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Enterprise social networks - Essay Example

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Social media acts as a great equalizer. The educational institutions can utilize the social media and promote themselves without spending money and small colleges can also become popular instantly. …
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Enterprise social networks
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?Enterprise Social Networks Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Literature Review 5 Social Media 5 Social Media Strategy 6 Four Pillars of Social Media Strategy 8 Social Media in Education Industry 9 Social Media Tools and Assessments 10 Purpose and Activities 11 Relevance to Sector 13 Impact Analysis 14 Conclusion and Recommendation 14 References 16 Executive Summary Social media acts as a great equalizer. The educational institutions can utilize the social media and promote themselves without spending money and small colleges can also become popular instantly. There are many small colleges and educational institutes who have posted videos of their courses and online classes to create small advertisement with the resources available within the institute and uploaded them on YouTube or Facebook. Those videos received huge number of likes and the institutions became popular instantly. This study is based on utilizing social media networking for higher education and students in the universities and colleges. The cost for promotion through social networking sites is negligible and it is very easy to understand and handle. This will surely reduce the internal cost of the universities and colleges. Introduction The concept of enterprise social networking involves the usage of social networks or various social relations on the internet for various business or personal purposes. Enterprise social networking basically works on the Web 2.0 platform. It is since 1990s the inception of social networking sites were seen in the world market. The first website motivating this concept was in the year 1995. This website was only accessible by the registered users, but the website became available for general public usage from 1998. Since then many networking sites have come up for providing a common platform to share information (Uhomoibhi, 2006, pp. 4-14). However, the challenge was that internet, computers and related technology were not so much in use. People could neither easily afford them, nor were they considered important in daily lives of grown-up or any student. Eventually after the penetration of technology, World Wide Web and lightening fast speed of information, social networking mediums surfaced once again (Ernst & Young, 2012). The development of social networking and its rising popularity has been observed in the 2000s. Nowadays social sites like MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and many more have become synonyms for social media industry. The popularity associated with social media is growing with the passing days and it is connecting more and more people on the basis of their preferences, similar purchase habits, likes and dislikes. Whether it is some news ticker that is promoting the view or news of some anchors or journalist on Twitter, social media is utilised everywhere and in every way. The latest insights revealed by a famous research firm Nielsen on social media networking and marketing states these above mentioned facts. USA claims to have 80 percent of the blog and social media users among the American countries (Nielsen, 2011). The time consumption of the students, youngsters, and also elders on the social media is increasing every day. For example about 60 percent of the customers who use more than two to three digital means definitely use social media as a means of research when they go out to buy products or avail services (Nielsen, 2011). The brief introduction above clearly explains the scenario of the global market and also the penetration level of social media in our daily lives. Social media has penetrated in every field and industry. However, to narrow down the analysis, the discussion in this study would specifically include the usage of social media by students in schools, institutions, colleges, etc. A literary analysis of social media strategies and its four pillars would support the discussion further. Apart from this the probable role that social media can play in educational sector specifically in schools, university would also be evaluated. It is a generalised view that social media is hampering education and learning system, as it has turned into an addiction rather than just a source of entertainment. Since social media is thoroughly used in business environment to generate extensive revenue, so it can also reap fruitful results in education sector. Thus an attempt to integrate social media in the education framework for an effective learning system would be the objective of this report. Literature Review Social Media Traditional media vehicles were television, radio, newspaper, magazines, etc. These were strictly one-way media vehicles. Social media is also a media vehicle, however it is not strictly a one way form of media because in case of social media viewers not only view information but express their own view on the information. Social media is an interactive media vehicle that connects people through its virtual platform and communities. Social media involves implementation of web-based mobile technologies which assist in creating highly sophisticated web based platforms which help in co-creating, discussing, modifying the user-generated information. Social media sites are not only the websites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc, but also the blogs and online encyclopaedia like Wikipedia, Google bloggers, etc. Even websites dedicated for writing and posting technical article on specific subjects and discussion forums can also be included in this category. Social media can be differentiated from the traditional media in terms of its reach, frequency, permanence, usability, and immediacy. Kietzmann has specifically explained a specific structure that can be associated with social media. It is called the honeycomb framework that is based on the well-designed building blocks. Each building blocks such as identify, share, and introduce conversations, relationships, reputation, groups, and presence, play important role to build the framework of social media (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy , and Silvestre, 2011, p. 241-251). Social Media Strategy Social media strategies are the means to utilise social media and in spreading information to various networks. Social media strategies can be better explained with the help of a stepwise process analysed below: Figure 1: Social Media Strategy Source: (National Performing Arts Convention, 2010) 1. Listen: The social media tools for monitoring have to be identified and studied regarding the best ways to utilise them. The user must keep his/ her ears open regarding the gossip or information that is there on the web regarding him/ her. The relevant communities have to be identified and the major influencers have to be discovered. 2. Learn: In order to learn one has to use the social media. It is also important to study the different cases on social media in order to gain information regarding its optimum and safe usage. 3. Prioritize the objectives: Whether a company is proposing a brand or a person his/ her candidature, the basic objective is to promote. So in order to grab attention the objectives of having a social media account or profile need to be prioritized. 4. Ascertain governance: In order to establish control, risk assessment is important. In order to ensure safety and unnecessary exploitation, clear social media policies have to be set. 5. Identify activities: The identification of platforms and resources are necessary and establishment of time commitment and responsibilities would also assist in defining the activities. 6. Expand capabilities: In order to have knowledge regarding the capabilities, the user has to be well-informed regarding the developments in the social media segment. Development of responsive culture for transparency is also necessary. 7. Evaluate and refine: The social media market is crowded with numerous options, so in order to filter the most appropriate alternative, the users have to gauge the success of the social media sites, monitor their popularity, gather stories of success for those social sites and refine the strategies to approach few social media sites. 8. Get into conversation: The final step is to get into or engage into conversation through the social networking sites, provide informative content and add value to the communities that the user is getting connected to. Through positive response social media can be utilised for optimistic and constructive purposes too. Four Pillars of Social Media Strategy The specific reasons or objectives due to which people use social media are collectively represented in the form of four pillars that holds the social media strategies. These four pillars are communication, collaboration, education and entertainment. Several activities that take place in social media networking sites revolve around these four objectives. 1. Communication: It involves the information that the individual user, company or institution is spreading or delivering. The feedback of the other viewers on such information and the probable reply that is given back to them for their query or remark is also a part of communication on social media. 2. Collaboration: Creation of an individual trend and letting others follow it is the latest trend, especially in social networking sites. Creation of communities or groups, collecting opinion, etc is part of social media 3. Education: The utility of social media for productive purpose is highlighted in this segment, such as blogs on technical problems or issues or education based discussions or articles as open source is indeed informative and helpful. 4. Entertainment: Social media sites are the best source of entertainment for the youngsters, teens, as well as for adults. People interact, crack jokes, post pictures, comments and have informal and friendly discussion. Sites like YouTube is the second largest entertainment search engine in the world. It offers videos of different types for the people round the world. Social Media in Education Industry The education landscape is changing due to the penetration of social media. The social media tools have been segregated into two divisions: a) primary, and b) secondary. The primary tools are the social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The secondary tools are the blogs, Flickr, YouTube, etc (Osborne, 2012). The basic idea is to present a platform which is a combination of informality and is also approachable. These tools have been very helpful for the students and professionals in the education sector because the teachers and authorities can communicate with their students through blogs and comments. Virtual gatherings on Twitter such as #Irnchat or through the closely managed social space such as Glow, Scottish national intranet, etc are few examples of platforms exclusively designed for the education segment (Osborne, 2012). Student also develops their own networks online. Lectures are delivered to the classes in the form of podcasts, webcasts, or through online videos. Mediums such as Twitter, Skype are heavily used in educational institutions to discuss and distribute the classroom resources. Even YouTube video pitches are utilised for teaching in classes. The significance of social media tools in the higher education sector, the purpose to use them, activities that are taking place in the higher education sector by utilising social media, relevance and impact are further discussed in the study. Social Media Tools and Assessments Variety of social network has been thoroughly embedded in the contemporary culture of the countries. People, especially youngsters have woven the social media networks in their everyday routine. They are growing up in the environment of Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, online gaming websites, blogs, etc. These electronic tools have replaced the old methods of communication in the higher education sector too, such as face to face interaction, written materials, class notes, relationship building, etc, within concentric circles. The policies of the universities and government regarding higher education have changed too with the integration of web tools like social media in the system (Trubitt and Overholtzer, 2009, p. 90-100). The social media tools used in case of higher education The survey conducted by the community revealed several interesting statistics regarding the usage of social media tools in the higher education segment. The analysis presents the picture of a span of 4yrs and the penetration of social media tools in higher education. The heavily used social sites by universities and students are Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs, and the message boards of the universities which also function as social sites but only restricted to students (ICEF Monitor, 2012). It was found that from 2008-11, about 98 percent students had Facebook profiles, 84 percent had Twitter profiles, and 47 percent had LinkedIn and blog accounts, while the message boards are used by almost similar number of students every year because these are restricted to the specific university students only (ICEF Monitor, 2012). Now utilising this popularity or interest of the students, universities or college is developing a social media integrated communication framework. The classroom notes are shared on sites like Twitter or Facebook. The notices, discussions, or information are tweeted on the university or college Twitter profile or page, which links all the students too. Colleges and universities create mascot pages in these social sites to infuse a college spirit. Professors are sharing their articles, materials through blogs and educative networking sites. The colleges are providing the students virtual 360 degree assistance by offering videos and images online through social sites. Even students can learn and achieve degrees by studying through virtual classrooms from different parts of the world. This is the part of distance learning. These are the social media tools and their usage in education. Social media is being used by universities not only to offer educational assistance, and support to existing students but is also utilised for marketing their institute. Top universities in the world such as Harvard, Ohio State University, Columbia University, etc actively utilise YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs (ICEF Monitor, 2012). Purpose and Activities The purpose of social media in higher education segment would be explained here with the help of the four pillars of social media strategy as explained above. The four pillars of social media strategy are: a) communication, b) collaboration, c) education, d) entertainment. So these are the four purposes why social media tools are use by students and utilised by colleges and universities. a) Communication: The core activity of any media vehicle is communication. Similarly universities can communicate information and messages to their existing students and also prospective customers or students not only within the same country or state but around the world. The most attractive thing is that in doing this complicated activity, universities and college do not have to bear any cost or negligible cost. b) Collaboration: All the students, professors, officials and administrators of the educational institutes remain connected in one network through the social media tools. It not only offers the students the scope to express their opinion and queries, but also assist the universities to market themselves and remain connected to their students. Universities and colleges have even created college forum in order to discuss many upcoming issues such as teenage drinking and driving, bad habits or irregular lifestyles and poll for their opinion, so that counselling sessions can be introduced for them, etc. c) Education: This is the major purpose of social media in higher education sector. Class notes are distributed through blogs and university websites or forums. Professors upload class assignments and projects on the message boards and twitter accounts. YouTube videos on professional courses like management, etc are heavily used and referred as authentic sources. Universities students are offered links to database ID and password for preparing assignments and projects. d) Entertainment: Social media is entertaining and interactive media vehicle, and this is the reason why it is the most preferred. Students upload their pictures, videos, and also interact online with many new friends. Educational institutes are trying to redefine the ways of educating students. The practical usage of theories and approaches stated by scholars and taught by professors are being presented by institutes with the help of social media and web. Students are being presented education in the way they like it to be, that is in a technologically advanced way (Safko, and Brake, 2009, p. 15-20). Relevance to Sector The universities and the colleges are utilising social media as the most cost effective communicative tool. Another reason of utilising social media is to introduce innovative teaching methods in the colleges to increase the interest of the students in higher education. The social media tools has been developed on Web 2.0 platform which is a read and write form of media, and this is the unique selling proposition of this media vehicle. Monologue is boring specially in case of imparting education. Students get bored and lose interest in studies and get deviated and addicted to social media sites. So education institutes are utilising the areas of interest to impart knowledge to the students. Carrying big bags to colleges stuffed with books, or visiting libraries to study is old fashioned. Students are distributed Kindle which stores electronic books in several formats, blogs contain the class notes and study materials. Online database and libraries are available on the university websites, and for extra assistance tutors, professors and administrators are always available online through chat boxes, social sites like Google+, Facebook or Twitter. Though the web integrated social media structure is complex, but the life and way of imparting knowledge has become much easier. Impact Analysis The higher education scenario is changing and the young faculties are promoting students to utilise the social media tools like Twitter. The lowest faculty engagements in social media network are from natural science department and the highest is from the arts discipline. This difference in statistics is due to the nature of the subject because every subject cannot be wholly taught through virtual platforms (Liu, 2010; Davis, Amen, Aguilar, and Canche, n. d.). Conclusion and Recommendation Social media in higher education is not a fad but here to stay. Students and educational institutions are not only embracing it but also integrating it in their framework so that the advantages of social media network can be explored in daily operations. It is way by which institutions are no longer confined to campuses but getting beyond that. The study aims at social media is highly used in every field and sector. It is one of the most cost effective forms of media vehicle. However, in this study the focus has been exclusively on the higher education segment because the maximum usage of social media tools can be seen among the youngsters, especially among those students who are completing their higher studies. This is due to the latest trend of using social media, but also because universities and colleges are integrating social media in their entire learning and administrative process for the students. The increasing number of early adopters is the teaching staffs, administration departments in universities, marketing departments of educational institutes are increasing in number every day. The teachers must also plan the lessons tactfully to utilize the interactive platform well. The students must be taught the strengths and weaknesses of using this tool, so that they also do not deviate from the objective of using social media in education. Group study, team efforts should be promoted through social media for utilising the strengths of social media that is collaboration. Managing events, programs, seminars through social media should be encouraged. Shifting the process of communication and imparting knowledge from one framework to a totally new technology based framework is difficult. Moreover, professors or other staffs who are older are not keen to utilise social network for running higher education in universities. The internal obstacles are firstly, the resistance from the old teaching staffs or administrators. Secondly, entertainment is generally regarded by students as a source of entertainment and fun, so motivating them to take social media seriously for productive usage is also important and difficult. The external obstacles are the maintenance of reputation in the social media forum because social media is an open forum and everyone has the right to express themselves. Students have stopped contacting universities directly, and they post their queries on the Facebook page of the universities, as depicted by the marketing head of University of Leicester, so direct interaction with the student has decreased. Even a single Tweet can create problems and reputation of the university. For example a student tweeted that the University of Warwick is going to close, which created huge problems for the university authorities. So universities need to have strong policies and system to protect their goodwill and avoid unnecessary posts or tweets. Moreover strong cyber security system is also necessary in this context. References Davis, C. H. F., Amen, R. D., Aguilar, C. R., and Canche, M. S. G., no date. Social Media in Higher Education: A Literature Review and Research Directions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 December 2012]. Ernst & Young, 2012. Social Media Strategy, Policy and Governance. [online] Available at: <$File/Social_media_strategy_policy_governance.pdf> [Accessed 12 December 2012]. ICEF Monitor, 2012. How Higher Education Use Social Media. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 December 2012]. Kietzmann, J. H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I. P., and Silvestre, B. S., 2011. Social Media? Get Serious! Understanding the Functional Building Blocks of Social Media. Business Horizons, 54(3), pp. 241–251. Liu, Y., 2010. Social Media Tools as a Learning Resource. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 3(1), pp. 101-114. National Performing Arts Convention, 2010. The Future of Social Media Strategist. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 December 2012]. Nielsen, 2011. The Social Media Report. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 December 2012]. Osborne, N., 2012. Using Social Media in Education, Part 2: Tools, Support, and Technical Issues. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 December 2012]. Safko, L., and Brake, D. K., 2009. The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools & Strategies for Business Success. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Trubitt, L., and Overholtzer, J., 2009. Good Communication: The Other Social Network for Successful IT Organizations. Educause Review, 44 (6), pp. 90?100. Uhomoibhi, J. O., 2006. Implementing E-Learning in Northern Ireland: Prospects and Challenges. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 23(1), pp. 4-14. Read More
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