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Several Creative Headlines for Leatherman Hand Tools Company - Essay Example

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The author of "Several Creative Headlines for Leatherman Hand Tools Company" paper argues that headlines can make or break a product or a company and thus is very important. The headlines presented in the paper blend well with the three advertisements…
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Several Creative Headlines for Leatherman Hand Tools Company
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Creative Book Introduction Headlines are catchy phrases on top of a paper that quickly advertise a product or company (Zucker, 9). Every company needs to have a headline to promote awareness of the products or the company itself (Stewart, 3). This paper gives out a number of creative headlines for Leatherman hand Tools Company. Moreover, it presents three advertisements in regard to the headlines. Headlines 1. Going camping- be safe. 2. Have you been spending a lot on hand tools? 3. Get multi- dual hand tools for easy work. 4. The best and longest guarantee in town. 5. Durability and value for your money. 6. Looking for pocket tools, multi-tools, knives and other accessories? 7. Check our great website for hand tools. 8. Leatherman hand tools: the widely used tools. 9. Check out creative styles in hand tools. 10. Want to experience customized tools. 11. Tools for all weather. 12. Get a new tool for your old or broken one. 13. Your chance to buy at mini prizes. 14. Dedicated staff equals good service. 15. Manuals and hand tools. 16. Luxury and convenience at your doorstep. 17. All in one hand tools. 18. Hand tools for all generations and class. 19. Get 25 year long guarantee. 20. Interested in stainless steel had tools? 21. Variety of products under one roof. 22. Want to be discrete? 23. Great creativity as hand tools fold in infinite ways. 24. Caught in danger? Have pocket survival tools. 25. Blades, pliers, files, pruners, screwdrivers, cork screws in one. 26. Are you a juice lover? 27. Get the best after sales services on hand tools. 28. Search no more. Here is the answer. 29. Warning: how to be a man. 30. Have you been left out? 31. Which house does not have these? 32. Camping and home work gets easier. 33. Money back guaranteed. 34. Solutions. Do you have work? 35. Handy tools problems have never been easier. 36. Men need quick solutions. 37. Men get for free; women buy at less. 38. Want to travel light on a road trip? 39. Have you burdened yourself for nothing? 40. Here how to do it all at once. 41. Rise to a hero in a blink. 42. Beat petty issues the easy way. 43. Quick relief to survival. 44. Luxury meets durability. 45. Volunteers come back for more. 46. Value, durability, convenience and luxury together. 47. World wonder tools. 48. One touch setting. 49. Cowards are the new heroes. 50. Amazing prices for luxurious tools. 51. Cheap but valuable gifts for males. 52. It is at your doorstep? Have you ever noticed it? 53. You do not have to be strong to defeat thugs. 54. Ways to have customized tools at fair prices. 55. Diversity in tools. 56. Tools that makes a man more macho. 57. Women love men who are survivors. 58. Priceless tools on offer. 59. Tools that will change your life forever. 60. Stretch your money for more. 61. Think first before you head on a trip. 62. Loved and trusted by the president. 63. Save a damsel in distress today. 64. Be the man. 65. Become popular in a school camp. 66. Want to make life easy. 67. More savings, more value. 68. Tested and proven as the best. 69. The start of a revolution on tools. 70. No time for misplacements? 71. Secrets to getting noticed? 72. For people who want it all. 73. It is crazy but it is true. 74. There is no room for comparison. 75. Everybody has made this mistake. 76. Hitch hikers dreams come true. 77. Heaven sent camping solutions. 78. Ignorant of fixing even little things? 79. Donate all. The answer is here. 80. Leather man tools are the cure. 81. Surprise everybody at home and on vacations. 82. Ladies glow the heart of your man. 83. It is stylish and luxurious at the same time. 84. Triple power and value. 85. Once you have it, you will never leave it. 86. Survival tools at their best. 87. Find matching tools and accessories; be trendy. 88. Excellent jobs with less work. 89. Let your repairs speak for themselves. 90. Here is a faster way of fixing your problems. 91. Are you in the know? 92. Tools with a sexy appeal launched. 93. Silverware cutlery rivaled by hand tools. 94. Greatest news ever. 95. How I became a hero from zero. 96. Help friends in need. 97. Technology has saved the world. 98. Do not be caught unawares. 99. Confessions from the pope. 100. Love your tools now. Three Advertisements Advertisement One Be the man: we at Leatherman tools offer men a chance to show how great they can become in a blink of an eye. Try out our customized all in one survival tools that will leave all the ladies scrambling for you. Leatherman tools give you the best service ever because our goods have fair prices, durability and the best ever guarantees at 25 years time. This is enough time to have become a macho man. Grab your today and take home a sexy lady. Appeal comes from the luxurious part of the tools and its handy nature of preparing juices with the compact juice tool. The best part is that all Leatherman tools are replaceable and have guides. Be the man with Leatherman tools. Try the lucky charm in Leatherman tools. Advertisement Two Caught in danger? Have pocket survival tools: A simple tool can change your life. A simple tool can mean life and death. What if the tool was a multi dual with numerous tools all in one? This could mean fighting the worst battles and emerging victorious. This is what Leatherman tools aim at. Apart from folding in disparate ways, Leatherman tools come in different styles in one piece. There is combination of blades, pliers, files, pruners, screwdrivers with some sets having cork screws. All these are replaceable and have back up. Furthermore, Leatherman tools have manuals that make them easier to use. For more information visit our websites and comment or ask our dedicate staff for assistance whenever. Leather man tools the best offers ever. Advertisement Three Here is a faster way of fixing your problems: With over thirty ranges of products, Leatherman hand tools are the most wanted hand tools in town. The company strives to give you the best by offering luxury, durability and value all in one. Everybody has a catch in the trendy hand tools and fixing problems is a walk in the park. Rush while stocks last but Leatherman will always offer you the most tiring guarantees in the market placing it at the top of the market. Our dedicated staffs have stylish hand tools that take the drabness off the use of hands to fix all problems. Camping, hitch hiking and home problems are now our best friends with the triple power of Leatherman hand tools. Don’t we just love have survival tools at hand with Leatherman hand tools. Conclusion Headlines can make or break a product or a company thus is very important. The headlines above blend well with the three advertisements. Works Cited Stewart, N. P. (2012). Headlines! Headlines! Headlines?: Read all about em and guess which actually happened. Avon, MA: Adams Media. Zucker, J. (2002). Comprehending magazines: Investigating the structure of magazines. Balcatta, WA: R. I. C. Publications. Read More
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