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Ideologies And Their Work In A Media Text - Essay Example

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Ideology is a psychology which deals with nature or origin of ideas. The paper "Ideologies And Their Work In A Media Text" discusses ideology as a system different believes about the social and political system that most of the people understand in their own defined world…
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Ideologies And Their Work In A Media Text
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Ideologies And Their Work In A Media Text Ideology is defined as a science of ideas or it is a psychology which deals with nature or origin of ideas. Grossberg, (2005), refers to ideology as a system different believes about social and political system that most of the people understand in their own defined world. Some of the philosophers like Marx Karl commented that ideology was a way used by the politicians to provide a falls or an imaginary reality by theorizing political power and ideological link. Ideology was majorly used by the rich people in the society to explain or define what should be accepted by the society, this has given the rich people in the society to power to provide the poor with a false reality about the world to protect their own interest and maintain their top position over the poor people in the society (Grayantes & Murphy, 2010). Public speaking is a very powerful tool that can be used either to break down or build ideologies; this makes the media a source of ideological thought. The news story framing can form ideologies through what is both left out and present kin a story (Grayantes & Murphy, 2010, p.165). Ideology has mostly been used by the politicians to change how people reason and the people believed to be right. This has been seen as most of the votes prefer other candidate to other for being convinced in believing in an idea (Grossberg, 2005). The lifestyle magazine content has rely affected the people dressing code, and there living style. It is very important to understand that most of the products of the mass media ideological analysis majorly focus on the messages content (Johnson & Milani, 2010). These are mainly the stories they narrate about the present and the past and instead of those stories effect. The mass media text ideological term of understanding is that is a type of communication that gives privilege to certain ideas while undermining others. Media text has a different perspective of ideology representing interests that is different with a power that is not the same involved in a type of power struggle within media text. Some idea will have advantage over others because they are always built in a familiar media image or are known to be very popular. Other ideas will not be easy to identifying as they are not that visible and will only be identified by those people who are very devoted. The way in which media use the lifestyle magazine to advertise (Okonkwo & Palgrave 2007) or inform the public about certain issues provides the form of principle of public dialogue by which the conflict of culture is waged. Media is not only a place where advertisement competition is carried out but also a cultural warfare battle ground. Much of the current warfare experienced today is the acceptability of the idea being broadcasted by the mass media. The experienced struggle over values and morality are mainly determined on implication of the lesions and images the popular media teach about the society. When the album of Eminem of The Marshall Mathers LP was selected as the year 2001 album (Ford, 2004), controversy came up over the musician’s violent and angry lyrics and his say on gays, women, and lesbians. Another known example is the relevancy of the meaning of religion in the films such as priests, which shows a priest struggling to control his sexuality, The Christ Last Temptation, which includes sequences of dreams of Jesus having sex (Riley, 2003), and finally The Nothing Scared, which is a short live program in a television where it is evidenced that a catholic priest questioning the church doctrine while addressing the coming up issues at his parish (Kieser, 1991). These wars in media sometimes become very aggressive that it reaches a point where some requests for the restrictions while other defend the media free speech while on the other side others are very worried on the cultural struggle consequences that is seen to have a possibility of representing a war of absolutes, with no negotiation possibility (Johnson & Milani, 2010). The main reason why the images of media become so hot is because they are strongly believed to endorse objectionable ideas. Clearly it can be stipulated that a few people are majorly concerned with media text that have or share the same opinion as theirs. Ideological analysis therefore goes hand in hand with political support, as critics use identification of a massage that has been distorted to make their won point of ideology (Grossberg, 2005). However exploiting the mass media ideology can be very challenging. The ideological analysis that is more complicated analyzes the media stories as well as looking for potential contradiction within the media text. These is to mean that looking at the point where another perspective or where there is a conflicting ideological concept to the text (Johnson & Milani, 2010). These show that the analysis of the ideological concepts not just reduced to political criticism where the critics supports the dad idea in the media. Nor is it the opinion that analysis is particularly important if it is focused in a single media text without also considering the wider group of media image. It may be very interesting to think over an ideology that underlies in a popular lifestyle magazine like rolling stone (Grossberg, 2005). For ideology of a media text in a lifestyle magazine to move from just a conversation by the parties to an analysis that is serious, it is important for more of one lifestyle magazine to be considered and the patterns of images in both the magazines media text to be considered (Johnson & Milani, 2010). It is very important for the ideological analysis to provide a wider debate that is ideological to go on in the society. This will give the opportunity for understanding the type of ideas surrounding the media text, how the media texts are constructed, when the media text are facing some challenges, and their changes over time. It can be said that media text can be observed as a main site were social norms are articulated. Media always gives people the picture of social institution and social interaction that by their daily repetition can play an important role in shaping the society around as (Boyle & Haynes, 2009). In the real meaning, the collectiveness of media images indicates what is normal and what is not. This expression is largely completed by the reality that some of the popular magazines like the lifestyle magazines have a trend to exhibit a lifestyle and a behavior, neglecting or marginalizing a group of people who share or who are different from the norms of the mass media (Moges, 2010). Majorly in the lifestyle magazines there are some stories that include people who are somehow invisible in the mass media these may include the stripers, squatters, or cross- dressers this is to show that the media can become part of the display of such people. Despite the existence of the different political stands, those people who are worried about the depiction of media on premarital sex share the same idea as those who are against the issue of domination image of the families that are the upper-middle-class. In both the cases, media image brings normality in specific relations in social defining certain types of behaviors to be perceived as unexceptional (Moges, 2010). If behaviors can be normalized by media, then the same media text can create a limit to certain behaviors or a range of acceptable behaviors. The ideological job lies in the media text pattern. The attitude and ideas that are that are included in a media in a daily basis becomes part of main issue in a public debate (Grossberg, 2005). Ideas that the popular media excludes or mainly become visible to the media only to be ridiculed have a very little legitimacy. They are mainly in the outside range of acceptable ideas. The media ideological influence can be witnessed in the exclusion and absence just as same as the message content (Johnson & Milani, 2010). Most of the professionals in media mostly have very little patience with the argument showing media to be purveyors of ideology. However instead of people seeing media as an environment where boundaries are defined and behaviors are normalized, those in the industry have a different view by arguing that the images they distributed and produce basically reflects the ideas and the norms of the public (Moges, 2010). This can be categorized as not ideological but basically a reflection of a basic agreement on the way things are done. It is generally know that the mass media is determine to have a good number of viewers or readers to maximize on their profitability, this is why it can be argued that the media groups prefers popularity which seems to be more vital to the producers than being committed to any form of ideology (Grossberg, 2005). However the investigation for media ideology is not to be mistaken that the producers are determined to communicate certain way of being and thinking. Ideology is not only formed by a committed group of ideologues but can also be found in our commonsense definition, in our day to day life, and in the consensus construction. The lifestyle magazine is one media that is determined in regular promotion of certain ideas and the advertisement of various factors (Frederick, 2006). The magazine generally promotes the lifestyle of a consumer by showing components like career success, social status, culinary skills, sexuality, showing the beauty, showing the fusion and many more (Johnson & Milani, 2010). Social problem from the view of the consumers ideology are given a definition as a personal problems that can mainly be defined by buying the right product. When Women magazine is communicating to a specific group of women, it identifies women as a special product need category (Frederick, 2006). The magazine connects an identity as women with a collection of consumer behavior that is specific, making the last the requirement for the previous. To be a woman is mainly understand what to buy. The advertisements that are contained in the women magazine equally displays an exact product and celebrates the need and pleasure for consumption (Frederick, 2006). However there is more to women magazine and not only the ads, even though the normal strategy for reading is to manually go through the pages glancing at the headline and ads (In Neff, 2015). In the women magazine, the cover of the magazine is the most visible ads. The standard image of the woman on the cover page suggests that the magazine purchased will provide an idea of what and how to buy to become the perfect woman (Frederick, 2006). Furthermore, the cover page is always reproduced plus all the information on the product displayed suggesting that the image shown is one that can be bought (Grossberg, 2005). It also important to understand that the auditoria advice that is provided by the women magazine is a type of convert advertisement, that sells the ideology of the consumer. An example is the beauty advice which majorly talks about the utilization of various types of make-ups for beauty to be attained. Such an advice mainly identifies one hundred and eighty eight brand names that are more effective when utilized. Some of these brands are regularly advertised in the ads of the same magazine. The usual makeover feature in which a woman who is average is converted into a model of look- alike that is glamorous is in real an endorsement of the products used for beauty advertised in another place in the magazine (Johnson & Milani, 2010). The advice provided mainly concerns consumption habit that is appropriate. Just as the ads gives information of the newly found needs, the women magazine provides the needs of women. In the long run women magazine uses both the convert and direct advertising to promote ideology and to sell magazines that celebrates the gender specific consumption of product as means of personal satisfaction and identity formation to attain the dream of a good life (Johnson & Milani, 2010). Ideologies communicated or written in media are of various varieties all of them target differed audience. The ideology in the lifestyle magazines is targeting different audiences. These magazines are of various ideologies. Some are advertising the new fashion of cloths in the market, health, fitness, tourism, culture, and leisure (Johnson & Milani, 2010). All this various lifestyle magazines provide different ideology to the audience which in turn affects the audience behaviors and believes. The audience may react differently towards the ideology provided by the lifestyle magazine. Some of the audience may reject the ideology provided while others will embrace the ideology depending on their perception and believes about their society. For example when the lifestyle magazine is about health, we have different audiences. The first audience is one who believes on the technology as a way forward when it comes to health issues and the second person is one who believes on the natural herbs as the only safest and sure way of treating any type of disease affecting the body (Grossberg, 2005). If the life magazine talks about an herbal medicine, the second audience will receive the information whole heartedly while the first audience will reject the information. This reaction is due the differed ideology obtained in the information by the two audiences which is majorly affected by their believes. It is very vital to know that mass media determines the reasoning of a person. The beautiful images on the lifestyle magazine gives the reader the idea of also wanting be the same hence looking for the beauty make-ups believing that the result will be the same as the one they sow on the cover page of the women magazine (Grossberg, 2005). Media text can also create a limit to which something can be done. This is by through daily talks of the ideology and either criticizing or supporting the issue. If the media text criticizes an idea this information will be believed by some viewers or readers as bad and any group, or community that support the issue will be rejected by the readers or the viewers. However if a person supports the opinion or share the same view as that presented by the media text will be supported by viewers or the readers. Media text can also contribute in changing the reader’s idea on a certain commodity. It can change the consumers view on a commodity that was previously perceived to be of low quality or of poor standards. The media makes this possible by daily advertisement of the product; this is by considering the advantages of the commodity and making the consumers aware of this advantages. This will automatically change the consumer’s perception about the commodity. The consumers will start seeing the product in a positive way and believing on the changes communicated by the media text incase of the product consumption. Media text has generally changed how people perceived the world of today. It is also important to understand that media text can also grate damages to believers of a society. There for it is important for the producers to be determined on providing media text that will positively contribute to building our society. Referencing BOYLE, R., & HAYNES, R. (2009). Power play: Sport, the media and popular culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Top of Form FREDERICK, S. (2006). Turning pages: reading and writing women's magazines in interwar Japan. Honolulu, HI, University of Hawaiʻi Press. Bottom of Form FORD, R. (2004). Hip‐hop white wash: The impact of Eminem on rap music and music industry economics. Socialism and Democracy, 18(2), 127-134. GARYANTES, D.M. & MURPHY, P.J. (2010). Success or chaos?: Framing and ideology in news coverage of the Iraqi national elections. International Communication Gazette, 72(2), 151-170. doi: 10.1177/1748048509353866 GROSSBERG, L. (2005). Ideology. In T. Bennett, L. Grossberg, & M. Morris (Eds), New keywords: A revised vocabulary of culture and society (pp. 175-178). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. IN NEFF, R. (2015). Introduction to the US food system: Public health, environment, and equity. KIESER, E. E. (1991). Hollywood priest: a spiritual struggle. Doubleday Books. Top of Form LEE, F. E. (2009). Beyond ideology politics, principles, and partisanship in the U.S. Senate. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Top of Form MOGES YIGEZU. (2010). Language ideologies and challenges of multilingual education in Ethiopia: the case of Harari Region. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form OKONKWO, U., & PALGRAVE CONNECT (Online service). (2007). Luxury fashion branding: Trends, tactics, techniques. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. RILEY, R. (2003). Film, Faith, and Cultural Conflict: The Case of Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ. Greenwood Publishing Group. Top of Form JOHNSON, S. A., & MILANI, T. M. (2010). Language ideologies and media discourse texts, practices, politics. London, Continuum. Bottom of Form Read More
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