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Entertainment Law in the London Olympics - Term Paper Example

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The current paper will provide an overview of the list of various legal regulations made to ensure the London Olympics will take place in an organized matter. The writer suggests that people have to apply good conduct to ensure successful and interesting games during the entire period…
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Entertainment Law in the London Olympics
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?Entertainment law in the London Olympics The London Olympics is a spectacular event that enjoys huge attendance by people from all over the world. The people are compelled to attend the world event as it happens after a significantly long period of time. To many, attending such an event is a historic occasion that is highly rated in the world. In such an event, the outcome is significant which means that it needs a proper plan to achieve with plausible results. It is in the best interest of the management to plan for an event that will be interesting and entertaining to all players, spectators and viewers. Having a good plan for the events is just one of the basic steps toward making the event plausible and interesting. There are other factors that should be put into consideration depending on the amount of efforts needed. These are occasional factors that affect the ultimate outcome of the events as most people are likely to be affected. Since there will be a large turnout of people during the international event, business people will focus on the opportunity to make huge profits (Gillies 2004, p 63). The people in attendance will need basic services to make their stay bearable. Therefore, they will have to get the services from the business people in and around London. Though the businesses in the area may be temporary they will be of greater help to the concerned parties. The businesses will provide the services to the people at their opportune costs depending on their pricing. However, this should be done with due regard to the business laws that have been instituted by various entities. In any business deal there have to be laws that will govern the business that are occurring in the area. For instance the world has experienced unscrupulous business people that need to get lucrative amounts of cash from unsuspecting people. With such intensions they end up swindling the customers in the area. This is a negativity that should be unhilated totally by the concerned regulatory boards. In averting such occurrences, business laws have been set to improve on the situation. The business law is made to ensure the business in the London Olympics will be in an organized manner, which will ensure satisfactory results to the concerned parties (Emerson 2009, p 34-39). With such occurrences the organizers will appeal to the people making a reputable performance to any other games that are in the offing. Contract law To begin with, there are a number of constituents of the business law that should be put in place before the initial start of the London Olympic events. Since the events are set to begin on the 21st of July, there is need to have succinctly addressed reforms on the particular laws that will govern the London Olympics till the end of the Olympic games which are stated to end on the 9th of September. This is spectacular events that do not need an interruption from external parties as they are likely to disrupt the interests in the games. With such intentions the use of contract law will be applicable (Redfern 2004, p 39). The contract law is a binding between the business people and the organizers during their interaction in the event. There are various importances to this law. First the law states the time offer to the business people. Since the events are to take place in a period exceeding two months the contract law will define the time period. The contract law will end on the official closure of the events. This will declare the licenses offered null and void. Any other business after the expiry of the license will make it illegal. Therefore this law offers the time period of the business (Redfern 2004, p 97). On the other hand the business must state its intentions to do the business during the stated time in full. This is to ensure full disclosure of information to the management that is in the docket of offering the licenses. This will have a better approach toward the business that will be established in the event. Secondly, there will be acceptance of the business premises during the events. The law accepts the conjunction of the organizers and the business people to work in coordination (Emerson 2009, p 34-39). Immediately after the closure of the events on the 9th of September the acceptance will be deemed ineffective. In this case, the management of the events is not liable to any contract with the business people as their acceptance to the business is expired. To start another business in the same area there is need for a renewal of the contract pr making a new contract. The makers of the law, which includes the contracting management, sponsors, entertainment, broadcasters, venue and suppliers, will offer its considerations to the intended business (Gillies 2004, p 44). Since the management is in control of all the events in the place, it will be required to have considerable businesses in the area. When the business is considered by the contracting management, it is considered to conduct business during the London Olympics. However the consideration expires within the stipulated time. The considerations only last for a period of the stated time. Lastly the contact law will state the occasions when the businesses are to be terminated. This is in the event of breach of contract, damage or illegalities involved. In this law the management states the reason and terminates the business. After the termination of such an event the business is deemed illegal. Employee law The employee law is a vital law that will be used in the Olympic Games (Gillies 2004, p 63). This law will be used to control number of people on the venue. This includes stating the principles that are required of the workers. The workers, under employment law are required to work diligently for the employer as they are under the control of the employer. The law states that the employee and workers should work skillfully and in good faith. With such instances, the event will be guaranteed of special services from the employees. This makes the workers to provide efficient and effective services that offer satisfactory. This is an Area that is considered basic to the events and the artists that are attending the event. First, the security of the artists will be guaranteed since some workers are mandated to provide security during the event they are compelled to ensure all the artists are safe and secure. Secondly, the workers are required to keep the place environmental friendly and conducive to sporting events. This will reduce the effects of the environment and other materials to the attendance. Similarly, it will add the aesthetic value of the venue as it will be considered of world class approach. To enforce this law there are a number of people who are concerned. First, the employers are concerned with the law. This is due to the fact that the employers are directly involved in disbursing the payments of the employees. The employers have a mandate of dictating the salaries and wages that will be directed the employees making it a basic approach. Secondly the sponsors are involved in making the law and efficiently enforcing it. The sponsors have to be given various employees to work on their errands. Therefore, they have to make decisions over the legibility of the law. Lastly the event managers and owners have to make decisions accordingly. They will be highly involved in controlling the employees, making it a basic approach to enforce the laws. The laws will be applicable to a number of people (Goldman and Sigismond 2010, 102). First, the employees that are directly employed in the event, will be directly concerned with this laws. Since they are directly employed they will have to adhere to the stated rules and ensure they are acting accordingly to the law. Secondly, volunteer worker will be required to adhere to the law. Though they may not be rewarded they still have to focus on the law. Thirdly, the trainees will be required to adhere to the laws. The trainees are in a learning institution and will have to act accordingly. In enforcing this law, there are a number of considerations that are put in place. First, a breach of contract is a negative approach according to the law. Therefore, a breach of the law may lead to termination of the contract and eventual retrenchment. Secondly, absenteeism from work in consecutive manner is not allowed. Employees that do not attend to their work places risk losing their jobs as it is not allowed. Lastly, incompetence and unskillful working could lead to disqualification. This is a positive approach in ensuring work is done in an appropriate manner. Health and safety law This is the law that ensures the human race is safe from any dangers that could lead to ill health (Goldman and Sigismond 2010, 56). There are many instances in the events that could lead to ill health on the attendance if not given keen surveillance. First, the health and safety law ensures that the participants in the games are guaranteed of their safety. This is regard to the outdoor games, which frequently record human injuries. For instance, the participants of long jumps and high jumps have a safe landing. This is activities that could lead to fatal injuries, thereby need keen intervention from the concerned parties. Secondly, the environment should be conducive to human health. This will make a better approach to all the people in attendance as they will have lesser threats. For instance, all food serving points should be declared safe before any initial service to the attendance. This will reduce the risk of spreading diseases across the attendance. The health and safety law is important to both the event and the artists. Artists are prone to injuries, which may rule them out of the game. Therefore, insisting on safety is a practice that will increase the safety of the players. Since the artists have to participate in consecutive games, planning on their safety will increase the betterment of the events. Secondly, the event managers and organizers will have an easy time in conducting the events. When there are casualties recorded in the event, the event organizers have to attend to the casualties as they are mandated to act accordingly. This will reduce their concentration on the games, while inflicting the same of the costs incurred in treating the casualties, during the rapture of a health hazard. The health and safety law is made from medical experts in charge of sporting events. The medical experts study the possible occurrences that may deem someone’s health inappropriate to participate in the games. Similarly, the medical experts in charge of the sporting events generate possible occasions where the health of the participants is put in jeopardy. With such insinuations, the medical expertise will be in a position of preventing occurrence of any injuries to the artists. Secondly, the event organizers have vast information on the performances and will be vital in making a basic approach to the event. Making succinct laws on the health and safety law will be plausible to both the events and the attendance. Since they are the parties involved in making the laws, they have to liaise with other legal entities in making it an enforced law. For instance, the concerned parties have to participate in the occasion of certifying the health status of all the venues in the arena. Certification of such arenas makes it possible to have an easier time in making it a success in averting any occurrence of a health hazard. In addition to this, the concerned parties involve the services of other government officials in the vicinity. The government officials are concerned with influencing the law in the area. This is a positive approach that indulges both parties that are concerned with the health of both the participants, the organizers, sponsors, self employed, volunteers and to the other concerned parties. Licensing act The licensing act is a law that has been incepted in the business and entertainment law to make it legality. Many people are compelled to assert to the law as it is a requirement in the event. First, the licensing act is incepted to ensure the businesses in the event are considered legal. The licensing act ensured that all the businesses are established in the right manner. This is done to avoid any occurrence of unscrupulous businesses in the event (Miller 2006, p 8). The event should only be concerned with the legal businesses that are conducted with legal businesses. For instance, the licensing law unhilates businesses that may be involved in the sale of illegal drugs. Businesses that sell drugs are always considered illegal as they are illegal by all laws. Secondly, the law is considered important as it provides the event with revenue. During the licensing, the law has to state the amount of business revenue that is paid to the event organizers, in addition to this, the licensing law states the amount of loyalty that should be paid to the events and its organizers. The licensing law will be appropriate to the artists and event attendees in a number of ways. First, the artists will be guaranteed of better services from licensed business people. This is a vital aspect that ensures better health to the concerned parties as it is obvious their health is secured secondly, the businesses will be controlled in giving quality products the licensed businesses will struggle to make positive approach to the customers, in fear of revoked licenses. In addition to this, the event attendees will be given ample space in the London Olympics as the business people will be reduced in number. The space available for event viewers will therefore be in abundance, making the event even more interesting. The licensing act laws are made with directly concerned parties in the events. The basic party in this act is the government officials mandated to license the legal businesses (Miller 2006, p 45-47). They have full information of al the businesses that are legal and can be incepted in the London Olympics. The second party involved is the sponsors of the events. Since the sponsors may have vested interests in the London Olympics in accordance to their services and products, they are involved in stating the rules. Thirdly, the organizers are involved in making an approach to the licensing rules. Since they have to gain revenue from the Olympic Games to cater for expenses they are involved in setting the magnanimity of the licensing. Lastly, the investors are involved in making a better approach to the licensing. They are involved to make an acceptable licensing and licensing fee. Since there are many parties involved in making the licensing law, they are forced to make undivided efforts in ensuring the law is enforced in the events. For instance, they have to engage the use of government officials in revoking the laws in case of a breach of the contract. Sale and supply of goods and services This is a point where there is legalization for the sale and supply of goods. This area of law has a number of vital additives to the sporting event, especially in the London Olympics. First, the law is made to ensure that all the business people in the supply of goods and services are licensed (Marsh and Soulsby 2002, p 12-16). Unlicensed business people in the London Olympics are deemed illegal, therefore, ruling them out of the market. Secondly, this law denotes the supply and deport of the services and goods of the business people involved. The licensing of the businesses is a case where the licensing dictates the vicinity of the business and the selling goods and services. Therefore, the businesses will be controlled from selling unwanted goods and services in the event. Controlling such businesses is a point of approach in weeding out any illegal businesses in the London Olympics. Thirdly, the business and service laws are made to ensure there is controlled entrance of the businesses in the events. Over congestion of businesses in the London Olympics is a retrogressive approach as many people will lack ample space for the viewing of the events. This will be a positive approach to both the artists and attendance they will in return have ample space for their artist performance and events. In addition to this, a constrained number of people and business suppliers in attendance will give ample space for footage of the events. This is a worldwide event, many people across the world will be given media footage of the events. The footage therefore has to concentrate on the events rather than concentrating on business suppliers. The concerned parties will be involved in ensuring the business supply laws are given the best accord. The laws are made in conjunction with business partners, organizers, sponsors and workers (Marsh and Soulsby 2002, p 22). First, the organizers will shape up the number of acceptable suppliers. Breaching of the contract would lead to automatic disqualification. For instance, supplying low quality goods would lead to automatic disqualifications. In enforcing the law, the licensed business people may be fined in accordance to their misconduct. For instance, causing health complications to involved parties would lead to disqualification. This would be followed by footing the excess bill incurred in giving treatment to the affected parties. Agency law Agency law is made to ensure the entire contract that requires mediators are legal and conducive to the sporting event. This law is effective in making sure that all the agencies during the event are considered to be legal (Keenan and Riches 2007, p 47). All the agencies in the event are keenly scrutinized to ensure they are in their best shape in performance. Secondly, the agency law ensures that there are fewer cases of fraud, if not completely averted. This shows that the Olympic organizers are concerned in the businesses that are conducted in the event, to ensure people do not lose their resources during the event. This is a positive approach to conducting businesses as any of the business will be in a stable mode. Thirdly, the importance of the agency law is to stipulate the laws and requirements of all the agencies. The agencies should have all the legal requirements to ensure they are in the best position of making appropriate businesses. Lastly, the agency law stipulates the number of agents in the event, and how they are made to act in accordance to the law. In this law, the artist and speculators will be of benefit (Hirschl 2012, p 49-53). First, the agencies will have lesser cases of fraud. This will ensure all the artists are paid their dues at the right time. Since many of the artists have agencies, they will be secured of their dues from the unscrupulous people that are ostensibly in the event for fraud. Secondly, the business people will have lesser risks in the case of unscrupulous agents in the event. To make this a success, there are a number of ways that will be used. First, the organizers have to collect full information from the agencies in the events. The agencies will declare their legal information for easy access, making it easier to trace their legality. This will be followed by official law enforcers which include law bodies that are used to probe the agencies. This law will also be enforced by the sponsors as they have control over the agencies that are acceptable in the event. Some of the sponsors act accordingly to agencies that are deemed illegal. This makes it a safe event to include agencies that are sponsored (Cameron and Scaletta 2003, p 67). In case of a fraud incident in the event, many of the agencies are filed a suit against their conduct. This is an offence that is deemed illegal by law. In many events, sponsors that are versatile with illegal agencies state their incompliance with such, citing the insecurity caused by the sated agencies. Intellectual property laws The intellectual property laws are incepted in the London Olympics for a number of reasons. First, is to improve on the branding, service recognition and the customer satisfaction this will ensure that all the customers are appealed with the services that are offered as they will consider the services to be of the best quality. Secondly, the intellectual property law gives the owners of copy rights, designs, and patents and trademarks their rights (Boyd and Green 2007, p 312). These business people will be in a position of executing their legal rights in regard to the market operation. In many cases, the Olympic Games will advertise a number of goods and services from a number of widely known businesses in the world. Therefore, these businesses will be imp a position of making excellent performance in regard to the sale of their products in the market. For instance, the London Olympic will have sponsors that have their own trade markers, patents and copy rights (Cameron and Scaletta 2003, p 67). They will be considered in highlighting their rights. Thirdly, the issuance of this particular right will reduce the number of rogue business people in the events. This will reduce on imitation and sham products that will be considered in the market. It is unfortunate that many people in the market imitate the products of excellent products in the market for their own lucrative businesses. With inception of these laws, it is an admissible fact that the event artists will have a positive accrual in the whole event. They will benefit from their own sponsors of the trade marks, patents and copy rights. There are a number of people involved in the marking of the intellectual property rights (Hirschl 2012, p 38). This includes the people in the business law, giving the outlines of the rights. Secondly, there are the business owners of the businesses that have been prevailing in the market. Thirdly, the sponsors are involved in making a positive approach to the intellectual property law. These laws are enforced with the event organizers, the owners of the business and the laws enforcers concerned with the business law. The imitators and people using copyrights without full legal rights are often filed a suit against that undiscerning behavior. Liability law Liability law is incepted in the London Olympic events to make a number of importances. First, the liability law acts as a compensation point of the affected persons in the event. Some people are affected within the course of the events and are affected with losing of property, while others are affected with injuries. According to the liability law, the affected people must be fully compensated this makes it a subrogate approach in the London approach as the affected persons are reinstate to their original point secondly, the liability act states that the people liable for the injury or loss of property have to foot all the incurred costs and bills (Keenan and Riches 2007, p 71-75). This is an initiative that ensures that the affected persons are not affected financially in reverting to their previous state for instance, driving haphazardly and destroying property is considered under the liability act as inappropriate. Therefore, in this case, the rogue driver is considered liable for all the destroyed property and has to dully pay to the affected persons. These laws are considered with various arms of the law in conjunction with the event organizers, the stakeholders, sponsors, business people and the workers. Similarly, the employers are incepted in the formation of such laws as they may fall victim of the stated functionality (Boyd and Green 2007, p 344). In making it an enforced law, there are various approaches used to make it successful. First, there must be full disclosure of an occurrence of a loss. The affected people must admit the material fact and evidence of the stated property destruction. In the case of bodily harm, medical practitioners are involved in providing succinct report of the bodily harm and the treatment. The bills are then directed to the liable persons for action. Conclusion The London Olympics are spectacular games that have to be marked with the effective control of the involved persons. The people have to apply good conduct to ensure successful and interesting games during the entire period. Therefore, there is need to have control mechanisms in place that will make it a success. This is by inducting several laws that are used to control the people both in law and in the social model. This involves inception of agency and contract law which bides agencies and people making contracts. This controls their activities in the entire events, making it a legal approach. Employment law ids incepted to ensure the safety of workers while the health and safety law is used to make a safe environment for all the people in the event. The licensing act in conjunction with the sales and supplies of goods laws are used to ensure legality of the business and quality supply. Lastly, there is the use of the intellectual property to protect on trademarks, patents and copy rights, while liability law is used to reduce any occurrence of liabilities on the affected sides. References Boyd, S. G. and Green B. (2007) Business & Legal Primer for Game Development Cameron G. D and Scaletta P. J. (2003). Business law: legal environment, transactions, and regulation. New York: Thompson Learning. Emerson R. W. (2009) Business Law. New York: Barron's Educational Series Gillies P. (2004) Business Law. London: Federation Press Goldman A. J. and Sigismond W. D. (2010). Business Law: Principles and Practices. New York: Cengage Learning. Hirschl S. D.(2012). Business Law, Volume 2. New York: Nabu Press. Keenan D. J. and Riches S. (2007). Business Law. New York: Pearson Education London: Charles River Media. Marsh S. B. and Soulsby J. (2002). Business Law. London: Nelson Thornes. Miller R.L.(2006) Business Law Text and Exercises. New York: Cengage Learning. Redfern A. (2004) Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration. New York: Sweet & Maxwell Read More
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