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Relationship between Business Process Reengineering and Information Technology - Essay Example

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The paper "Relationship between Business Process Reengineering and Information Technology" has portrayed an idea about the use of business information systems within an organisation to accelerate its performance. The information management system has been determined as an important factor…
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Relationship between Business Process Reengineering and Information Technology
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Business Information Management Research Paper Table of Contents Introduction 3 Critical Evaluation of Process Being Involved In Developing an Information System Plan 4 Relationship between Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Information Technology (IT) 6 Basic Planning and Control Methods and Techniques Associated With Business Information Management 8 Exploration of Database Management System Concept Relating With Data-Model, Process Models and Object-Oriented Models 10 Conclusion 13 References 14 16 Bibliography 17 Introduction Business information management’s preliminary role is to ensure proper decision-making criteria. The entire process being involved within the decision-making process lays a greater impact on higher authorities. Management information system entails few mechanisms such as Decision-Support System along with Executive Information System for making appropriate decisions. It has been affirmed that decision-making procedure frames a vital part of any organisation. This mainly happens because a majority of the organisational operations greatly depend upon the decisions being undertaken by the higher management (Nowduri, n.d.). Every organisation plans various strategies to keep their information secure. The important role of an organisation in order to survive in the midst of competitive scenario is to share appropriate and accurate information. In fact, in recent scenario, the relevance of accurate information is being noted down in the fields of banking and insurance, telecommunication and advanced policies among others. Application of appropriate information at right place has given rise to accelerated transparency within the organisation (Steria, n.d.). The study mainly intends to provide critical evaluation of the process being involved in developing an information system plan. Furthermore, the study also discusses the relationship that exists between the business process reengineering and information technology. The study also entails basic planning procedure and control methods along with technologies. Besides, the study also discusses the database management systems concepts in precise the relationship between data models, object-oriented models and process models. Critical Evaluation of Process Being Involved In Developing an Information System Plan In order to develop the information system plan for any organisation, numerous processes are being involved. The planning pertaining to the proper information system is important as it has been ascertained that information being gathered are quite complex by nature. In fact, proper planning leads to success in gaining accurate information. It has been further noted that proper planning ensures apparent description of the content and the structure related to information system. In the similar context, it has been acknowledged that an organisation’s plan frames the basis of MIS strategy. In this context, it has been further discussed that Chief Information Office (CIO) is the dedicated person for mitigating the responsibilities associated with information systems plan (Shukla, 2009; Mensah, 1997). Correspondingly, there are various approaches for organising along with supervising the effort related to information systems plan. The planning is associated with the selection of staff for ensuring proper information system plan. Furthermore, planning is done with respect to formation of various groups by recruiting a designated representative from various functions. Review of plan is an important aspect of any information system. Besides, it is discussed that the master plan being designed is thoroughly reviewed under the purview of the steering committee in order to have a clear understanding regarding the feasibility of the plan. In this regard, it has been mentioned that the steering committee comprises higher authorities from differentiated functions that reflect the prior functional areas. Following this process, it has been further noted that the committee usually goes for a periodical review associated with the designed plan. Similarly, it has been further ascertained that the master plan is then integrated within the business plan under the purview of top management. It is the responsibility of the higher authorities to ensure in-depth review of the plan and then provide approval for its integration within the business plan (Mensah, 1997). After the master plan has been reviewed, the policies along with the procedures associated with the information system plan are defined. Another vital aspect, which demands a greater concern, is the contents that frame the part of master plan being developed. Eventually, in this content, it has been greatly noted that they master plan essentially entails two vital components i.e. a long range and a short-range plan. In accordance with the long-range planning, it has been discussed that it provides guidelines that are general in order to show direction to an organisation for attaining their desired goals and objectives. Long-range plan essentially involves advanced strategies related to the internal and external environment of an organisation that assists it to survive in the midst of competitive market scenario. Whereas, concerning the short range plan, it essentially involves the guidelines that frame the base for specific accountability. The accountability of the information system plan is associated with financial along with operational performance. The contents of master plan associated with information system entail organisational objectives and architecture among others. It further encompasses the capability of prevalent inventory of an organisation. Moreover, master plan also provides a forecast related to the developments, which have been made within it (Gorman, 1999). Considering the master plan as the base, it further reflects various goals and objectives associated with an organisation. Plan associated with the external as well as internal environment of an organisation frames the base of survival in the midst of competitive scenario. The master plan being framed assists an organisation in farming assumptions related to the business risk along with potential implications on the overall operational performance. Proper information system plan also propagates strengths and capabilities of the organisation. Additionally, organisational capabilities entail inventory strengths that further include the hardware, software and the application of the technological systems among others. Correspondingly, organisational strengths also entail the analysis of the expenses being incurred upon the operations along with optimum utilisation of the available resources among others. Thus, proper implementation and design of information system plan greatly affect the organisational performance (Gorman, 1999). Relationship between Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Information Technology (IT) Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is regarded as an advanced tool that is applied in order to transform the radical environment of an organisation. It has been ascertained that information technology plays a major role in the effective implementation of reengineering. In recent scenario, in the midst of industrial competitive market purview, the organisation’s survival becomes the major priority. Thus, in order to mitigate related consequences, it becomes necessary for any organisation to renovate its strategies and policies. Concerning BPR, it reflects the latest ideas by keeping aside the traditional views of the managers gathered several years back. Correspondingly, BPR is defined as a “relationship between Business Process Reengineering and Information Technology” (Ramachandran, n.d.). Besides, in accordance with reengineering, there are few principles being associated with it. BPR usually revolves around the outcomes and not the tasks being undertaken. Moreover, the application of BPR facilitates to gather the information at once from the concerned source. In fact, it has been ascertained that BPR is primarily treated as a project. The implementation of BPR consists of three vital stages i.e. analysis phase, design phase and implementation phase. The benefits being derived from the implementation of BPR include service quality, workspace, workflow and continuous improvement among others (Attaran, 2004). The discussion entails the relationship that exists between information system and BPR. It has been revealed that information technology is considered to be an integral part of BPR that assists in the execution of the entire operational process effectively. According to Weerakkody & Currie (2003), it has been affirmed that BPR is implemented within an organisation in order to improve operational performance. In accordance with the latest pattern being implemented within an organisation, it has evolved and has given rise to certain activities that need to be practiced regularly. Differentiated activities entail re-skilling of the employees, re-shaping of the product portfolios, re-designing of the process and information system/information technology. In this regard, it has been further observed that IS/IT is usually looked upon as more than a mechanising force. In fact, it has been assumed that the relationship between BPR and IT shares numerous functions in common. A comparison between the system analysis and BPR has revealed that the approaches associated with the mechanisms entirely based upon the traditional approach as well as the life-cycle approach. In keeping with these approaches, there are few stages based on which they depend. The various stages being framed are preliminary investigations, determination of the requirements, design and system testing among others. Consequently, it has been recognised that approaches being followed by BPR essentially centre on the determined stages (Bhatt, 2000). Considering the relationship that exists between IT and BPR, it has been further observed that changes within the economic environment have given a way to the accelerated application of BPR. In the early 90s, there had been huge reduction within the cost associated with IT application that has ultimately led to complex changes within an organisation. Application of both BPR and IT results in team-oriented, flexible purviews and work-capabilities among others to the workforce. IT plays a major role within the execution of BPR as a mechanism. It acts as an enabler or a constraint in successful application of BPR. On further note, it has been reflected that for building up an effective infrastructure of an IT, successful BPR requirement frames a vital base. IT standards play a major role in the reconciliation of differentiated infrastructure components for providing shared IT services that greatly support the implementation of BPR. These factors depict the relationship between the BPR and IT within an organisation (Johnson, 2011). Basic Planning and Control Methods and Techniques Associated With Business Information Management Business information management plan essentially takes into account the process being utilised for obtaining and managing the information among others. This ensures enhancement and improvement of the organisational performance. The prior objectives associated with the basic plan related to business information management have been discussed briefly. Ensuring the designing of proper business information plan improves the decision-making ability of the higher authorities. It has also been observed that effective business information plan enables fostering timely along with efficient access of the relevant information to other functional departments. It further results in the optimum performance of workforce. Appropriate business information plan further delineates the entire process in order to accelerate the organisational performance. Furthermore, proper plan also facilitates an organisation’s mission and strategic initiatives, which the employees’ consider while attaining the goals of the firm (Wickham & Worth, 1986). Various strategies that can be undertaken in facilitating proper plan related to business information strategies have been discussed. Higher authorities can undertake an initiative to convey the importance effective information sharing within an organisation and its implication. Furthermore, the prevalent information can be improved for optimum usage within the organisational operations. Informing the employees the process being undertaken and other strategies frames a vital part in designing of business information management plan. In this regard, it has been revealed that control techniques associated with information management help the managers to decide upon critical situations by analysing the information being derived. Various control techniques assist the managers in controlling the organisational activities. The control techniques and methods involve traditional as well as modern methods. In fact, as mentioned above that information management frames a relationship with BPR, in the similar manner the techniques being framed within it also impact the information management. BPR is regarded as an application method associated with business restructuring that mainly directs its focus on the business processes. The application of BPR further brings in an organisational change within the workplace purview that initiates employee empowerment and training sessions among others. In accordance with control methods and techniques being associated with BPR, information management system is further divided into different stages. The envision stage reflects the company review of the prevalent information and then its implementation for deriving accelerated results. Subsequently the initiation stage depicts various responsibilities being rendered to concerned team representatives. These team representatives have been selected in order to utilise the information being available in an effective manner. In the diagnosis stage, entire process associated with information management is documented. The next phase is considered to be the redesign stage, where BPR is implemented and new set of strategies and methods are being followed by an organisation. The last two stages are reconstruction and evaluation stage, which depict the re-skilling of employees, reframing and redesigning of the strategies being undertaken (Zigiaris, 2000). Exploration of Database Management System Concept Relating With Data-Model, Process Models and Object-Oriented Models Database Management System (DBMS) is regarded as an integral and crucial part associated with business information management. In accordance with DBMS, it entails the collection of data that are interrelated. Moreover, DBMS also includes various sets of programs that are necessary for accessing data. Application of DBMS mainly encompasses information that is relevant for particular organisations only. In this context, it has also been ascertained that DBMS implementation provides an environment that is convenient as well as efficient to be utilised for organisation’s operations. DBMS in recent scenario is being applied in various segments such as banking, manufacturing, human resource, airlines and universities among others. With the increase in the usage of ITs within the organisation, application of DBMS has become a necessity to mitigate IT problems. Redundancy along with inconsistency of data being acquired is considered as an IT problem. DBMS application assists an organisation in mitigating the difficulty that arises while accessing the concerned data. DBMS further helps in deriving accurate information during unwanted failures of IT systems that result in the loss of data. While applying DBMS within an organisation, Data Modelling frames a crucial part of it. The concept associated with Data Model is essentially explained encompassing three vital stages. These stages are well known as conceptual, logical and physical level. In this regard, the physical level is considered to be in a form of DBMS format. Considering the conceptual model, it can be ascertained that it is essentially designed to establish accelerated relationship along with effective features. After the conceptual model, the logical model as a part of the phases under Data Model emerges. Within the logical level, it has been ascertained that it encompasses special features that assist an organisation in successful implementation of DBMS as a strategy. In fact, logical level of Data Model encompasses setting of the features along with the relationship. This can be further explained as a ‘connector’ associated with multicity. Considering the physical level as a part of Data Model, it has been assumed that it involves specific details and accurate information. Information being collected in this segment is usually of specific nature and is applied by DBMS for framing specific strategy. In a simpler way, Data Modelling is regarded as a collection of relevant tools for providing a vivid description of data relationship and data constraints among others (Codex, n.d.; Sparx Systems, 2011). In accordance with the Process Model of DBMS, it reflects a series of processes being followed i.e. single process structure, multithreads structure, multi-process structure and communication protocols. In case of single process structure, the application program is mainly gathered with DBMS. Multi-process structure relates between the processes of DBMS to that of one running application. In case of the multi-thread structure with one DBMS thread, multiple applications are executed. Whereas considering the communication protocol, it basically reflects the relationship between processes and threads (Lizhen, n.d.). With regard to Object-oriented components of DBMS, it encompasses system development along with the conceptual modelling. The vital areas under object-oriented systems entail software development, knowledge-based systems and database among others. There are three stages under the object-oriented systems i.e. conceptual model, software structure model and implementation model. In this correspondence, it can be further assessed that the process being executed under object-oriented system looks forward to determine significant features to frame a base for the application. The relationship between the three above depicted models gives a lucid comprehension about DBMS being a multi-structure program. This further ensures the necessity of such advanced application within the organisation for survival in the midst of competitive market scenario (CRL publishing, n.d.). Conclusion The study has portrayed an idea about the application and use of business information system within an organisation to accelerate its performance. Information management system has been determined as an important factor. Besides, it can be further acknowledged that the information being derived from the external along with internal sources is used for attaining business goals and objectives. The study further revealed the relationship between BPR and IT within an organisation. It has been assumed that IT frames a vital part of the BPR implementation as it endures the capability to enable or constraint the effective application of BPR methodologies. Furthermore, the concepts associated with planning a control technique of business information management have also been recognised. It has been observed that DBMS and its multi-structure models that include Data Model, Object-oriented Model and Process Model frame an important part to provide a lucid comprehension regarding data relationship along with its constraints. This comprehension can facilitate to manage and organise data comprehensively by addressing the requirements of data retrieval successfully in DBMS. References Attaran, M., 2004. Exploring the Relationship between Information Technology and Business Process Reengineering. Information & Management, Vol. 41, Iss. 5, pp. 529-684. Bhatt, G. D., 2000. Exploring The Relationship Between Information Technology, Infrastructure And Business Process Re-Engineering. Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 139-163. CRL Publishing, No Date. Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling and Design. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed February 06, 2014]. Codex, No Date. Database System Concepts. Chapter 1. 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