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Observational and Interview Research in the Criminology - Term Paper Example

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The research paper highlights observational and interview research in the criminology. Those are additional features that law enforcement bodies can use these scientific methods of data collection in their practice to expose rapists and other criminals…
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Observational and Interview Research in the Criminology
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Observational and Interview Research Increases Law Enforcement's Field of Possible Rape Suspects Abstract It is evident that many cases of rape go unpunished as a result of lack of proper investigation which leads to identification and arrest of suspects. This paper articulates on the effectiveness of interview and observation as and their contribution to the law enforcement’s field of possible rape. Since these methods of data collection are scientific, information obtained from them can be reliable and accurate. However, opponents of these methods and the proposed advantage would argue differently, but on narrow view. Some of these views will also be assessed. Introduction There are numerous distinct characteristics of different offenders and which requires special knowledge to be able to identify. In most cases, rapists are considered to be violent. Therefore, it translates to the possibility of these personalities to posses different characteristics associated with different criminal behaviors. In this regard, several research firms and law enforcements may find it critical to assess and evaluate the conduct of rapists to identify distinct traits that help in curbing the menace. Although the law does not have any provisions of arresting people just by a mere study of their behaviors without any substantial evidence that they actually committed a crime, research can aid identification of such criminal who might have committed the crime and ran away. In fact, such grounds are used by opponents of utilizing interviews and observation in helping to identify suspects. In addition, opponents can argue that this method cannot work because there is a possibility that interviews, for example, may decide to impersonate themselves or even fake the information they give to the researcher especially if they happen to know that they are being questioned in connection to a particular crime they committed before (McCabe & Wauchope, 2005). In another dimension, opponents of this method of investigation believe that when observation is used, this cannot be enough to identify suspects because it is difficult to understand personality traits of people by just observing them. However, while of these arguments could be analyzed to reflect the reality, it is possible to identify such suspects with the help of research in collaboration with other disciplines of knowledge like psychology and sociology. For instance, different psychological theories can be used to explain certain behaviors and their consequences or what they mean (Kiesler, 2000). Sociological theories can also be used to explain why some people would have isolation traits which are characterized by antisocial behavior. Interviews Interviews have widely been used by social scientists to investigate different phenomenon. This kind of research method is scientific and can also be used in identifying rape suspects. First, interviews are considered ideal in such kind of investigations because they aid in-depth scrutiny of suspects (Green, 2005). For instance, the researcher may be having structured questions that can lead to deeper scrutiny of the interviewee depending on the response they give from the main questions. When for example an interviewee is being questioned on a given occurrence that took place in his neighborhood and the interviewee says that he was not allowed at the time of crime, but he heard that it is his friend that was present during the time of crime, then such information can help in identifying the said friend who in turn can help in the investigations (McCabe & Wauchope, 2005). In this case, it is correct to argue that such in-depth scrutiny can play a great part in helping the investigator in identifying the suspect. Second, interviews helps in identifying how people think. For instance, when interviewing a suspect, he may decide to give his opinion that would help in identifying the actual criminals. In addition, through the aid of psychological knowledge, it would be possible to note when one is lying or telling the truth. Some of the common tips on how such individuals can be recognized because of the way they use their trick to respond to questions by asking another question. For instance, when a suspect detects that the questions can lead to unearthing the truth, he may decide to use evasion mechanisms which are highly characterized by asking questions instead of answering what they are asked. For example, a suspect may be asked what he was doing during the time of the crime and in arrogance; he may asked why such questions are asked to him. In addition, he may also start using sympathetic questions such as “what are you insinuating? You want to say I am the criminal?” therefore, such thinking can be used to identify the kind of a person the interviewee is. Third, information obtained from interview can be used to help in the decision making. Many suspects may decide not to provide accurate information during interviews especially if they happen to be the criminals (McCabe & Wauchope, 2005). In such situations, the interviewee may decide to use different tactics that can help get an idea of the ordeals of the suspect. Sometimes, the information obtained from interviews can yield positive results where the interviewee may decide to disclose his crime. When this happens, the suspect may be taken to custody for further questioning and probable of being aligned in court. However, opponents of this kind of method may argue that such issues can lead to scaring of the participants thus arresting the wrong people for crimes they did not commit. Nevertheless, since research would be conducted by professionals, such instances cannot happen. Conversely, NCVS can utilize interviews in gathering information about prevalence of rape cases in different parts of the country. Since NCVS deals with gathering information on several crimes, through the use of interviews, NCVS can identify characteristics, consequences and causes of rape cases. In using interviews, NCVS and other survey institutions can decide to use experimental designs to come up with accurate information on the issue of rape. For instance, when it becomes difficult to identify rate suspects, repeated measures can be used on the same respondent where they are subjected to different research while maintaining the same independent variable, then the chances of getting the right information are high. In fact, such measures can be used to validate the information provided. Validity and reliability of interviews can be on the basis of how accurate the instrument can help in producing the information gathered (Pratt, 1992). Sampling of the participants can be purposive where previous information of the suspects provided by victims and other individuals can be used in identifying the right people to take part in the study in a large population. In another dimension, interviews can help the interviewer identify or obtain some statistical information regarding rape. For instance, in the course of his investigation, the interviewer might learn that prevalence of rape in a certain geographical region or community of high. Therefore, a deeper investigation of what causes such trends can also be investigated. For example, the researcher may find out that poverty is the main cause of rape in a particular area. Such information can be used to propose strategic plans that help reduce the poverty level in the area in order to reduce the cases of rape. Additional information includes effectiveness of the law in dealing with rape. Many cases might not be reported (McCabe & Wauchope, 2005). Several factors such as cultural practices and beliefs that hinder victims or witnesses from reporting rape cases can also be identified. This way, the information on how to improve on the area of law can also be used. However, some people may argue that this does not change the behavior of the rapist as it only helps victims and witnesses are able to report the cases. Although this can be interpreted and seen to be true, the opponents of interviews and observation can argue that this does not help in addressing causes of rape such as seduction by the victim to the suspect. This is also in regard to issues related to situations where the suspect may have had mental illness that cannot be addressed even after being arrested. Interviews can help in recording high rate of response and which can help to identify suspects. McCabe & Wauchope (2005) argued that in any research, the higher number of responses, the higher chances of getting reliable and accurate data. Therefore, if for example, as a result of inclusion of many interviewees most people point out on a particular individual they suspect committed the crime, then such information can lead to identification of the suspect or criminal. Interviews also enable the researcher to record the accurate information given by respondents (Pratt, 1992). Therefore, suspects may not have a chance to change the information recorded in case of further investigation. In another dimension, some information obtained through other research tools may not be accurate and this may affect the quality of data obtained. Therefore, using interview may play a great part in analysing the phenomenon without challenges such as inappropriate date and other errors. However, the opponent of this method or research may argue that suspects can decide to provide wrong information to evade arrest. Although this happens in some situations, clear articulation of the matter by the researcher taking into account of such possibilities can help reduce such instances. During interview, the researcher is able to investigate emotions of the respondent (Axinn, 2006). As discussed earlier, through the aid of other disciplines such as psychology and sociology, researcher is able to understand and interpret interviewer’s emotions. This can help in conclusions of the kind of a person the respondent is. If it is critical to have further investigation, such information can be used to clearly identify the suspect. According to Siegel (2012) most rape offenders posses the trait of insensitivity for others. During interviews, the researcher can identify such information depending on how they respond to questions. For instance, the researcher can be able to identify if the respondent is sensitive toward others. In addition, rape suspects posses vicious behaviors. For example, they utter things like “that’s how the game is played.” Such people have an arrogance tone and would always want to make the respondent feel bad and not cooperating or not correctly responding to the questions. In most cases, they have negative comments and behaviors. During interview, the researcher would also be able to learn the hostility of the respondent. This is critical in that most rapists use hostile and threatening language. For instance, the researcher may identify some abusive language where the suspect uses vague language when referring to women. Their views about women may include the use of language that portrays women as people who do not deserve respect. Characteristics of environments of suspects With the use of interviews and observation as methods of investigating suspects, several issues such as the kind of neighborhood that rapists reside can be identified. Different circumstances that make people engage into such crimes can also be identified. In this regard, the following information can be identified, which would be crucial in the identification of rape suspects. Drugs According to McCabe & Wauchope (2005), drugs play a big part in contributing to crime. Many suspects have been found to have engaged in drugs. Drugs have been found to influence people’s behaviors and mostly in a negative way. That is why most of the rape suspects have been found to have had taken certain drugs before committing the crime. Therefore, when this is identified as the one of the cause, law enforcement officers can be provided with information on known drug areas where suspects could be residing. Poverty Due to poverty, many people engage in antisocial behavior including crime. Rape rates have been found to be high in poor communities. As a result of desperation due to lack of means of surviving, some people decide to engage in crimes such as rape in order to divert their anger to that course. In addition, due to poverty, many girls and women turn to prostitution, something that increases their vulnerability to rape (Siegel, 2012). It is also apparent that due to poverty, many people undergo different challenges including violence and this has been found to highly contribute to psychological behaviors that encourage antisocial behaviors such as rape. Most of these instances are seen to happen to children who are brought up in hostile environments and as they grow up, the develop hostility. Instances of domestic violence where father frequently butters the mother, children develop some culture of hate and denial. That is why many instances of violence mostly characterized by threats are recorded during rape instances. In another dimension, poor parenting has also been found to contribute to bad behaviors of the youth. This happens when parents are not able to rear their children in as required. Such children end up engaging in many crimes including rape. With such deliberations on the discoveries that can be made by using interviews and observation methods of investigating suspects, it is apparent that the law enforcement agents can use such information in designing the right programs and mechanisms of dealing with rape. As noted earlier, through observation and interview, the researcher is able to gather information that can lead to deeper scrutiny of the suspect. In turn, the suspect can disclose vital information in regard to their history of crime. Such information can be used by the law enforcement information to make correct recommendation to agents such as correction facilities on the best ways of rehabilitating such people. With the information from such respondents that provides accounts of what happened for them to engage in rape, researchers can have clear profile of what a rape behaves. Such information can be used in identifying other rape suspects that may not be willing to disclose or open up to researchers. Observation to comprehend rape suspect behavior Apparently, continuous research pertaining to the law enforcement field of possible rape suspects has also concentrated on observation as a way in which behaviors related to the rapists could be intensely measured. According to Siegel 2012, it is widely known that most of individuals who have been confirmed as rape suspects suffer from psychological and social disorders during their prolife. As such, the use of observation could be used to distinguish their behavior from the rest of the society. Through observation, it is easier to learn some of the non verbal expressions that are practiced by rape suspects. It is indispensable noting that due to their psychological disorders, these individuals have the tendency to belittle other members of the society through making habitual comments that are aimed at disregarding other members of the society. Moreover, they are to some extent seen as having a superiority attitude, which denotes that they are more superior, compared to the opposite gender, different race and other related issues. Similarly, non verbal expressions maybe used to demonstrate the emotional behaviors of such individuals. This is so since, it is believed that individuals of such caliber are short tempered, and the remedy of such people towards their emotions maybe targeting to reciprocate their anger on rape victims (McCabe & Wauchope, 2005). Furthermore, observation is crucial in determining the kind of company rape suspects get involved with. Since, the individuals are experiencing social disorders, it is likely that they will relate with similar minds to find comfort. These social groups are made up of alcohol and drug abusers. Numerous studies have indicated that most rape suspects are addicted to alcohol and drugs and as a result find pleasure hiding in them particularly when they are about to commit such heinous acts. Of importance to note is that, most rape cases involve alcohol (Kiesler, 2000). However, some people may argue that this cannot be a reliable way of clearly identifying suspects on the basis of who their friends are because not every friend of a criminal behaves the way the criminal does. As stipulated in many research findings, observation has been regarded as one way of gathering information that becomes permanently entrenched in the mind of the observer. Basically, the observer may decide to visit specific parts of the community that are prone to have a larger percentage of rape suspects or those that have social settings that are alleged related to such kind of social ills. Equally, the social settings should demonstrate various levels of mentality in people. For instance, a social setting dominated by gorilla mentality people is highly likely to promote acceptance and encouragement of violence and other relates anti social behavior. Additionally, the mentality has both positive reinforcement, and out and out applause due to aggressiveness and associated violence. McCabe & Wauchope (2005) argue that the necessity to have observation taken down to the community level is mostly used to gather a variety of data by observing the main activities that are carried out by the members in regard to political, social, and economic grounds. Such kind of information is meant to give a clear explanation on what most of the individuals who are not economically engaged are likely to do as alternative ways to release their anger, idleness among other social illnesses. Observation may be used in a more appropriate way as compared to interview. In most cases, participants in interview session may experience high rates of reactivity emanating from the questions that have been put through to them. As a result, observation is crucial in increasing the law enforcement field for rape suspects by studying the behavior of a certain group of people. Nevertheless, when these behaviors are observed consistently, then it demonstrates the individuals are capable of habitually using that language which lays the possibility of being suspected as one among many who concentrate more on social ills such as rape. Opponents may decide that the only way to obtain credible information is by using evidence and information given by victims and that this method can only rely on other sources to aid investigation. Conclusion With many deliberations on the contribution of interviews and observation in helping the law enforcement identify suspects, it is apparent that these research tools are critical. With the help of other disciplines such as psychology and sociology, the law enforcers can easily identify rape suspects depending on the knowledge given by these disciplines. The belief by opponents of this method of investigation that it cannot lead to identification of the suspects due to lack of evidence is not accurate because researchers can use the information provided by respondents in drawing conclusions that can lead to arrest of actual perpetrators. : Kiesler, D. (2000). Beyond the disease model of mental disorders. Westport, Conn.: Praege. McCabe, M. & Wauchope, M.(2005). Behavioural characteristics of rapists. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 11 (3), 235 -247 Siegel, L. (2012). Criminology. Belmont: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. Green, J. (2005). Principles of social research. Maidenhead; New York, NY: Open University Press. Pratt, B. (1992). Choosing research methods: data collection for development workers. Oxford: Oxfam. Axinn, W. (2006). Mixed method data collection strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Read More
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