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A Research Proposal concerning Computer Operating Systems Education - Essay Example

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This study will illustrate a relationship between operating system training and the proficient use of a computer by a worker. The study will show the effects that training in computer operating systems has on the trying of new techniques in applications. …
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A Research Proposal concerning Computer Operating Systems Education
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Research Proposal MGMT 499: Senior Seminar Does Training in a Computer Operating System Promote Easier Adaptation of Applications? A Research Proposal concerning Computer Operating Systems Education By Alan Gonick Submitted to: Professor Keeok Park PH.D November 2006 ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding on how knowledge workers use their computers. The study will also see if, or how, training in an Operating System would improve their efficiency while using an application. The design of my research will be cross-sectional analysis in relation to levels of Operation System (OS) training and the likeliness to explore new applications. The independent variable is “Workers with Operating System training”. The dependent variable is “Trying new techniques in applications.” The control variables are “Computer usage” and “Age of user.” In-depth interview questionnaires will be used to measure subjects’ levels of OS training and knowledge of applications. A subject will be asked five questions, two questions in relation to the control variables and three questions to establish levels of the independent variable. Three or four questions relating to the dependent variable will also be asked. Data will be analyzed qualitatively. Subjects polled for this study are members of the University of La Verne staff and faculty, located in La Verne California This hypnosis is important to help establish the relationship between Operating System training and the exploration of applications. The subjects interviewed all have different levels of training and have worked to accomplish even higher levels of understanding. The interviewed subjects did agree that most people learn to operate a computer by completing tasks, as opposed to going through formal education. Under this situation, distress is the motivation to learn. However, this is also an inefficient means of learning. Subjects who had training on multiple operating systems exhibited fluidity in concerns of using more then one application to complete tasks. One example includes using background music and additional self-made graphics in PowerPoint presentations. Of the subjects interviewed, one who had training in a specific application exhibited very little knowledge of his computer operating system. This same case did not explore other applications, nor was there a workable understanding on how to best utilize a computer. The most important finding of this study is computer operating system training is necessary to best utilize a worker’s time on a computer. Each person interviewed has had various levels and types of training, and it can be said that each person has an individual way of learning and retaining their information on the usage of operating systems and applications. What worked well for one person may not be the best way for another person. It all depends on the way a specific person learns. Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Introduction…………………………………………………………. 4 Purpose……………………………………………………………….5 Research Question……………………………………………………5 Hypotheses…………………………………………………………...5 Importance of Study………………………………………………….6 Definitions……………………………………………………………7 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Introduction………………………………………………………….7 Educational Study (Seymour Paper)………………………………..8 Self Efficacy (Albert Bandura)……………………………………....8 CHAPTER 3: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Introduction………………………………………………………….9 Bandura’s Self Efficacy……………………………………………..10 CHAPTER 4: METHODOLOGY Introduction………………………………………………………….11 Research Design…………………………………………………….12 Instrumentation………………………………………………………12 Pre-test……………………………………………………………….13 Sample……………………………………………………………….13 Data Gathering………………………………………………………13 CHAPTER 5: METHODOLOGY Introduction………………………………………………………….13 Demographics…………………………………………………...…..14 Instrumentation……………………………………………………15 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY Summary……………………………………………………………..16 Recommendations……………………………………………………18 Appendix A – Questionnaire Appendix B – Interviews References Chapter 1 Introduction Employees at every level are required to operate a computer in virtually every work environment. Employers assume candidates know how to properly operate a computer when applying for a position. An employee is given the basic instructions on how to operate the applications needed to do their task (Nelson Chaney 1987). The first few weeks can be stressful as the new worker, with little more then a few hours of training from a coworker, is expected to show full productivity. Some workers display an ease and comfort doing their daily tasks, while other workers plug away building a level of more frustration and stress. The Self Efficacy Theory (Bandura, 1994) can be used to form a base line of my research. Bandura’s study observed knowledge workers and their successes or failures in a work environment. Can a new hire correctly use applications such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Web browsing, or log onto the organization’s network? Would an employee complete tasks faster with more professional results if given some basic education in a computer operating system rather that just in an application or suite (like MS Word)? This paper will feature in-depth interviews to establish a relationship between Operating system education and the ease at using new applications. How does a subject learn an application best? Would it be better to start with the learning Operating System basics (Like MS Windows operating System) and then build to more complicated concepts (MS Word)? To help define the study, I will use three hypotheses as parameters, learning by traditional education (instructor-led) self-paced training (online or printed text) or through discovery (self-taught). The Social Cognitive theory (Bandura, 1977a;1986;1989) and Self Efficacy Theory can help explain the stages of learning. I believe a solid basic knowledge of Operating Systems is a tool to achieve skills that are more advanced. Purpose This study will illustrate a relationship between operating system training and the proficient use of a computer by a worker. The study will show the effects that training in computer operating systems has on the trying of new techniques in applications. Research Question 1 The following questions were used as a basis for this study. (1) Are workers that have training in computer operating systems more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no Operating System training? (2) Are workers that have instructor-led training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no Operating System training? (3) Are workers with structured training in computer operating systems more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no Operating System training? (4) Are workers that are self-trained in computer operating systems more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no Operating System training? Hypotheses Workers that have had training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training are, and are more likely to be successful in their attempts. (1) Workers that have had training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training are. (2) Workers that have had instructor-led training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training are. (3) Workers that have had structured training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers that have had no computer training. (4) Workers that are self-trained in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training are. The overall Hypotheses: Workers that have had training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no Operating system training are. Importance of this Study Current businesses increasingly depend on computers to process and catalog incoming information. Devices such as phones, lights, electricity, PDAs, iPods, TV\media remote controls, and environment controls all are part of an ever-expanding technical knowledgebase, which workers deal with on an hourly basis. All the listed items use a basic form of logic. This same logic is the foundation of a computer’s operating system. According to Microsoft Corp. (2003) currently, 57 million people use some form of technology. By 2010, the number of accessible technology users is expected to rise to 70 million. To help “keep up” with the workflow, the need to train workers increases. Can this be deferred if a worker had training in basic computer operation? Computer applications have to follow some basic parameters of the operating system in which they function. A user can become more comfortable to changes in new applications given the proper tools. Basic education of computer and operating systems enable a knowledge worker to plan and complete projects. I feel that this is an important subject to study, as to help better understand why computers are objects of a love\hate relationship by operators. I believe this frustration diminishes with knowledge. Uniqueness of this Study Nelson, Cheney (1987) Training End Users: Exploratory Study. MIS Quarterly, December 1987, pg 552.[electronic version] Retrieved May 24, 2007, There are very few direct studies concerning knowledge of operation systems and the direct impacts on applications such as Microsoft Office. This inquiry will question the relationship between Operating System education and knowledge-worker efficiency. Definitions Clinical trial A clinical trial allows data to be collected without major interference of the subject. These trials can only take place once information has been taken on the quality of the given task. These trials enroll subjects into small studies designed to test the hypotheses. Delimitations Delimitations are the limits and boundaries designed to keep a study from getting off track. Delimitations are the boundaries that the giver of the study must heed to to keep the subjects comfortable and to gain the wanted results. Chapter 2 Review of Literature To build a more complete study, there is a need to reference other studies closely related to this subject. By reviewing established studies from scholarly journals, groundwork can be formed to show the relationship that can be established. Training End user: An Exploratory Study (Nelson, Ryan Cheney, Paul 1987) studies the positive impact of computer training of middle and upper level management. Bandura (1999) Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective. Asian Journal of Social Psychology 2 (1), 21-41. [electronic version] Retrieved May 24, 2007, from Theory:+An+Agentic+Perspective&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl =us&client=firefox-a This study highlights the aspects of self-efficacy in cognitive development, such as how personal experiences create learning processes, or agents, which helps to shape thoughts. Intern agents shape personal perceptions of what is achievement and success. My focus is on how a strong basic knowledge of Operating systems can help a person create a successful agent to be more confident when experimenting with unknown applications. Seymour (1997) Educational Computing: How Are We Doing? [electronic version] T.H.E. (Technological Horizons in Education) Journal in, pp. 78-80. Retrieved February 13, 2007, from Cognitive, motivation, and affective processes associated with computer-related performance: a path analysis Seymour’s study analyzes how children learn through cognitive steps. This study used real world objects and computer programming to build conceptual thought. The business world can use this concept as an educational model to support Operating system education. Basic knowledge of O/S can be built upon to add fluidity while learning a new application. Boston (2003) Cognitive Science and Assessment. ERIC Digest. [electronic version] Retrieved June 24, 2007, from Carol Boston reports on the structure of cognitive thought in relation to learning and real world function. Two types of memory, short and long term, are used to access new or past experiences. Boston quotes: “Over time, individuals build mental models to guide their problem solving efficiently so they do not depend on trial-and-error approaches and can instead create analogies and make inferences to support new learning” (Glaser & Baxter, 1999) Young, James (1999), Learning to Learn: Assessing Information Technology Literacy, Inventio, Oct 1999 issue 2,Vol 1 [electronic version] Retrieved July 10, 2007 from Learning to learn; addresses the need for accurate assessment of critical thinking and problem solving while interacting with computers. One area mentioned is the definition of computer use. Wikipedia (2007) Operating System (n.d.) [Electronic document] Retrieved November 29, 2007 from. This definition was retrieved to clarify what an operating system is in terms that are more common. Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework Introduction My interest in this subject started as a realization, servicing computers at The University of La Verne. There seemed to be a great familiarity of an application when a worker was given instructions in a specific subject. When using a new application, the same faculty or staff became disorientated and frustrated. I pondered; could knowledge of Operating Systems help subjects adapt to new programs easier? My observations were that the more experience a customer had using a computer, the easier it was to adapt to new types of work. Of the subjects interviewed, few have taken an actual course on the operating system of their computer. The comfort level of the subjects who had used several operating systems, over a span of years, were very good at applying learned knowledge to new applications. Consider operating a computer is as much of our professional skill set as language or mathematics. Efficacy theory by Albert Butera states ‘Self Efficacy is people’s perception of their ability to plan and take action to reach a particular goal.” Another definition by Compeau and Higgins 1995; Marakas et al. 1998) is Computer self-efficacy (CSE) refers to individuals judgment of their capabilities to use computers in diverse situations (, 2006) I theorize that if a worker has a good basic knowledge of an operating system, he or she will build confidence through positive experiences. This encounter will drive a user to experiment and discover effective ways of using multiple applications. If a worker for an organization has a basic tool kit to use, a company would see the bottom line in better use of employee time. Name of Theory: Cognitive Theory: by Allen Newell Richard L. Lewis (October 29, 1999) Learning comes from building associations, experiences, newly attempted skills, and new experiences (Experience, Adoption and change). Self Efficacy Theory by Albert Bandura: Bandura (1999) Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective. Asian Journal of Social Psychology 2 (1), 21-41. This theory addresses the processes of human learning. An individual builds on base knowledge to achieve higher thought. Bandura theory is explained by four sources affecting Self-efficacy, 1. Experience: Success raises Self Efficacy. Self-confidence is built by success. 2. Modeling: self-assessment through observation of another person achieving their goal. 3. Social Persuasion: External opinions effect success, encouraging or discouragement, sway self-efficiency. 4. Physiological Factors: stress and pressure can have a negative effectiveness effects. 3. Constructivism: Individuals collect new knowledge by building on experiences. This helps a person form a frame of reference free of external contexts where new learning is achieved. Learners need to use and test ideas and skills through relevant activities. Often, this involves concrete experiences that combine with abstract ideas that have just been presented to learners. For example, while a teacher can show students on a blackboard that various atoms can be rearranged to make new molecules in a chemical change, students often need to try such reactions with concrete materials before they fully understand the new ideas or skills (J. L. Bencze, 2005.) Chapter 4 Methodology Methodology: Overall research process that I will use is Deductive. This paper is concerned with several hypotheses to be tested. Several qualifying questions in a pre-questionnaire will be given to determine the user’s levels of understanding of their operating system. The independent variable (level of training) will be viewed as an ordinal value. The dependant variable (trying new techniques in applications) will be also measured as an ordinal value. Computer usage and the age of the user can be used as control variables. Users will be chosen from a pool of University of La Verne staff and faculty. A cross sectional design is adapted. The pre-questions and interview questions will be open ended. Units of Analysis I have used personal interviews as a research method. Units will be individuals who have had instructor-led classes, 1. Participate in Structured learning (web-based or text-based) 2. Self-trained (Learning by doing). The research design I will adapt is a Qualitative design. Identify the Independent and Dependant Variable. IV: OS Training. DV: Trying new techniques. Measurable? IV will be measured: Ordinal. DV will be measures: Ordinal. Chapter 5 Information Presentation and Analysis Introduction This study was to determine if learning a computer operating system (O/S) would help a person become more efficient in using and adapting to applications such as MS Word, an Internet browser or any other applications on their computer. Wikipedia defines an operating system as A computer is made up of two different but equal components; the electronics (processor, drives, keyboard, and mouse) are referred to as hardware, the second part is called software; software cannot be held or touched, it is an intangible or programming. An operating system (O/S) is the software that manages the resources of a computer and provides knowledge workers with an interface to access those resources. An operating system processes system data and user input, and responds by allocating and managing tasks and internal system resources as a service to users and programs of the system. At the foundation of all system software, an operating system performs basic tasks such as controlling and allocating memory, prioritizing system requests, controlling input and output devices, facilitating networking and managing file systems. Most operating systems come with an application that provides a user interface for managing the operating system, such as a command line interpreter or graphical user interface (GUI). The operating system forms a platform for other system software and for application software. (Wikipedia, October 29 2007, ¶ 1) Applications are programs written to accomplish certain types of tasks. Inputting data into a spreadsheet, using a word processor (MS Word), researching, statistics, or other information gathering are all done using an application. The base of my theory is from experience as a desktop technician and as a proxy instructor to the people requiring increasing usability of desktop applications. The more detailed the question the users asked, the more they would become aware of the interaction of the operating system and programs. The more knowledge a worker has the more confidence he/she feels, which leads to experimentation in new areas of computing. Description of Sample The five persons interviewed during this research are employees of the University of La Verne. The research interviews took place in June 2007. Each employee participating had been employed at the university for more then 5 years and has a university-issued computer at their workplace. The median age of the participants is 44 years of age; reflecting a cross-section of the university employees. Demographics Each person interviewed came from different backgrounds of education, as well as training with operating systems and applications. Each individual completed different forms of education based on their current careers, though all of them are fairly well along in their specific lines of work. Information Analysis Hypothesis #1 Workers that have had training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training. The subjects questioned were of different levels of knowledge. Of the subjects, two had taken direct operating system training; both subjects attributed their confidence and flexibility to their training. Hypothesis #2 Workers that have had instructor-led training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training. Two cases, which had no or very little exposure to computers, had taken formal classroom instruction to learn how to work a computer. Some gender and generational factors were also found in both participants. Both subjects described using multiple applications to achieve the finished results when working on projects. By using multiple applications to complete tasks, both mentioned examples above, supporting these hypotheses. Hypothesis #3 Workers that have had structured training in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training are. These people feel more comfortable with teaching themselves and learning as they go; they are willing to try new things based on their need for them. Online learning is being used more today than ever before. There are many advantages to this type of education. Some positive attributes are cost, accessibility, and the ability to stop or complete lessons at any time. Some lessons use CDs, while others are web-based units. At the University of La Verne, this kind of learning has just recently been implemented. However, staff or departments have developed and utilized this kind of instruction for many years. Only one of the participants had experience using this kind of learning. The subject reported an accumulative effect, as advanced knowledge worker the material became additional information to add to his base understanding of the application. Hypothesis #4 Workers that are self-trained in computer operating systems are more likely to attempt new techniques in applications than workers with no computer training are. All participants in this study have noted that experimentation and experience have become second nature as knowledge workers. Job requirements and lack of time for formal training are just some reasons for using this human fallback. The practices of interrupting or stopping production to find the proper command or techniques are inefficient and costly. Chapter 6 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation Summary Hypothesis #1 The study results found that the more training of any sort that a person has, the more willing they are to try new techniques in applications. The results also show that the more learning and support that a person has, the more willing they are to go outside of their comfort boundaries and go out of their way to learn something new. The more training that they had and the more training that they can receive, the more willingly they are about learning new things. Hypothesis #2 The study results showed that very few of the interviewees had instructor-led training. Those that did participate in instructor-led classes also used books and other references, but found instructor-led training to be more convenient and helpful. The majority of these interviewees felt that they learned more with someone guiding them. Hypothesis #3 The study results showed that a structured method of learning was not common, as the interviewees had not gone through any. The most common forms of learning were through instructor-led classes and self-learning. Hypothesis #4 The study results showed that self-learning was the most popular method used, though not the most useful. The majority of the interviewees that did self-training – whether it is books, online training, peers, or just curiosity – also had instructor-led training. They felt that self-training after instructor-led training was more helpful, as they were able to learn the basics from their instructors and work themselves into things that are more difficult. Those that had both types of training seemed more willing to go outside of their comfort boundaries with their computer operating systems and applications. The old adage “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,” can be said concerning operating system education. All computers have an operating system; all applications need to run within an operating system. Computers’ actions, such as using the “Start” key (Windows) or the “Blue Apple”(Mac O/S), utilizing a mouse right click are functions of the operating system. Past this point, workers, on the average, don’t know these actions are part of an operating system. Directed education becomes more important when age and gender become factors. The age group called “Generation Y” and “I” (Internet generation) has been born into a world ruled by intergraded circuits, adapt to logic devices such as PDAs, iPods, computers, and electronic gaming, more fluidly then earlier generations. Baby Boomer women have even less exposure to the information age. In both the previous cases mentioned, classroom-based education is needed to keep up with the younger generation. The persons interviewed during this research are employees of the University of La Verne. The median age of the participants is 44 years of age, reflecting a cross-section of the university employees. Constructivism is the keystone of this study and was used as a general outline of learning theory. The need of information has served as a motivation for any organization. The best way of tracking and utilizing captured information in the past thirty years has been with a computer. Within this time, the accessibility to advancing technology has become less expensive and friendlier to general business population. As referred to earlier in this report, the main members in the United States business population has been of the “Baby Boomer” generation. This generation has made and been part of the most rapid human variation of how business and education is done. Forty years ago, all business technology was mechanically based. A button was pushed and a lever would touch a cog; this mechanical process would produce a result. This type of process had been employed for the grater part of man’s existence. The information age would usher in the use of electronics to replace mechanical devices. The human tactile interaction of one action causing another disappeared! Now work processes became virtual. The days of watching the gears turn are gone for most American workers, and with it the organic learning process. Recommendations The more trained the operator the more efficient he or she can be using a computer. Appendix A Questionnaire Opening Instructions to respondent: I am an undergraduate at the University of La Verne. I am conducting a study of Operating Systems instruction and the effect on application (or program) knowledge levels. To perform this study, I need your input on my project. I will be asking you a series of questions (10 to 12) necessary to the research for the study. The interview should take about 1 hour to complete. To permit my evaluation of the interview later, the interview will be audio recorded (taped). Please be assured that the information provided by you in the interview is confidential, but you may choose not to answer any question. If for any reason you elect not to answer a question, merely indicate this to me and we will move onto the next question. Results of the study will be sent to any interviewee who provides me with an email address at the conclusion of this interview. To begin the interview, I am going to ask you some question about yourself. This information is for statistical purposes only. Please remember, all information that you provide will remain strictly confidential. Thank You, Background Information 1. How long have been using a computer? (Please answer in months and years.) 2. What is your education level? High school, degree level AA, BA/BS, Dr. 3. What is your age? 18-25, 25-40, 40-60, 60- above? 4. What is your gender? Female, Male 5. How often have you tried a new technique in an application? (A animating in PowerPoint or changing setting in your browser) Now I am going to ask some questions about your perception about your computer knowledge. Training: To What extent have you received training in Windows or Macintosh Operating systems? What kind of training have you participated in? 1. Instructor-led (in a classroom/ lab environment, with computers)? 2. Structured Training? (Online, Computer based training)? 3. Self trained? (Help from, books, peer, family members)? How likely are you to try a new technique in an application? Appendix B Interviews Bianca – August 20, 2007 How long have you been using computers? Since 1996. So, um, ten years. Your education level? I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of Riverside. Age? 48. Gender is female. How often have you tried a new technique in an application? I do. Um, I like to streamline my work and do it more efficiently than I find that learning applications better my primary applications, such as Word and Excel, by utilizing their capabilities better. I am more efficient in the office. I have recently revisited MailMerge, which I previously had lots of trouble with and I was unsuccessful a second time but on the third attempt about a month later, I was successful. And in Excel, the same thing. I look often to see if I cannot improve my formulas and the macro capabilities. Let me refer back to how long you have been using computers. So, when you first started using a computer, did you go to formal training or did you just start using a computer? I just started using a computer in ’96. It was company database software and I didn’t know anything beyond that. It was a PC. To what extent have you received training in Windows or Macintosh operating systems? The company that I just referred to where I used their specific database software for pharmaceutical industry sales, they laid us off in ‘97 and I received unemployment training at L.A. Works. I did receive workshop training in various software packages from them but at the end of that time, I extended my unemployment and received more formal training through Lacienda Point Adult Education [check reference – this part was not clear in interview], which I went to the class required to be there. I was there daily, Monday through Friday, from like 9 to two or so for three months perhaps. I got Excel, Word, and accounting in-class with instructor training. How much of that was operating systems, Windows or Mac? I did a module of Windows training within that time as well. That lasted about what, a week or - ? No, it was a Windows operating system book and the class was self-paced with published manuals other than the schools. They were formal books, so the students were doing different projects and in various books but periodically the instructor would stop us all to show us a particular technique in a particular application, and she had assistants as well as herself to answer any questions that we might have as we were working along at our own pace, in our own books. So would you classify that as an instructor by education or was it mostly applications? Yes. I probably did three weeks in the Windows book, I’m gonna guess. It wasn’t a small book, so I’m gonna say I was probably in for about two to three weeks. I still have the book. So that covered instruction-led. Have you done any online education, something that you go on the Web for or off a CD-ROM? Have you taken any classes - ? No. Okay, and self-training? So you read a lot of books or have you read books in applications? Not as much books. I did have an HTML class with Jason Smith here at the University, but beyond that I don’t think that I have read any applications books, but I have done Google searches for assistance usually with Excel. Also besides Google, I’ve also looked at the online help within the application itself. So I taught myself that way. Have you had, like, co-workers or somebody else show you how to do things in an educational way on the operating systems or in applications? Yes. You. Applications, as well as operations. Operations probably a lot, trying to educate me and also I’m sure that you have, probably more operations than applications. What about at home? Do you get any help from people at home? Yes, my husband, we got a PC at home and I try not to do too many things on that thing. Between all the security systems, it seems like I’m always screwing something up on that one. I feel quite confident on my Mac but when it comes to doing stuff on the PC at home, I tell my husband if I want to do something, that it’s out of the ordinary, because if it breaks, I don’t want him coming to me after it. [Your comment was muffled here] You can transfer from one to the other, do you know how to do stuff like that, like save a Word document from a PC to a Mac? I do that all the time. I e-mail my stuff from the Mac to the PC and work on it, I just don’t – my husband does all of our security, the spyware and um [your comment was muffled] defragging and stuff like that. So we covered the extent of Windows training that you had that was in the class, and some kind of help with that by other people, here and other places? And my husband. He was very versed in DOS, and he is self-taught, so I’d say my husband has been my biggest teacher. Okay, another question that I think we have already covered about instruction-led education in a lab environment in Windows or Macintosh operating systems, which we have covered already. Self-help, we’ve covered that already. You ever really tried a CD-ROM or have you ever tried online help [muffled comment]. You learn a lot from those? I have tried one. The University put out one, if you may remember, I think it was advertised through [muffled comment] but when it came down to really getting it, Brian had to log me on to something and I wanted to see what they had for access. I must say I didn’t get beyond the log on. I really had a problem with the user friendliness of the initial page of that tutorial. I tried, but I never got any further than that. [A huge portion of the interview is unclear] After your initial training, have you picked up a book on operating systems or Windows? I have looked at CompUSA’s books over there . So just kind of a glance, it wasn’t really a sit down at a computer and try? Not an operating system, they were applications for different programs, like SQL or and Flash, and probably when I had Jason’s class, you know, I looked through them there and still get Book Pool, I think it is, they’re e-mail notices but I haven’t gotten anything from them since I initially did for Jason’s class. [muffled speech] I mean, yeah, I skimmed through it but I never bought it, you know. [muffled speech] Just learning it overall and seeing points of it and [muffled speech] and you’ll be able to integrate that later on, so that leads to the next question. How likely are to try new techniques in applications? Very much. I like building on my knowledge and I certainly have noticed that, well, things are always changing when you’re talking computers and the Internet. As I mentioned to you before we left the office, I have not purchased an iPod and so I feel totally out of the loop when it comes to music videos and music. You have a want to do that? Uh huh, I do. Now. Adapting to newer technology and a new operating system because they have their own operating system in a way. Works like a Mac, but kinda runs on its own system. Each device, including this voice recorder, has its own operating system, and it’s independent of Windows or Macintosh, so you basically have to learn an operating system whenever you pick up a new electronic device. We also have a new camera and a new printer, which I’ve been trying to get my husband, and I guess there’s some glitch I guess or something in the software, which is preventing him from fully loading this – I don’t know if it’s HP –printer, I don’t know where the problem is. So when we print pictures, if we put the memory card directly into the photo printer, that’s basically the only way I am able to print my photos right now. But, uh, my husband is having problems with the software by downloading the pictures from the memory chip onto our computer and printing from our computer to the printer. It’s a Window’s technique – Again, I would go in there and mess around with it, but when it comes to our PC, if I mess up anything here, I can scream to you guys and you guys would fix it and it doesn’t cost me anything. But at home, I gotta listen to my husband, so. So, at that point, what support do you feel that you would try new techniques and install new devices and such like that? Absolutely. Adaptability. Have you found yourself adaptable to new operating systems, say for instance, if you use a Macintosh, going from one operating system to another, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3? I haven’t had any problems with it. So it’s very adaptable, you feel comfortable with adapting to it? Yes. J Roseman How long have you been using a computer? It’s been longer than that, I’ve been working here for twenty years and I was using computers long before that. I had a Radio Shack computer and the first little personal IBM that came out, so twenty-five years, at least. I wrote my wife’s dissertation for PC Junior and that would have been about twenty-three years and I had other computers before that, but they were, you know, the old wooden boxes. I’ve been working with them for a long time. Level of education? Doctor. Age? 65. Gender is male. Tried new techniques in applications, say PowerPoint? All the time. I’m always trying something different. So it’s just self-learning? Yeah, pretty much anymore. I subscribe to a Mac journal and they come out each month, and have all sorts of ideas in there and so I go ahead and start trying some of those things. As I’m creating things for my classes, I’m experimenting. Would you like to state anything about online training, do you feel it’s - ? When I look at the online training that’s available now, I’m very impressed with it, because most of the time they not only talk about what to do, but often you can find places that will show you what to do. There’s screenshots and such, and I think that’s excellent. A few years ago, I used to teach the computer classes for teachers on campus, and at that point, in time a lot of this was not available. What I ended up doing was making help sheets for the students where I had the directions step by step by step, and illustrations on paper. And then they individually tried to work at their own speed and I was there as a resource. So when something didn’t seem to work, I worked with them to figure out why. You think that’s going to be a trend, kinda the same thing with an instructor in a classroom, as opposed to basically -? There is a lot on the student and the age and the self-direction of the student. When you’re dealing with people in graduate programs, which I was, who are working on their masters, they’re pretty self-directed during most of it. If you have a self-directed person and they’re fairly intelligent, they can do what you make them do online in most instances. Daniel – August 29, 2007 How long have you been using a computer? Excellent question! You know, it’s kind of funny, so if I get long, just kinda cut me off, okay? When I went to college, and that was in 1981, I started my graduate, there were a couple students that actually had computers, word processing primarily. At that time, computers were foreign to me, so I actually did not use computers to write my papers on, although others did and I think at the time, it was a little too complicated for me. I didn’t realize what I was really missing and how much easier life would have been. I probably started using them then towards the end of my career in college, which was probably around 1985. So about twenty years. A lot of people have been averaging that, almost. It seems that people in the academic fields have adapted to computers for different reasons along those lines. Education level? Two years ago, I finished my coursework in doctoral work and it’s the dissertation phase for me now. Age? I’m all of 45. Gender is male. How often have you tried new techniques in new applications? It can be anything from browsers, which is Mozilla Firefox to Explorer, it could be PowerPoint, it could be anything. Those are the applications basically. I think I’ve actually attempted more stuff with my Photoshop more recently, in light of a recent wedding, so a lot of photo stuff and manipulating the photos and that sort of thing. PowerPoints and stuff, have you ever tried things in - ? Yeah, absolutely. I’ve done some work with that. I just did a presentation last month with PowerPoint actually. There’s a lot of aspects of PowerPoint that I’m not familiar with. I see things being done all the time, and I wanna learn and do that. I have a basic, simple understanding of PowerPoint. I’m still [muffled] by the ability of Excel, as much as I use that, and I really need to use it more. I don’t think I venture enough into other areas to learn. To what extent have you received training in Windows or Macintosh operating systems? In other words, Windows specifically, not so much applications? I may have received some at the beginning, but that was so long ago. Was it instructor training? You know, I actually first learned on Mac. In fact, we had a Mac at home and I found that really easy, so initially Windows was harder but then Windows came around and started using some similar format as Mac. Then I transferred over to Windows at that point and once they had those sort of structures in Windows, I have not actually gone back to Mac. We didn’t have a Mac at home anymore. I’m not leaning towards one or the other. I just wanna know about operating systems against applications, or one to the other. So, at that point, did you take an instructor-led in Windows or in any applications? I did have an instructor intro kind of a thing to Windows early on. Was it a few sessions or one session? It was probably two sessions, about three or four hours. Have you ever participated in any kind of structured training, like online or off of a CD? I think I had pursued a CD type of training early on as well, but haven’t done it since. Self-training as well, we talked about that earlier? I remember actually reading, going through the books trying to figure it out as well. That would go more into self-training because you have to participate and move along on your own and you have to do everything. And I did plan that as being easy for me, as opposed to having a teacher show me. Is it better online or is it better instructor-led? I preferred the instructor-led. I think it has to do with generations and what gender. I think the generations are kind of picking up with the interviews of our generation. We learned how to learn. Learning from other media, which is a newer generation. They find it more comfortable to learn it online or from off a CD, rather than being in a classroom. Skills that are learned, I guess. Usually for me, I know I need to practice whatever it is that I am learning, so I generally don’t have the time to be meddling with the system, otherwise that would be ruling the option away for me to learn it. [muffled speech] Shane - August 29, 2007 How long have you been using a computer? I would think since intermediate school, and that would be like in ’86 sometime. About twenty-something years. I started basic on the 2E. Education level? BA. How often have you tried new techniques in new applications, such as PowerPoint and Final Cut Pro, any kind of graphic programs also? Trying something different every time that I make a new project, two or three times a year. Different projects, and take it to the next level. So you learn as you go and you build upon it? Yeah. Or see somebody else that does it and try to figure out how they did it. So you learn kind of by word of mouth? Yeah, or through users or videos that are online. What extent have you received training in an operating system, either in Windows or in Macintosh? Very basic, not real formal. Like, there’s the start button for Windows, that’s about it. So it’s all pretty much self-learned? Yeah. Most of it was Mac, Apple. Started with Apple. But you have worked other OS? Yeah. You can carry over from one to the other? Do you think that helps, having background knowledge from one OS to another OS? Yeah. What kind of training have you participated in, instructor-led, instructional, or self-training? Some of it was instructor-led, sometimes in a lab environment at conferences and whatnot. That was for applications? Yeah, mostly for applications. Online or instructor training, DVD training, books. Did you gain more from either one of those than you did from your self-training, or did you take away anything? I think you learn more sometimes with yourself. Sometimes you could do it like that, and the other way is you learn watching the DVD – oh, you can do that – and then sometimes when you get into a problem, open forums are a way to figure out a problem that you can’t figure out. So a lot of it has been self-training also? Would you say the most has been self-training? Yes. Janie – August 29, 2007 How long have you been using a computer? About thirteen years. What is your education level? Bachelors degree. Age? Between 40 and 60. Gender is female. How often have you tried new techniques in applications, say PowerPoint? Yeah. I’m still trying, as needed. To what extent have you received training in Windows or Macintosh operating systems? Have you received that much education as far as the operating systems, either from instructor-led, instructional, or self-training? I did take some instructor-led classes here, I did take classes over at Mount [muffled] on Saturdays and that was instructor-led, in Word and Excel and PowerPoint. Have you ever learned Windows or Macintosh in a formal setting? No. Just from you when you trained me. It was more instructor-led? Right, and reading. Instructor-led was more applications, no operating systems. The structured training was with operating systems and self-training is, of course, trying new techniques and you do try new techniques? Yeah, self-training – books, peers, family members. Always. Do you ever go online and look up anything for trying new techniques, say finding menus for Work and such? Yeah. References Bencze, J. L. 2005.Constructivist Learning Theory [Electronic document] Retrieved August 19, 2007 from. (12-12-2006) Bolt, Altizer,M.,  Killough, L. N,  Koh, Hian Chye (2001) Testing the interaction effects of task complexity in computer training using the social cognitive model, Decision Sciences Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt [CTGV]. (1996). Looking at technology in context: A framework for understanding technology and education research. In D.C. Berliner & R.C. Calfee (eds.), (pp. 807-840). New York: Macmillan. Handbook of Educational Psychology (pp. 807-840). New York: Macmillan. Fouts, J.T. (2000) Research on Computers and Education:Past, Present and Future Professor of Education. Seattle Pacific University Seattle, WA Lewis, R. L. (1999, October 29) Cognitive Theory, SOAR. Department of Computer & Information Science, The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 Mayor , R. E. (1975) Different Problem-Solving Competencies Established in Learning. Computer Programming With and Without Meaningful Models Journal of Educational Psychology, 1975, Vol. 07, No. 8, 725-734 Nelson, R., Whitener, E. M., Philcox, H. (1993) The Assessment of End User Training Needs Communion of the ACM, Volume 38 ,  Issue 7  (July 1995) New York, NY Pearson, M.J., Bahmanziari, T.,Crosby, L., Conrad, E. (2003) An Empirical Investigation into the Relationship between Organizational Culture, and Computer Efficacy as Moderated by age and Gender.2002-2003 Journal of Computer Information Systems; Winter, Vol. 43 Issue 2, p58, 13p Staples, S., Hulland, J., Higgins, C (1999) A Self-Efficacy Theory Explanation for the Management of Remote Workers in a Virtual Organzations, Organizational Science 1999, Vol.10, No 6, November-December Wagner, D.A., Hopey, C. (1998) Literacy, Electronic Networking, and the Internet University of Pennsylvania International Literacy Institute National Center on Adult Literacy Graduate School of Education Wikipedia (2007) Operating System (n.d.) [Electronic document] Retrieved November 29, 2007 from. Read More
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