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Internet and International Relations - Literature review Example

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The idea of this paper "Internet and International Relations" emerged from the author’s interest and fascination with how internet has changed international relations. Internet is an international resource whose management and allocation is a matter of political strength. …
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Running Head: INTERNET AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Internet and International Relations Name Institution Date Introduction Internet is an international resource whose management and allocation is a matter of political strength. Internet has really changed international relations in various ways. It has developed new areas of nationwide interest and foreign policy concerns. Internet technology is changing the way nation-states are being defined. Internet has developed virtual states, in which parallel communities are created and political agendas are implemented. Due to introduction of internet technology, techno-imperialism’s visions and electronic warfare are causing nation-states to implement regulatory measures that preserve economic, political and cultural integrity. Though information infrastructure is the key aspect in economic stability for many countries, the likelihood of viruses or electronic bombs bringing damage to an economy is factual. This implies that architects of nation-state will have huge task of re-examining the prevailing politico-economic paradigms and integrate fully technological plans in its apparatus to avoid imminent marginalization (Jackson & Sørensen, 2007). How internet has changed international relations According to Mueller (2010), Internet has caused positive changes to international relations. The convergence of media promoted by the growth of internet is changing global news coverage and changing relations among nations. The tripartite association of public, policy-makers and news media has been made tighter by the web’s convergence powers. In taking the internet’s advantage, news organizations are increasing their in-house abilities and developing new partnerships. In United States, the changes might have specific profound impact on long-neglected global news coverage (Mueller 2010). Governments are also influenced by these changes, applying the internet to get and disseminate information. For their part, citizens can collect information for themselves, rather than waiting for media companies to filter and deliver it. Other aspects of international relations that are influenced by internet include the development of venues for terrorist groups, followers of democratization and watchdog or pressure groups. Apart from news and other communications systems, internet normally presents current challenges to international relations systems. The information revolution is taking place on several fronts, redefining the function and control of news media and presenting policy-makers with an instrument that must compete and use internet for their own reasons. The nation-state borders are said to be deteriorating both from the enhancement of international economies where cyberspace is, and also from lack of management by national governments concerning communications in cyberspace (Jugoslavije 2007). Plaickner (2010) notes that Internet was discovered as a cold war project by defense department to frustrate attempts of soviet surgical strike and successive demolition of information infrastructure. It is therefore appropriate to suggest that the creation of internet was based on motives of politics. The internet therefore has changed the nature of global relations and diplomacy by providing the linearity of time and hugeness of space as less important factors. Due to explosive development of internet, only information scientists can provide approximations of how several connections exist (Plaickner 2010). The expansion of internet has significantly deterritorialized the world by making the world a single connected entity without defined boundaries. Interestingly, the technological phenomenon has developed the paradox of bringing countries closer as it pulls them suddenly apart. It is not clear how the marketplaces for new information and creative political systems will be legitimized. What is clear however, is how the communications globe is changing quickly from one divided by nationwide telecommunications entities to a single governed by user groups’ multiplicity who wish to publicize their rules of conduct. What is interesting in virtual globe is the promulgation of policies as mentioned. Through the internet, there are different virtual communities and agreed on-line policies of behavior (Fell 2006). The participants are not restricted by geographic location, political views, cultural or religious relationship, racial categorization and ethnicity, or even physical figure. They support philosophic grounds relevant to the group that finally reify into some type of political framework. Theories are posited, verified and disapproved by all participants in the group that are dispersed around the world. The idea of a virtual globe might have a profound effect on how global opinions are created thus impacting indirectly on individual’s nation polity. Through the development of virtual world, the function of several participants in political science discipline needs to be revisited (Clemens 2004). Though theorist claims that technology’s diffusion from developed to developing countries is a major element in international transfer of power, technology’s diffusion is always done selectively resulting into a defacto bias that favors particular countries, organizations, persons and academic specialist so that they can easily obtain valuable technology. In response, several developing countries have cried for new world information and communication order (NWICO) that bring more similarity and balance to global communication environment. NWICO has served as corollary to new international economic order (NIEO) since the channels of communication have mirrored patterns of global trade (McIntyre-Mills 2006) Access or absence of access to information is developing rapidly the dichotomy of haves and have-nots, providing credence to the saying, information is power. It is possible to use multivariate approach in presenting the dichotomous information disparity among the developed and developing countries. According to Clemens (2004), countries that normally have control over the information flow always have control over the world’s resources flow. Current attention on global flow of information, that is, the use of internet, is due to enhanced awareness of nation-states, groups, imbalances, institutions and their impact on national and global decision-making processing as well as on the private lives of individuals around the globe. The continual drive toward a whole technological-based world has developed deep for countries that have not recognized its significance. Internet has caused borders to vanish and time on the other hand has become irrelevant. It therefore implies that public relations have become very easy to undertake. Public relations program can be carried out in twenty four hours. Chatting can be done within a space of an hour. A newspaper reporter in Quebec can get response from people around the globe. Since individuals can effortlessly access and communicate with partners around the world, it is believed that public relations activities can be done in similar manner. Internet therefore has changed international relations since different countries around the world can easily communicate at faster rate among each other. Nations are able to access information in similar manner through out the year (Drezner 2008) Public relations activities that strictly come from home-office are doomed to failure in current’s global marketplace. Drezner (2008) argues that the globe has become extremely complicated. As the world become a small place, public relations corporate responsibility listen to, recognize and take into account the local possibility and consequences of public relation strategies. When public relation strategies are modified locally they produce a very consistent, productive and successful international communications program. Moens (2005) notes that the Internet has changed the manner in which communication is carried out. Research is performed and shopping and interaction is done far beyond a particular country’s boundary. The internet is really an international link and a profound instrument of immense proportions. Internet has changed the manner in which politics are conducted, money is received and individuals participate in social groups and cultures in the country and across the border. The internet, similar to television that was introduced before it, has a great effect on politics and political system in any nation. For instance, when Americans need information concerning the coming election they always use internet to assist them in making voting decisions. Americans normally use internet as a primary source of news concerning current campaign as compared to the previous campaign. Other nations can also access this kind of information and judge the way campaign and election are being done. This in future can affect the way countries relate. The introduction of internet has caused a tremendous impact on the way political campaigns are planned (Moens 2005) The political parties can take advantage of blogs, email, mobilizing funds through text messaging and conversing with possible contributors through email. Internet is confirming to be a quicker and cheaper way for political parties to observe what the population find significant. Candidates can organize a political platform from the information and communicate it to American citizens. According to McGowan (2004), the face sweeping changes through internet transformation of American politics is accelerating with the coming of 2006 congressional and white house elections of 2008, prompting the policies’ rewriting of advertising, raising funds, supporters mobilization and the spread of negative information. Republicans and democrats are rapidly enhancing their use of interactive web sites, e-mail, candidate and party blogs, and text-messaging to mobilize funds, plan get-out-the-vote attempts and gathers crowds for rallies. Americans voters are also reached through websites such as Facebook, Friendster and MySpace. On these sites, political associates get linkage and common issues thus they can perform campaigns that are friendly to individuals, both at home and abroad. Internet therefore seems to be more efficient and less expensive than traditional instruments of politics in both domestic and international affairs (McGowan 2004). Internet has a big economic impact, both locally and internationally. Internet provides a huge variety of products that can be purchased online. Online merchants normally use the information obtained from the consumer and apply it in their businesses thus becoming more profitable than ever before. In the world of business, consumer’s knowledge is a chance for money and power. Corporations and organizations in any country can reach international customers at any time. Corporations can study the business trend and implement larger economic decisions that require millions of dollars. People no longer operate in a globe of local markets. Internet has taken us to international market. Nations can market their products across the border without any difficulties. They can also purchase products from other nations without necessary travelling there thus reducing the costs incurred in acquiring the product. Internet therefore facilitates a country’s economic growth. Internet has a great impact on our society and culture. It has changed people’s way of life. Currently it is possible for a person or a nation to send instant emails across many miles. Internet therefore assists in connecting families, friends, nations and the world around us. Internet has made the world to look very small thus making international relations simpler. It has made it simpler for nations to know the cultures of other nations thus making it possible for a nation to know how to relate with different nations around the globe. This therefore implies that internet has really improved international relations. Anything that a country might need to know can be obtained by just clicking the button. Any information, from residential mortgages to health advice, from research to blogging can be obtained online. Internet also brings people from different countries together. This can happen through emails, instant messages or through social networks such as face books or twitter (McGowan, 2004). Internet has negatively changed international relations. Online linkages such as terror websites have promoted the development of terrorism. The terror websites normally recruit young individuals to join their organizations and involve in violent activities such as suicide bombing. Apart from recruitment, terrorist are using the internet to spread propaganda. It has been noted that in recently, al-Qaida-linked terror organizations and their sympathizers had created a big splash on the internet thus making it their best communications channel. The terrorists are benefiting from costless discussion boards, email accounts and other forums for propaganda that are online, fund-raising, recruitment and planning that are also online. Terror groups normally plan crimes online in the name of religion. It has been reported that Muslim doctors in United States of America used chat site to organize raids that occurred in US. This therefore has affected the relationship between nations. Most Arabs nations are viewed as being supporters of terrorism thus their relationship with other nations particularly those against terrorism has been affected negatively (Moens, 2005). Internet promotes the growth of terrorism. The growth of terrorism normally impact international relations negatively. Internet therefore has always offered the most advantageous platform to pass terrorism information. Terrorist normally apply internet in various ways. These include: Recruitment Raising cash Planning terrorism activities Networking Weapons training manuals Selling products that are linked to terrorism Publishing information that enhances terrorism With little laws and small censorship, terrorism has near-infinite liberty to air its obtrusive message. Several terrorist websites include multimedia technology such as video effects and digital photos. Since starting a website is not that expensive, terrorists have preferred internet as their tool for attack. Terrorists also hide behind unidentified nature of internet. Terrorism’s face has changed from a structure that is well defined to darkness of cell units that function independently from each other. To prevent themselves from being detected after establishing a website, terrorists normally use different means of evasion. Terrorists use various facets of social networking so that they can maintain shadowy presence. To stay in contact, terrorists can employ public, costless hotmail or yahoo accounts that are regularly changed. Several accounts can be opened with sign-on message shared among members of the group. The messages are then forwarded and received on a one-time basis alone and immediately deleted, leaving a disorganized, harder-to-follow trail. Al-Qaeda, the most common terrorism organization in the world, can circulate messages through a collection of websites and on-line publications that provide speeches and directives of Al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin-Laden, plus other news that are related to Al-Qaeda (Weatherbee & Emmers, 2005). A lot of funds are required in financing terrorism activities. Terrorists therefore have discovered several ways of twisting lawful and not-so lawful business exercises to develop a steady cash flow. For example, terrorists can establish and operate an organization that seems credible, but siphon profits to assist bigger terrorist network. Unwitting donors who believe to be assisting a charitable cause might fail to know that they are directly financing terrorism. Credit card scam, identity theft, tax evasion, money laundering and insurance scam through internet are mechanisms that are used in financing terrorism. Moens (2005) notes that with internet, terrorism information has the ability to reach all individuals in all countries. Through a simple connection of internet, terrorists might have a more pervading, far-reaching impact than killing of one individual or bombing of many people. As the networks for terrorists continue to expand, the public require to be informed continuously and be aware of terrorism (Weatherbee & Emmers, 2005). Conclusion From the discussion, it is quite clear that internet has really changed international relations. It has caused both positive and negative changes. Through internet virtual states has been created, that is, creating parallel communities and implementing political agenda. Through its positive influence, it has caused nation boundaries to disappear thus making it easy and faster to undertake international relations. Internet has also changed the way friendly communications among nations, individuals and organizations are being conducted. It has also changed how research, shopping and interaction are being done far beyond a country’s boarders. Internet has positively impacted a country’s politics and political system. It has also a great impact on a country’s economy. Through internet, various products can be purchased online thus making it easy for a country to acquire or sale any products. This normally develops a good relationship among the trading nations. It is also true in the discussion, that internet has negatively changed international relations. Through terror websites, internet has assisted terrorists in doing their evil activities. The terror websites normally recruit young individuals to join the group, network, fund raise and plan terrorism activities. Terrorism has negatively affected the relationship between nations. The relationship between Arabs countries and western countries particularly USA has not been good. Western countries normally view most Arabs nations as terrorism supporters. References Kahl M.C. (2008). International relations, international security, and comparative politics: a guide to reference and information sources. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group. Jackson H.R. & Sørensen G. (2007). Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches. London: Oxford University Press. Mueller L.M. (2010). Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance. New York: MIT Press. Jugoslavije n. S. (2007). Review of international affairs, Volume 58, Issue 1125 - Volume 59, Issue 1132. New York: Federation of Yugoslav Journalists. Plaickner S. (2010). The Internet and Its Role in Global Politics: International Relations in the Internet Information Era. New York: GRIN Verlag. Fell D. & Klöter H. (2006). What has changed: Taiwan before and after the change in ruling parties. Berlin: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag Clemens C.W. (2004). Dynamics of international relations: conflict and mutual gain in an era of global interdependence. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. McIntyre-Mills J. J. (2006). Rescuing the enlightenment from itself: critical and systemic implications for democracy. Berne: Birkhäuser. Drezner W. D. (2008). All politics is global: explaining international regulatory regimes. New York: Princeton University Press. Moens G. (2005). International trade and business law review. London: Routledge. McGowan P. & Nel P. (2004). Power, wealth and global equity: an international relations textbook for Africa. New York: UCT Press. Weatherbee E.D. & Emmers R. (2005). International relations in Southeast Asia: the struggle for autonomy. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. Read More
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