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Mobile Application for Domain Hardware - Case Study Example

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The study "Mobile Application for Domain Hardware" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the mobile application for domain hardware. The subsequent project scheme is to analyze and explain the proposed new application for a Victorian-based Stores Company called Domain Hardware…
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Mobile Application for Domain Hardware Project proposal Document control sheet Version history Version no. Date Changed by Nature of amendment 1.0 17/12/2014 Student’ name Initial draft. Contact for enquiries and proposed changes For any inquiries or concerns about this document, please contact: Project Manager: Yazeed Alnusayri Phone: phone number Project proposal approval checklist  Project governance is acknowledged. Project client, supporter and supervisor have been recognized and acknowledge their accountability.  There are clear rationalization for the project: The real fundamental problem to be addressed has been acknowledged. What the project is anticipated to attain has been determined. The products or services to be delivered have been evidently determined.  Stakeholder analysis is suitable taking into account the projects type and size.  Scope is clearly defined. Handover report approval The following executives have approved this document. In signing this endorsement: I concur that the document meets the standard required for the project proposal deliverable (requirements above). I recognize the pecuniary and other impacts linked with progressing to the options scrutiny stage. I authorise development to the options analysis phase. Project customer (responsible for ensuring the affirmed benefit(s) of the project to the company have been deliberate and met) Name Mark Jones Position General Manager – Domain Hardware Signature Date Project sponsor (responsible for representing the organisation(s) delivering the project) Name Mark Jones Position General Manager – Domain Hardware Signature Date The following key stakeholders critical to the project’s success have endorsed this document. Name Pam Watson Position Manager – Information technology Department Signature Date Name Emma Watts Position Manager – Legal Department Signature Date Name John Moon Position Manager- Finance Department Signature Date Contents 1 Executive summary 10 1 Introduction 12 2 Governance 12 3 Stakeholders 14 4 Project Justification 16 5 Project Planning 18 6 Project Units 20 7 Scope of the Project 26 8 Cost Management 30 9 References 33 10 Appendix 33 1 Executive summary Subsequent project scheme is to analyse and explain the proposed new application for a Victorian based Stores Company called Domain Hardware. The company intends to put up a new mobile based application that will be used to read bar codes through mobile devices. This intended application will be applied to develop the existing systems and expound on value addition to the services the company offers. The intended system will scan data from bar codes via mobile appliances. The scanned data will then be entered into the system’s database automatically. With this new system, client services will be available during normal working hours. The project is comprehensive and demanding. Therefore, a number of trials will be carried out. This will ensure that the final application is error free. After effective run, it will then be installed on all stores of the company. This will ensure that our application has been fully implemented in the company. As of the scope, this application will involve a market research for the client and marketing the application through a promotion campaign. In addition, there will be Local Area Network (LAN) expansion to fit the new system, installation of the new system and guidance of the personnel on using the system. The manuscript will be useful until the trial has been successfully run. Chief intention of the company is to attract more customers. New clients will be attracted to the stores of the company. In addition, the company intends to increase value to service delivery to its clients. This will help retain the loyal customers and gain new adventurous ones. Thus, the company’s revenue will experience a positive growth. As the new application is demanding and expensive, comprehensive promotion campaign will be implemented to ensure many new clients have been gotten. These new clients, once they make purchases, will ensure a profit from the investment. This will make the application less demanding economically. Thus, this draft entails the costs, scope, rationale and outline of the proposed system project. It will be implemented within a period of 12 months since inception. 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this document The main rationale of this manuscript is to analyse and explain the projected application for Domain Hardware. The document explains scope, client’s expectations and requirements and principles to be followed to develop and execute the application. This will lead to a positive return for the client. The company’s intended goals are to scale the returns from its activities through effective value addition. The projected application is the main approach to achieve this goal. It will make service delivery efficient and diverse. Yazeed Alnusayri is the main advocate of this mobile application. Collaboration with departmental heads of the company, he will realize this project proposal. General Manager of Domain Hardware, Mark Jones, will assess and verify the proposal if it meets the needs of the company. 2 Governance 2.1 Project Client This is the stakeholder who uses the final system. This is the person who is responsible for determining whether the final application has met the requirements and its expectations. Domain Hardware is our customer. 2.2 Project Guarantor This is the professional responsible for overall endorsement and funding of the project. Our guarantor for the projected mobile application is Mark Jones who is also the Domain Hardware General Manager as of 2014. 2.3 Project Administrator This is the professional responsible for overall management and control of the development of the application project. The Project Manager reports to the sponsor on the developments and achievements of the project. Our Project Manager is Yazeed Alnusayri. 2.4 Management Hierarchy Our customer has a well defined administrative structure. Domain Hardware has a well defined administrative structure where each personnel has clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The company’s top management is the Managing Director, Mark Jones, who heads the entire company. This is the main sponsor of the proposed application. Yazeed Alnusayri is the project manager. This professional will be reporting to the donor regularly on the progress of our project. Each department has respective managers. There are six of them namely: Finance, Human Resource, Information Technology, Legal, Marketing and Procurement. 3 Stakeholders The following table shows the stakeholders and their responsibilities during the project period: Stakeholder Agent Analysis Activities Paybacks Domain Hardware Mark Jones Main guarantor of the application. Collaborates with supervisor of the project. Proposition for the application. Assessment of proposal. Proposal endorsement Personnel Store employees Implications of application on employees Instruction on system usage System usage Human Resource Martin Man Supervise all personnel in participating in project. Roles delegation for personnel. Liaison with project group. Project assessment. Successful completion of the project. Finance John Moon Implications of the application on financial structure Financial analysis and funding selection. Project funding. Information Technology Pam Watson Implications of the application on Information and Communication Infrastructure LAN expansion, hardware and software acquisition and integration Integration of application Legal Emma Watts Implications of the application on liabilities and laws Legal evaluation of application Revision of application Marketing Frank Dunn Promotion campaign Market survey of client needs System promotion Vendors Not identified Particulars of proposed inputs. Buying inputs Products acquisition Procurement Harry Thomas Inputs for the application Liaison with vendors and subsequent purchases Inputs purchase Printing company Not identified All printing involved for the project. Photocopying and printing. Photocopies and printouts of various documents. Clients Not identified Implication of the application on the customers. Coordination with personnel. Hiring and purchasing stock 4 Project Justification 4.1 Environment Domain Hardware, a stores company in Melbourne, was developed in 1968. It specializes on hardware supply to the clients. The company has numerous branches in Victoria region of Australia. The main urgency of this project is the necessity of a better and more improved customer handling system. A Managerial Board resolution commenced the project proposal for endorsement and use in the company. This helped in attaining the intended objectives of the company The old system in use avails the information through both digital and prin format. The intended phone application will read and upload data through mobile applications. This will make service delivery more competent. Various data will be availed in a more convenient manner to both clients and personnel. This new application will lead to a positive increase of the company’s income hence getting more profit from its operations. With this new approach in service delivery, it will outdo its competitors. 4.2 Results and pay offs of the application The basic reason for endorsement of this project is increase the Domain Hardware’s by diversifying service delivery to the clients. This will be done within a year. The consequential advantage is to retain and enlarge the number of clients visiting the stores company. 4.3 Relativity with goals of the department The current tendency of Domain Hardware Company is giving strapping returns to the spirited venture of hardware stores. This is achieved by advertising the company’s operations and having an increased income growth. These goals of the company are to be achieved through modification and expansion of client’s services by adding value to the existing services. Service value addition will attract new clients and retain existing ones as well as providing a fascinating experience with the company. The proposed application will assist the company in achieving these supreme intentions of the company. 5 Project Planning 5.1 Company Hierarchy Domain Hardware is a well structured company with a clearly defined administration structure. At the top of the management is the Mark Jones who is the Executive Managing Director who is responsible for overall management. Under him are departmental heads who report on departmental activities to the General Manager. This is summarised below in graphical format: 5.2 Project Achievement Process There are several steps essential for our project. These include initiation, progression, implementation and execution. They are described below. 5.2.1 Conception Phase Drafting the original scheme of the project Undertaking a research on requirements for the new system Examining the feasibility of the new system 5.2.2 Progression Phase Record the benchmark tests Analyse the benchmarks along requirements Design and code the application Test the application Remove errors 5.2.3 Implementation Run the new system on the devices Evaluate the performance of the system Organize training for personnel Plan and implement advertisements Manage the system and monitor it occasionally 5.2.4 Culmination Phase Assess accomplishments of the application in regard to user requirements and results on test data 5.3 Life Cycle Project life cycle is the processes that are involved in initiating, developing and implementing a project. Our project will take the traditional methodology of waterfall method. This is to make sure that each stage of the project has been fully and successfully achieved before proceeding to next phase. Through this approach, we will ensure that our final application is robust and effective. In addition, it will also meet the user requirements. Any defects in the application will be identified and modified or eliminated. This will make our project development successful. 6 Project Units 6.1 Groups Management The subsequent section analyses all groups or units which will be concerned in the initiation, development and implementation of this project. The groups have their distinct activities and respective subgroups. These subgroups are part of the larger group and help in completion of the project at specific point of project phase. Each unit and sub-unit has respective supervisor who ensures successive achievement of the unit’s objectives at each stage of the project. 6.2 Project Groups Project Unit Sub-group Outline Supervisor Adeptness Marketing Promotion operation Plan, organize and execute a promotion process of project. Frank Dunn Thorough expertise in designing Experience in handling target audience. Client Review Plan, design and Create and distribute customer disburse customer research to examine the client’s view of the project. Expertise in customer psychology. Legal Contracting Operations Planning, outlining and writing the contract terms and agreements for the various subcontractors. Emma Watts Experience in legal knowledge. Regulations Analysis Examining the existing laws in regard to the project application and analysing the impacts of application on the company in relation to these laws. Further, advising the company on legal matters. Procurement Procurement of project equipments and stock. Procuring the required computer hardware, software, and accessories for use in stores Harry Thomas An excellent rapport with IT vendors and industries. Information Technology Database Design and Expansion Redesign and modify the initial database to include the new application. Pam Watson Experience and Knowledge in database design and management. Integration of bar code systems Initiating and developing bar code scanning systems and further integrating them with the existing systems in the company. Knowledge in bar code systems and good rapport with system engineers. Intranet design and expansion Redesign and implementation of the LAN to add support for the new system. Skills in network design, implementation and management. Phone applications design and development. Design and implementation of mobile applications to support the new system. Knowledge in mobile applications development and apple platforms. Project tryout Prepare test data and equipment for the application assessment. Knowledge in software testing methodologies. Human Resource Project groups Organize with departmental heads for creating and executing project groups. Martin Man Interpersonal, negotiation and communication techniques. Personnel Preparation Create and execute a teaching programme for the company’s personnel in regard to the application usage. Good rapport with personnel. Subcontractors engagement Examine the bidders and discuss costs for various bids. Good rapport with bidders. Finance Monetary repercussions of the venture Carry out a comprehensive fiscal research and investigation of the application on its effects on the company’s financial life. John Moon Experience and knowledge in auditing and analysis. Acquire financial support for application project. Analyse the most favourable source for funds of the project. Good rapport with donors and other fiscal advisors. 7 Scope of the Project 7.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) This section highlights major tasks which will be done during the project period for successful achievement of the project. Each subunit has respective submissions for submission. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Submissions Project supervision Controller: Yazeed Alnusayri Launch Examine the benefits and pitfalls of the application. Examining possible solutions and choosing the most practical. Grouping the stakeholders. Review of the project terms by sponsor. Project contract Stakeholders’ records. Development Project management structuring Requirements engineering Scope analysis WBS development Project schedule development Project budget Project management plan Requirements records Project scope WBS Project budget Other project plans for personnel and stock Performance Supervise project progress Quality and assurance examination Project teams development Stakeholders management Project management plan Project documentation Project team progress reports Project oversight Project oversight Scope control Project quality monitoring Performance coverage Risk management Project documentation Project management schedule Performance records Risk documentation Finale Project groups termination Procurement closure Debts clearance Project report Project analysis Application Development Controller: Pam Watson Commencement Possibility examination and risk management Feasibility report Risk documentation Software model System specification Development Expenses and timeline monitoring Personnel allocation System coding and testing Database modelling Quality and assurance assessment Gantt chart Project teams Web programming Specifications documentation Test application Quality and Assurance report Implementation System expansion Bar code system integration Final integrated system Finale Software analysis Evaluation report Market Survey Controller: Frank Dunn Inception Research requirements, select approach and plan survey Requirements documentation Development Draft questions, develop survey and disburse papers Survey preliminary design Performance Printing and issuing materials Assessment printouts Survey oversight Results entry Storage of survey results Finale Survey results and project completion Project analysis Legal review Controller: Emma Watts Preliminary Project scope acquisition Project scope report Development Examine the effects of laws on application Examination of laws and Acts Performance Draft a report Legal implications report Legal review oversight Monitor legal implications of application Progress report Finale Finalize the legal assessment Legal implications report 7.2 Mobile Application Processes 7.2.1 Gantt chart There are several activities that will be carried out during the project period. These activities have to be done at specific instances. The project’s period is represented by the Gantt Chart (See Appendix). 8 Cost Management The following part of this document highlights the costs implicated by the proposed application. The expenditure is approximation thus actual expenditure may show a discrepancy. Projections are evaluated from professional data available online at If there are 2000 working hours for a year and each is $80, we can thus estimate the expenses. 8.1 Project Budget The projected expenses are as shown below (In Australian Dollars): Activity Hours /Qty $/Hr Total Major Activities       Printing     $200 Project Supervision 2200 120 $252,000 System Design 800 115 $92,000 System Coding 800 115 $92,000 Database Design 500 115 $57,500 Database Coding 500 115 $57,500 Network Designing 500 110 $55,000 Network Implementation 500 110 $55,000 Web designing 750 115 $86,250 System Analysis and Integration 500 75 $37,500 Personnel Training 200 80 $16,000 Miscellaneous   $25,000 Sub Total $825,950         Other Purchases       Computer Hardware Expansion 12 1500 $18,000 Computer Software Expansion 5 1200 $6,000 Mobile Devices 25 700 $17,500 Bar Code Scanners 20 500 $10,000         Sub Total     $51,500         Grand Totals     $877,450 9 References McCann, Tyson. (2012). The Art of the App Store: The Business of Apple Development. Indianapolis: John Wiley and Sons. Schwalbe, Kathy. (2011). Information Technology Project Management. 6th edn. Retrieved 2 December 2014 from Sommerville, Ian. (2011). Software Engineering. New York: Pearson Education. Stepanek, George. (2012). Software Project Secrets: Why Software Projects Fail. New York: Apress. Wagner, Stefan. (2013). Software Product Quality Control. Berlin: Springer. 10 Appendix The Gantt chart has been attached as a separate excel document due to compatibility issues. Read More
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