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The Charter of the United Nations - Essay Example

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The paper "The Charter of the United Nations" discusses that generally speaking, at times, the UN faces financial and human restrictions for carrying out some predefined plans. It also lacks a system-wide policy and program coordination within the system…
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The Charter of the United Nations
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?Introduction The United Nations is an international body of independent countries, set up on 26 June 1945 by 51 founding members. The main aim of the UN is to offer global governance, maintenance of safety and peace in the world, promotion of better living standards for all sections of the society, and promote international cooperation between member states across a wide range like economic, social, political and cultural issues. The peace keeping operations of the United Nations have evolved during the past 60 years to a tool that is more useful in solving complex crisis, that are a threat to the global peace and security. The United nations have since then deployed increasing number of military and personals around the worlds to combat threatening situations. Apart from monitoring cease-fires,, United Nations is also involved in multilevel peace keeping operations that are usually resolved through political dialogues, and reconciliation. Due to varying global conditions and nature of conflicts, the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department of Field Support (DFS) have embarked on an improvement task, that is to set up a Peace Operations 2010, which is targeted at improving and rebinding the various planning, management and conduct of United Nations peacekeeping operations1. The continuum of contemporary peace keeping operations has developed into a progressively wide-ranging activity and comprises both United Nations – led peace operations, as well as those conducted by other actors, generally with the approval of the Security Council. The Charter of the United Nations The UN charter was signed, in San Francisco, on 26 June 1945 and is the groundwork document for all the activities and work undertaken by the United Nations. The organization was set up “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”. The main purpose behind the establishment of the United Nations is to secure global concord and safety. The word - Peacekeeping, however has not been explicitly explained in the United Nations charter, but has subsequently become one of the foremost and important tasks carried by the United Nations to accomplish its goals and objectives. As per the United Nations Charter, the Security council is given the responsibility of maintaining peace and security. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Security Council may adopt an array of processes, including the formation of a United Nations peacekeeping operation2. Human Rights International human rights law is a vital portion of the normative agenda for United Nations negotiation procedures. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which arrays the keystone of international human rights principles, underlines that human rights and vital freedoms are common and assured to everyone. United Nations peacekeeping procedures must be directed in complete respect of human rights and ought to pursue advance human rights through the execution of their mandates. United Nations peacekeeping employees – whether military, police or citizen – must achieve in arrangement with global human rights rule and comprehend how the implementation of their tasks intersects with human rights. Peacekeeping workers would endeavor to confirm that they do not develop perpetrators of human rights misuses. They need to be capable to identify social rights violations or misuse, and be ready to reply suitably within the confines of their mandate and their proficiency. 3United Nations peacekeeping staffs ought to respect human rights in their relations with associates and with native people, both in their public and in their private lives. Where they commit cruelties, they should be held responsible. International Humanitarian Law International humanitarian law also called as “the law of war” or “the law of armed conflict,” limits the methods and approaches of armed encounter. Global humanitarian law is enclosed in the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and two Additional Protocols of 1977, as well as in instructions regulating the means and methods of battle. The humanitarian law likewise comprises agreements and accords on the defense of national property and the environment throughout armed battle, as well as defense of fatalities of the battle. International humanitarian law is planned to guard people who do not contribute, or are no longer contributing, in the conflicts; and it preserves the important privileges of citizens, victims and non-combatants in an armed encounter. It is relevant to United Nations peacekeeping processes because these missions are frequently positioned into post-conflict surroundings where violence may be continuing or battle might reignite. Additionally, in post-conflict settings there are frequently enormous citizen inhabitants that have been targeted by the belligerent parties, hostages of war and other susceptible groups to whom the Geneva Conventions or other humanitarian law would relate in the event of more hostilities4. United Nations peacekeepers need to ensure a strong understanding of the values and guidelines of international humanitarian law and observe them in situations where they are applicable. Security Council Mandates United Nations peacekeeping operations are positioned on the foundation of a mandate from the Security Council. The operations that are required to be carried on by the Security Council operation are primarily set by the Security Council mandate. The mandate given by the Security council may vary from case to case, which actually depends upon the type and background of the conflict and the specific challenges it offers. As United Nations peacekeeping missions are customarily deployed to support the implementation of a cease-fire or a more comprehensive peace agreement, Security Council mandates are influenced by the nature and content of the agreement reached by the parties to the conflict. Security Council mandates also reflect the broader normative debates shaping the international environment. UN Efforts to Peace There have been a number of cases in the Middle East where United Nations have intervened both as an observer and an enforcer by sending military troops into the region. in the year 1948, United Nations had sent in a group of observers whose role was to monitor the situation of conflict between Israel and the Arab states. after the wars of 1956, 1967, and 1973, United nations continued with the role of an Observer and also initiated with setting up a buffer between Israeli and Egyptian forces in the Sinai. United Nations also established another force at the time of war between Egypt and Israel in the year 1967 with an aim to monitor the armistice agreement between the two countries. Similarly, in 1974, United Nations set up a smaller force on the Golan Heights. This was meant to see that both the involved parties (Syria and Israel) maintain and respect the boundary line between Syrian and Israeli forces. Of all the important and vast ranging missions of the United Nations, the Middle East operation was represented by the formation of UNIFIL, after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1978. The United Nations was responsible for seeing that the Israeli forces are withdrawn and the peace and security is maintained in the region by assisting Lebanon to set its authority on its land. As a result of these tensions, UNIFIL has suffered damages and UN casualties have been caused which account to more than 200 lives. Among other efforts of the United Nations in Africa, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was set up in 1975 to boost the regional assistance on the trade front. A civil war between Liberia and Sierra Leone forced a shift of the environment. This led the ECOWAS to deploy its forces in Liberia (1990-1998, 2003-2006), Sierra Leone (1997-2000), Guinea Bissau (1999), and Cote d’Ivoire (2003) without UN authorization. UN was later requested for intervention and after a long line of discussions, UN sent military observer missions to Liberia in 1993 (UNOMIL) and Sierra Leone in 1998 (UNOMSIL) to assist ECOMOG execute its mandates within a peaceful environment5. The UN troops were retained while those of the ECOWAS were withdrawal due to resource limitations. Following these events, the UN established a Peace building Support Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNOGBIS)6. Also, United Nations played an important role in the Cambodia conflict. UN intervened to offer proposals for the purpose of settling the conflict by forcing the withdrawal of Vietnamese forces from Cambodia which led to the ease in the conflict in April 1989. In July 1989, the foreign ministers of the ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) countries, declared that the withdrawal of the Vietnamese troops under the UN was a part of an effective political settlement in the region. In another conflicting situation in Congo, the UN has been effective in resolving the issue to some extent. UN offered aid to ex-Belgium colonies (the Democratic Republic of the Congo ) that had just achieved independence and assisted them in maintaining and protecting their sovereignty. Congo had gained freedom from the rule of Belgium on 30 June 1960, but Belgium refused to eliminate all its influence from Congo which sparked off tensions between the two nations. United Nations then deployed over 20,000 troops in the region under conflict which led to an immediate reducing of the tension in the area. The United Nations troops were deployed in the region till 1964, following the withdrawal of the Belgians, which led to the setup of a peaceful situation in Congo7. Other Peace Keeping UN Organizations Other UN agencies that assist in the peacekeeping process and in the promotion of a peaceful culture around the globe are the UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, which takes care to protect the rights of the children in the society. The main work of UNICEF is to ensure that proper defensive initiatives are being taken to assist in the future development of the children, their health, living conditions and education. This is also extended in the times of war or natural calamity, and other situations where they children can be easily traumatized. UNICEF aims to provide support and protection to the future of our society8. UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, likewise aids to endorse a culture of concord by evolving information programs for females, particularly with respect to gender education. It delivers females in particular with all the essential info and resources. This information in turn assist females in taking better judgements and making the world a better place to live in. WHO, The World Health Organization encourages scientific collaboration and research related to the general health conditions of the society and assists organizations and agencies to reinforce efficient standards related to health and emergency systems. The WFP, the World Food Programme, sponsors healthier nourishment by expending food aid to support overall society development. In its mission, the organization is assisted by FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, agency which deals in setting up programs that aim to assist the agriculture society in increasing its productivity, and nutrition content thereby reducing hunger and poverty. The above mentioned UN organizations are trying their best to prevent any types of conflicts and build up a peaceful plant for all of us. Success Lists This section enlists some of the successes of the United Nations in the last 50 years in the promotion of relations and diplomacy. 1. During the year 1946, UN adopted a Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN staff which exempted the entire staff and employees of the United Nations from taxes. UN also played an important role in regulating the standards for airport certification by the International Civil Aviation Society and setting up safety measures for airport authorities, travelers, and staff. Also United Nations ensured that rules and regulations are being met for products which are exported. 2. UN ensures that all its member countries strictly follow and implement the international agreements as agreed upon the issue of sharing natural resources. Also the member countries are under the vigilance of the UN and promote cooperation and business collaboration. The South East Asian countries have mainly benefitted from the interexchange of information and business ties. 3. UN has also been instrumental in various health and medicine campaigns across the globe. For example, the River Blindness Control Program in West Africa has nurtured assistance among 11 West African states and the UN has also been active in the eradication of smallpox in various third world countries. UN has led many successful campaigns for the African countries to assist them in analyzing and forecasting socio-economic indicators. 4. UN also raised public awareness by organizing international conferences, on issues like environment, human rights and settlement, gender issues, education and health of children. A common consensus is gained by the UN at these meetings and thereafter the consensus is changed into an international norm. 5. UN has been a key role in the decolonization of more than 80 countries that were initially under colonial rule and UN Trusteeship arrangements. These nations are now independent and members of the UN. 6. UN has also provided funds and relief material to member states for promoting humanitarian activities. 7. UN has 53 completed missions under its portfolio in countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America and 16 missions are currently functioning. Iraq – Iran war, Gulf war, and the second Sudanese civil war are those among the successfully completed UN missions. Among the ongoing missions of the UN, the most noticeable are the Afghanistan War, Libyan Civil war, and the Sudan–SPLM-N conflict9. Limitations There lie some conflicts and issues in the working of the United Nations which are discussed under this section. At times, there is a lot of confusion and distortion over issues like how can the United Nations prevent any conflicts, what is the difference between peacekeeping, peace building, peace enforcement and peacemaking and how does that affects the working of the United Nations and the Security council10. As per the history of the United Nations, most of the peace keeping operations undertaken are varied in nature and differ by the activities involved. Most of the time, United Nations comes into picture to implement cease fire or set up a peace agreement between the parties in conflict, it is also very often required to play the role of a peacemaker and initiate peace keeping activities. In case, when the United Nations fails to provide security and order, it may apply force at the tactical levels, after taking approval from the Security Council. The United Nations does not provides for the difference between “robust” peacekeeping and peace enforcement, which creates confusion at certain instances. Robust peacekeeping consists of employing forces after gaining consent from the parties involved in the conflict, and peace enforcement relates to use of force except when authorized by the Security Council. At times, these descriptions are often blurred and fail to deliver the inclusive approach that is necessary in address the root causes of encounter. Nevertheless, the worldwide community’s capability to associate these activities efficiently remains imperfect and this has, at times ensued in grave gaps and has endangered the global peace and security. The formation of a fresh United Nations peace building set up constitution replicates an increasing appreciation from the global community on the roles imparted by the United Nations on the maintaining peace and security11. As and when the United Nations faces a situation, the Peace building Commission assist in marshaling the peace keeping resources at the disposal of and counsel on and suggest combined approaches for peace building and rescue. In this mission, the United Nations carries together the significant actors, which also includes global financial organizations that have and other civil societies that have given their consent for the mission and have agreed to offer the United Nations with advise and strategic support that will facilitate political interchange, augment harmonization, and monitor the development of both national and international actors12. Restructuring Without the existence of a robust organization structure, it is impossible that United Nations meets all the challenges in the years to come. If the United Nations has to be strengthened, the governments of all the member nations should come together and show the willingness to work together in unison with other agencies like the private sector, non-governmental companies, and other agencies13. The use of Information technology has also been recommended at many instances for the better functioning of the United Nations. As suggested, the improvement in the following areas is possible – Recognition of the main attributes – The inspiration behind the United Nations does not originates from the power, but from the standards it has set down for itself and the consistency with which it follows them. The UN is built on global norms, with a concern to improve life of millions across the globe. Apart from the basic structure and norms of the UN, it is important that the organization builds its strength in other areas such as relationship with civil society organizations, private sector and foundations. Change for Wider Networking – UN must complement official organizations with informal strategies and networks, thereby getting together global societies, civil agencies, and other private sector establishments, in search of mutual objectives. Use of IT – UN can resort to employing new IT methods and techniques to make the tedious and complex process involved more easily and error free. This requires a shift in the culture of the organization and the executives should be open-minded to welcome such changes. Conclusion The efforts of the United Nations in building and maintaining peace and security around the world have been commendable on various instances. Assisting countries in establishing a democratic, serene, and flourishing environment has been one of the main aims of the United Nations. The experience of the United Nations in different conflict situations can be regarded as successful missions on the part of the organization. The challenges for the UN are its size and the levels of bureaucracy that are involved in the system which makes it complex for smooth functioning. At times, UN faces financial and human restrictions for carrying out some predefined plans. It also lacks a system-wide policy and program coordination within the system. In spite of the restrictions and limitations, UN has become an indispensable body, which has given significant contribution in strengthening regional engagements, increasing international cooperation on all fronts, abolishing racism, and directing nations to behave in a sensible and responsible manner. Read More
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