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Social Media Streams and the Practice of Journalism - Essay Example

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The paper "Social Media Streams and the Practice of Journalism" is about the communicative nature of Twitter in spreading messages. Twitter is one of the fastest-growing social media communication platforms with the ability to cover events happening instantly. …
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Social Media Streams and the Practice of Journalism
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Twitter accounts are free to open and working with them is utterly easy. The reason behind the easy usage of Twitter accounts to spread messages fast is the features that it has incorporated in enhancing the sharing of information. This aids in the fast spreading of information across the globe within seconds. For instance, from the reading, Twitter has played a very fundamental role in enhancing the communication of critical messages. Such messages include information about terror attacks (Hermida 672-673).

The reading gives some insight into the importance of people embracing the use of Twitter as a social media communication platform. Twitter has a major impact on journalism practice in everyday life. The social media communication platform has had quite an influence how on the reporting and distribution of information globally in the news houses. The use of Twitter affects how other news organizations have to respond to breaking news in order to have significant input from the public. In addition, the journalists’ scope is evolving daily because of the new communication platform that is making great impacts in the communication industry (680).

Question: Is the role of Twitter in communication bound to change journalistic practice in the future? Discuss.

Reading 2

The article is about the impact that citizen journalism has on case studies done in China. In China, the mainstream media is under strict control and there is an intensification of social conflicts. These happen amid the worsening sentiments among the nationals in the country.

The reading is very realistic about the current society where citizen and mainstream journalism communication have taken root. For instance, it cuts across citizen communication and its impact in societies that are non-democratic both politically and socially. The reading gives insight into what is happening in most societies in the world in terms of communication practices. It is evident from the case stud citizen communication has a great influence on mainstream journalism in enhancing the online flowing of information. The establishment of mainstream journalism trying to express the national sentiments of the people if incorporated with citizen journalism can have a great influence in manipulating and influencing the citizens. The effective use of the two forms of communication from political and social perspectives will enhance sanity in the political alignments of the country (Xin 334).

The conclusion about the impact and relationship of both citizen journalism practice and mainstream journalism are key elements in the journalism and democracy debates. The advancement in technologies is paving way for the use of the internet in expression to enhance social justice while facing away traditional or rather offline activism (341).

Question: What is the impact of citizen journalism in china in the promotion or hindrance of social change in China?

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