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Media - A Fine Line Between Reporting the News and Creating the News - Research Paper Example

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News reporting has always been structured and reported through the information that has been biased with the intention of creating agreeability (Brian 27). As the…
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Media - A Fine Line Between Reporting the News and Creating the News
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A Fine Line between Reporting the News and Creating the News News creation and news reporting are the means used in the media that influence the news we get and read daily. News reporting has always been structured and reported through the information that has been biased with the intention of creating agreeability (Brian 27). As the audience of the news, we cannot analyze and differentiate if the media houses are reporting created news or gathered one. It is hard for viewers to analyze the original content and the source hence there is a fine line (Broderick & Darren 1).

Forces of profitability have influenced the media to the extent that they create and report the news instead of gathering real information. In actual sense, the journalists are the one that create the news by making them happen newsworthy. Most news organizations deliver news to the people, but they cannot always be where the news. This has led them to use the techniques of creating that could have happened. Through journalistic beats, we find the creation and reporting of news having a clear line to fill the pressures with news demand (Kenneth 45).

To support this view, journalist beats being places where news events are usually expected to happen hence providing them with a steady stream of news. The crime report is usually created but not reported, example is the one that was on Toronto Star page A8 (Richard A8). This story is an example of news collected from provincial police officers and reported making it as though the journalist was at the courthouse. This excerpt from Toronto stars exhibits the way news is created and made to be reported.

The w audience cannot question the news worthiness hence a fine line between creating the news and reporting the news (Schudson 207-216).Works CitedBrian, Robert. Critical Media Studies an introduction. Singapore: Willey-Blackwell, 2010. Print Broderick, James & Darren, W. Miller. Consider the source. New York: Routledge, 2007. PrintKenneth, A. Politics and Economics of news: The Earl. Toronto, 2012. Print Richard, B. Security consultant faces charges after blackmail complaint. Toronto Star.

Toronto Star page (2012): 8-16. Schudson, Michael. The Sociology of News. London: Mcglaw press, 2011. Print. Pp. 207–216.

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