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Immigration law - Case Study Example

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Sonia wants to come for medical treatment. She doesn’t know how long the treatment will take: Sonia is not an EEA national, so she would not be provided medical treatment on the National Health Service (NHS) (Sedwill 2007)…
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Immigration law
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Sonia wants to come for medical treatment. She doesn’t know how long the treatment will take: Sonia is not an EEA national, so she would not be provided medical treatment on the National Health Service (NHS) (Sedwill 2007). She would be denied entry to UK on this basis. To gain entry to UK, she will have to arrange for private treatment, for which she will have to pay for herself without the need to work during her stay. She will also not be funded through the public funds (Sedwill 2007). She will be required to provide a confirmation of her arrangements.

She will have to specify the exact duration of her treatment to get the visa, without which she would not be able to get her visa extended after 6 months of her stay. Also a letter from a doctor would be required, stating the exact nature of her treatment and the duration. A confirmation would be needed that she would leave the Country after the treatment.b)Kristina wants to come and help care for her new-born grand-daughter: Kristina will enter UK on a visitor visa, which allows her to stay in the country for just six months (Sedwill 2007).

Hence, she cannot stay any longer for the purpose that she is going, unless she applies for a multiple-entry visa. Her sponsors (her relatives) will need to provide a letter of sponsorship (Sedwill 2007), stating their relation with her. Kristina, being ineligible to paid jobs and funding by the public funds, will have to provide confirmation of financing her own trip, unless her sponsors decide to finance her trip. c) Justin wants to visit his brother who is an asylum seeker: Justin's brother is under protection by the UK Government (BBC News 1999).

To gain entry in UK to meet his brother, Justin will have to get a visitor visa that will allow him to stay in UK for 6 months, and he must provide a confirmation that he will leave the country after that duration is over. He will be required to provide an evidence of his relation with his brother (Sedwill 2007), and before he can get the clearance, a confirmation by the Government of UK proving the asylum-status of his brother, and a permission letter to Justin by the immigration officer would be needed, allowing him to visit his brother.

Justin will have to provide a confirmation, in the form of a financial statement, that he will be able to support his stay by his own means. As his brother is under protected custody (BBC News 1999), being a non-EEA national, Justin will have to provide a certificate of approval, without which he will be denied entry in UK as a visitor to an asylum seeker.d) Gregory has been accepted to do a university course. His English is poor: to enter UK as a student, Gregory needs to provide all the documents to prove his eligibility as a prospective student (Sedwill 2007).

He needs to provide a student visa issued by the university which should be a recognized institution, along with a letter from that university confirming his admission and stating the charges for the study course. He needs to

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