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Security Plan for Walter Widget Manufacturing Plant - Research Paper Example

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"Security Plan for Walter Widget Manufacturing Plant" paper argues that the ideal way for the employees of Walter Widget to thwart the attempts of thieves is to apply common sense to handle the situation with the assistance of an effective alarming system. …
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Security Plan for Walter Widget Manufacturing Plant
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? Security Plan for Walter Widget Manufacturing Plant No: Roll No: Security Plan for Walter Widget Manufacturing Plant Introduction In this modern age and times, security of many organizations is a focal point for the top brass. Like many organizations, the top management of Walter Widget focuses on the safety and security of manufacturing plant. As the thefts are on the rampant, the worries of Walter Widget are on the verge of increase. To address this issue Walter Widget and the members of business communities are in favor of having an effective security plan to eliminate the chances of stealing factory assets. The business community is now ready to share material information with each other for common objectives that is to eradicate theft, burglary and vandalism. They are aware that leakage of information relating to security plan may cause irreparable damages to the assets of the organization (Allen, 2009). The existing employees and the former employees who have or had an access to the internal policies, procedures and management information system of the organization can easily disclose, manipulate or distort the data / information for the benefits of others (Allen, 2009). Remedial measures are to be considered by Walter Widget while taking into account the potential threats to property damage, thefts and vandalism. Prevention of Plant Burglary However, the ideal way for the employees of Walter Widget to thwart the attempts of thieves is to apply common sense to handle the situation with the assistance of effective alarming system. Some effective tools are mentioned hereunder: a) Digital Video Surveillance System: b) RFID Tags c) Advance Motion and Sound Detector The security system of Walter Widget manufacturing plant should be designed in a way which deter out laws to barge into manufacturing plant with ulterior motives to damage the plant and machinery. The installed security system of Walter Widget manufacturing plant should have detection, monitoring and effective communication gadgets in and around the manufacturing plant to meet the challenges. The mentioned security system, if installed, would be an effective system for the safety and security of the assets (Allen, 2005). Digital Video Surveillance The manufacturing plant of Walter Widget in view the assets installed should have multiple video cameras on the needed locations to keep an eye on the intruders. The installed cameras should monitor the activities of criminals inside and outside the factory premises round the clock. These cameras are to be connected with Close Circuit Television so as to ensure monitoring of activities of employees/non-employees in and around the factory without interruptions. Mentioned system would be fruitful for Walter Widget manufacturing plant to keep their business continue. The installed cameras and other accessories around the manufacturing plant will identify the person or persons, involved in stealing the company’s assets. The security system may have the benefit of clear footage to identify and nab the real culprits (Allen, 2005). RFID Tags RFID tags can be used as part and parcel of security plan devised for Walter Widget manufacturing plant. The mentioned tags are used in tracking the stealers. The cited tags set alarm if someone takes away the assets outside the premises of the factory. This is the best way to minimize/eliminate the chances of theft and damages to property (Allen, 2005). Sound Detectors The system so installed for the Walter Widget manufacturing plant has the capacity to detect unauthorized activities in and around the factory. The detectors are useful instrument to detect burglars who are attempting to steal plant and its associated accessories. The mentioned security system will deter the thieves and burglars and keep them away. The higher management should discuss security plan with the consultants, who will suggest the best security system that suits the requirement of the company’s assets (Allen, 2005). Legal Interpretation of Trespass In the United States of America, Burglary falls within the ambit of felony. The trespassing is an act of crime. Even someone enter the business premises/factory without stealing the assets is termed as statutory offense. The associated crimes with the burglary may be rape, arson and kidnappings. In the broader sense, it could be the violations of human rights. The ideal example which meets the requirement of said definitions is Watergate Scandal in the United States of America (Walston-Dunham, 2011). Effective Security Plan Proposed security plan relating to Walter Widget manufacturing plant needs following steps to be taken: Safety and security awareness, environmental management, crisis management and hiring and firing through rigorous selection process. Ensure that staff responsible for ensuring ideal security system at the work place, should have sound knowledge and experience to deal with the situation. Security system should be perfect to meet any eventualities. While finalizing the security plan, the key persons of the company should take into account all sorts of harms and hazards that will come to surface in future. Few of them are sabotage, arson and vandalism which may put hurdle in the continuation of work. Security awareness amongst the employees is must to meet any untoward incident. Company should have sound emergency planning. Company should not involve any one who is not on the pay role of the company to mitigate the risk. Frequent testing of installed security system that enables the company to improve it as and when required. The first and foremost things for the company are their dedicated staff to man the security system. It has been noticed that the vendors could not meet the required security standard at the time of grief and sorrow. The company while designing the security plan should keep in mind the expected strikes against lay-offs, potential threats to the company’s assets. Threats to Personal Property The unlawful entry into another’s property in the US Law is termed as trespass in spite of no harm is done to the assets. Further, the intruder cannot absolve himself from the charge of trespassing being an illegal entry. However, injury to the property may attract compensation in view the amount of substantial damages. In nutshell, trespassers are solely responsible for the consequences of unlawful acts. The security system should be so fool proof that no trespasser can dare to enter into the property without lawful permission (Walston-Dunham, 2011). Legal Interpretations of US Supreme Court In the case of United States v. Causb, it was held by the Supreme Court that if planes flying below the approved level of flying standard determined by the concerned ministry, the airliner should be held responsible for two counts: a) trespass b) encroachment of Private Property irrespective of residential or commercial property. The aggrieved party may go to the court of law for compensation in line with 5th amendment in the US Constitution due to the reasons as mentioned above. It transpired from the above, that trespass action can be invoked provided damages to the property noticeable or illegal interference on the other’s property is proved (Walston-Dunham, 2011). Theft and Property Damage Theft and property damage offences are serious and liable for punishment and compensation. Property Damage Wilful damage or destruction of other’s property without permission is a crime as per US law and laws of other countries (Victoria Legal Aid, 2009). Theft Theft as per legal view of the US constitution is a kind of intention to take something from someone’s possession and not to return back to its lawful owner (Victoria Legal Aid, 2009). Penalties and Compensation Committing theft and damaging other’s property, both are liable for punishment and penalties to the committer. The punishment shall be in shape of long term or short term imprisonment and penalties according to the damages decided by the competent jurisdiction. If someone found guilty of the offense the court orders to return back the assets to its legal owner or pay the amount if property sold to others by the encroachers. In legal term, it is called restitution (Victoria Legal Aid, 2009). Assault By legal definition, assault causes someone fears of violence. In some constituencies, the assault amounts to serious body injuries with deadly weapons. In the company, those who make the security system should be aware of the nature of crimes and punishment there against according to US law (Carlan, et al., 2011). Information / Records As far as the security of records and information of Walter Widget manufacturing plant is concerned, the management has to take the following measures (WPI, 2010): a) Ensure safety, security and confidentiality of personal information / records held. b) Take precautionary measures to keep personal information / documents intact against any possible threats due to security lapse. c) Shun any unauthorized access to sensitive information that may culminate to fraud and manipulation. In this respect, responsibilities of Walter Widget risk management and compliance unit are as under (WPI, 2010): a) Initiation of Security Plan and its implementation. b) Testing of Security System on a regular basis. c) Evaluate the competency of service providers. d) Obtain certificate from service providers that their services are in compliance of the rules. and regulations in vogue. e) Review of security plan on a regular basis in order to ensure efficacy of the system. f) Ensure changes / modifications in the security plan, whenever required. Data Security Coordinators The data security coordinator of Walter Widget will accomplish the following tasks (WPI, 2010): a) Ensure that all employees of the company are properly trained. b) Ensure annual training session to those employees who have access to personal information / records of the company. c) Ensure that the training of the employees is strictly in line with the applicable rules and regulations. Internal Threats In order to mitigate the internal threats, following measures are to be implemented (WPI, 2010) by the management of Walter Widget manufacturing plant: a) Upon completion of necessary training, employees should acknowledge it in writing. b) Ensure that the information collected meant for legal business or otherwise to meet the requirement of the company strictly in line with the Federal or State regulations. c) Access to personal information / records to the concerned officials to plug the leakage of information. d) Electronic access to information to the unauthorized people should be blocked as required. e) The concerned Data Security Manager should be aware of his responsibilities to review and identify the security lapse, if any, in the existing system to the higher management to address and improve security measures in accordance with the mentioned security policy. f) Sacked, dismissed or terminated employees should return all records / information that relates to his personal information to HR department in any form or shape. g) Mentioned employees access to all gadgets of the company should be inaccessible. They should surrender Keys, ID card, badges to their employer. To make the employee’s access to electronic gadgets under their use impossible, the IT department should immediately invalidate the password of former employees. h) The WPI Data Security Policy ensures changes the passwords of the user intermittently. i) In order to plug the leakage, access to personal information / records shall be restricted to the concerned staff only. j) Suspicious or uncalled for information if found should be reported to Head of Information Security. k) Employees of HR should not be allowed to keep the personal file of an employee open in their absence at their desks. l) All files should be kept in a fire proof cabinet as per security policy. m) Every department of the establishment should ensure physical restriction of irrelevant people to reach personal information / record of the employees of the company / offices. The head of department while devising some parameters to ensure safety and security of personal information and records shall ensure that their parameters are not collided with set standard of WPI Data Security Policy. n) Electronically stored data, information / records should be accessible to those who have specialized log in code, supplied to them by the employer. o) Outsiders / visitors should not be allowed to visit restricted areas that contain personal information of the employees. p) Information, records and electronically stored data / information should be disposed off in line with the company security policy and procedure. External Threats To counter external threats to security, integrity and confidentiality of electronically stored data, information and records of personal information, it is necessary for the management of Walter Widget manufacturing plant to evaluate the grey areas if any, for further improvement in the security system. The following measures are to be adopted (WPI, 2010) by the management of Walter Widget to avert the external threats: a) Updated firewall protection and effective operating system should be in place to maintain the personal information installed at all systems in line with WPI Data Security Policy. b) There should be updated version of security system which includes malware protection, antivirus updates and other subversive moves to frustrate the activities of the security system according to policies and procedures that contains in the WPI Data Security Policy. c) Encryption of all data, information stored on laptops and moveable devices to be ensured to secure the data as mentioned in the WPI Data Security. Common Risk All computerized systems installed in and around the manufacturing plant should be carefully monitored by the staff deployed by Walter Widget manufacturing plant to shun the access of unauthorized persons to personal information as outlined in the WPI Data Security Policy (WPI, 2010). Following measures are to be taken into account for a fool proof security system/protocol to minimize or eliminate the chances of common risks (WPI, 2010): a) Ensure control of user ID and other available identifiers. b) There should be a secure method of assigning and awarding passwords in the organization. c) Ensure that passwords are kept in a safe location at a remote place to avert the chances of compromising the security of data. d) There has to be restriction on the access of information of active users / active accounts. e) User identification should be blocked after so many attempts by the users to eliminate the chances of misuse. f) The safer access control measures in place should have unique identifications plus passwords, which are not vendor supplied. Emergency Response Emergency Response program requires motivation from the management of Walter Widget manufacturing plant to educate all staff members to understand the need of safety and security of assets. Competent people of the company should first examine the requirement in terms of would be risk and its mitigates so as to develop a road map for an effective security plan which will address all potential internal/external threats to the factory. It is agreed that all institutions may not face the mentioned risks but few of them will counter some the risk that may disrupt their business activities (Balser & Foxman, 2005). An organization needed the Support of board of Directors and professionally sound people to draw outlines of the security policies and procedures to tackle the situation effective before it is too late (Balser & Foxman, 2005). Devising a security plan, installation of threats aversion gadgets and hiring of technical staff to deal with the security issues are inevitable. As soon as the plan is in black and white, ensure that all stakeholders should know the practical aspects of the security plan before implementation. Training on a regular basis would play a vital role in effectively implementing the proposed security plan (Balser & Foxman, 2005). Recommended Policies / Procedures The key persons of Walter Widget manufacturing plant ensure that Control of physical assets associated with the security plan has to be drafted in line with the board approved policies and procedures which are easily editable on electronic devices. There should be policies and procedural manual, easily available to all staff members/workers to get firsthand knowledge about the security system that enables them to thwart the attempts of intruders/outlaws. The board approved policies and procedures should have a separate chapter of business continuity plan or disaster management plan to handle the situation as and when need arises. Comprehensive Security Plan The most important goal of an organization is to keep continuing their business by manufacturing more and more goods on their plant to generate more and more income. The effective security plan plays most effective role in the accomplishment of business orders. However, one cannot deny the effective customer services in order to reduce/minimize the losses that are vulnerable due to internal and external threats. In every establishment, organization, small or big in size, security department has the ultimate responsibility to secure assets of the establishment, organization from internal or external threats. Security Procedures The management of Walter Widget manufacturing plant should acquire the services of a consultant who have the expertise and experience to draw comprehensive security plan and subsequent security policies and procedures in line with the approval of board of directors to make it easily understandable to all its users. The comprehensive security plan shall address the expected risks and their mitigation. List of Annexure Following annexure is the part and parcel of policies and procedures for the perusal of line management on a periodical basis. a) Policy and Procedure b) Security Program c) Security Functions d) Types of Security e) Information Security f) Emergency Operational Procedures g) Disaster Response Procedures h) Violence in the Work Place i) Training Program j) Documenting Investigations k) Internal Investigations l) Executive Protection Program Lacking in the Proposed Security Plan We do not find a single word about the proposed business continuity plan which is necessary to run the manufacturing plant so as to keep the business flourish. Therefore, the management of Walter Widget manufacturing plant should take up the matter with the consultants to insert business continuity plan. References Allen, Julia H. (2009). Security is not just a technical issue. Retrieved from Allen, M. (2005). Textbook on criminal law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Balser, Barbara B., & Foxman, Abraham H. (2005). Protecting your Jewish institution: Security strategies for today’s dangerous world. USA: Anti Defamation League. Retrieved from Carlan, P., Nored, L., & Downey, Ragan A. (2011). An introduction to criminal law. New York: Jones and Barlett Learning. Walston-Dunham, B. (2011). Introduction to law. New York: Cengage Learning. Victoria Legal Aid (2009). Theft and property damage. Retrieved from WPI (2010). Written information security plan. Retrieved from Read More
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