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Educational Resources Evaluation - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Educational Resources Evaluation" determines the contribution of such learning resources as digital cameras, Alphasmart keyguards, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and Microsoft Word, towards the learning activities of the mainstream and special educational needs (SEN) students…
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Educational Resources Evaluation
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Evaluation of Resources - Contribution of Digital Camera, AlphaSmart Keyguard, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Word in the Learning Activities of Mainstream and SEN Students - Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Subject / Course Date Table of Contents I. Introduction ……………………………………………………………….. 3 II. Contribution of Digital Cameras, Alphasmart Keyguard, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word towards the Learning Activities of Mainstream and SEN Students …………………………………………. 3 a. Digital Cameras ………………………………………………. 3 b. AlphaSmart Keyguard ……………………………………….. 4 c. Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation ……………………….. 5 d. Microsoft Word ………………………………………………... 6 III. Research Methodology …………………………………………………. 6 IV. Research Findings ………………………………………………………. 7 V. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 8 Table I – Survey Questionnaire on Learning Resources …………………….. 9 Table II – Quantitative Research Survey Results – Mainstream Students .… 10 Table III – Quantitative Research Survey Results – SEN Students …………. 11 Table IV – Qualitative Research Survey Results – Mainstream & SEN Students .………………………………………... 12 References ……………………………………………………………………… 13 - 14 Introduction The learning activities of mainstream students greatly differs with the SEN students in terms of the depth of each subjects the students are being taught as well as the kind of teaching techniques used to promote the students’ learning. The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is considered by many educational institutions as an important teaching tool. Considering the potential impact of ICT in the learning activities of the students, educational researchers have been consistently studying how ICT can be used as a pedagogical tool in improving the learning ability of the students. (Pearson, 2003; National Research Council, 2000) For this study, the researcher will determine the contribution of the following learning resources: digital cameras, Alphasmart key guard, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and Microsoft Word towards the learning activities of the mainstream and special educational needs (SEN) students by conducting a short literature review. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will conduct a quantitative and qualitative survey analysis in order to evaluate the impact of these learning resources with the Science learning activities of mainstream and SEN students. Impact of Digital Cameras, Alphasmart Keyguard, Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Word towards the Learning Activities of Mainstream and SEN Students Digital Cameras In relation to the learning activities of mainstream and SEN students, technology can be used as a teaching and learning tool that enables the school teachers and students to become co-learners by collaboratively constructing knowledge. (Reed & McNergney, 2000) For instance, the use of digital cameras enable the school teachers and students to record educational trip or a specific learning experience to enable both parties to review the learning process on a later date. In line with this matter, technology behind digital cameras make it possible for school teachers and students to experience a real-world examples of ‘learning by doing.’ Depending on the learning ability of these students, students could easily make a school report by recording certain learning events using the digital camera for the purpose of a group or individual class presentation. (Wellington & Wellington, 2002) In the process of being able to make a class presentation using digitalized visual materials, the students will be able to build self-confidence with their work since these materials could enable them to capture the attention of the audience better than without the use of digital cameras. AlphaSmart Keyguard AlphaSmart is a famous brand name of a portable keyboard commonly used as a note taking device by some of the local school teachers and students. This technology is capable of checking the students’ spelling that exists in dictionary aside from its other special features including thesaurus, scientific calculator, and word processor. (Robinson, 2005) Its saving capability allows the students and teachers to easily retrieve and/or print a file. The AlphaSmart technology is highly recommended for students who are experiencing orthopaedic impairments. (Georgia Project for Assistive Technology, 2008) This technology can be used by students with verbal communication limitations since this device allows the students to easily type out their class responses on the portable word processor as an alternative way to handwriting. Basically, students with poor handwriting skills due to motor impairment could benefit most from a touch-typing program offered by the AlphaSmart technology. (CENMAC, 2001) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint software is commonly used by many school teachers and students because this software allows them to incorporate animation and digital photos into their class presentation in order to positively affect the students’ academic performance. (Rankin & Hoaas, 2001) Basically, the attachment of colourful animation, digital photos and sound can be used to increase the students’ curiosity and effectively divert the students’ attention towards the class lecturer. (Griggs, 2002; Pathak, 2001) Since PowerPoint slides commonly use bullet points to highlight only the key words, class lecturer or students who are assigned to make a class presentation are given the opportunity to be creative enough to effectively execute their reports in such a way that they could persuade the audiences to listen to their story. (McKee & Fryer, 2003) PowerPoint software can be used not only in increasing the students’ self-confidence in conducting either an individual or group report but also serves as a guide for students to be able to improve their oral, written and interpersonal communication skills. (Barrett, 2002) Aside from class lecture, PowerPoint slides can also be used as an interactive assessment tool in solving mystery games that are related to a particular subject matter. (Jennings, 2002) Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is one of the oldest computer software that has gained importance in the teaching and learning process between the school teachers and the students. Even though not much research studies were conducted with regards to the contribution of MS Word software in education, this software is considered one of the most important learning tools that could enable the students to improve their writing skills including the use of correct spelling and proper usage of English grammar. Aside from improving the students’ writing skills, teachers could maximize the use of the Microsoft Word software in the preparation of the school’s curriculum and the rest of the teaching materials which will be used in class discussion. (Class Act, 2008) Research Methodology The researcher conducted the research study at ______ school between April 14 to 16, 2008. A total of 100 survey questionnaires were randomly distributed by the researcher to key stage 3 and 4 inclusive students in order to determine which among the four learning resources their school teacher often uses in Science class discussion and other school-related activities such as assignments, group projects, and individual or group presentation. In order to receive a less bias result, the researcher intentionally distributed half of the survey questionnaires to mainstream students and the other half to SEN students. The survey questionnaire was designed in a user-friendly manner which specifically highlights related questions needed for the study. Specifically questions 2 and 3 were intentionally included in the survey questionnaire as a way of measuring the accuracy of the research results. For questions 5 to 10, the researcher designed the questions in such a way that respondents will be asked the reasons behind their satisfaction or de-satisfaction with the type of learning resources used in Science class discussion; assignments and school paper requirements; and the individual or group presentation. (See Table I – Survey Questionnaire on Learning Resources on page 9) Upon approaching a potential respondent, the researcher personally explained the purpose of the study and requested for their approval to complete the survey form. In the process, the researcher made a promise to keep their identity confidential. Research Findings Among the mainstream and SEN students, majority of the participants are Key Stage 3 students. During the Science class discussion, the school teachers are more dependent on the use of Microsoft PowerPoint (78%) and Microsoft Word (22%) when discussing the class lecture with the mainstream students whereas in the case of the SEN students, teachers are utilizing all the four learning resources such as Microsoft PowerPoint (54%), AlphaSmart Keyguard (24%), Digital Camera (16%), and Microsoft Word (6%). (See Table II & III – Quantitative Research Survey Results – Mainstream & SEN Students on page 10 & 11) The main reason why Science teachers are maximizing the use of Microsoft PowerPoint and Digital Camera with the SEN students is to make use of the visual examples in order to enhance the learning capabilities of the students with special needs. On the other hand, the use of AlphaSmart Key guards serves as a communication line between the school teachers and students with motor and speech disabilities. When asked whether the students are satisfied with the learning resources used in class discussion, all of the SEN students and majority of the mainstream students revealed that they are satisfied except for the few individuals who suggested that Science teachers should be more careful in selecting the type of photos used in the class presentation. For assignments and school paper requirements, all of the mainstream and SEN students are highly dependent with the use of Microsoft Word. When conducting either individual or group presentation, mainstream students are using the combination of Microsoft PowerPoint (60%), Digital Camera (24%), and Microsoft Word (16%) whereas the SEN students are using Microsoft PowerPoint (38%), Digital Camera (24%), and AlphaSmart Keyguard (22%). When asked whether mainstream and SEN students are satisfied with the type of learning resources used in individual or group presentation, all of them revealed that they are satisfied with the learning tools they use. Conclusion Each type of learning resources has its own contribution in the learning and teaching process of the students and school teachers. Basically, Microsoft Word is widely used when students are presenting their assignments and research work to the teacher. In the case wherein the students or the school teacher is conducting a class presentation, the Microsoft PowerPoint combined with the use of Digital Camera is more preferred than the use of the Microsoft Word since the PowerPoint software allows the lecturer to effectively combine colourful photos and graphical representation of their report with the necessary bullet point text. For SEN students with communication limitations such as inability to write due to motor disability or difficulty in speaking, the use of AlphaSmart Keyguard is highly recommended to enhance the learning experience of the students. Table I – Survey Questionnaire on Learning Resources 1. Gender ___ Male ___ Female 2. Age ___ 11 y/o ___ 12 y/o ___ 13 y/o ___ 14 y/o ___ 15 y/o ___16 y/o 3. Educational Level ___ Key Stage 3 ___ Key Stage 4 4. Students’ Classification: ___ Mainstream ___ SEN 5. Which among the four learning resources your teacher often used in Science class discussion? ___ Digital Camera ___ Alphasmart Keyguard ___ Microsoft PowerPoint ___ Microsoft Word 6. Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher is using in class discussion? ___ Yes ___ No; Why? _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Which among the four learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in assignments and school paper requirements? ___ Digital Camera ___ Alphasmart Keyguard ___ Microsoft PowerPoint ___ Microsoft Word 8. Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in completing assignments and school paper requirements? ___ Yes ___ No; Why? _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 9. Which among the four learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in individual or group presentation? ___ Digital Camera ___ Alphasmart Keyguard ___ Microsoft PowerPoint ___ Microsoft Word 10. Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in individual or group presentation? ___ Yes ___ No; Why? ________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ *** Thank you! *** Table II – Quantitative Research Survey Results – Mainstream Students Research Question Frequency Percentage Gender Male Female 29 21 58% 42% Age 11 y/o 12 y/o 13 y/o 14 y/o 15 y/o 16 y/o 8 11 7 6 8 10 16% 22% 14% 12% 16% 20% Educational Level Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 32 18 64% 36% Students’ Classification Mainstream Students SEN Students 50 0 100% 0 Which among the four learning resources your teacher often used in Science class discussion? Digital Camera AlphaSmart Keyguard Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word - - 39 11 - - 78% 22% Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources used in Science class discussion? Yes No 44 6 88% 12% Which among the four learning resources your Science teacher often used in assignments and school paper requirements? Digital Camera AlphaSmart Keyguard Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word - - - 50 - - - 100% Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in completing assignments and school paper requirements? Yes No 50 0 100% - Which among the four learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in individual or group presentation? Digital Camera AlphaSmart Keyguard Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word 12 - 30 8 24% - 60% 16% Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in individual or group presentation? Yes No 50 0 100% - Table III – Quantitative Research Survey Results – SEN Students Research Question Frequency Percentage Gender Male Female 31 19 62% 38% Age 11 y/o 12 y/o 13 y/o 14 y/o 15 y/o 16 y/o 10 11 6 7 11 5 20% 22% 12% 14% 22% 10% Educational Level Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 27 23 54% 46% Students’ Classification Mainstream Students SEN Students 0 50 0 100% Which among the four learning resources your teacher often used in Science class discussion? Digital Camera AlphaSmart Keyguard Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word 8 12 27 3 16% 24% 54% 6% Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources used in Science class discussion? Yes No 50 0 100% 0 Which among the four learning resources your Science teacher often used in assignments and school paper requirements? Digital Camera AlphaSmart Keyguard Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word - - - 50 - - - 100% Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in completing assignments and school paper requirements? Yes No 50 0 100% - Which among the four learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in individual or group presentation? Digital Camera AlphaSmart Keyguard Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word 12 11 19 - 24% 22% 38% - Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in individual or group presentation? Yes No 50 0 100% - Table IV – Qualitative Research Survey Results – Mainstream & SENStudents Research Questions Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources used in Science class discussion? Yes. I like the use of Power Point during class discussion since it increases my interest in learning science. No. I would appreciate the Science class discussion better when the teacher uses a real-life photos and real-life photos of scientific explanation behind the Science topic instead of using purely animation photos. Sometimes, our Science teacher also uses Microsoft Word when preparing a visual aid for the projector. Most of the time, Power Point is being used during the class discussion. I am satisfied with it because it is really how the teacher delivers the class discussion that counts. I am satisfied with the learning resources used in our Science class because the photos use in the power point presentation adds up to the quality of the class lecture. I believe that our Science teacher could still improve her class discussion by showing more lively and real-to-life photos rather than non-related photos just to have something to look onto during the class presentation. I would suggest that Science teachers should gather a more relevant science related photos from the World Wide Web in order to increase the learning experience of the students. Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in completing assignments and school paper requirements? I am satisfied with the use of Microsoft Word when completing my school paper since it allows me to critically write my research and personal thoughts in my school report. I don’t think there are other technologies that can be as user friendly as what Microsoft Word is offering us. Are you satisfied with the type of learning resources your Science teacher often ask you to use in individual or group presentation? The learning resources we are allowed to use during individual or group presentation gives us more choices in making the quality of our presentation better. Personally, I do not have any problem in choosing the type of resources used for class presentation. References: Barrett, D. (2002). Achieving Results in MBA Communication. Business Communication Quarterly , 65(3):93. CENMAC. (2001). Unit 2: Literacy and Recording Using ICT to Support Literacy Across the Curriculum. Inclusive Consultancy and Training Ltd. Class Act. (2008). Retrieved April 16, 2008, from Handout: Teaching Pace. Provided by Class Act - a project of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID/RIT): Georgia Project for Assistive Technology. (2008). Retrieved April 16, 2008, from Appendix: Supporting Participation in Typical Classroom Activities for Students with Disabilities Through the Use of Accommodations, Modifications, and Assistive Technology Solutions: Griggs, K. (2002). Creating Dynamic Multimedia Presentation: Using Microsoft PowerPoint. Business Communication Quarterly , 65(2):118. Jennings, A. (2002). Creating an Interactive Science Murder Mystery Game: The optimal experience of flow. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication , 45(4):297. McKee, R., & Fryer, B. (2003). Storytelling that Moves People. Harvard Business Review , 5 - 8. Pathak, A. (2001). Teaching and Assessing Multimedia-based Oral Presentations. Business Communication Quarterly , 64(4):63. Rankin, E., & Hoaas, D. (2001). Teaching Note: Does the use of computer-generated slide presentations in the classroom affect student performance and interest? Eastern Economic Journal , 27(3):355. Reed, D., & McNergney, R. (2000). Evaluating Technology-based Curriculum Materials. ERIC Digest EDO-SP-2000-5. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearninghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education. Robinson, P.-J. (2005). Note Takers Comparison. TechnoTalk - the TASC Newsletter , 14(1):1 - 7. Wellington, W., & Wellington, J. (2002). Children with Communication Difficulties in Mainstream Science Classrooms. School Science Review , 83(305):81 - 92. 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