Creativity is the way of using originality and imaginations to bring out the reality. Language as art is a tool of communication everywhere globally, and creativity enables delivering a quality message. Presentation forms, such as the use of symbols, sounds, or writings, are designed to capture the interests of target audiences by stylistic approaches. An intended message is easily understood by using an appropriate and relevant language. Therefore, language creativity uses vocabulary in a twisted way during a particular context, to make a new understanding apart from the usual way.
Imaginations are put into reality by the use of language settings. Language creativity includes the use of; dialogues, symbolism body language, emotional appeal, figures of speech, and metaphoric styles. A skillful speaker or a writer has to infuse four components of creativity: semantics, phonology, grammar, and pragmatics, to make language serve a function to the audience. Through functional creative writing, one can achieve personal, instrumental, or representational purposes. Although language creativity is treated as a usual way of communication, it serves Functions such as entertainment and engagement, which are tangible through usage through creativity in language presentation.
Functions of language creativity
Entertainment is one of the main functions of language creativity. Most of the written, audios, visual and audiovisual language embraces the use of pathos such as tonal variations and mimics of sounds, or idiomatic expressions, to keep the audience lively. In contextual length, entertainment, especially in ceremonial functions, is a result of the language used to initiate a celebratory mood. Audio forms may use stylistic presentations in songs and speeches captivating to the listeners, i.e., through choruses and rhythm. Musical performances in celebrations illuminate the present audience to stay within the ceremonial mood. A written communication embraces the use of comic effects to bring out humor that keeps readers interested. Language creativity for entertainment is also presented in the form of visuals, such as artworks, drawings, and paintings. Audiovisuals works serve entertainment purposes as the viewer can relate to a particular context. The mechanism employes usage of semiotic devices in visual arts such as playful coloring patterns as the intended message is passed across. In the ancient, language creativity was presented in the form of creative arts such as crafting, which was treated as aesthesia (Widada 2019, p.205). An example of how language is creatively used for entertainment is in today's shows, such as performances in Dubai opera and Cinema Akil.
Engaging functions are visible through bringing out the cultural context such as social, intrapersonal, and interpersonal engagement is achieved through language creativity. The choice of language in forums such as political gathering or religious congregations determines how a meeting comes about. Turn-taking in, interrogations or questionnaires is some techniques used in literature to keep all parties in a participative mood through responses, which can be murmurs, applause, or booing. Language creativity makes it possible to achieve three purposes of engagement: cognitive where the involved parties get alert and have focused attention. Active engagement also ensures that there are a positive attitude and autonomy during language use. Another purpose is enabling social interactions and participation. Language creativity through drama, i.e., plays a fiction and comedy, is part of language creativity, keeping the audience engaged. Rhetoric questions, personification and animation styles, open a room for engaging the audience's mind and thoughts to sensible interpretations. (Dumert 2018). An example is a discussion about life events such as life span.
Language creativity creates harmony through staying within a particular acontextual length. Employing the use of ethos during a language presentation addresses contemporary issues such as marriage or sporting events. Language dynamics such as comic effects in an intensive massage harmonizes the mood of a particular audience, whereby they can balance their emotions. Artistic presentation of language plays a vital role in creating harmony by allowing different interpretations, i.e., in the play, the joker. Language creativity also simplifies the ideologies of the audience through a possible diverse but agreeable understanding. A balance in emotions is achievable through comedy or metaphoric presentation of ideas, as it unifies the reasoning of listeners or viewers. A diverse audience calls for a socio-linguistic approach, which is possible through the application of several language arts to create harmony. Through language creativity, more are attracted to a particular form of language presentation; hence, interpersonal relationships such as having common interests, i.e., socio-political stands. Intrapersonal harmony is achievable through introducing creativity, such as body language, to easy mind's confusion about a particular message. For instance, Maria Callas and Madonna used words creatively to get their audiences' attention through music presentation, i.e., vocals and stage performance. They harmonized both their fans` and critiques' reactions through their reflective lives (Widada 2019, pp.218, 223).
The use of language achieves discourse is a critical length during an essential presentation of ideas or points of arguments. Direct speech in language includes the use of dialogues, discussions, and general conversation. One controversial example of a discourse is a debatable discussion concerning cultural issues such as education systems and socio-economic matters. A creative language gives a platform for a cryptic message, which involves more than one party. Some techniques of an artistic style include having a responsive audience, such as the use of Aristotle's art of rhetoric. Phonetics in language use is applied when there is a purposeful reason for conversing, such as evidence or clarification. Grammatical punctuations are also used in language discourse to intensify points of emphasis purposefully. Therefore, a creative language enables a meaningful dialogue through turn-taking and leaving room for reflective analysis. Through the use of logos, such as facts and records, creativity is employed in discourse to prove a point or justify sides of a debatable argument. The purpose of question and answer criteria is one creative way of engaging a consultative conversation. Most writers, actors, and speakers also use related words, i.e., similes and metaphors, especially in a discussion to familiarize the audience with the original idea (Wang 2016, p.205).
Language creativity by using existing literature is used to explain a social setting is a determiner of a status quo. The status quo can be maintained increased, reduced, or maintained depending on the convincing capacity of language. Creativity by using figurative language such as metaphors, to compare actions, awakens the relevant parties to recheck and decide on their status quo. Another way is by employing literary genres to represent a particular status quo and is impactful because such styles fully describe it. Status quo maintenance also depends on how creative language modes, such as gestures and imagery, are presented to the outside surroundings. They can portray their reflection in the outside world. For instance, an organization's status quo may remain relevant and attracts the public's interest if language about it is creatively meant to praise it, i.e., through songs or portraits of praise. A political leader is an example where the nature of a speech can cause different impacts in public gatherings, and what people say afterward may maintain their status quo (Maybin 2016, pp. 26, 38).
Language creativity, through sarcasm, satire, and irony during a particular status quo presentation, may alter the situation depending on the audience's perception. Such use of a creative interaction stimulates a social cognitive transition as language is considered a tool of factual description. In Russia, citizens presented their message to Vladimir Putin at the heights of protests pushing for his resignation through chants. A creative language stirs up overwhelming reactions from the audience such that they may change the status quo. These kinds of responses are creatively done today through social media, i.e., mocking memes, cartoons, or adverse comments. Artistic works, for instance, a play The Hobbit, are applied to bring out how the status quo regarding the environment. Usage of creative language such as horror movies representing a given culture instills fear and misconceptions; thus, a change in the status quo is needed to regain confidence (Scalisky et al. 2017, p.448).
In conclusion, language creativity is inevitable in any daily activities, which requires a communication medium to be complete. The tangibility of language, i.e., is seen, felt, and relatable, is brought about by the inclusion of creative actions to represent a particular context. Functions such as entertainment and engagements are needed to moderate emotions. Harmony and discourse functions are achievable when language creativity is applied to get the concerned parties to a common ground or agreement point. How language is creatively played around a particular status quo determines its fate, especially political leaders and business organizations. Language creativity is highly embraced as both the audience and language presenters make language creativity applicable and impact each other. Language creativity has been normalized in the world today such that a plain language presentation discourages the audience.
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