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Older Peoples' Experiences Of Crime - Research Paper Example

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The purpose of the present study is to find if there exists any relationship between age group on the one hand and nature of crime on the other.  The study was conducted within the theoretical framework of theories of crimes…
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Older Peoples Experiences Of Crime
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RESEARCH COMPONENT OLDER PEOPLES EXPERIENCES OF CRIME The purpose of the present study is to find if there exists any relationship between age group on the one hand and nature of crime on the other. The study was conducted within the theoretical framework of theories of crimes. The elderly people were the focus of present study. The following hypothesis was articulated for the present research on the basis of difference in the age-groups in a society leading towards difference in the nature of crimes against its individuals. The hypothesis states: “Older the people in a society, more the probability of being victim to white collar crimes” Interview schedule was used as the tool for the collection of data during the research process. The individuals belonging to both the genders were interviewed. After the research process, the hypothesis was upheld. INTRODUCTION Crime is a social phenomenon and exists in each and every culture of the world from the most primitive human tribes and clans to the modern contemporary society. With the increase in population of the world at large, the tribes and communities grew widely and developed into society. The crime rate also got its place along with the growth of civilization with an upward trend and increase. The need of rules and system was felt to preserve peace and harmony. Subsequently, social norms, mores and taboos were determined to bring regularity in society. Socio-cultural and political authorities came into being with the passage of time, to evade disturbance and control deviancy from the prescribed manners prevailing in some specific area. Punishment and penalties were implemented leading towards the formulation of the sets of laws and penal codes. Agencies were originated to cope with the individuals deteriorating the peace and stability of society. Abnormal attitude creating public nuisance was declared as crime against the state and its individuals. Durkheim views crime, states Coser (1977:141), as normal in terms of its occurrence, and even as having positive social functions in terms of its consequences. In his words: "Where crime exists, collective sentiments are sufficiently flexible to take on a new form, and crime sometimes helps to determine the form they will take. How many times, indeed, it is only an anticipation of future morality--a step toward what will be." As criminal behavior contains universality in its concept, it is not limited to one social class or age group only. Though there is no hard and fast rule for the victimization of specific crime on specific group, yet there are some types of pestering which can be attributed to particular group or class. The nature of crimes varies from one age group to the other. Also, there is diversity in respect of gender while enduring criminal behavior. For instance, crimes like sexual assaults, rape and abduction are inflicted upon women and children, and males are often victim of robbery and murder. In the same way, older people are usually victim of theft, embezzlement, robbery, misrepresentation and white collar crimes. “Although individuals may be abused”, McDonald and A. Collins view, “at virtually any life stage – childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age or old age – the nature and consequences of abuse may differ depending on an individual’s situation. Older adults’ experiences of abuse, for example, may be related to their living arrangement (they may be living alone, with family members or others, or in an institution). Their experiences may also be linked to their level of reliance on others, including family members or other care providers, for assistance and support in daily living.” (Quoted in Abuse of Older Adults: the Department of Justice Canada). Abuse against the old people is exercised by their close relatives is most likely related to financial losses and embezzlements. They are seldom fearful of the assault that may hurt them physically. On the other hand, they have such experiences from the strangers who can take even their life on not complying with their demands. “Abuse of older adults” writes Department of Justice, “refers to violence, mistreatment or neglect that older adults living in either private residences or institutions may experience at the hands of their spouses, children, other family members, caregivers, service providers or other individuals in situations of power or trust.” The members of the family impose undue influence on the elderly and display psychological black mailing to cheat the older. The elderly are the people who are not strong enough to defend themselves properly. Also, it is a major problem for them to live and take care of themselves properly without the help of other members of society. Especially those who look after the older people are surely aware of the weaknesses of these poor fellows. They know how to exercise emotional and psychological black mailing with them. Also, they sometimes pose as reluctant to give services to the elderly to get undue influence. The services they give include providing and preparing food for them, take them to wash room, make arrangements for their cleanliness and entertainments etc. Both care centers and family are involved in crimes against the older. They misguide the senior citizens to sign a draft for a project or scheme that can give benefit to them. Unfortunately, they cannot comprehend the conspiracy behind the scheme and suffer it seriously after the game is over. It is not only the financial embezzlement which is experienced by the elder citizens. Also, they face robbery, theft, burglary and car snatching while the course of life. Most of the time, crime is committed very near to the residences of the older people. Even servants and maids are involved to break into the houses of the elder public. Many a times, such medicines are given to the old masters by the care takers that can drag them towards unconsciousness or intoxication. This is usually a golden chance to do something wrong with them. “Senior citizen”, Moosa observes, “are dependent on the care takers and every time, they are fearful lest these care takers and attendants abandon them in a state of isolation. The prickliest thing for them is the concept of living in a state of loneliness leading a companionless life with twenty four hour terrifying moments and ugly face of solitude.” (2002:93) Since the member of family are considered very close ones, and they can seldom be doubted. Under this unshakeable trust, the elders are made fools. Neighbors as well as medical and legal advisors are also among the offenders responsible for adding the miseries of the old people. “The tactics offenders use, observes Johnson, “include deceit, coercion, intimidation, emotional abuse, or empty promises of lifelong care. Further, they usually try to isolate the victim from friends, family, and other concerned parties. By doing so, they prevent others from asking about the elders well-being or relationship with the offender prevents the elder from consulting with others on important financial decisions, and, perhaps most tragically, give the elder the impression that no one else cares about him or her”. Furthermore, crimes are committed on the basis of ethnicity, race and religion. According to a research conducted my Moosa (2002: 147) reveals the very fact that older people are the special target of the fanatic racist and extremists. The black people, according to him, are the special target of the white racists. They view the aged as weak people and get an easy victim of the fanatics. In most of the cases, these fanatics physically hit them to get severe harm creating a precarious situation for the whole community.” The deplorable situation of the older people is instigated by the habitual criminals and car robbers. They are the major victim to street crimes. These crimes usually happen outside the residences of old people. Many a times, such criminal stop these persons for asking the way or address of nearby colony or house. As soon as they get out of the car, or open the window, they get deprived of their car, mobile phone and money etc on gun point. Lottery system and fake mails also trap the elderly people. The mails offering medical remedies against some specific medicine or herbal device can ensnare the old people very trick fully. Older people are mostly suffering from one type of illness or the other. The fake addresses and e-mails are used for this purpose. The senior citizens lose their money by paying for the medicines they do not get at all. “Money and property crimes”, states the columnist in Crime & Older People “come in many forms and are a big problem. Older people may be victims of consumer fraud such as con games or insurance scams. Even family members or friends can sometimes steal an older persons money or property.” Statement of the Problem The aim of the present study was to find whether there is any relationship between old age and financial crimes. It has often been thought that the senior citizens are more likely the victims of crimes related to fraudulence, coercion, misrepresentation and burglary. The main reasons for being the victim to such crimes include decline of physical and mental strength as well as lack of newly announced schemes and enactments. Further, older people can easily be tempted to try their luck into schemes that can give them immediate profits without hard efforts or investing huge amount of money. Also, it becomes a bit difficult for them to make differentiation between loyal and disloyal relatives due to bad health or lack of mental capabilities. Also, they can easily be threatened by coercion to submit to the instructions of the assailant. Sociological Significance of the Problem Older people make up significant proportion of our society. Senior citizens are as important as the young and adult individuals. They have made a large share in the progress and economy of society. Their services are not less than those of rendered by the young stratum. Though young and adult individuals are thought to be the major prey to criminal assaults, yet the sufferings of the older people cannot be ignored at all. There safety and protection is also the responsibility of the state. Under this situation a research was conducted on the topic older peoples’ experiences of crime to detect the nature of mistreatment with the elderly by criminals and remedies for that all. The following hypothesis was formulated: “Older the people in a society, more the probability of being victim to white collar crimes” Concepts: To completely comprehend the problem under study, it would be advisable to explain the concepts within the hypothesis. 1- Older People: The concept “Older people” means the senior citizens of the society who have crossed the fifty-five years of age, but are healthy enough to live independently and can make shopping and take other decisions related to pecuniary and maintain their finances. 2- Society: Society can be defined as a large group of people having a distinguishing cultural and economic organization. 3- Victimization of Crime: Victimization is an act of cheating or doing something criminal with a member of society to harm or hurt him physically, mentally or financially. 4- White collar crimes: White collar crimes include theft, fraudulence, cheating, misrepresentation, embezzlements and commercial crimes to make the victim deprived of his financial belongings or assets. Variables There were selected two variables in the present study. These include: 1- Independent variable: The research was conducted on the elderly group of society. So, the independent variable is the older people. Here the persons of the age fifty five or over have been taken as independent variable. 2- Dependent variable: The present study was articulated to define the crimes suffered by the elderly. Thus, victimization of white collar crimes is taken as dependent variable. Research Procedure 1- Universe: As the researcher is the student of Greenwich University, London, the respondents of the present research were selected from the elderly people of London. Two hundred individuals were interviewed by the researcher to find out the results and concluding the problem. 2- Sampling: Quota/non-probability sampling was implied to represent different socioeconomic classes of the society. The research was comprised of elderly persons from middle and lower classes. Both the sexes were the respondents, though an over-whelming majority consisted of male respondents. Two types of victims were found. The first category belonged to the elders who were the victims of the crimes committed by the strangers. On the other hand, the second category comprised of the elderly affected and cheated by their own relations and kinsmen. 3- Tool for Data Collection: Interview-schedule was applied as a research tool to gather the data from the respondents. Interview schedule consisted of fifty nine questions and had been divided into three parts. First part was about the general enquiry including the questions related to age, sex, profession and other basic information. Second portion of the study was formulated to professional life and surroundings of the victims as well as the atmosphere in which they were leading their lives and the difficulties faced by them. The final section represented the crimes prevailing in their surroundings and the situation under which they got victimized. 4- Pre-testing: Pre-testing was conducted to draw out errors and flaws in the interview schedule. At first, twenty one individuals were interviewed and slight changes were made in questions after the pre-testing. 5- Field Experiences: The researcher conducted his research while conducting interviews after getting statistical data from the home department to have an easy access to the victims of crimes. Sixty four respondents were living independently at rented flats and apartments while thirty six of them were leading their lives in care homes. Most of the respondents were reluctant while giving details of their own mistakes leading towards their miseries, while they condemned the criminal assaults and criticized the law and order situation. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The research was conducted using quota sampling and the researcher visited care homes, hospitals and residential areas. The residential areas included houses, flats and apartments. It was found that the age group from sixty five to seventy two years was the most affected one by the crimes related to property sale and financial embezzlement. An overwhelming majority was found frightened by the meanness of the attending person(s). Nearly one fourth of the respondents deplored over the selfishness of bank officers and legal advisors. Talking about the attitude of the family, women respondents were more annoyed by the treachery of their sons and complained of their tricks exercised by exploiting the victims emotionally. About 60% of the female respondents admitted that they were far safer in the life of their husband than leading a widowed life and no body could dodge or deceive them in the presence of husband. On the other hand, male respondents complained about the narrow sightedness of their spouses leading towards tragedy of fraudulence. While discussing the incidents of robbery, a very large majority i.e. 76% respondents declared the safety measures introduced by the government insufficient and awkward. Furthermore, they expressed their grief on not looking into the pathetic situation of the older people in care houses. More than half of the respondents felt it very uncomfortable to spend their days in care houses. They thought loneliness better than nursing centers. The female respondents, though, felt better in the company of nurses. The slight proportion i.e. 18% respondents from females did not believe in blood relationships. They called it mere mockers and monstrous rather their children who had hand in their miseries. Discussing about street crimes, majority of the respondents lost their mobile phones and auto cars on gun point by the teenager criminals. One fourth of the respondents living in flats declared their neighbors responsible for the robbery committed by the criminals, as the neighbors knew the routine hours of the victims. An overwhelming majority called the youngsters of the street as cheaters and burglars who committed mischievous due to lack of socialization and absence of proper training by the parents. The respondents from the age group between 57 and 65 were mostly the victims of schemes and advertisements through electronic media and internet. Nearly two thirds of them lost their money while paying for some newly introduced welfare schemes from the fake companies. A very large majority i.e. 71% of the older respondents were stolen in the name of charitable acts. Female respondents were the big prey to such charities in comparison with the male folk. The respondents were not satisfied with the behavior of their medical advisors. They viewed the doctors responsible for the addiction towards medicine. Further, they considered that it was their medical attendant who conveyed the details about their falling health to their family to get their own share in the treachery. The prize scheme introduced payment through internet. And older people greedily participated in such prize schemes. Though they did not admit their negligence or state of greed while investing in such anonymous schemes, yet they could not deny the fault altogether. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION It is the moral and ethical obligation of us all to make such an atmosphere where the older can feel free while their mobilization and get involved into different types of socioeconomic activities. We must pay respect to our elderly stratum and can bring into the notice of the law enforcing agencies if we have knowledge about fake schemes and advertisement which look apparently lucrative and beneficial, but end in smoke altogether leaving remorse and repentance behind them. Further, the relatives must ponder on what harms are they doing with their own members of family. Moreover, the elderly should be trained and taught in such a way that they can evade the nasty plans of the criminal minded persons. REFERENCES Canada. Health Canada. Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: A Discussion Paper. Prepared by L. McDonald and A. Collins for the Family Violence Prevention Unit (Ottawa: Health Canada, 2000): Lewis A. Coser. Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context, 2nd Ed., Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1977 "Crime and Older People," U.S.DHHS, National Institute on Aging. Kelly Dedel Johnson, (1996) Financial Crimes Against the Elderly. A report submitted to Center for Protection of Elder People. Mossa, M.A. (2002). The Miseries of the Elderly. An unpublished research report submitted to the Department of Criminology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Read More
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