attention about the sinkhole. However, a recent sinkhole in urban areas is increasing the incidence and trends in the metropolitan area. For instance, 7 cases have occurred in 2014 (Kobal, Bertoncelj, Pirotti, Dakskobler, &Kutnar, 2015). More than 95% of survey respondents living in metropolitan areas are feeling the anxiety and his response is also a point indicated by the 80% required a systematic response that can become a victim. After a period, Seoul grew into a real city with a population of 100,000 people. The city was ruled under the Japanese colonial rule in which the cultures of the city fade away, and the places within the city were destroyed (Kobal, Since this period, the town of Seoul has been growing rapidly, a factor that symbolizes the economic progress of South –Korea. Today, the city of Seoul has developed into a modern town with the advancements in technology and infrastructures including buildings and roads. The streets of Seoul are filled with traffic of over 10.3 million people find this city to be the center hub of all business activities. . Several events happen in this city, with many bindings and structures developed in Seoul. Today Seoul is considered the largest town in South-Korea since it has developed into a first world city. The city of Seoul is endowed with a transportation system that comprises of subways in with street trams pass through. The roads are also well structured with many motor vehicles and clubs operating all through the day (North, Polk, &Nedvidek, 2014). Therefore, this paper seeks to underline the problems that the city of Seoul is facing in the contemporary times. Reasons for policy implementation Seoul has reorganized the disasters that occurred in the country that claimed the lives of many people as a result of the improper management of sink holes. Out of this, the city developed a disaster management policy to address the challenges it faces as a result of accidents. The system mainly focuses on disaster management. The government has out of this engaged the efforts of the architectures to find a solution to this problem as well (Song, In Seoul, the effects of the sinkholes depend on where the atrocity has occurred. When the natural sinkholes form on the land surfaces, they change the topographic view of the area where they occur. In the event that these sinkholes occur on land, they divert the streams of water and cause extensive damages to the human property and life as well. Holes are therefore formed due to the underground leaks thus causing a collapse and damage to the property. These sink holes prove to be dangerous to road users and buildings since the toxic elements beneath the earth form and pollute the land. Sinkholes mainly occur in Seoul since the city has several underground voids and other drainage systems that are curved under the ground with carbonate rocks (Song, Cho, & Chang, 2012). Excessive groundwater use in this sinkhole caused by the human activity is reported to be the primary cause is the flows and disturbances in the groundwater during the development projects, such as water and sewage pipe leaks. Excessive use of groundwater causes sinkholes because the underground rocks formations cannot escape the underground water space. Leaks in the groundwater to the surface during the development projects change the existing underground water flows. In the event that there are leakages in the water and sewage pipes, sinkhole are likely to occur while water and soil are precipitated because they get weak in the cohesion of the clay. Lipid is relatively stable in the sink holes. However, they have the capacity to lower the water table levels a factor that proves unstable (Song, Korea is relatively stable in geological terms since the nation has a few areas covered with limestones, which result in sinkholes. In the metropolitan areas, sinkholes occur due to the lack of the management of the construction system, aging the water and sewage facilities, including lowering the water table as a result of the compound action. Sinkhole considered for large-scale development projects approved during sinkhole causing holes cause the disturbances of the lack of groundwater flow, underground water leakage. Annually lowering the water has accelerated the caused a sinkhole. Use a management of water resources and floods, droughts, water shortages; medium and long term needs utilizing big data management system for disaster prevention, such as sinkholes Water-rated services. One challenge that the city of Seoul faces is that the natural sinkholes cannot be mitigated in time. Studies have revealed that maintaining the underground subways and systems is the best way of maintaining the underground water systems that corrode the heat surfaces (Song, The sinkholes that result from human negligence can be mitigated in due time before they turn out into massacres, Prevention The prevention of dangers caused by sinkholes in Seoul region can only be avoided by implantation of safety policy in the area. However, the policy should be made clear to all individuals who are directly affected by the sinkhole policy. Moreover, accumulation of groundwater monitoring network information should be broken down by raising the groundwater level and fill the positions that can cause danger to both healthy of individuals and their lives as well. Furthermore, there should be the creation of a sinkhole risk map of water and sewage pipes utilized in project approval and construction projects based upon criteria suggested strengthening. With the proper provision of mapping of sinkholes in the region, it will enable citizens in the area to understand the areas that they need to avoid. Coverage of the policy relevance to the place I have chosen The policy will all be about disaster management. The area that I have chosen has a topography that needs the expertise advice before developing any project. However, there have been poor management underground sink holes thus posing a danger to the lives of individuals. Leaks in the ground water to the surface in times of projects development change the existing underground water flows. As a result, there are leakages in sewage pipes because the sinkhole is likely to damage while water and soil are precipitated because they get weak in the cohesion of the clay thus leading to spillages. Therefore, the policy implemented will have to cover the areas of transportation, the environment as well as animal husbandry. The history of that policy Leaks in the ground water to the surface during construction of various projects cause changes in the flow of current underground water flow channels. As a result, it leads to leakages in the water and sewage pipes. Moreover, depreciation of sewage pipes as well as sinkholes causes spillages that will result in water contamination, thus causing danger to the health and lives of the residents as well. The sinkhole from 2010 to Florida, which occur frequently performed sink hole-related ordinance. The law has created the space in the underground limestone that is dissolved by groundwater and often cited as the cause of increased groundwater. Moreover, sinkhole degradation is also caused due to increase in the size of the population in the country. Therefore, development and implementation of policy that protects activities as well as constructions will protect the health as well as the lives of Seoul residents. Policy implementation In my opinion, the system was properly implanted in the neighborhood because it adequately addressed the problem. Moreover, the policy ensured that it took peoples concern into consideration, that is; it provided that all matters and risks from the water is issues are properly handled. Is this policy meant to affect residents, business, and workers? The policy is indented to affect the residents of Seoul as well as the people within this particular region. In underground quantity conservation, it is essential to prevent the sinkhole as the core content that water circulation system composition and city water supply of drinking water. Moreover, accumulation of groundwater and network monitoring information broken down by raising the groundwater level and fill the position also creates a comfortable environment for the residents of Seoul. The effects The major effects that the policy was to address bases squarely on the following issues; first it had to ensure that there is adequate Safety of the residents Seoul. That is; the policy had to ensure that the government takes all the responsibility for ensuring that residents environment is saved from any danger caused by the sink holes. Moreover, the policy also had to ensure that there is an adequate supply of water in the region to enable the citizen as to carry effectively out their daily duties without much difficulty. Finally, the policy had to ensure that the welfare of the residents is under consideration. That is; it had to ensure that there is proper sewerage system in the region to prevent water contamination that might affect the health and well-being of the citizens of Seoul. The evidence Yes, there is its evidence today in that; the government of Seoul has ensured that there is a generation of groundwater degradation prevention measures for rainwater utilization facilities. Moreover, that it establishes green infrastructure as well as the program of water reuse in the region for the benefit of the residents. In my opinion, I conclude that the policy implementation in the area had more benefits to the residents in Seoul. In my judgment to today evidence, I am of the opinion that the there is good intention to protect health as well as the lives of Seoul residents through implantation of this policy. Read More
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Urban Policy Planning in Seoul Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words.
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