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Bakhtin's Concept of the Carnivalesque - Essay Example

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The paper "Bakhtin's Concept of the Carnivalesque" describes that the contemporary celebrity cultural trend is different from the modern social system and structure. Based on this particular study, it has been possible to identify the key components of celebrity culture in the contemporary era…
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Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque
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Is Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque A Helpful Model in Analyzing Contemporary Celebrity Culture? Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Review of Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque 4 Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque 4 Contemporary Celebrity Culture 5 Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque and Its Impact on Celebrity Culture 7 Critical Evaluation 9 Conclusion 12 References 14 Introduction Mikhail Bakhtin was a Russian philosopher, who is globally famous for his theory of literacy and philosophy of languages. More specifically, Bakhtin is globally famous for his "Carnival and Carnivalesque". In this regard, Bakhtins "Carnival and Carnivalesque" is drawn on the basis of cultural theory as well as by concentrating on the philosophy of popular culture, which specifically deal with the carnival event in the European community. In this context, Bakhtin claims that carnival is slightly different from the real world or it can be argued as a real life. In this case, it can be claimed that people usually take part in a carnival, where regular human life rules, regulations, restrictions and hierarchy of the society are not applicable. Bakhtin has offered four specific categories for carnival event that include ‘Free and familiar interaction between people’, ‘Eccentric behaviours’, ‘Cannibalistic misalliances’ and ‘Sacrilegious’. In this regard, Bakhtin has emphasized these above mentioned human behaviours or approaches for ensuring freedom and opportunity of equality among the people. Bakhtin’s concept of the carnivalesque has manifested in forms of ritualistic acts and it plays a major part in case of carnivalistic life. Simultaneously, Bakhtins concept of the carnivalesque helps in case of identifying the popular culture of carnival (Karimova, 2010). In this essay, the objective is to identify weather Bakhtins concept of the carnivalesque a helpful model in analysing contemporary celebrity culture. In order to attain this objective, it is essential to identify the key aspects of the Bakhtins concept. Moreover, it is essential to identify the trend of the contemporary celebrity culture. Review of Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque Mikhail Bakhtins humour and his comic essence made him one of the most popular critics of the concepts of carnivals that are effectively practiced in the different segments of the society. According to HU (2012), Bhaktin’s conceptualisation of carnivalesque is majorly based on the dialogical genre of the different concepts. The study of Karimova (2010) implied that Bhaktin’s states carnivals to be different from real life that the people lead in this world. The rules, regulations and real life tantrums are missing in the festivals and carnivals that affect the concepts of festivity. Furthermore, Bhaktin’s concepts of carnivalesque are based on the concepts that bring together the opposites of the society. This focuses on the use of the different concepts such as the death and birth as well as rebels against the capitalist ruler. Bhaktin’s concepts of carnivalesque reflects on the ambivalent festival that is nowhere in connection with the real life disparities (Karimova, 2010). There are several syndromes that are absent in carnivalesque, but forms a part of the real life (Shepherd, 1993). The development of the ecclesial and feudal culture is even going to affect the different lifestyle of the folk culture and create a huge amount of laughter and humour that is not related to the real life events (Wright, 2013). Foley & O’Donnell (2009) stated that the consumerist of the different celebrations is even noted to be affecting the contemporary world based on the virtualisation of the various concepts. According to Carmo (2012), a direct relationship exists between the urban transformations that are highly unrealistic with the celebrity culture. This difference in the real life and the projections of the carnivals are quite evident and portrays a mark of rebel as well as outrageous attitude of revolt against regulations. In this context, Wright (2013) noted that the different concepts of the Bakhtin’s carnivalesque reflect on the folk humour that is introduced with the humour of society forming as well as regulation. Furthermore, the carnivals provide different sections of the society with a platform to mingle irrespective of their different societal backdrop (Karimova, 2010). The different concepts that were presented by Bakhtin in his works reflect that the carnivals and its colourful reflections are far more different from the real life rules and regulations that the people face in their daily life. Carnivalesque is prominent under different cultures as well as societal settings reflects a huge gap between the materialistic and structuralise ideologies (Gwekwerere, 2013). According to Brandist & Tihanov (2000), carnivals and other programs related to the society at different societal settings are observed as a form revolting against the paradoxical settings. The cosmopolitan economic structure is missing from different carnivals and their projection of culture (Brandist & Tihanov, 2000). Furthermore, Stevens (2007) reviewed that Bakhtin’s concepts are to be a second life of individuals and often inclined towards liberating the prevailing truths of a society. Correspondingly, the different rules and regulations predominant at the ordinary settings of the society are usually absent during carnivalesque (Stevens, 2007). Contemporary Celebrity Culture The proliferation of the real life events is one of the most important parts of the contemporary celebrity culture. According to Driessens (2013), the increasing prominence of the celebrity culture is covering up the real life needs of the people in an extensive manner. The different multidimensional conceptual models reflect on a huge amount of transformation that real life of the people has undergone based on the implication of celebrity culture (Driessens, 2013). Kurzman & et. al. (2007) argued about the development of the social status that is highly influenced by the celebrity status. Additionally, Epstein (2005) commented on the changing nature of culture and over the years that has evolved to be based on a much more unrealistic phenomenon than on the basis of the real life evidences. Like the carnivalesque concepts as elaborated by Bakhtin, the celebrity culture even projects a set of diversification that are far more different from the real life events. According to Marwick & Boyd (2011), the involvement of social media has in turn influenced a set of new changes in the society. The celebrity culture of the virtual world has highly influenced the majority of the population within the society and has even affected their social life. In the modernised world, the rigorous use of social media has even influenced the development of the social status through the virtualised world. This dependence on the virtual world is influenced by the celebrity culture (Marwick & Boyd, 2011). Additionally, Harmon (2005) elaborated on the power of the celebrity culture to influence the society largely. The passionate appeal of the social status and stardom that are the fundamentals of celebrity culture has been having an immense effect on the social life as a whole (Harmon, 2005). There has been a steep change in developing a social status based on self-representation. This mode of self-representation has been influenced by the concepts of celebrity culture. Milner (2005) argued that the celebrity culture and status is largely influenced by power politics and cultural criticism. This developments and paradigms has been influencing the overall status of the society and alienating the normal social paradigm of the society (Milner, 2005). According to Stoddard (2013), the evolving notions of societies are observed to be having a severe impact on the life of the people and are creating a huge craze among the commoners to follow their steps. Furthermore, it is noted that the celebrity culture has evolved to be a para-religion and it is followed by the larger masses of the societies. With the notion to develop their own identities, the people are influenced by the different traits of the celebrity culture and are .identified to be incorporating the same. Furthermore, there has been a huge shift in the notions of the society in terms of celebrity representation. This has majorly influenced the society irrespective of their social settings and positions (Stoddard, 2013). Bakhtins Concept of the Carnivalesque and Its Impact on Celebrity Culture According to Ghini (2012), Bakhtins concept of carnivalesque refers to a myth that encompasses the reality of life and creates a virtual world for the people leading their life. Furthermore, Bakhtin concepts even melt down the boundaries between the concepts of ‘I’ and ‘we’ and develops a unified social status. It is even noted that the so-called societal barriers are even broken down by the impact of carnivals and creates a virtual effect on the life of the commoners (Ghini (2012). Similar to the role of exchange conceptualisation of the Bakhtin’s carnival, the celebrity culture is also identified to play a role model in carnivalesque. This efficiently helps in developing a culture that provides with many opportunities for the different culture to flourish. According to Thomas (2011), the celebrity culture is even observed to be portraying the sheer difference between real life and lifestyle of the people. Alonso (2012) stated that like the carnivals, celebrity cultures provides the world with a second life and helps them to enjoy as well as leisure time with less tension in relation to the social barriers. The concept of carnivalesque is similar to celebrity culture depending on the increased consciousness about portrayal of the development of social status. There has been a huge impact on the different shows portraying the celebrity culture on the lifestyle of the common public (Alonso, 2012). According to HU (2012), carnivals are often a portrayal of different cultural values considered from different societal settings. The adoption of different folk cultures is one of the most important parts of the carnivals. It is even noted that the incorporation of different folk culture within the carnivals helps in developing a parallel life to that of the real life (HU, 2012). Similar traits are visible within contemporary celebrity culture where the common people from the different societal backdrops imitate attributes of the celebrities. Correspondingly, Karimova (2010) commented on the utopian nature of the carnivals that is even prevalent among the celebrity culture (Karimova, 2010). With the changed nature of the development of the social status, several incorporations are visible in the culture system of the society. The increased state of representation as a part of developing a social status has emerged to be a major segment of the society influenced by celebrity culture (Marwick & Boyd, 2011; Harmon, 2005). With the increased integration of the virtual world incorporated by introduction of social media, there is a huge inclination to the second life for the people (Flinterud, 2014). This life is similar to the situations of the carnival where the people enjoyed their freedom from the rules and regulations portrayed by the society (Flinterud, 2014; Marwick & Boyd, 2011). Similar to the Bakhtin’s concepts of carnivalesque, celebrity culture enhances the ambiguity among the lifestyle of the people. Celebrity culture has a huge influence on the various aspects of the society and influences the development of the social status. Additionally, celebrity status like the Bakhtin’s concepts of carnivalesque have been hugely involved with role playing to develop a societal set up irrespective of the paradoxical boundaries. According to Karimova (2010), the creative memory created through different cultural dogmas has an immense impact on the social environment. In the same way, the different television shows that reflects the celebrity culture has a huge impact on the social lifestyle of the people (Flinterud, 2014). Furthermore, the carnivalesque features are even portrayed through the different television programs that create a humorous sensation in the commoners’ mind (Karimova, 2010; Stevens, 2007; Brandist & Tihanov, 2000). Additionally, Brandist & Tihanov (2000) noted that celebrity culture is having a huge impact on the social life of the commoners. Owing to the virtualisation of the real life, there is an inclination towards the virtualised world than the real world (Brandist & Tihanov, 2000). With the increased influence of the less regulatory world, the common people are more inclined in developing their social status based on the secondary life they are leading. It is even noted that consumerism is majorly inclined towards developing a virtualised world and enhances the acceptance of the same in the real domain (Stevens, 2007; Brandist & Tihanov, 2000). Critical Evaluation Based on the above analysis of review of literature, according to the Bakhtins concept, it has been identified that abusive language and insulting words or expressions are the key features of carnival. It has been recognised that the trend of carnivalesque is usually observed in the film world and television show communities. In this regard, it has been revealed that the trend of festive carnivals usually allow human to express their emotions and status in the community without any restrictions and limitations. Based on the review of Bakhtins concept, it has been perceived that in the contemporary era, the mainstream culture is about maintaining a social order according to the class and position in the society. In this regard, higher class people usually maintain a strict social rank in the community, whereas the lower class people always try to repress them from the centre of the community. During the period of carnival occasions, no specific differences can be observed in terms of social position of the human. Moreover, it can be argued that carnival festival usually assist human to temporarily forgot the gap as well as border of the real life style, which has been invented by political, legal as well as ideological authority of the community (Wright, 2013; Karimova, 2010). Based on the above discussion, it is quite apparently identified that carnival plays an important role in case of shaping the new generations in the society. In this regard, it can be claimed that there are certain aspects, which are directly related with the key components of carnival theory. In this regard, based on the viewpoint point of Foley & O’Donnell (2009), it has been identified that carnival festival has brought changes in the western culture as well as European culture. In this regard, it can be argued that culture of the festive carnivals, rituals and characteristics of the carnival is the key components, which has influenced the characteristics and behaviour of the human in carnivals (Foley & O’Donnell, 2009). Similarly, this concept helps to analyse the contemporary celebrity culture of the celebrities around the globe. Based on the viewpoint of Driessens (2013), it has been noted that contemporary celebrity culture is sparky, charming and fascinating than that of traditional trend of real life style. In this regard, in order to identify the real evidence, it has been notified that deferent form of entertainment has become the interest for the higher class people. Development and advancement in terms of social context has influenced the contemporary celebrity culture in an extensive manner. In addition, changing trend in celebrity culture has become a new phenomenon in the contemporary era, which has influenced the interest on the celebrities’ activities in an extensive manner. In this regard, it can be argued that in the contemporary era, celebrities are playing different kind roles as an actor. As an effect, the surrounding society is witnessing the expose of celebrity culture (Driessens, 2013; Kurzman & et. al., 2007; Epstein, 2005). Based on the review of different researchers, it has been identified that in the early 21st century, the trend of the celebrity culture has changed dramatically with the development of media domain as well as media coverage. In this regard, it is also witnessed that celebrities have utilized media as an instrument for attracting the attention of the youth and large populace of the society. As an example, human usually adopt certain characteristics from the celebrities regarding drinking, their life style and dressing pattern among others. At the same time, it can be argued that celebrities are usually involved with several scandals, which are also creating an impact on the life style of the civilians of the society. Apart from this, it can be argued that primary evidences are also creating an impact on the society. In this regard, it can be evidently claimed that Bakhtin’s concept regarding the carnivalesque is more appropriate, which is exceptionally similar to the contemporary celebrities’ trend. In this context, restrictions and limitations are not applicable for the celebrities of contemporary era. Moreover, Bakhtin’s concepts have been recognised that it specifically inclines towards liberty and equality aspects, which is observed in case of contemporary celebrity culture. Additionally, contemporary celebrity culture does not have any rules and regulations like normal human life-style (Stevens, 2007; Brandist & Tihanov, 2000). Conclusion From the above study, it can be comprehended that the key components of carnival culture, which can be certainly observed in the contemporary era in case of celebrity culture. This particular study has highlighted the key components of Bakhtins concept and the study has highlighted the practice of Bakhtins concept in different segments of the society. In this regard, it can be argued that carnival has reduced rules and regulations for human life and simultaneously, it focus on humans regarding the social structure of the people. In the modern era, the carnival culture phenomenon has become popular and it has influence the atmosphere of social life in an extensive manner. On the other hand, it has been revealed that the contemporary celebrity cultural trend is different from the modern social system and structure. Based on this particular study, it has been possible to identify the key components of the celebrity culture in contemporary era. Similarly, based on the review of Bakhtin’s concepts of carnivalesque, it has been identified that celebrity culture has an influence on the lifestyle of the people to a large extent. At the same time, it has been also perceived that the contemporary celebrity culture plays a crucial role in case of developing paradoxical boundaries for the socialite. As an effect, the impact has been directly observed on the social environment. In this regard, different platforms such as television shows, TV serials and movies are recognised to have a huge impact on the social lifestyle of the people. Thus, it can be claimed that free and familiar interaction, eccentric behaviours, cannibalistic misalliances and sacrilegious are considered the key aspects of modern era, which have enhanced freedom and opportunity of expose more extensively in the society for the celebrities. Bakhtins concept of carnivalesque has reinforced the condition for the human being in the modern society. In this regard, it can be claimed that behaviour, attitude and image of the celebrities have created a high impact on the social life style of the human. Simultaneously, Bakhtin’s concepts of carnivalesque features have created an extensive impact on the humorous sensation based on television or magazines. References Alonso, P. T., 2012. Satiric Infotainment TV Shows. The University of Texas at Austin, pp. 1-80. Carmo, A., 2012. Reclaim the Streets, the Protestival and the Creative Transformation of the City. Finisterra, Vol. 47, No. 94, pp. 103-118. Driessens, O., 2013. The Celebritization of Society and Culture: Understanding the Structural Dynamics of Celebrity Culture. International Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 16, Iss. 6, pp. 641-657. Epstein, J., 2005. Celebrity Culture. The Hedgehog Review, pp. 7-20. Flinterud, G., 2014. Stealing From Bakhtin. Nordic Journal Vol 2, Iss. 1, pp. 70-76. Foley, M. & O’Donnell, H., 2009. Treat or Trick? Halloween in a Globalising World. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Ghini, G., 2012. Bakhtin’s Carnival as a Gnostic Chronotope. Bakhtin and Carnival: Culture as Counter­Culture. [Online] Available at: [Accessed January 4, 2015]. Gwekwerere, T., 2013. Space, Voice and Authority: White Critical Thought on the Black Zimbabwean Novel. University Of South Africa, pp. 1-100. HU, A., 2012. Copycatting Culture Study: A Perspective of Bakhtin’s Carnival Theory. Journal of Cambridge Studies, Vol.7, No. 1, pp. 121-134. Harmon, K., 2005. Celebrity Culture. Bibliographic Review, pp. 98-106. Karimova, G., 2010. Interpretive Methodology from Literary Criticism: Carnivalesque Analysis of Popular Culture: Jackass, South Park, and ‘Everyday’ Culture. Studies in Popular Culture, pp. 38-51. Kurzman, C. & et. al., 2007. Celebrity Status. American Sociological Association, pp. 347-367. Marwick, A. & Boyd, D., 2011. To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 17, Iss. 2, pp.139–158. Milner, M., 2005. Celebrity Culture as a Social status System. The Hedgehog Review, pp.66-77. Shepherd, D. G., 1993. Bakhtin: Carnival and Other Subjects: Selected Papers from the Fifth International Bakhtin Conference, University of Manchester. Rodopi. Stevens, A., 2007. Carnival and Comedy: On Bakhtin’s Misreading Of Boccaccio. Archive. [Online] Available at: [Accessed January 4, 2015]. Stoddard, B., 2013. Gods Behaving Badly: Media, Religion, and Celebrity Culture. Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, pp. Vol. 25, Iss. 2, pp. 312-313. Thomas, R. O., 2011. The Freak Incubator: Big Brother as Carnival. Celebrity Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 221-223. Wright, D. A., 2013. The Rhetorical Event of Modern Southern Humor: "A Requisite Element in Discourse". University of South Carolina, pp. 1-169. Read More
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