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Online AP Classes Are Big Business - Case Study Example

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Educational experts have stated that the course is only an approximation of the standard college course. Teachers who have taught in schools for years share the same thought when describing AP…
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Online AP Classes Are Big Business
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AP Online es AP ONLINE ES Question The AP online cannot be a supplement of the other college classes. Educational experts have stated that the course is only an approximation of the standard college course. Teachers who have taught in schools for years share the same thought when describing AP classes.Students in the country do not attain high scores who ranked in the educational system. It is no longer a place for those hardworking students who wish to avoid classes throughout the semester. The system allows the students not to attend introduction classes.

All students agree that the introduction classes are important especially in the major classes. A system that allows one not to pay attention to major courses is disadvantageous for educational purposes.The AP classes have increased failure rates in schools. Many students are taking the AP classes in High schools. At the same time, statistics indicate that there is a growing number of students who fail their exams in high school. Thus, it is an indication that the AP system does not target or maximize on the students rate of learning.

The learning outcomes are rather weak preventing the students from getting the maximum knowledge intended (Fandl & Smith 2013).Students undertaking the AP classes are at a disadvantage when joining college. Joining college entails students achieving a certain criteria of minimum requirements. The AP students are at a disadvantage as majority of the students fail to pass the exams. Thus, they cannot match the students who attended normal classes. The AP classes tend to cover much content in class in a short time.

The students fail to have a natural interaction with the instructors. The teachers cannot help develop each students according to their capabilities.Question #2AdvantagesThe online classes are flexible and convenient. Online classes would be helpful for college students who have to keep their day job. It offers the student a chance to learn during free time. The free time could be during odd hours like late in the night. One could easily log in the schools website and access scholarly materials or submit an assignment.

The online classes are pocket friendly. One could save on certain expenses such as transportation on a daily basis. It requires a computer and constant internet to take part in learning. There are colleges that would provide their students with free internet (Bourne & Moore 2004).Online classes would allow the students to take additional courses. The classes are flexible and accommodating requiring only a few hours of attendance. A student who wishes to have additional classes can easily create time for them.

DisadvantagesThere is limited interaction with the instructors. Students usually encounter problems when studying. Such problems would require the attention of teachers to assist in solving. The online system limits interaction between students and instructors. The traditional setup offers a face to face interaction. In addition, the student could meet their teachers after classes.The student taking online classes need to be self disciplined. It is difficult to concentrate and the learner need to keep time not to miss anything.

The financial aid sometimes covers only a section of the fees. There are some colleges that would not offer financial aid at all. Thus, it becomes expensive.Question #3In the future online universities would increase the access of university to students worldwide. However, the quality of education would be in question. It would affect the careers of future generations (Selingo 2003).ReferenceBourne, J. R., & Moore, J. C. (2004). Elements of quality online education: Into the mainstream. Needham, MA: Sloan Consortium.Fandl, K. J.

, & Smith, J. D. (2013). Success as an online student: Strategies for effective learning. Amsterdam: Elsevier.Selingo, J. J. (2013). College (un)bound: The future of higher education and what it means for students.

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