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Alcoholic Drinking Age - Coursework Example

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The author of this coursework "Alcoholic Drinking Age" describes the legal age for consuming alcohol.  The paper outlines measures of government that control this law in the USA. …
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Alcoholic Drinking Age
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of the of the of the Alcohol Drinking Age The legal age for consuming alcohol should be reduced to 18 years. What should be the legal drinking age is a widely debated issue in the US. There are quite a large number of people who are in favor of lowering it to 18 years. It has been suggested that young adults should be allowed to consume alcohol in restaurants and pubs, under controlled conditions. If such initiatives are implemented, it is anticipated that it will be possible to teach responsible drinking habits to these young adults (Engs). Several research studies had been conducted, which had been based on youth of college going age and the history of alcohol consumption in the US and other cultures. These studies revealed that role modeling and suitably designed education programs could inculcate responsible drinking among the youth (Engs). The US, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Palau have stipulated an age of 21 years as the legal drinking age. A few of the other countries have not established any specific legal age for drinking alcohol (Balko). On the other hand some of the countries have fixed the legal drinking age at 18 years, while a few others have specified the statutory drinking age as 16 years (ICAP). Young adults are of the opinion that prohibition legislation is unjust. Many of these individuals violate the law, and this tendency to violate the law culminated in disrespect for law as such (Kyvig 116). A group of academicians, in the year 2008, thrust upon the US public a very cogent topic of debate. It was their firm conviction that the lower limit of 21 years for legal drinking had not been successful. There has been a steady increase in the number of youth, less than 21 years of age, who consume alcohol. Such increase in the consumption of alcohol has proved to be independent of gender. It is necessary for the concerned authorities to realize that the extant prohibition policy is not in touch with the reality (McCardell). Merely prohibiting young adults from consuming alcohol merely compels them to drink clandestinely. In the US, there had been attempts to implement prohibition laws, twice in the past. These endeavors were aimed at controlling the problems caused by irresponsible drinking. The first of these was the state prohibition of the 1850s and the second was the National Prohibition legislation of the 1920s. These attempts at prohibition proved to be futile, because they generated a number of social problems (Engs). As such, these pieces of legislation remained unenforceable and were subsequently repealed. These attempts suggest that prohibition for the youth, who are less than 21 years of age, would not be successful in the US. Violation of prohibition laws is widely apparent among college and university students, and it is prominent to a greater degree among students below the age of 21 years. Such students are more likely to consume large quantities of alcohol (Engs). Research findings indicate that around 22% of students under the age of 21 years are heavy drinkers. This was seen to be just 18% among students above the age of 21 years. There has been a steady decline in the variables related to drinking and driving from the 1980s. This phenomenon has been assumed to be related to the corresponding decrease in the per capita consumption of alcohol, among university students, during this period (Engs). This trend is unrelated to the enactment of the national prohibition legislation in 1987, because this decline was noticed prior to the enactment of the national prohibition law. Under this law, states were required to implement laws that prohibited the sale of alcohol to people whose age was less than 21 years (Engs). Alcohol consumption related problems are found to be less among certain cultures and groups. For instance, the rate of alcohol consumption is lower among Italians, Greeks, Chinese, and Jews. It has been suggested that the US should adopt alternate approaches to deal with drinking problems, and that these measures should be based on the experience of these ancient cultures (Engs). Young adults learn the responsible alcohol drinking behavior from their parents and other adults. It is indispensable for the youth to realize that society believes in responsible drinking. The imposition of an age limit of 21 years on drinking, has apparently failed (Engs). Consequently, the prohibition laws have to be suitably modified and people should be taught to drink in a responsible manner Those who favor a reduction in the legal drinking age, recommend the lower age limit for legal drinking to be fixed at 18 years. It has rightly been pointed out by them that if an 18 year old can cast a vote and fight for the sake of the country, by joining the armed forces, then that individual is justified in legally purchasing and consuming alcohol (Trapp 78). On the other hand, those who oppose drinking among the youth contend that these people are less tolerant to alcohol than adults. However, this is a debatable point and it can be surmised that tolerance to alcohol is independent of the age of the person consuming alcohol. This is fundamentally an issue that relates to the responsibility exhibited by an individual. Thus, people who drink alcohol in a responsible manner will be more tolerant towards it. Parents and other adults in the family should teach the adolescents and youth in the family to be tolerant and to behave in a responsible manner. This will ensure responsible drinking among these individuals. A person, under the age of 21 years tends to view alcohol as a forbidden pleasure. Naturally, this generates tremendous curiosity and encourages the youth to drink on the sly. By legalizing drinking for people who are 18 years or older this unwelcome trend can be curbed. The absence of curiosity will change the perception of the youth towards alcohol and develop responsible drinking. In the college environment, the senior students assume the position of role models for the junior students. The latter are generally now permitted to consume alcohol during celebrations conducted in the college, whereas the senior students consume alcohol without any restriction. This tends to make the junior students drink immoderately. The outcome of this situation is grave and could even result in deaths (International Center for Alcohol Policies). Such problems are negligible in countries whose legal drinking age is lower than that of the US. Some examples are Italy, Greece, and China. Lowering the age of legal drinking will mitigate many problems among students, in educational institutions (International Center for Alcohol Policies). Moreover, reducing the legal drinking age to 18 years prevents several problems that result from the consumption of alcohol. When individuals aged 18 years and above are permitted to drink in public, the police and health workers can monitor the drinking behavior of these young adults. Supervision by adults helps the youth to address the problems that arise in the initial stages of drinking. Educational institutions find it difficult to control alcohol consumption by students, who are below the age of 21 years. Prohibiting the consumption of alcohol among these students tends to worsen the problem. It is the considered opinion of the authorities of these institutions that lowering the drinking age to 18 years, would ameliorate this problem to a significant extent (College presidents seek drinking age debate). Therefore, lowering the legal drinking age would be of great help to educational institutions in reducing the number of alcohol related deaths. The prohibition of alcohol consumption, among those who are less than 21 years of age leads to a number of serious problems. Such individuals drink to excess, whenever they get an opportunity, and this in turn has grave consequences. With the exception of 4 countries, of which the US is one, most of the nations have an age limit of 18 years or less, or no age limit whatsoever, with regard to the minimum legal drinking age. This is perceived as unjust and prejudicial, by the youth of the US. It is to be clearly understood that the consumption of alcohol is an essential feature of life in the US. In this environment, it is futile to stubbornly insist upon a minimum age limit of 21 years for legal drinking (Nelson). On the other hand, proponents of a higher minimum age requirement for legal drinking contend that the 21 years legal drinking age should not be lowered. In support of this argument they state that a higher age limit effectively prevents deaths caused by irresponsible drinking. Underage drinking is believed to increase life – threatening consequences for young adults (The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered). Moreover, universities, colleges, and parents would find it difficult to control young people, who indulge in irresponsible drinking. As such, the existing legal age requirement should be continued to protect youth from a number of alcohol related problems. Strictly, speaking, the youth should not be exposed to the harmful effects of alcohol at a lower age (The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered). Insisting upon a higher drinking age secures several benefits to society. Thus, the Department of Transport has come out with the observation that a higher drinking age prevents more than one thousand deaths each year. These deaths have been perceived to be the result of excessive and irresponsible drinking. As such, the prohibition legislation can be termed as a lifesaving law (The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered). The US Congress increased the national minimum legal drinking age to 21 years, in the year 1984. Since that year a large number of lives have been saved. There is wide spread opposition from the general public against efforts to lower the legal drinking age. In a survey conducted in 2008, more than 72% of the participants stated that the legal age for drinking should not be lowered. The existing 21 years requirement should be continued, and the youth should be denied access to alcohol (The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered). A mere 14% of the respondents were in agreement with the contention that lowering the age limit for legal drinking would reduce the binge drinking problem among youth. The findings of more than fifty nationwide surveys revealed that the 21 year requirement had saved a substantial number of lives. Furthermore, youth below 21 years are prone to developing addiction to alcohol, because they have less tolerance in comparison to people who are older than 21 years (The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered). However, teenagers drink heavily when they get an opportunity to do so, because they do not obtain legal access to alcohol until they are 21 year old. People who are 18 years of age or older are treated as adults by the law. Surprisingly, such individuals are not allowed to consume alcohol, under the pretext that they are incapable of making decisions. There is no sanctity in fixing 21 years as the minimum legal age for consuming alcohol. In addition, a person who is 18 years old can marry legally, but he cannot drink. This is ridiculous in the extreme. Research studies have shown that 22% of all the students under the age of 21 years are heavy drinkers; and 32% of all underage drinkers are heavy drinkers. On the other hand, heavy drinkers among those above the age of 21 years are just 24% (Karg). When a person is considered as an adult at the age of 18 for all practical purposes by the law, there is no valid reason for placing a restriction on drinking, at that age. Teenagers consider drinking as the sign of adulthood. As such, 18 year old individuals are more likely to drink, in order to demonstrate that they are adults. The craving to drink is very strong among these youth and they will go to any extent to indulge in drink. It is not possible to prevent such drinking and past experience clearly indicates that it cannot be eradicated by means of legislation. Those who oppose a lowering of the legal drinking age from 21 to 18 years refer to research studies that suggest a detriment to the development of the brain. Thus, in the year 2002, the American Medical Association published an important report in this area. This area states that adolescents and youth who drink could end up with brain damage of a more or less permanent nature. The results of such damage could include, a reduction in memory, reasoning power and the capacity to learn (McMullen 341). These debilitating effects on learning and memory are more pronounced among the adolescents and youth who indulge in the consumption of alcohol. It has been declared by the American Medical Association that these effects took place on consuming just half of what was necessary for producing the same effect in adults. In a related study conducted in the University of Pittsburgh it was noticed that girls in the age range of 14 to 21 years, who consumed alcohol in immoderate amounts, had smaller hippocampi than girls who did not drink (McMullen 341). However, it is to be borne in mind that this research does not establish whether heavy drinking results in a shrinking of the hippocampus; or whether the presence of a shrunken hippocampus leads to a craving for alcohol. There are several factors that cause memory impairment and learning difficulties among girls, such as the abuse of intoxicants, hormonal changes or eating habits. Another argument against reducing the legal drinking age is that a lower limit of 21 years, serves to protect society from drunken drivers. This contention has been borne out to some degree by the data relating to serious traffic accidents caused by young drivers under the influence of drink. Moreover, it is believed that juvenile crime could be controlled to an appreciable extent by not reducing the legal drinking age. In addition, alcohol has been seen to be a crucial feature of teenage deaths resulting from accidents, suicide and homicide (McMullen 343). The removal of inhibitions among those who consume alcohol has many outcomes. For instance, youth who drink take greater risks and many of them have been seen to engage in unprotected intercourse, acquaintance sexual molestation, suicide and other forms of violence. Furthermore, it is to be understood that adolescence is characterized by considerable mental turbulence and turmoil. This could cause drunkenness, and unconventional behavior. As such, a large number of people under the legal drinking age consume alcohol on a regular basis (McMullen 343). These undesirable outcomes can be eliminated by suitably educating the youth and adolescents. Several factors have contributed to the decrease of drinking and driving problems. Hence, it cannot be attributed exclusively to the enhancement of the legal age for the purchase of alcohol. Some of the factors, responsible for this decrease are, education programs, public awareness programs, designated driver systems, lower speed limits, increased usage of seat belt and air bags, better designed automobiles that boast of increased safety measures, and the provision of free taxi services by establishments that purvey alcoholic drinks. It can be surmised that lowering the age of drinking will not cause any additional problems. Hence the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 years. Works Cited Balko, Radley. "Straight Talk: Time to Rethink the Drinking Age." 11 April 2007. Web. foxnews. 31 May 2011. "College presidents seek drinking age debate." 19 August 2008. Web. msnbc. 30 May 2011. Engs, Ruth C. Why the drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research. 20 March 1998. Web. 28 May 2011. ICAP. "Minimum Age Limits Worldwide." January 2010. Web. ICAP. 31 May 2011. International Center for Alcohol Policies. "Drinking Age Limits." March 2002. Web. 30 May 2011. Karg, Jeff. "Underage Drinking." n.d. Web. 30 May 2011. Kyvig, David E. Repealing national prohibition. Kent State University Press, 2000. Print. McCardell, John M. "Commentary: Drinking age of 21 doesnt work." 16 September 2009. Web. CNN Politics. 31 May 2011. McMullen, Judith G. "Underage Drinking: Does Current Policy Make Sense." Lewis & Clark Law Review 10 (2006): 333 – 365. Print. Nelson, David E. "The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered." 2011. Web. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. 31 May 2011. "The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered." 2011. Web. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. 31 May 2011. Trapp, Robert. The debatabase book: a must-have guide for successful debate. IDEA, 2009. Print. Read More
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Alcoholic Drinking Age Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 Words.
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