CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF European Union Law Hypothetical Situation
european union law.... Acts of Parliament, together with common law and those originating in the european union and from the European Court of Human Rights.... ( page 225) Laws passed by the European Parliament are valid in the member countries of the european union.... Where a new case presents the same situation as an earlier one then the earlier decision will be followed.... he disadvantage of this system is that it only works for cases that are brought before the courts - the courts only rule on these cases, not hypothetical ones that might or might not occur....
6 Pages
(1500 words)
The preliminary ruling system is a procedural mechanism of the european union law that enables national courts to ascertain uniformity of interpretation and application in all states.... The process tasked the Court of Justice to simply interpret the meaning of the statutes and provisions of european union law which will be stated in a formal reply, but the referring court will assume the responsibility to make a conclusion from such reply.... To reiterate, only new questions of interpretation should be submitted to intentionally draw uniformity of understanding and application of european union law to cases or when circumstances arise where existing case law is not applicable to such a set of facts....
4 Pages
(1000 words)
Since the United Kingdom joined the european union in 1973 (then called the European Community), it has adopted EU law and as such is actually obligated to make the necessary preparations for the removal of the pound sterling and the implementation of the euro like all other EU nations.... Neither UK nor EU law states that referendums must be legally binding, however they remain an integral part of the governing process with specific reference to the european union....
2 Pages
(500 words)
According to the expert analysis enlargement of the european union (EU) and its important growth for the EU and for the applicant countries.... The query of worker contribution had forever been middle to the ambitions of the european union's (EU) social measurement but important steps had been almost absent since the Agreement of Rome in 1957.... Furthermore, the long-term prospect of the deal union group, and certainly the European Commission, up-and-coming from the EWC Instruction are consequently far attainment....
12 Pages
(3000 words)
The Charter of Fundamental Freedoms, which comprises the most important part of the european union law, assures civil and political rights to all the citizens of the European Union.... The paper "Ratification of European Constitution for the european union" claims the main objectives of this Treaty were to provide a substitute for the existing treaties, arrange in a systematic manner human rights throughout the EU, and optimize the decision-making procedure.... Moreover, it specifies the norms to which any piece of european union legislation has to conform....
9 Pages
(2250 words)
Had the Directive been enacted the situation would be quite different and Adil would have been able to enforce his rights to receive the pension under the auspices of Section 2 of the 1972 Act.... n the Francovich case, the plaintiffs' situation was similar to Adil's in that the consequential loss accrued as a result of Italy's failure to properly implement a European Community directive that intended to protect employees in the event their employer company became insolvent....
7 Pages
(1750 words)
This literature review "The european union as a Political System" discusses the european union that has worked towards the development of a strong and united common culture to ensure that all its members, as well as prospective members, are focused on a single purpose.... The development of a judiciary, executive, and legislature has put the european union on the road towards political union as the member states have had to surrender some of their sovereignty in order to gain membership....
13 Pages
(3250 words)
Literature review
From the paper "european union law Issues" it is clear that the Member's judicial and administrative authorities and their equality bodies are on the frontline to ensure a systematic system is implemented that ensures that all individuals are protected on every ground.... The doctrine that houses the union law supremacy that parallels that of the international law supremacy insists on the overriding component of the legal demands as set as objectives and values over the ones that are purely domestic in origin....
13 Pages
(3250 words)