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Enrollment at the University of Washington - Essay Example

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The paper "Enrollment at the University of Washington" describes that the program will enable the author to empower the law society and the community with knowledge and skills in issues like regulation, international governance, sustainability, and international governance…
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Enrollment at the University of Washington
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My name is Annie Kunzli, and I would hereby like to apply for enrollment at the University of Washington to pursue the LL.M. program concerned with Sustainable International Development Law. I currently work as a Labor Relations and Employment Law Senior Consultant at Drummond Company. The company I work for operates and owns the mining of coal and transportation infrastructure in Colombia.

As pertains to my academic qualifications, I pursued my high school education at Helvetia School in Bogota, Colombia between the years 1985 and 1999. I graduated with a French baccalaureate and a Colombian bachelor’s degree. Thereafter, I joined Javeriana University where I studied graduate attorney studies between the years 1999 and 2004. In the year 2005, I went to McGill University in Canada where I had my postgraduate studies and attained proficiency in Business Law and English. In 2007, I graduated from Andes University in Colombia with postgraduate studies in Colombian Business law. I later went to Javeriana University where I pursued Labor and Social Security Law. I graduated with a master's in labor Attorney. As a result of my diversification in areas of education, I can conveniently converse in Spanish. Moreover, being a Swiss national, I can competently converse in French and also converse in English as a fluent second language.

About my professional qualifications, I worked at Brigard & Urrutia Abogados in Colombia between April 2006 and July 2007. It is a law firm that specializes in labor and business law and has a repute of satisfaction to its customers due to the provision of high-quality legal services. I reported to a taxes manager and held the position of labor and Immigrant attorney. In my capacity, I was responsible for advising foreigners on legal issues in Colombia. I was also involved with human resource issues and aided in advising the clients about their immigration policies. I was also involved in the administration capacity as pertained to remuneration and compensation, labor proceedings, and immigration proceedings. I also executed settlement agreements between the clients we served. During my practice in this law firm, I was able to reorganize and manage immigration and human resource areas.

Thereafter, I worked at Posse, Herrera, Ruiz & Abogados between July 2007 and June 2008, a company that had a larger base of services; tax planning, litigation both local and international, acquisitions and mergers, and labor and immigration law. I was responsible for labor and immigration Attorney issues at social security, labor, and Immigration. I also gave legal insights into human resource issues and was able to achieve the opening of immigration and labor area of practice. Between January 2009 and May 2010, I held the position of Attorney in charge of the labor relations area and worked at ING Pension and Severance Fund Inc where I reported to the human resource manager. My responsibilities were similar to those carried out in my previous capacities hence making me more competent in the performance of my activities. In addition to then, I was also able to provide legal advice to foreigners and handled disciplinary proceedings of the firm and management functions. I was able to achieve pertained to controlling trade unions and aid in channeling the complaints of workers through working with labor relations.

It is with view of my interest in labor and social security law that I desire to pursue an LL.M. program at your institution. This is a result of the globalism of legal policies and legal practices. The global community of lawyers calls for the need for lawyers to comprehend legal issues that are beyond their scope. Learning of LL.M will enable me to be better equipped to not only serve that legal society with my vast knowledge but to also serve the community. This is because I will be more prepared and equipped to face the changing law world and the increasing requirements by society for a knowledgeable lawyer. 
Moreover, the learning mix provided by the organization makes it the best avenue to advance my law career prospects. This is because this training program inculcates both the students from the United States as well as other international students hence inculcating diversity and intercultural composition of law. This makes it easy to comprehend and practice international law especially since a fellow student can explain the regulations in his or her country in a language that is understood by others easily. Since the LL.M. incorporates the California and New York Bar courses, this will enable one to learn more about bar preparation for use in their future careers. My preferred track is Sustainable International Development Law. I look forward to pursuing my LL.M. track at your reputable organization. Thank you.

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