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Chapter Proposal: Service-Oriented Methodology and technologies for CLOUD COMPUTING Topic: governance compliaNT Service ORIENTED Computing chapter summary Cloud computing offers a cost effective way of scaling information technology investments for start-up and small companies. Companies that are in between investing in a full blown automation and semi-manual operation are normally at a stage where it is taking a long time to decide to push through with the investment or not. The best solution for these types of companies is cloud computing so as not to lose out on revenues from the potential expanded revenue base that is not realized because of the lack of computing capacity.
Cloud computing offers several permutations of Software as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service. To put it simply cloud computing service providers offers their extremely large capacity in terms of software and hardware resource to potential clients for a fee. The cloud computing service provider of course has to be within the same cloud as the client or is over the internet. The infrastructure flexibility that cloud computing offers is also its potential waterloo for companies that need to comply with privacy regulations mandated by the government and due diligence requirement mandated by all the company’s stakeholders.
This Chapter shall discuss the vulnerabilities, threats and risk associated with cloud computing and where these security issues are often found. This chapter shall likewise offer the best way to resolve and remediate the exposed security concerns to eliminate it or lessen its impact.Chapter Structure:I. Cloud Computing Domainsa. Software as a Serviceb. Application Service Provisioningc. Infrastructure Resource Provisioningd. Configurable Cloud ResourceII. Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks in Cloud Computinga.
Privacy Requirementsb. Component Levelc. Personnel LevelIII. Security Solutions for Cloud Computinga. Transferring the Risksb. Absorbing the Risksc. Avoiding the RisksIV. Measuring complianceSummary It is expected for business to be cautious in its spending. Organizations are always expected to look for ways to reduce its operating cost most especially if the returns are uncertain. For most companies it is essential to scale their investment to coincide with the actual realized revenue before committing a larger investment for the purpose.
Good corporate governance requires more prudence in terms of spending. Most often conscious decisions have to be made for companies to take a certain level of risks to meet corporate goals. Cloud computing may have several vulnerabilities but these are not without a solution that can be remediated as shown in this chapter. Meeting regulatory and stakeholder requirement for privacy is normally all about accountability to ensure that all stakeholders that is expected to protect privacy are aware and is doing everything that is in their power to protect it.
It is expected for organization to exercise due diligence in protecting privacy at all cost all the time. However, organizations are also limited by its resources to ensure total protection, in cloud computing part of the service that can be expected from providers is the assurance that protection that is compliant to regulatory requirement is not only provided but also exceeded and measured through a service level agreement. These agreement are subject to performance that is also the basis for billing.
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