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The MBL Network System, Automatic CAD and CAM System's Implementation - Coursework Example

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The paper "The MBL Network System, Automatic CAD and CAM System's Implementation" defines the main data flows for the MBL IS in the main departments of the MBL, discusses the most effective technology for the business network, the B2B and B2C implementation for the MBL information system…
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The MBL Network System, Automatic CAD and CAM Systems Implementation
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My-Briefcase Limited (MBL) Organizational Information Systems (OIS) Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 1- Introduction 3 2- Company background 3 Task 1 4 3- Business Systems Analysis 4 3.1- Introduction to Information system for MBL 4 3.2- Workings of different departments 4 3.3- Accounts department 4 3.4- Marketing department 6 3.5- Design Department 7 3.6- Engineering Department 7 9 Figure # 1 9 3.8- Level 1 Diagrams 10 10 Figure # 2 10 3.9- Map of organizational workings 11 Task 2 12 4.0- Information system Implementation 12 4.1- Different types and levels of systems 13 4.2- Types 13 There are lot of types of information flows in a financial and management information configuration. One type is the Inward information flow that comes to or is derived from the organization. External information integrates the inward flow of business information, acknowledged as the acumen, and the outward flow, illustrates as the organizational horizontal information infrastructure. Another category of the information is vertical financial flow is organizational information that flows within the association. Intelligence information encompasses information and data on the multiplicity of aspects of the association’s working circumstances like that the victims, further organizations, release dealers, as well as the neighborhood administration. It as well as comprises information on movements and models, with expansions in the society and civilizing situations in which the business carries out its operations. This kind of financial information has long-standing proposition to the association and helps in extensive assortment, tactical planning 13 4.3- Levels 14 4.4- Stock control system 15 4.5- Choice of IS development process 16 4.6- Information System methodology 16 Task 3 17 5.0- Organizational Network 17 5.1- LAN 18 5.2- VPN 18 5.3- Importance of having a good computer network 18 5.4- Network topology 19 5.5- Mobile and wireless devices 19 Task 4 20 6.0- B2B e-business 20 The internet is growing as the most important technology platform for the electronic commerce. Equally of the essence, Internet technology is being more and more functional to smooth the progress of the management of rest of the business publishing employee personnel strategies, analyzing account balances and production plans, setting up plant repairs and maintenance, and improving design documents. Organizations are getting advantage of the connectivity and ease of use of the internet technology to produce internal corporate networks called intranets that are based on internet technology. Making use of these private intranets for the organizational communication, group effort, and management is elevated. We make use of the expression electronic business to make a distinction among these uses of internet of digital technology for the management and bringing together the other business processes from the electronic commerce. By giving out information through the electronic networks, electronic business enlarges the reach of on hand management. Managers use email, web documents, and work- group software to successfully correspond regularly with thousands of employees, and even to supervise remote assignments and teams. These jobs would be unworkable in opposite traditional organizations (Kenneth, 1999). 21 7-Conclusion 23 8- References 23 3.Christine Hagn, Wemhard H. Markwitz, 2000, Mobile Teleworking: Some Solutions and Information Security Aspects, Siemens AG, Information and Communication Products, Information Security, p- 322-325 23 4.Vaskelis, Darius. August 10, 2001, Developing a clear technology strategy is vital to the success of your B2B projects and initiatives, Source;, retrieved on 07-04-2009. 24 6.Rebecca Herold, 2007, Security Inside the Perimeter, source:, retrieved on 23-03-2009 24 1- Introduction In this report I will present a detailed analysis of the My-Briefcase Limited (MBL) adoption of new technology based information management. I will also discuss about the implementation of new automatic production system implementation scenario. The main aim behind this automation in information management, product design and production is to get a better way for the overall organizational management. This new technology will provide an enhanced way for the products design and development. In this report I will describe an overall information flow among the different departments and structures of the organization. In this report I will also talk about the implementation of the CAD/CAM systems for the better organizational management. 2- Company background As technology advances, it offers better ways for the overall information management and organizational administration. My-Briefcase Limited (MBL) has started as a small company but through maintaining their good customer service and quality of products, now they have become huge organization. To achieve a better completive edge and effective organizational management My-Briefcase Limited has decided to implement a new better working information management system. This system will facilitate in approximately all areas of the organization, like that in production, manufacturing, designing and delivery. Task 1 3- Business Systems Analysis 3.1- Introduction to Information system for MBL As the Business Systems Analyst I will describe the basic motives and scenarios behind the implementation of the MBL information system. The main purpose of this section is to analyze the main advantages, information flows and associations of new purposed information system for the MBL. This information system is basically developed for the senior management and line management. This information system is planned to serve as a main platform for the higher administration to manage and handle the information system of the organization. Here I will talk about the workings of MBL and flows of information between different departments. 3.2- Workings of different departments In this section I will talk about the workings of different departments within MBL those will employ the new information system for their effective information and data handling. 3.3- Accounts department This section will talk about the implementation of the new MBL’ IS for Accounts department. This department is involved with the handling purchase orders and paying for goods. The old manual system of handling purchase orders and paying for goods is very complex, because overall movement of information among different levels requires the lot of information duplication and paper work. In the newly purposed system handling purchase orders and paying for goods will be smooth. Through this system the handling of the purchase and orders can be automatic. We will be able to get daily reports of overall transactions and deals. In this way we will be able to get a better view of the daily business. This facility will allow the people of the organization to deal in an effective way with the daily transaction and the movement of information will become easier. For instance, through this system the organizational head can view their daily transactions and also can track the deals and project in better way. Inputs: This system will take the inputs for the organizational account handlers; like that they will enter newly established deals and update the system according to daily transaction. Process: This data will be saved and reports of the overall business will be produced and delivered to organizational manager for the overall analysis of the data. Feedback: the managers will view the reports and issues the orders for the more or less products of the product. Interaction with the environment: this system will interact with the production department for the issuance of the production details. 3.4- Marketing department The marketing department is responsible for the collecting information about the popularity of products and then advises the Engineering and Design Dept to design particular types of products. It also markets and advertises the products. Old system is really complex and non-effective for the management of all of these tasks. Here we need a system that facilitates the fast and instant transfer of the data over the organizational network. Inputs: The marketing manager gathers the information about the product and designs. It also gathers the public comments and response to new products. This information needs processing. Process: This information will be processed by the new system. This processing involves the patterns analysis for the particular deals and transaction. In this way the marking manager will be able to access the particular buying behavior of the people. Feedback: These processed results will be used to develop a new product design or features those are necessary and mostly demanded by the public or market. Interaction with the environment: The newly developed design will be passed to the Engineering and Design Dept to design for recommendation and production of that particular product. 3.5- Design Department Input: The design department will take the main input form the marketing department for the particular product deigns. Process; through the IS the design department will check the main areas and need of the new design. This will check the marketing department proposal for its effective product design. Feedback; The approved design will be sent to Engineering Department. Interaction with the environment: The newly developed design will be passed to the Engineering and Design Dept to design for recommendation and production of that particular product. 3.6- Engineering Department Input: This department will take input from the marketing department. Process; IS will provide access to newly issued design and offers a better way to handle that information. The Engineering Department will adopt and start work on a better IS design. Feedback: any design that is not much effective will be rejected or sanded back for the reprocessing. Re-design. Interaction with the environment: The department will have an interaction with the Design Department for the design for recommendation and production of that particular product. 3.7- Levels 0 Diagram Figure # 1 3.8- Level 1 Diagrams Figure # 2 3.9- Map of organizational workings Figure 3:- Map of organizational workings Task 2 4.0- Information system Implementation In this section I will talk about the implementation of the information system different functional departments. I will talk about the stock control system. The implementation of this infrastructure will add more flexible working environment and effective problem handling, for each corporate crisis that is faced by the business. Organizations are seeking the ways to diminish fixed costs-the costs that come off the bottom line of the business. There is also constrains to exchange fixed costs to unpredictable costs anywhere this is possible, pushing these costs out to the cost centers where they are incurred). This is giving rise to a surge in interest, on the part of large organizations, in third-party sites or neighborhood offices, which can be attributed to definite cost centers. More than ever, there is pressure on organizations to turn out to be more competitive. There is no extent for self-satisfaction; every prospect to enhance staff productivity must be examined. This accomplishment will boost the on the whole organizational productivity as well as the enhanced customer support and handling. Here the customer will be able to get hold of new technological and efficient facilities for the online transaction and product (plant) searching. By this way there awareness regarding the better services will raise. 4.1- Different types and levels of systems This section will elaborate the different types and levels of systems that can be used by different departments. Here the main aim is to access the main areas of the information and management system implementation. 4.2- Types There are lot of types of information flows in a financial and management information configuration. One type is the Inward information flow that comes to or is derived from the organization. External information integrates the inward flow of business information, acknowledged as the acumen, and the outward flow, illustrates as the organizational horizontal information infrastructure. Another category of the information is vertical financial flow is organizational information that flows within the association. Intelligence information encompasses information and data on the multiplicity of aspects of the association’s working circumstances like that the victims, further organizations, release dealers, as well as the neighborhood administration. It as well as comprises information on movements and models, with expansions in the society and civilizing situations in which the business carries out its operations. This kind of financial information has long-standing proposition to the association and helps in extensive assortment, tactical planning We have following types of this new computer based system for the MBL system. Information management Designing Accounts management Stock Control Performance Analyzer (reports generator) 4.3- Levels In MBL the business information flows in the course of in addition to moreover from the association. Within association, there are vertical that is both downward and upward information flow. In term of the vertical information flow the information passes through the strategic level to the employee’s intensity. In the case of the inward horizontal communication the communication flows among the employees and managerial level. A high-quality flow of strategic information will increase the proficiency of the business and augment the prospective to respond more rapidly to background transforms and right commerce conclusions. Business information flow the flow of information holds vertical information flow, inward-outward flow, and downward information flow, in addition to horizontal movement information flow. Initially of every, the horizontal stream of financial information happens among business teams, units, division or else assembly inside a business that are functioning in cooperation to accomplish a frequent assignment or objective. Like Here we have the flow of the information among the system developer, project managers, system coder and designers. Business information communication is the purposely noteworthy concern in the industry. Information distribution is the contact in addition to when the data and information is strategically imperative then there has to be inclusive in every value to keep away from some uncertainty. In wide-ranging up stream of the information is imperative in the company communication. From the above given information levels I have accessed the different levels and linked areas of the system implementation. Administration Production Managements Sales Management Stock Management Marketing Basic Entry level 4.4- Stock control system Here I will talk about the stock control system for the MLB IS. This system is basically aimed to handle and manage the overall organizational stock. We will enlist the main and current stock of the business. This list will provide us the facility to access the current available products and quality. The sales of products will require the updating of stock control. In this way the current quality of the stock can be maintained in an easy way. The sales analysis becomes easier for the organizational managers. The all information is computerized and we have pre-processed sales and stock reports. This facility will provide a better means to analysis of the organization. 4.5- Choice of IS development process For the development of the IS for the MBL, I have analyzed the different paradigms for the overall development. The successful implementation of the IS for MBL requires the effective implementation of the overall organizational resources. I have researched and found that Spiral Process model for our information system development will be an effective model. We have to develop a system that is divided among different departments. This partition of the system among different departments will facilitate us to develop the system through the spiral process model. In this approach we will implement the system through a component based approach. Each component is a complete operational system for the concerning department. AT the end of the project we will combine all the components jointly to build a entire operational system for the MBL. 4.6- Information System methodology In this section I will talk about the Information System methodology, this methodology will facilitate in overall application development. In this scenario I have accessed lot of information system development projects and tried to capture the more concrete Information System development methodology. I have decided to use the Soft System methodology for the MBL IS development. This way of requirements analyses is also an effective way for the requirements assessment. The main benefit of the Soft System methodology rich picture is its capability to identify the main soft problems like that the human activity in addition to communication in the system. I have developed the rich diagram that openly addresses the all issues regarding system interaction and their connection to particular stakeholder. This image elaborates the structure of actor interactions with the existing application and the new feature. Here we have also the facility to view the feature and their integration with existing functions. Rich picture provides a better way to demonstrate the indispensable fundamentals of the process flow. We can view the environmental factors as well as types of requirements that will have to be developed. The main advantages of rich picture are the facility to proffer a superior understanding of the benefits: regarding the regions of disagreement, assets, concerned parties and their responsibilities. Another capability of this tool is to make obvious the ideas, thoughts, concerns, reactions and response of the system information and data. Task 3 5.0- Organizational Network In this section I will talk about the implementation of the MBL computer network. I will suggest different kinds of the network options available for the business. Here I will also talk about the utilization of the possible mobile and wireless computing devices that could help the business. I have accessed a compliance knowledge regarding the implementation of the MBL computer network. By seeing the company size we will require a small networking structure for the MBL computer network. In the below sections I will talk about different options regarding this scenario. 5.1- LAN Local Area Network (LAN) is mostly used technology for the small business in departmental communication. We can connect this Local area network (LAN) to internet for accessing the useful information regarding the organizational business. But this technology has a small number of problems. There is lack of organizational information protection. This is really critical issue for any business. So we need to protect our organizational information by some effective technology. 5.2- VPN Virtual private network or VPN is newly developed organizational network communication technology. This technology facilitates in the effective network communication on the whole the business network. In the MBL, we will implement the VPN that will facilitate in the effective organizational working and information security. Here the administrator will define the right for each client. No un-authenticated user will have the permission to enter the organizational database. 5.3- Importance of having a good computer network Information security procedures demonstrate how to put into practice the strategy. Actions articulate the gradually wide-ranging events essential to effectively fulfill a job that chains the strategy. Procedures or actions offer employees the information essential to done a job and offer guarantee to administration that the jobs are being done in a reliable standard way. Procedures enhance efficiencies in worker jobs plus help in the avoidance of exploitation and scam (Christine, 2000). For instance, a strategy possibly will need all information that plants the business to be encrypted. The equivalent process would describe the methods and tools for encrypting business information that we will transfer, like that entails the utilize of a MBL’s VPN, next to by means of aspects regarding every stair to obtain to put into practice the hardware and software essential to employ the VPN in a method that is satisfactory to the business (Rebecca, 2007). 5.4- Network topology Our organization is composed of the multiple departments. Each department has a different task and particular job. But they have some common goal for the accomplishment of the shared information sharing. As I have accessed the star topology will be effective for our organizational working and performance. This will facilitate in the information sharing among the all departments. 5.5- Mobile and wireless devices In this section I will talk about any mobile and wireless devices that we can implement in our organizational. Production: In the production area we will require wireless devises like automatic cutters and pressure gauge. In this scenario we will utilize these devises for the CAD and CAM based production and designing. Packing and identification; we will used the barcode readers for this purpose to insert a unique code. This code will facilitate for the automatics packing and product distribution. Designing: we will use the CAD (computer added designing) system for our briefcase designing and production. Communication: We will make use of the mobile and wireless communication technology for the interdepartmental communication. This technology will also be used in the production area to send and processing signals to the automatic machinery. Task 4 6.0- B2B e-business In this section I will talk about the successes of B2B e-business in the traditional means of business management. I will talk about the B2B and B2C e-business models. The internet is growing as the most important technology platform for the electronic commerce. Equally of the essence, Internet technology is being more and more functional to smooth the progress of the management of rest of the business publishing employee personnel strategies, analyzing account balances and production plans, setting up plant repairs and maintenance, and improving design documents. Organizations are getting advantage of the connectivity and ease of use of the internet technology to produce internal corporate networks called intranets that are based on internet technology. Making use of these private intranets for the organizational communication, group effort, and management is elevated. We make use of the expression electronic business to make a distinction among these uses of internet of digital technology for the management and bringing together the other business processes from the electronic commerce. By giving out information through the electronic networks, electronic business enlarges the reach of on hand management. Managers use email, web documents, and work- group software to successfully correspond regularly with thousands of employees, and even to supervise remote assignments and teams. These jobs would be unworkable in opposite traditional organizations (Kenneth, 1999). B2B in the Ecommerce linking to a marketing or advertising plan intended at businesses openly by means of customers as contrasting to other online businesses. The B2B is for the most part employed in situation to business or commerce that is carried out on the web among a profitable venture plus a customer. The Business-to-Business application is essentially employed when massive procedures are indispensable among dealing associates as well as in greatly elevated amounts than B2C applications (Vaskelis, 2001). For Business-to-Business, values comparable to ANSI-ASC-X12 and UN/EDIFACT are employed for the most part. Business-to-Commerce is a structure of E-commerce that comprises the services or products those are traded by an organization or business to a customer straightly. Business-to-Business is a category of dealings in which the dealings of services or goods among companies is completed. In the past, this B2B was utilized to depict E-communication among enterprises and business to isolate it from Business-to-Commerce type dealings, on the other hand at the present it is as well employed for marketing reasons (Vaskelis, 2001). The function of the Business-to-Commerce technology: capturing the customer interest plus rotating into a deal is merely competence. Through B2C we can build up applications that have the capability to reflect our business image while producing it simple for our scenario to determine the process to recognize what our customer wants and need! B2C provides us a way reach to all our prospective customers through the effective online technology (Vaskelis, 2001). The application of the B2B technology will help us in building our E-business plans or E-commerce solutions through the web based software those can be integrated to our SCM (supply chain management) as well as clientele communications to profit from straight away in time handing out of our requirements and dealings. The Business-to-Business idea allows us in investment network by various ways out either by means of EDI or Internet to offer our company complete incorporation in together sales levels and procurement (Andrew, 2006). The main advantages of Business-to-Commerce and Business-to-Business application are the quicker and more appropriate Purchasing on the web based commerce. The next main advantage of these applications is capability of the cost transform without delay as per the marketplace needs (Vaskelis, 2001). 7-Conclusion In this report I have presented the detailed analysis of the MBL IS, automatic CAD and CAM system implementation. I have defined the main information flows for the MBL IS. I have also discussed about the main departments of the MBL. This discussion has pointed out the main IS implementation in each department. I have also talked about the MBL network system. I have talked about the most effective technology for the business network. I have also talked about the better IS development technology for the MBL IS development. The discussion about the B2B and B2C implementation for the MBL information system is also part of this report. I have tried to develop a concrete overview of the MBL IS implementation. 8- References 1. Avison, D E, & Fitzgerals, G. 2003. Where now for development methodologies? Communication of the ACM. pp. 78-82. 2. Bass, L., Clements, P. and Kazman, R., 2003. ‘Software Architecture in Practice’, 2nd Edition. Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, USA. 3. Christine Hagn, Wemhard H. Markwitz, 2000, Mobile Teleworking: Some Solutions and Information Security Aspects, Siemens AG, Information and Communication Products, Information Security, p- 322-325 4. Vaskelis, Darius. August 10, 2001, Developing a clear technology strategy is vital to the success of your B2B projects and initiatives, Source;, retrieved on 07-04-2009. 5. Kenneth. C. Laudon. 1999. ‘Management Information Systems’, (Sixth Edition), New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. p. 334. 6. Rebecca Herold, 2007, Security Inside the Perimeter, source:, retrieved on 23-03-2009 7. Sommerville, Ian. 2004. ‘Software Engineering’, (7th Edition). Addison Wesley. p. 176 Read More
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