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Response Paper In the Journal Article, the opines that online degrees could be better than college degrees even though college degrees are still favored by employers compared to online degrees. As a result people still pay exorbitant fees in search of college degrees so that they can appeal to employers. The author also says that the main advantage of online degrees is that the holder can easily trace all coursework done and outlines credentials of the holder with electronic proof of the same.
For college degree holders, there is no such thing. He compares transcripts to a skeleton reminder of what was studied in school. The writer does not appreciate the fact that if college graduates are keen enough, they can store all earning material and coursework to be at par with online degree holders. The use of language to authoritatively express thought is evident throughout the article. He particularly uses ideology to manufacture consent thus convincing the reader that his standpoint is the better.
Success is achieved when the writer explains that college degrees are only sought after because employers prefer them while recruiting. He provides a solution to the impasse by providing a mechanism that can be used to make online degrees even more appealing to employers than college degrees. In doing so, he aligns his thoughts with the values and desires of the society to capture consent. Figurative language is also used by the writer to pass his intended message. For example, the writer says “Colleges are holding technology at bay because…” This artistic use of language helps to lay emphasis on the fact that it is college administrators who stifle the applicability of online degrees.
ReferencesCarey, K. (2015, March 5). Here’s What Will Truly Change Higher Education: Online Degrees That Are Seen as Official. Retrieved from The New York Times.
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