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Technology of the future - Research Paper Example

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This essay has examined the technology of the future. In these regards, technological advancements in the realms of computer, robotic, communication, transportation, space, energy, and medicine have been examined. …
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Technology of the future
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?Outline I. computer II. robotic III. communication IV. transportation V. space VI. energy VII. medical technology. Technology of the Future Introduction Concerns regarding the future have long been a hallmark aspect of literature and entertainment. Science fiction writers such as Arthur C. Clarke and H.G. Wells envisioned future worlds where flying cars would be accompanied by hover-boards and space elevators. While some of these imaginations proven to be largely inaccurate, a surprisingly amount have proven true. Today scientists, researchers, and analysts regularly engage in theorizing of future technologies. In these regards, it’s readily apparent that if you think technology of today is amazing, wait till you see the technology of the future. This essay examines the technology of the future in terms of computer, robotic, communication, transportation, space, energy, and medical technology. Computer Technology The late 20th century and early 21st century have witnessed rapid progress in terms of computer technology. While significant development has occurred in previous decades it’s clear that substantial change await future contexts. Some of the most prominent areas of development are believed to occur in terms of nanotechnology. In this context of understanding, nanotechnology is the development of computer chips and electrical conductors of increasingly small size as a means of developing more efficient and lightweight technology. In the current world environment one witnesses the nature of nanotechnology in flat screen televisions and tablet technology, such as the Apple iPad. Still, it’s clear that the future world will experience much greater advances in nanotechnology. In these regards researchers noted that four types of nanocomputers will emerge. These computers include: electronic nanocomputers, chemical and biochemical nanocomputers, mechanical nanocomputers, and quantum nanocomputers (Herzog). In terms of specific implementation of this nanotechnology it’s believed that nanorobots will be able to be constructed. These nanorobots will be able to enter the human body and as a means of targeting specific diseases or illnesses. This technology will be a significant aid to medical technology as it will give medical professionals access to areas of the body that were previously only accessible through lengthy surgery processes. Another such implementation will occur in terms of spray-on nano computers. This technology will function as miniscule robots will be sprayed onto the chests of patients. These robots will then be able to record the patient’s health and allow doctors to monitor patients with specific areas of concern. Other prominent computer technology is understood to emerge in terms of quantum computers and artificial intelligence. In these regards, it’s noted that, “A quantum computer uses quantum mechanical phenomena, such as entanglement and superposition to process data. Quantum computation aims to use the quantum properties of particles to represent and structure data” (Herzog). While quantum technology has already been implemented in a variety of computers, future contexts will be able to implement this technology to much greater extremes. In these regards future quantum technology will allow for the running of a myriad of simulations that will revolutionize the ways that agencies and institutions approach a variety of concerns. In addition such quantum technology can be utilized in processes such as cryptography, modeling and indexing large databases. Artificial intelligence is also believed to have great future potential. While the potential for future artificial intelligence is truly endless researchers have identified a number of specific areas of future development. One of the prominent areas includes gaming technology. Currently artificial intelligence is implemented prominently in a variety of gaming technological devices, both recreationally, as well as for real-world civil and military simulations (Brockman). Future technological contexts will witness progressively more developed forms of artificial intelligence that will allow humans to interact as entertainment and in high-risk areas (Brockman). This technology is highly important as it holds the potential for military and police training that otherwise was only able to be implemented in dangerous scenarios. While the Internet drastically changed the ways people interact with computer technology, future developments in social networking will correspondingly have a profound impact on social relations. Indeed, of new technological advancements within the Digital Age, it’s difficult to identify a technology that has had and will continue to have a more profound and significant influence on modern society. While slightly abstract in nature, social media is understood to encompass web-based and mobile technologies that are implemented to turn communication into an interactive dialogue. Even while this technology has had s significant unifying effect, individuals have also argued that in the future such technology will be detrimental for the modern world. It’s clear that the social web has tremendously influenced contemporary social relations and will only evolve in the future. While it’s difficult to make proclamations about the future of social media, one would surmise that increased levels of segmentation would occur, further allowing individuals with similar personalities and interests to find and interact with each other. Within this context of understanding, it’s revealed that while social media will expand the daily social interactions, it may limit their ‘reality.’ Still, it is also demonstrated that social media should have positive implications for previously disenfranchised groups, and also functionally contribute to business relations. Ultimately, it’s clear that social media will constitutes one of the most significant new technologies. Robotics While largely rooted in terms of artificial intelligence, another prominent area of future technology is robotics. In these regards, future robotic technology, outside of the development of nano robot technology for medial purposes, also takes on human like proportions. In these regards, it’s been noted that life like robots will emerge that look and feel considerably more human. For instance, when one places their hand on the robots shoulder it will turn around and greet the individual. In terms of currently being developed robotic technology, robotic pets are a prominent area of development. One company – WowWeeAlive – is developing a series of pet technology, including small lions. Another prominent implementation of robotic technology includes rescue robots (Brockman). While one initially might think of sensational visions of Robocop, rescue robots have already emerge on a small-scale as a means of aiding individuals in hard to reach or wartime areas. These robots are being innovate and developed by a number of organizations and have taken on the term All terrain robots (ATRs), for the their needed capacity of operating in a wide variety of areas and terrains. Other prominent uses for robotic technology occur in the medial realm. In these regards robotic prosthetics are a well-considered area of innovation (Brockman). While prosthetic limbs have already emerged scientists and engineers are working on means of developing robotic technology that will seamlessly link bodily movements to thoughts. Currently innovation has been developed in this realm with cybernetic hands that have been controlled by individual thoughts (Brockman). Another prominent area of robotic technology are in terms of exoskeletons. A prominent use of such technology is being innovated by the military. The military is developing suits that can be worn by individuals in war areas as a means of lifting heavy loads. Communication Technology There is a broad variety of communication technology that will be implemented in future contexts. In large part it’s been noted that such technology will occur through the speed and efficiency of the communication technology. Still, a number of notable future communication technologies are currently being developed. In these regards, technology is being developed wherein stolen cell-phones or computers will be able to map the walking habits of the user. If the device detects that the individual user is walking with a stride that is different than the predominant user then the device will shut down until the a password is entered ("Technologyawards"). Another prominent mode of communication technology is currently being developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("Technologyawards"). This institute is developing a fully functional laptop that will cost only $100. Such technology will be able to be utilized for developing and impoverished regions. Transportation The 20th century witnessed rapid changes in transportation technology and analysts note that the future will correspondingly witness prominent developments. From an overarching context, it’s understood that changes will emerge in fuel efficiency and alternative energy sources. Some of the most prominent such changes will occur through reductions in emissions. In terms of alternative energy sources, currently hybrid and electric technology has emerged. Still the most prominent future alternative energy source is argued to be hydrogen fuel cells. Indeed, many analysts argue that hydrogen fuel cells will power cars, homes, and offices. Such technology will greatly lower energy costs and pollution. Another prominent development is believed to be cars that will drive themselves. Currently Google has noted that they have developed car technology wherein cars will drive themselves. They noted that, ““Our automated cars, manned by trained operators, just drove from our Mountain View campus to our Santa Monica office and on to Hollywood Boulevard” ("kurzweilai"). Still there remain tremendous barriers to the full-scale implementation of such technology. The transition to a society of such automation would require drastic infrastructure changes and a nearly countrywide transition to automated technology. With advances in global positioning and the potential for self-driving cars to greatly limit accidents, with subsequent deaths and injuries, it seems clear that a future transition will need to occur. In terms of innovative car and transportation designs an almost endless amount of prototypes and hypothetical ideas have emerged. Still, the extent that such technology will emerge to a place of cultural prominence remains to be seen. In terms of innovative technology design, inventors have developed a hybrid car and plane. Currently models and prototypes of such technology have already emerged ("labiche"). Other proposed technology includes devices that focus on transporting individuals through the implementation of nanoengines with more sleek modes of development. Ultimately, while these models and prototypes exist the extent that they will remain in the minds of inventors or go by the wayside along with Back to the Future hover-boards remains to be seen. Space Technology The potentials of space technology are a large and well-considered topic. In terms of some of the most sensational and romantic areas of potential future technological advancement include commercial space flights. Currently Virgin Airline CEO Sir Richard Branson has developed Virgin Galactic as a means of developing such commercial transportation. This company has imagined hypothetical scenarios where Virgin Galactic will be able to transport individuals to a commercial space station where individuals will able to vacation, gamble, and experience zero gravity (Friedman). In the immediate future Virgin Galactic is aiming to be able to take individuals on suborbital spaceflights for a substantial fee. Another sensational space technology that analysts believe has future potential is what is referred to as the space elevator ("good"). Originally envisioned by science fiction Arthur C. Clarke, the space elevator is exactly what it sounds; an elevator that would transport individuals from Earth directly to space. While such technology sounds patently absurd scientists believe that it may be possible and steps have actually been taken to develop it. There is even a Washington state based company called LiftPort Group that has begun developing such technology. They believe that a space elevator will be ready by 2031 (“good”). Technology will also be a leading factor in the future findings in aspects of the universe. The proof to this is that 200 years ago astronomers could not tell whether the age of the universe was 20 million or 20 billion years old. Technology has come a far way since the 1900’s and will continue to increase rapidly. What we do not know today we will know tomorrow, our knowledge of the universe and what it consists of could not have been established without technology. Consider seminal astronomer John Eddy who, in reference to the effects potential technology could have on future predictions of the age of the universe, stated, “with ‘frantic theoretical readjustment’ if new evidence showed that astronomers have been wrong, they could live with Bishop Ussher's date of 4,004 B.C.” (Friedman). NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrophy Probe (WMAP) will greatly determine and influence the future data that will go into calculating the age of the universe, and indeed future understandings of cosmology. Similarly, the Hubble Space Telescope will greatly influence astronomers’ understanding of the universe. It follows that the Planck satellite, which recently was launched to augment the findings of the WMAP and is scheduled to release new data in 2012, could greatly further astronomers’ understanding of the age of the universe. Energy Technology The most popular alternative energy source that could be implemented in the future is solar power. Currently solar power is “the original energy source for all human activity…via growing plants. Solar energy's main human application throughout most of history has thus been in agriculture and forestry, via photosynthesis” (Friedman, pg. 34). There are two types of solar energy that researchers noted will continue to gain further development and implementation in future context: passive and active. Passive solar energy will be used without the use of mechanical systems. Active solar energy refers to the type of power that will require outside assistance (such as photovoltaic cells and parabolic mirrors) to be utilized. Solar power will require special types of energy cells, known as photovoltaic cells, to be properly harnessed. Unfortunately, such cells are rather expensive to make. A popular myth is that the amount of energy required to create these cells will exceed the amount of energy they produce in their lifespan. In actuality, they should “pay off” their energy debt (so to speak) in two to six years, depending on the energy efficiency of the cell. Moreover, the average lifespan of a photovoltaic cell is thirty years. Another popular myth is that these cells will not work on cloudy days and at night. This is untrue – they continue to take in whatever light is available, but in drastically reduced quantities. The cells will also hooked up to batteries that store energy in great quantities, which provides a steady flow of energy day and night. And since “about one-fifth of all energy used around the world now comes from solar resources” (Friedman, pg. 37), it would not be too far for one to say that it is possible to increase that percentage to a majority. Medical Technology As noted throughout the preceding research advances in technology have been intimately intertwined with medical advances. Still, there remain a wide variety of other future medical technologies. Indeed, advances in medical technology constitute some of the most important technological advances. The revolutionary device of the gene chip is regarded one of the most important future benefits of the human genome project. Scientists will be able to utilize this chip to identify specific areas of genetic distress; the chip lights up and indicates these areas. Scientists will then able to develop treatment options for these specific genetic areas (Friedman). While gene therapy is still an experimental and novel process, it’s understood that in the next decade a great amount of progress will be made within this field. Scientists refer to the Holy Grail of gene therapy, wherein with a single injection diseases such as particular forms of cancer will be able to healed without the complications involved with current institutions of gene therapy (Friedman). These are medical advances that are and will be made a reality as a direct result of advances made in terms of the Human Genome Project. Some of the most prominent technology emerges in biomedical research. Researchers have argued that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) can be implemented in ways that help prevent humanity from a variety of ills and help stave off world hunger. However, there has been a corresponding ethical resistance to the use of GMOs, surprisingly from the nations and organizations that could benefit the greatest from their implementation. The argument against GMOs can be understood through a number of reasons: there is concern that copyrights on the GMOs will hurt small farmers; some groups fear viruses from GMOs will contaminate other crops; and fear that GMO food may negatively affect health. There has been mixed responses from the Catholic Church towards GMO use. The major Catholic objections included: health consequences, environmental consequences, and damage to Brazilian sovereignty. More recent responses by Catholic theologians tend to increasingly support the implementation of GMOs are a response to the rise of world hunger. Still, it seems clear the genetically modified organisms, in some incarnation, will emerge in future world contexts. (Friedman) In addition to these large-scale future developments there exists a wide-variety of smaller potential medical advances. One such technological advance that is believed to occur in the upcoming decades is personalized medicine. The field of pharmacogenomics is currently investigating how genetic inheritance affects an individual’s potential and propensity towards specific diseases or illnesses ("Future For All"). In the future it’s believed that medicine will be able to be tailored towards the individual’s specific genetic makeup. Another prominent future medical advance are babies growing out of the womb. Researchers at Cornell have currently developed artificial bubble wombs that have produced mice offspring ("Future For All"). It seems readily apparent that scientists will be able to innovate such technologies for human embryos. Another prominent future technology that is currently being developed is the smart pill. Smart pills will be ingestible capsules that are able to transmit specific elements about a person’s health to a receiver outside the body. Doctors will then be able to check this receiver and make more accurate diagnoses for patient health. Conclusion In conclusion, this essay has examined the technology of the future. In these regards, technological advancements in the realms of computer, robotic, communication, transportation, space, energy, and medicine have been examined. While a great amount of future technology demonstrates that the world will be a much different place, one must keep in mind the nature of progress. Technology can enrich our lives, but it’s the responsibility of the people that make sure it is put to beneficial use. Ultimately, the future will be an exciting place, but we must all work together to ensure that true progress is achieved. References Brockman, John. The Next Fifty Years. Vintage Press. 2002. "Communication Technology in the Future." Technologyawards. N.p., 2011. Web. 13 Nov 2011. . "Google Cars Drive Themselves." kurzweilai. N.p., 2011. Web. 13 Nov 2011. . Friedman, David. Technology and Freedom in an Uncertain World. Cambridge University Press. 2011. "Future Medical Technology." Future For All. N.p., 2010. Web. 13 Nov 2011. . Herzog , Chris. "The Future of Computer Technology." Geeks. N.p., 2011. Web. 13 Nov 2011. . "LaBiche Aerospace." labiche. N.p., 2011. Web. 13 Nov 2011. . "Planes, Trains, Automobiles." good. N.p., 2010. Web. 13 Nov 2011. . Read More
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