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1 Law Enforcement Deviation The CRASH team was permitted to function in a tyrannical environment. They had no guidelines, no supervision, and no checks and balances, either among themselves or from their "command" supervisors. They were mavericks whose primary and only objective was to make the collar, which would ostensibly reduce crime. They considered themselves to be the "law"; they routinely used extreme force, planed evidence on suspects, pilfered documented police evidence, committed bank robbery, attempted murder, delaying emergency notification of causalities involved in police action, and perjury.
To them the end justified the means. Members of the crash team acculturated the attitude around which they personified the "us" against "them" mentality. (Rampart) From a socio-psychological standpoint, much of what an individual perceives, says and does emanates from his or her personal attitude; CRASH ( Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums) team members were commissioned to fight crime against gang members, individuals who were labeled as "hoodlums". As such the alleged perpetrators were not regarded as citizens who were protected by constitutional safeguards.
The CRASH team attitudes towards the community was confrontational and antagonistic, particularly towards those individuals which the team stratified within the targeted group. Unfortunately the numbers game provided validity to the CRASH teams vigilante tactics; the Rampart report cited that "crimes in Rampart area fell from 1171 in 1992 to 464 for 1999, a reduction that exceeded the city-wide decline in violent crime over the same period" (Rampart) The CRASH team presented a record reduction of close to 61%, which in anyone's assessment is a compelling statistic.
To be sure, it was convincing in the minds eye of the mayor and other city and police officials, and for sometime served as a mitigator for allegations of team members 2 misconduct, as all of the powers that be, developed a posture of "no see", "no talk", "no hear", when confronted with addressing the renegades. Fact is the LAPD was so systematically dysfunctional, that its payroll was probably the only administrative function which it produced in a timely and orderly manner.
The LAPD lacks the overall organizational cohesiveness which is necessary to lead, administrate, supervise, coordinate and serve as protectors for the community of greater Los Angeles. As the CRASH team functioned with its own rules and a minimum, if any oversight and supervision, the overall LAPD operates outside of the stipulations of the charter, common sense and administrative prudence; from the absence of community coordination, to officer recruitment, training and supervision, the absence of trust and loyalty between upper management and the rank and file, high turnover, recruitment inequities and prolonged vacancies in civilian occupied position due to alienation.
Flawed imbalances in grievance procedures which have prompted allegations of favoritism. Inherent statutorial investigation procedural conflicts, which limit and inhibit suspected criminal inquiries of officer's misconduct. And a limited to non-existent civil dialogue engagement with the community-at-large. Clearly, the LAPD is a mess. The system is broken and badly needs to be repaired. The Rampart report offers a number of salient recommendations on an issue by issue basis.
I would be inclined to take their recommendations along with the charter and design a complete reorganization of the LAPD. My reorganization plan would address the dire need of how to apply those recommendations put forth by the Rampart report. It is an acceptable precept that instead of 3 continuously providing the beggar with fish to eat, that it is far more beneficial to teach him how to fish.
The Rampart report provides the bait, my reorganization plan would involve how to place the bait on the hook. We can and will accept the fact that there are both capable and we. meaning individuals within the LAPD who will do the right thing when and if they are presented with the proper tools which will arm them with sufficient skills and adequate time lines to accomplish the necessary tasks. Work Cited Rampart Report, Retrieved on line on July 22, 2006 from
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