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Policing in a Democratic Society - Assignment Example

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Corruption prevails readily in the absence of democracy. Exercise of power by corrupt police officers is particularly threatening for stability of society and safety of public. This essay…
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Policing in a Democratic Society
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Finally, the essay will explore some ideas for eradication of the weaknesses encountered in the police structure. Following a rising rate of crime and threats to national and international security, the role of the police has been repeatedly questioned by the public. This questioning of the role played by the police is quite natural. This is because the police structure is supposed to protect the public. This is the entire social purpose of this structure. Usually, it is thought that the principle or objective of the police structure is criminal law enforcement.

But, it is forgotten that most of the duties are related to order maintenance (Walker & Katz, 2012, p. 4). This is why both good protection of public interests and enforcement of law should translate into a dwindling rate of crime and threats. But, the real situation is opposite which is largely due to the fact that power is often not exercised in accordance with democratic principles. More attention is focused on reinforcing the crime-fighter image than maintaining order in society. The police do so to create this impression on the public that “they, and they alone, could control” (Walker & Katz, 2012, p. 7). One of the most important principles of democratic policing is to use the authority delegated to the police by the state in the best interests of common people.

When power is used by the capitalist class to control the working class or to monopolize their resources, democracy is threatened. Any problem brought to the police by a common person should be valued and addressed just as much as a problem brought by a person in high position. Unfortunately, this does not happen actually which is a great weakness of the police structure. More importance is attached to influential people by the police than to common people who lack resources. Also, more people with disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds are put

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