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Understanding Research Philosophy in ICT - Essay Example

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This essay "Understanding Research Philosophy in ICT" sheds some light on the phenomenon that finds great relevance in any field of study, and various scholars have found great interests in evaluating their effectiveness in achieving research objectives…
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Understanding Research Philosophy Paper Name Student Number Institution of Affiliation Course Code Instructor Date of Submission Understanding Research Philosophy in ICT Introduction Research philosophy is a phenomenon that finds great relevance in any field of study, and various scholars have found great interests in evaluating their effectiveness in achieving research objectives. The procedure and process of coming up with research findings is affected directly by the approach and theoretical framework utilised. The field of information communication technology is diverse, complicated and changing consistently resulting to the need for more clarity and explanation of various conceptual aspects. Thus, research approaches in the field of ICT finds great relevance in creating clear frameworks where research paradigms are imparted to give conclusive findings. This study revolves around the field of ICT evaluation incorporating both positivist and interpretivist approaches as incorporated in ICT researches. The specific aspect of interest within the research investigation revolves around the impact of new MyPassword systems for students and staff at University of Tasmania. This is respect to establishing its effectiveness and sustainability in respect to security and confidentiality aspects of ICT by establishing the most appropriate research paradigm. Background Information The main target in research approaches aim at achieving the most accurate and credible data to meet a set research objectives, and come up with findings for conceptual analysis (Hughes and Jones 2003). This paper evaluates two research paradigms with two stances of positivist and interpretivist in ICT studies so as to understand, and critically assess the utility of various philosophical positions and their relationships to various methodologies, tools and techniques. Generally, there have been increased debates targeting the various research frameworks and approaches frameworks on the knowledge, their relationship to the world and methods utilised in the production (Carcary 2009). The diverse research paradigms provide critical aspects of understanding various phenomena in the world, as well as giving means of understanding them through implicit or explicit means (Guba 1990, p23). In the ICT field, researchers are expected to comprehend and utilise critical means to evaluate upcoming implications to the philosophical positions, as well as their relationships to specific methodologies, tools and techniques. Various views are presented by positivist and interpretivist researchers pertaining to how various outcomes in a given study ought to be evaluated. Conflicts of paradigms dates back to the 1980 are which resulted to the crippling of quantitative methods of research studies (Guba 1990). Nevertheless, Guba’s work The Paradigm Dialog brought about some light in this context and considerably brought down the level of conflicts (Denzin and Lincoln 2005). The results brought about deliberations by post-positivist, constructivists and critical theorists resolving ethical issues among other contentious issues. The different stances are triggered by issues surrounding data accuracy and validity (Barkhi and Sheetz 2007). Positivists studies tend to concentrate on the validity, reliability and generalisation of data, nevertheless, the fact that these aspects are termed of significantly less importance by many qualitative researchers; based on the merits set by interpretive studies (Carcary 2009, p.11). On the other hand, some interpretivist incorporate issues like dependability, credibility and transferability of research data to establish the reliability of their research findings (Andrade 2009). Therefore, while a researcher embarks on a positivist study, it is imperative to re-conceptualise the three aspects to reflect concerns created by interpretivist. Theories are utilised by researchers as the fundamental paradigms that form the framework for coming up with findings necessary to improve on contextual understanding of certain attributes. Researchers of information system ought to identify and elaborate on the link that exists between the phenomena in regard to computation and phenomena of interest from an information system perspective (Barkhi and Sheetz 2007, p.5). Approaches by positivists have been utilised widely in the past studies of ICT. The studies utilising the approach concentrate on emphasising quantification of impacts brought about by ICT systems, and thus minimise the use of obvious responses like “yes” or “no” during researches (Klein and Myers 1999, p.82). Nevertheless, many researchers find the approach unsuitable due to the fact that it has failed to resolve various ICT concerns that research studies are targeted to create comprehensive findings (Hughes and Jones 2003; Boote and Beile, 2005). On the contrary, paradigms by interpretivists bring about in-depth grasp of ICT systems impact due to the fact that it ensures coverage of contextual depth and thorough descriptions. Thus, with complexity and changing aspects in the field of ICT studies, the latter approach appears more appropriate to evaluate ICT concepts and come up with conclusive findings. This is because such approaches recognises social and organisational contexts, as well as evades unproblematic, generalised views of data organisation that is associated with approaches undertaken by positivists (Andrade 2009). Thus, findings from interpretive research tend to realise more conclusive findings for ICT conceptual understanding. Positivist and Interpretivist Research Paradigms in ICT Positivists assume that reality is objectively given, thus can be studied through measurable attributes that solely are not dependent on the researcher and the tools utilised (Denzin and Lincoln 2005). The approach by positivists tends to test the theoretical aspect by following a paradigm based on the theoretical aspects and thus, enhance ways of understanding the given phenomena. Generally, a positivist approach tends to treat actions as traits that have been brought about by external factors. However, it is believed that individuals will possess different dispositions to act on the triggers that bring about the external factors. The aspect of ICT research brings about fundamental differences between philosophies that underpin information and communication technology on one hand, and philosophical thinking behind the aspect of qualitative thinking on the other (Boote and Beile 2005, p.12). Generally, research on computer technology majorly follows a positivist approach to the natural world consisting of objects for analysis and evaluation by human beings, then comprehend and manipulate them for knowledge acquisition. This view is considered as unbiased and is embraced well by quantitative researchers. In the sociological perspective, positivist orientation encompasses the concept that every entity in the world can be analysed and numbered, counted and quantified for certain interests (McDougall and Jones 2006) However, certain processes have to be followed in the evaluation mainly borrowed from the natural sciences context of view giving room for true understanding to be achieved. Positivist research studies are perceived to result to prejudice or prejudgement contributing to bias, and thus, bringing a hindrance to the exact findings being realised (Chib and Harris 2012). Positivists believe that objectivity is only achieved when researchers adopt a position that is value free and has no inclination that would bring about bias. Bias affects the overall analysis of findings in a research resulting to interpretations that does not give a transparent finding (Denzin and Lincoln 2005). From a positivist point of view, beliefs and attitudes in the social context are taken as stable and sufficiently suitable for analysis. Nevertheless, this approach does not meet the standards of uncovering the contextual factors that operate in the survey research (Carcary 2009). Equally, there are struggles with newness in the field of ICT in every field of operation triggering various perspectives towards interpreting effective ways of implementing various information systems. The new trends in the ICT development has consistently demanded for fresh and integrated approaches toward coming up with optimum results to impact positive in the technological changes (Chib and Harris 2012). The paradigm shift has thereby triggered a plethora of case studies mainly utilising the positivist research approach. Institutions alike have not been left behind and thus, ICT studies are persistently taking effective paradigm approaches to achieve effective findings for professional development. Interpretivists’ research paradigms give the opportunity to critically and broadly give flexible findings which help in understanding complex issues (Klein and Myers 1999). They mainly emphasise utilisation of qualitative methods in research studies due to their dynamic nature, contextualisation and majorly concentrate in understanding issues that are complex. Interpretivism has gained prominence in information system research with the researcher being perceived as not entirely objective, but rather part of the research study (Boote and Beile 2005). By being part of the research process, bias is fundamentally based on the background, knowledge and prejudices to view things in given ways but not others. The approach is holistic in that it covers various variables incorporating the context of study, thereby covering diverse subjective experiences (Carcary 2009). Information systems research which forms great aspects in ICT concepts can be termed as interpretive in nature. The stand is viable if assumed that the knowledge of reality is acquired via social constructions like language consciousness, documents, common meanings and tools among others (Klein and Myers 69). Interpretive approach is mainly confused with qualitative approaches of research study; however, the two are different in that they are neither equivalent nor interchangeable (Andrade 2009). From an interpretivist point of view, the assumption is that knowledge possessed is gained through social constructions while qualitative research is a broad concept. Qualitative research approach is a process that undertakes investigation on the social human problems set out in a natural setting and the researcher careful examines sampled individuals who give out required data or information (Andrade 2009). Generally, an interpretivist approach result to well grounded insights that elaborate on the complexity of the ICT concepts. The approach takes the stand of reality being socially constructed, and thus the researcher is the system that reveals reality (Barkhi and Sheetz 2007). Through interpretations, the approach contributes consistently in the construction of facts that leads to subjectivity backed with quality arguments rather than accuracy of statistical findings. On evaluating the interpretive research approach, the initial step involves coming up with assumptions and then accessed into reality via various steps of study (Klein and Myers 1999). The interpretive study evaluates a given phenomena via meanings assigned by individuals to the concepts therein and interpretive approaches in information systems tend to bring out understanding the context of IS. The approach by interpretivist does not identify variables whether dependent or independent at the initial stages of a research study. Rather, it focuses on the complexity human intellect held by the researcher with emergence of circumstances in the study process (Andrade 2009). The innovative nature characterising the field of ICT requires critical contexts which can only be realised with the researcher being part of the entire process to come up with comprehensive findings. Through research studies, researchers are able to link computing theories to the practices necessary in computer technology significantly indicating the growth and development that is on-going in the ICT sector (Holz and Applin 2006, p.107). By incorporating interpretive research approaches, information system researchers are able to comprehend the human thoughts and actions as per the social and organisational contexts. According to Klein and Myers (1999, p.67), the approach possess the capacity to come up with in-depth insights of IS phenomena that also incorporates information management, as well as development of information system. Nevertheless, with increased utilisation of this approach, there are great concerns pertaining to various ways that can be incorporated to effective and conclusively improve quality of interpretive field research. Critical Insights There exist notable exceptions in respect to research studies and actual practice. Whereas there are various challenges observed in both learning and practice environments, identity and positioning continue to largely influence the urge for research studies to identify critical aspect and clarify on conflicting aspects. In context, all research studies pertaining to ICT development whether qualitative or quantitative are fundamentally based on the assumptions of validity and trying to identify the most appropriate research methods (Chib and Harris 2012). Therefore, a researcher identifies and comes up with a favourable research paradigm based on their assumptions and the target of acquiring the most accurate data in the study process. Generally, the most relevant and logical assumptions are the ones that basically supports the study objectives and gives better insights towards achieving conclusive findings. According to Holz, Applin and Haberman (2006, p.107), a phenomenological approach is made distinct by the assumptions made prior to the actual research study. In this context, experiences presented by various individuals are placed aside, analysed and then compared to come up with the essence of the phenomenon under consideration. From the study perspective, both research approaches tend to be equally focussed. Nevertheless, the indicators to the perfect paradigm approach are determined by the conceptual analysis and objectives of the research study (Andrade 2009). With increased changes in the ICT development platforms, the need for certified research findings is necessary to provide insights on computing concepts. From the concept of analysis in this study, “Tasmanian MyPassword” which has been introduced in the institution for use by staff and students, evaluation of its effectiveness can be analysed via an interpretivist approach. Through an in-depth analysis of the new application, a critical evaluation will result to findings for understandings its operation and further recommend on effective improvement measures. By exploiting the effective understanding of the positivist and interpretivist paradigms, the concept of information system utilisation in the institution requires effective study focus to conclusively realise effective relationships of the methodologies to be utilised, research tools and techniques (Carcary 2009). These aspects are critical in the overall realisation of critical insights that will lead to achievement of conclusive findings for the research study. Being a case study approach, interpretivist approach comes out the best paradigm to utilise and come up with in-depth findings (Klein and Myers 1999). Nevertheless, the research study will majorly rely on the perspective and assumptions made by the researcher to come up with conclusive findings. Conclusion In conclusion, the adoption of various paradigms in research study is complex undertaking and calls for critical knowledge on the objectives, as well as the expected outcome to choose the most effective approach. The embracing and defining of active research approaches in computer technology helps in understanding the theoretical frameworks to the actual computer practice. This can be termed as significant maturation of the field of computing technology as a discipline of study. ICT research studies have a broad range of theoretical frameworks where various interests as per the research study can be evaluated in respect to the aspect of information system. The key aspect towards adopting a given paradigm shift ought to be the consistency of the phenomena in which the theory was defined and the information system phenomena being pursued. However, this research study has concentrated on the two approaches of positivist and interpretivist as utilised in ICT research studies. Research paradigms comprise of critical aspects in the research framework, basically outlining the required approach of analysis to come up with effective findings. The utilisation of these paradigms and incorporation of theories from other disciplines have been shown not to perfectly apply in information system if the phenomena are similar. Nevertheless, the adaptation and adoption of a given approach calls for the comprehension of the manner in which the theory relates to the phenomena in the discipline of reference and vice versa, as well as coming up with assumption on how theory modification will relate at closer range with information system phenomena. From the study analysis, positivist approach has been identified as the most utilised in the past, however, the interpretivist have been indicated as an in-depth one finding greater relevance in the ICT research studies. Reference List Andrade, A.D., 2009. Interpretive Research Aiming at Theory building: Adopting and Adapting the Case Study Design. The Qualitative report. Vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 42- 60. Barkhi, R., and Sheetz, S.D., 2007. The State of Theoretical diversity in Information Systems.” Communication of AIS. Vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1-19. Boote, D. and Beile, P., 2005 Scholars Before Researchers: On the Centrality of the Dissertation Literature Review in Research Preparation.” Educational Research. Vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 3-15. Carcary, M., 2009. The Research Audit Trial- Enhancing Trustworthiness in Qualitative Inquiry. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods. Vol. 7, no.1, pp. 11-24. Chib, A. and Harris, R. (Eds.), 2012. Linking Research to Practice: strengthening ICT for Development Research Capacity in Asia. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing. Denzin, N. and Lincoln, Y. S., 2005. Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Guba, E., 1990. The Paradigm Dialog. Newbury, Park, CA: Sage. Holz, H., Applin, A. and Haberman, B., 2006. Research Methods in Computing: What are they, and how should we teach them? ITiCSE, pp. 96-114. Hughes, J. and Jones, S., 2003. Reflections on the Use of Grounded Theory in Interpretive Information Systems Research. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation. Vol. 6, no.1. Klein, H. and Myers, M.D., 1999. Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies: A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems. MIS Quarterly. Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 67-94. McDougall, A. and Jones, A., 2006. Theory and History, Questions and Methodology: Current and future Issues in Research ICT in Education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 353-360. Read More
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