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The Rule of Networks Sensors on Smart Cities - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Rule of Networks Sensors on Smart Cities" describes that the easy access and sharing of information even among the public has improved the development of informed decisions. Therefore, the experiment will show many other roles of network sensors in smart cities…
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Cover Page) Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Table of Contents (Cover Page) 1 Table of Contents 2 1.0.Abstract 3 THE ROLE OF NETWORK SENSORS ON SMART CITIES 4 1.0.Introduction 4 2.0.Need/aim of the research 4 2.1.Need for the Research 4 2.2.Aim for the Research 4 3.0.Background and literature review 5 3.1.Background 5 3.2.Role of Network Sensors on Smart Cities 6 3.3.Current methods of the roles of network' sensors in a smart city; 7 4.0.Research plan 9 4.1.Scope 9 4.2.Question 9 4.3.Hypotheses 9 4.4.Methodology 10 5.0.Research constraints 10 6.0.Time plan and budget 12 7.0.Ethical Consideration 13 8.0.Conclusion and further work 14 9.0.Acknowledgements and References 15 1.0. Abstract Network sensors detect data in real time and send it back to data centers where it is analyzed and used to make decisions. The sensors have proved very important in the development of smart cities with smart buildings and architectures. These have improved the lives of the smart city dwellers through the environmental benefits it presents. The application of the network sensors has improved efficiency in businesses and other areas through cost and time saving with the increased informed decision making. The demand of the network sensors in the different field is very important, including management of the public and private resources. The project presents an outline of the network sensors and the plan to perform the experimental and literature review to determine the role of the network sensors in the smart cities. THE ROLE OF NETWORK SENSORS ON SMART CITIES 1.0. Introduction The research presents an overview on the role of network sensors in a smart city. There exists a wide range of network sensors that perform different roles and functions in the city. For instance, wireless sensors present the network nodes, which also protect the environment. The aim of the research proposes an outline of evaluating literature reviews and performing an experiment to identify the role of the network sensors in smart cities. The report presents the need of the research, and an overview of the research methodology/ plan of the report. It includes an overview of constraints of the project and the timeline and budget of the project including the ethical considerations of the process of the network sensors in the smart cities. 2.0. Need/aim of the research 2.1. Need for the Research Today, many cities and countries engage the implementation of network advances among other internet things in managing and surveying the environment. The increased application of urban and advanced technologies and how it improves the efficiency of services and businesses in the world or cities. Network sensors among other information and communication technology applications have been applied in numerous areas such as monitoring health care, environmental and earth sensing and industrial sensing among others. Thus, it presents that network sensors application in smart cities is growing highly. The growth stipulates the need to evaluate the role of network sensors thoroughly in smart cities. 2.2. Aim for the Research The paper proposes to research on the role of network sensors in smart cities. Network sensors are mainly wireless, which can either be wireless sensors or actuator networks [1]. The networks are network sensors are distributed in vast environments where they assist in monitoring the pressure in a city/ or town, the sound, temperature, environmental and physical conditions. The network sensors help pass data attained from the environment to the network through bi-directional processes for the sensor activity. The network sensors in armies is used for surveying the battlefield. Thus, today it is used in surveying environments for commercial and consumer processes as presented in the report [2]. Smart Cities are the cities that have incorporated Information and communication technology advances in among other internet related things to manage the assets of a city. The assets may include information systems, community services and libraries among many others. Thus, the aim of the report is to research and report on the role of network sensors in smart cities. The research proposes to evaluate through existing literature and conduct an experiment on the role of network sensors in smart cities 3.0. Background and literature review 3.1. Background Network sensors are identified as wireless devices mainly that assist in monitoring, recording and transmitting information to data centers. The network sensors operation are linked to the internet connections through either LAN or WAN networks. LAN refers to the connections of computers to network devices within the same building. WAN refers to connections to the public or may include the connections within enterprises. Thus, it is not limited to a single building. Others include MAN (metropolitan area network), which is limited to several buildings. Thus, the network sensors in a smart city uses the WAN since it is not restricted to any geographical locations. WAN includes a LAN and MAN connections in it effective applications [14]. Network sensors collect data from different parts of the environment and transmit it to the data hub where it is accessed and interpreted for decisions to be made. Over the past few years, network sensors have advanced including their roles and functions within cities. For instance, today the network sensors are used to monitor operational intelligence wealth, light, temperatures and other environmental readings. Thus, given how the network sensors can be used today to monitor and collect information in any area, different objects and constricted spaces [23]. The network sensor devices have to be connected on Wireless mesh networks. The wireless mesh networks transmit data to a gateway server directly or through nodes [22]. Sensors in a Smart City 3.2. Role of Network Sensors on Smart Cities A smart city is one that has implemented information and communication technologies in its main activities. Information and communication technology (ICT) involves the integration of information technology and communication technologies through software’s for the increased access of information, storing the data and transmitting it easily among other benefits. The ICT involves the application of networking applications for increased accessibility and transmission of the information [3]. The smart city is one that can compute and analyze the data collected from other networking sensors and other large scale data among others [7]. The increasing urbanization taking place in the world today requires a more advanced technology to monitor the physical and environmental conditions in cities [1]. Network sensors include the information sensors in the world, the wireless devices, cameras and data centres that ensure efficient monitoring of the environment including different industries in the city [21]. The network sensors role in smart cities is to ensure sustainability in utilization of products and services in the city, increasing safety, interaction, comfortable, efficient and smart cities [18]. Advanced technological network sensor help improve systems such as transport system, health care sustenance and provisions as well as communication systems in businesses and with people despite different geographical locations [15]. The network sensors play important roles in improving public services in the environment such as real time traffic management, local incident alerting among other activities that puts the governments and the people in constant communication. Smart sensor networks improve cities by making them efficient and delivery smart services. That is; the sharing of information in the cities is efficient and fast and easily accessible to the public for business management and decision making among other platforms in different industries. In remote areas, the network sensors are used to transmit data, monitor the network supply in business and others while managing consumption of resources for increased efficiency [24]. ICT in network sensors helps improve communication flow and city sustainability through ensuring the provision of information that allows the development of informed and right decisions as well as interaction. Over the years, network sensors roles in the cities have been seen in many activities as presented below. In transport management, network sensors have led to the process of smart parking through allowing drivers to detect nearest available open parking slots that increasing the process of energy efficiency in saving fuel consumption and time [16]. The network sensors are also used in ensuring the effective operation of the streetlights and detecting the faults in the systems. The network sensors play the main role of ensuring cities decisions mainly when emergencies and other complications occur, they are made in real time [4]. Network sensors have led to the increases combination of information and communication technology through infrastructure and architecture, environmental, economic and social problems among others in a city. The sensors have improved the development of constructions through the development of smart buildings and other structures that influence the success of the business [12]. The network sensors improve the communication within the environment for understanding the complexity of the smart city. The network sensors include the actuators that are linked to the internet protocol. The network sensors track anything and can gather information about any issue in the environment [5]. For instance, in Rio, the network sensors are used to monitor the water levels mainly during rain storms when the city gets flooded and many people lose their belongings and there life. Thus, the role of the network sensors in such an area is very significant. In a smart city, there are numerous problems such as the management of a growing population through production and provision of food, the processes of waste management and others [5]. The network sensors include the application of the technology and smart phones among other smart applications to ensure the evolving of smart cities [6]. 3.3. Current methods of the roles of network' sensors in a smart city; The network sensors as presented above play very important roles in the development and efficiency of the city development. Thus, some of the current methods used for network sensing improve four main areas, which include saving and increasing time consumption efficiency, cost efficiency, risks and expertise efficiency linked to the methods. A case study by the [9] presents the current roles of network sensors in smart cities is to tackle the environmental challenges. For instance, one of the role of the network sensors in the transportation industry is the improvement of and development of smart power grids, smart industrial progressions including buildings among others [25]. Network sensors have increased in the environmental degradation through the improvement of energy consumption that improves climate change among many others. In the smart city, a sensor is used to measure the physical properties of any object, or situation. The main sensors used include the biosensors, electronic sensors and chemical sensors. This sensors will be evaluated and researched on further during the experiment for practical data collection. The current role of the electronic sensors is to detect different energy forms. This are the most common sensors since for instance in the transport industry, they are used to detect faults or ensure the electronic signals perform well, they detect radiant energy and thermal energies among others. The actuator, which is an electronic sensor is used to detect voltages and currents energies. Thus, in a smart city, it is used to detect when power is down or the currents are high [11]. The limitation of these electronic sensors is that they consume a lot of energy during their tasks. The current role of the biosensors is to detect the anolytes in biomedicine [12]. The limitation of these sensors is that they can only be used in the field of biomedicine. The current role of the chemical sensors is to provide chemical composition of an environment despite the state of the condition [10]. It is limited to sensing issues that are linked to the chemical properties, which stipulates it needs to be used with other sensors that correct other kinds of data [13]. The limitations of the sensors identified can be replaced by using the alternative sensors in the same direction. For instance, the electronic sensors that exist sense data from light, sound temperature or speed among many others. The electronic sensors include current sensors, electroscope, magnetic anomalies sensors and voltage detectors among any others. Thus, despite the limitation of the electronic sensors, there are many alternatives. Other alternatives may include the environmental/ weather sensors, parking sensors and speedometer sensors among others [20]. Similarly, the chemical sensor alternatives may include sensors such as carbon dioxide sensors, oxygen sensors, electronic nose and catalytic bead sensors among many others. The alternatives to the biosensors may be ionizing and subatomic sensors such as neutron sensors among many other biosensors devices. Other network sensors that are very important and used alternatively in smart cities include the image sensors, digital sensors, radar sensors including tracking sensors, video and face sensors and wireless network sensors among many others [26]. The network sensors helps reduce the labor costs and time consumption through detecting problems early in time, which saves the time and cost spent dealing with a problem after it deteriorates. More importantly, the network sensors such as the biomedicine and chemical sensors help reduce risks such as epidemics by detecting problems early in time to deal with it prior to the issue been a major epidemic in the city [31]. Neural Networks can also be used as alternatives. This are network sensors that accesses complicated computer data. It is a sensor that is used to learn and interpret videos from numerous sensors such as smart phones, street cameras and others. The neural network uses the deep architecture process to analyze data [27]. In a Smart city, the sensor is used to process and analyze data from speech recognition, vision, and natural language processing [28]. Thus, in the smart city, it ensures that the real scale data of the city is analyzed and used in making the right decisions [7]. Through real time tracking, time consumption is limited in that the costs of labor for the manual object tracking and monitoring are reduced [17]. In the police department, the neural networks can be used for face identification and recognition [19]. This helps in identifying the crooks in a city and monitoring their movements among others, to ensure safety in the city is met. 4.0. Research plan 4.1. Scope The research proposes a literature review analysis, case studies evaluations and conducting an experiment to understand the impact and role of network sensors in smart cities. This will help identify the areas where the applications of network sensors are done mainly in the smart cities, and the efficiencies they provide. The scope of the research project include: The primary objective of the research is to identify the role of network sensors in smart cities. Secondary objectives include: a. Identifying the network sensors and the current methods of network sensors applied in the cities. b. Knowing what makes smart cities. That is; what is a smart city? 4.2. Question The research project will evaluate a number of issues as presented below. 1. What are Network Sensors? 2. What is a Smart City? 3. What is the role of Network Sensors in Smart Cities? 4. What are the methods of network sensors utilized in smart cities? Limitations of the methods and what are the better alternatives? The research focuses on answering the questions presented above to identify the role of network sensors in smart cities. 4.3. Hypotheses The literature review presents numerous scientific and professional journals, which have given considerable time and structure in evaluating the role of network sensors in smart cities. The rising population in various parts of countries and urbanization demanded a more reliable process of monitoring the urbanized (Smart) cities to ensure numerous national decisions can be made easily and in real time [29]. Thus, the hypothesis of the research is to identify the role and function including responsibilities of network sensors in smart cities? This articulates that the network sensors are an important part of ensuring the success and development of the smart cities. Thus, the role of the network sensors in this cities is a key and main hypothesis of the research. The primary hypothesis of the research is that network sensors in smart cities help in easy transmission of data, monitoring the environment and physical issues, while allowing the improved management of public resources. That is; it helps in the provision of informed decisions in public issues, based from the data from the sensors. The secondary hypothesis presents that not all network sensors perform equally. They have different roles, performances, efficiencies and limitation. This presenting why the function is to be considered of each network sensor selection. 4.4. Methodology The report presents an outline on the role of network sensors in smart cities. The research proposes, engaging in a qualitative research through evaluating the existing literature and case studies while engaging in an individualized experiment. This will show how the network sensors are used and the benefits they bring to smart cities. This will help understand the role of the network sensors in smart cities [30]. Qualitative research is important since it shows how far the network sensors are advanced and used in the smart cities. This is attained through analysing the data that has already been collected already and the data that will be attained through the experiment to show why the network sensors are perceived as a main necessity in the development and urbanization of cities today. Qualitative research design will provide answers to how the network sensors are used in smart cities. The research proposes using the literature review and case studies to show how network sensors are used in the smart cities. The experiment will then be carried out within a WAN area, where the results of the monitoring, will be compared with those of the literature review. The comparison of the results will determine the main role and efficiency of the network sensors in smart cities, while citing the benefits perceived during the experiment. 5.0. Research constraints The experiments include network sensing devices to collect data in different areas of the city. Thus, this will require the renting of some of the network sensors centre hubs and using their devices to perform the experiment. Thus, one of the main constraint of the project would be the costs of the renting the centre hub and the devices since they are largely expensive. The mitigation plan includes requesting the university to assist in renting the data centre hub and the network sensing devices. With the help of the school, I will not spend much of my personal money on the experiment, nor will I limit the time and information needed to effectively evaluate the role of the network sensing devices in different environments. On the other hand, to conduct the experiment will require me to be available for a period of ten hours minimum to identify how different network sensing devices operate. This will provide an overview of the advantages and limitations of different network sensing devices. Thus, it will be challenging to have the time needed to identify and evaluate many network sensing devices. As such, the project due to time limitation will evaluate only two devices. The risks are presented below. Risk Reference Risks Consequences Current Risk Treatments Current Level of Risk Additional Risk Treatments Residual Level of Risk Likelihood Consequence Risk Level Ranking Likelihood Consequence Risk Level Ranking 1 Finances Lack of experimenting on the role of network sensors in smart cities Finding financial from the university 3 2.5 high 3 Use personal finances 2 2 Low 2 2 Time Lack of evaluating the application and role of network sensors in smart cities Make time 2 2.5 Low 3 Meet the standards inspection in the diverse levels 1 3 Low 2 3 Ethical considerations Engaging in legal problems Read the ACS code of ethics to ensure rules are not been broken 1 4 4 4 See the permits for the Center hub to ensure no rules are broken 5 3 2 1 Activity Overall Risk Rating of the Project 2 Key for the Rankings 1 = significantly low 2 = Low 3 = Average 4 = High 5 = Significantly High 6.0. Time plan and budget The timeframe for the project is provided in the chart below. The process identifies and allocates all activities sufficient time for its completion. The chart presents the time that will be also spent negotiation on the costs of renting and using the network sensor devices and data center hubs. The budget of the experiment is not very expensive since most of the research involves using existing literature review. However, the following sheet presents an outline of the anticipated budget and costs of the experimental activities. The cost of the experiment is only the cost of researching on the network sensing devices, and renting the data hub and experimental costs as presented below. Budgeting     Activity Cost ($) Network Sensor Devices Research 20$ Renting the data center hub and devices 54$ Performing the experiment 10$     Total 84$ 7.0. Ethical Consideration The applications of network sensor activities may be considered to interfere with the privacy of people. Thus, one must have approval from the ACS code of ethics. As a student engaging in this experiment, I will need a permit from the ACS to show that I am reliable of meeting their requirements, which include putting public interest before personal and business interests among others [8]. Other ethical issues to be considered include honesty, competence, quality of life enhancement and professionalism. Thus, prior to engaging in the practical experiment, one must have a permit from the ACS and ensure the data center hub, I will use for the experiment has a permit as well to eliminate the possibility of engaging in an ethical issue. 8.0. Conclusion and further work The research presents that engaging in the experiment to evaluate the role of network sensors in smart cities will be beneficial in improving cities and the management of public resources. The existing literature presents that smart cities improve in the development of informed decision making, while monitoring issues in the city that improve the quality of life. For instance, in the case study presented, network sensors in smart cities have improved energy consumption through improved decisions on parking where one does not have to drive around looking for parking slots. On the other hand, it notifies authorise when accidents occur, when roads are closed or not safe among other issues that help improve the lives of the people in the city. In businesses, the easy access and sharing of information even among the public has improved the development of informed decisions. Therefore, the experiment will show many other roles of network sensors in smart cities. The implementation of network sensors in other cities should be evaluated to identify how the network sensors could be implemented since they have many benefits to the lives of the people in the smart and urbanized cities. (Word Count: 3678) 9.0. Acknowledgements and References [1] K. Maraiya, K. Kant and N. 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