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Human Resource Internship at Dallah Al-Baraka - Assignment Example

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The paper “Human Resource Internship at Dallah Al-Baraka” is a creative variant of an assignment on human resources. I attended my human resource internship at Dallah Al-Baraka. The company is a cosmopolitan corporation situated in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. The company started in 1969 in form of a Courier Service under the title, Dallah Establishment…
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Name: Professor: Course: Date of submission: FINAL INTERNSHIP REPORT. Q. An Introduction to company / department with an organizational / departmental chart. Introduction to the Dallah Al-Baraka Company. I attended my human resource internship at Dallah Al-Baraka. The company is a cosmopolitan corporation situated at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. The company started in 1969 in form of Courier Service under the title, Dallah Establishment. At the end of 1979, the company was the leading contractors in the Saudi Government territory. The company’s influence was felt as far as Europe, the Northern part of Africa and the whole of Middle East. In 1984, the Dallah Establishment changed its name to the currently title, Dallah Al-Baraka Holding Company (DBHC). It further expanded its economical activities into financial and banking services, real estate, trading, health care, tourism, manufacturing, operations and maintenances as well as transportation. These attributes confirm its name conglomerates. Dallah Al-Baraka is the pioneer service product of sellable product. Later, the concept spread the entire markets of” Dallah Establishment was the first private-sector firm to offer services as products. This concept was not known in the Saudi and Middle Eastern markets Dallah Al-Baraka currently controls around 300 companies concerned in an assortment of industries found in 40 countries and above worldwide. Dallah Al-Baraka company functions are grouped into 3 fundamental criteria; 1) Finance, this involves the company’s global operation network of Islamic banks, investment as well as indemnity vehicles; 2) Business, it comprises of activities varying from hospital process to onslaught and safeguarding to food manufacture and restaurants; finally 3) Media, it entails company's possession of satellite newscaster like Arab Radio and TV. The Dallah Al-Baraka Holding Company also invests in manufacturing traffic lights and pesticides, civic construction substances, and metallic pipes. I am a business student in the department of Human Resource therefore; my internship program was based in the HR Department of the Dallah Al-Baraka Company. The department reviews the organization blueprint and structure put forward by each Business entity against the general Company’s Vision, Mission and business strategy and plans. It is the obligatory role of the HR Department to consolidate the Organization structure for the review of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO and the Board finally review the overall Organization structure and the Chairman will approve the Company’s Organization Structure after such review. The Dallah Al-Baraka Holding Company’s department of Human Resource is one of the main components of the company’s structure. The Human Resource has therefore, a compliment hierarchical of structure with the senior and the junior officers. The organization starts with Director of Human Resources management, which is subdivided into Administrative Services Unit – Saher and General Manager's Office. Below these are Management Information System, Assistant Director Recruitment, Human Resource Development, Manpower Planning, Assistant Director, Employee Relations, Employee Relations, Social Insurance (GOSI), Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF), Supportive Services and Archive. Diagram 1.0: The Human Resource Organization Structure. Q.B Description of roles performed in one / many departments (Planned Roles / Actual Roles with the reasons of not performing your roles as planned (if any). Effat University Students in the faculty of Business are obliged to attend an internship program. The purpose of an internship is to relate knowledge gotten from classroom studies to real-world situations, in order to gain the required skills and experience that is obligatory to prepare the student for a flourishing career in their meadow. I went for my internship at Dallah Al-Baraka Company, and I fulfilled several of my indispensible roles as a student. My colleagues and I were assigned a work on Tue Jul 7 in the archive section. We were entering workers’ data in the system as well as arranging the files. We managed to enter seven new workers’ information into the system and arranged their subsequent files. Then I was personally allocated a task in the recruitment sector which involved searching for prospective candidates on the net online for a precise position in the company and bring the CV’s to the Ms Rolla; the recruitment specialist. Mr. Omar again met us on Mon June 22 and he gave us a two hour lecture and talked briefly about the whole human resource department in general and its functions and roles, then he talked about the human resource department at Dallah company, he talked about their hiring procedures from selecting the employee until the placement, he taught us how they do the monthly time card for the employee manually. He also talked about the manpower planning which is the most important function in the human resource department. Then we met with Mr. Majed; overseas recruitment manager, he talked briefly about the overseas recruitment procedures including the studies they have to make before hiring. The first workshop in the Dallah Company was scheduled on Sun Jun 28. We attended our first workshop with Ms. Shamila. The topic which was discussed was about time management which helps one to become attentive of how the time is utilized and spent. Time management is a personal goal that improves the skills on resource organization, prioress and finally success in duty performance. Those are some of the objectives of the time management as she explained. After we finished had finished with workshop, each of us the trainees had a small discussion with her to discuss about their training progress. We met with Mr. Waheed on Mon Jun 29 in the MIS section where we discussed concerning the different systems they are using in the company such as human capital Dallah system where everyone can apply for a job and submit their CV’s through. E-data system was one of the eminent systems of clarification. E-data system involves the recently coming workers, who are offered the permission to feed in their information in that system which later is exported to the oracle system which is readily available for all the workers in the company. And they also have the task tracking system; which is a system that allows the employee to request and create a task which then will be sent to the specific section to be solved. After the long hours of oral explanation about the workability of these systems, Ms Sahar from the archive section gave us an insight practically by showing us how the system works. She too gave us ample time to familiarize with the system where she allowed us to enter some information in the system for practice. Later, we met with Ms Rolla; she showed us the different templates they are using in the recruitment section. Our second workshop commenced on Thursday Jul 9 with Ms Shamila as our trainee. The topic of concern was regarding the development of communication skills. Under this topic, she addressed the issue of communication, the communication effectiveness, influential factors to be considered during communication, factors that may hinder the communication, she too talked issues concerning listening skills, finally, she taught us the “I” message, and the Mehrabian study. To crown it all, she played a video about how to communicate effectively. Positively, this lecture improved my interaction skills and provided me an obligatory role as human resource personnel to be well skilled when handling my clients at work. By the end of fourth week of my internship probably I had familiarized with the Dallah systems. Consequently, my colleagues and I were lucky that in our 5th week of the internship was when the new summer trainees were coming. Ms Shamila directed us on how to do it and finally we helped her to collect the information of these new summer trainees, and then feed it in excel. We too organized these entered information, put them in the files and finally saved them as documents. We also photocopied the non-disclosure responsibility letter and distribute it to them and get it signed, and lastly writing a new indication letter for them to be signed. In addition we had also worked with Ms. Shamila in six training providers’ proposals, we have been asked to make a study for all of the six proposals and extract the important information and create a client list out of it to make it easier for her to compare between them. We have also been asked to prepare a training plan for us from the old one she used to have before. Finally, we have had our third workshop which was about teamwork and team building and some activities during the workshop such as the “marshmallow challenge”. The most interesting thing of this week is that me and the other HR trainee had been invited to attend a meeting with the manager of the HR department; Dr. Hassan, to discuss about a couple of issues in the HR procedures and try to find solutions. So we the trainees participated in offering suggestions and ideas which was really motivating. The manager also asked us to participate with the HR team in implementing these solutions and meet them again after we are done. Q.C Description of your learning’s (Improvements in your Knowledge, Skills, Attititude, Abilities and competencies). The purpose to demeanor an orientation is to make a new worker be acquainted with the Company’s businesses, its human resources, and the occupations of each business. It too orients the latest employee to the ethnicity of the Company. So in my internship, the HR Department and the apprehensive Business Sectors were responsible for my orientation process. I attended all essential training for internship. For instance, the first week of my internship, we were oriented. The respective personnel could guide us and eventually explaining to us the workability and how the company works. On 21st of June, we exhausted the entire day with Ms. Shamila; the Senior HR specialist. She addressed to us the policies and regulations of Dallah Company and its training program. Then Mr. Oma Mukhtar; who is the Assistant manager of the HR department, briefly introduced to us about the company; its origin as an establishment up to its current level as one of the largest investment companies that controls 40 and above sub companies. We were later introduced to the staff by Ms. Farah; Senior HR specialist, and directed us to various HR sections. On Monday Jun 22, Mr. Omar gave us a two hour lecture about the entire human resource department generally its functions and responsibilities, he explained their hiring process from choosing the workers until the residency. He too discussed the manpower scheduling an eminent function within the human resource department. Mr. Majed; the foreign recruitment manager, talked precisely about the foreign recruitment dealings plus the studies they have to make before hiring. On Tuesday Jul 7, I and my colleagues attended our second follow up weekly meeting with Ms Shamila. Schedule an appointment with supervisor after completing placement to discuss evaluation and sign Part II of the evaluation form. At this appointment, we were introduced to the company’s rules, regulations, mission and vision which provide uniform and consistent procedures at all levels of the Company’s operations. It is my role as a student to maintain consistent communication with work site. With that connection, on Thursday Jul 9, I alongside my other colleagues had our subsequent workshop with Ms Shamila concerning developing communication skills; she diligently spoke briefly about communication; how to enhance effective communication, highlighted the factors affecting and considered in communication, causes and possible communication deficiencies, obstacles and barriers, precisely she addressed listening skills particularly the “I” message, and the Mehrabian study. At the end of this session Ms Shamila played a video concerning the effectiveness of the communication. As an intern student, it’s my obligatory role to understand the Dallah company/organization’s mission. On Tuesday Jun 23, I attend a lecture held by Mr. Hosni; the Employee relation manager. Mr. Hosni talked in brief statements about the role of the company and its mission. In his lecture, Mr. Hosni explained the company’s compensation and benefits, the time card, the warning and the punishments, the resignation, the loans, and the retirement. Mr. Mohammed Basfar, too addressed issues concerning the General Organization of company especially the Social Insurance, he explained what it is about and how much they deduct from the employee and what he/she is going to benefit from it. Then we went to Ms Rolla in the recruitment section. She explained the whole process of hiring right from the planning, recruitment, screening, selecting up to the placement of employees in the company. She told us about Hay job evaluation technique that they used to plan out the job roles they have. She further went ahead to say that the objective of such protocols is to ensure a firm framework for recruiting knowledgeable and skilled workers in a reasonable, methodical, consistent and cost effective comportment and also to make sure that the man-power needs of the Company are satisfied efficiently. It is the Company’s policy to recruit employees in accordance with its established manpower needs, by filling vacant positions with the most suitable candidates. In the selection of such candidates, the Company will be guided by the requirements of the job and the candidates' qualifications, taking into account certain factors such as education, training, experience, skill and competence, medical fitness and other characteristics as determined by the Company. Abide by company policies, rules, and regulations including established work hours and breaks. The aim of this policy is to ensure that the staffing requirements are planned and that quality manpower is made available at the right time for the Company to meet its business needs. It should also assist the Company in managing the employment of the optimum level of human resources with the required skills. On Sunday Jun. 21, I have joined Dallah Al-Baraka Holding Company as a trainee to start my internship. We spent the whole day for the orientation with Ms. Shamila; Senior HR specialist, she talked about the policies and regulations about the company and the training program. On Sunday Jun 28, we attended our first workshop with Ms. Shamila, about time management. She started with explaining what time management is and what its objectives. She also talked about the Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely (S.M.A.R.T) goals and the positive, personal, and possible (3 p’s). She played a video about how to conquer procrastination. After the workshop each of the trainees had a small discussion with her to discuss about their training progress. My colleagues and I were assign some duties in the payroll section on the 6th week but we did not finish and therefore we continued working with the payroll section, we worked on calculating the end of service award, the housing loan request, the personal loan request, the vacation days and adjusting the vacation balance, and the warning deduction. And we learned how we enter these amounts on the oracle system. We also learned about the bank loans, setting up the salary and the employee bank account, extracting the end of service report and entering absent and sick leaves on the oracle system. After that we had our weekly workshop which was about business etiquette. In addition, we created an evaluation form for the summer training program. Finally, we had our weekly meeting with our mentor to discuss about the whole week process. Q.D Challenges faced during internship. The most significant threat I detected throughout my internship exercise is the poor working condition of the company. The chairs that we used were old and non-commutable, they really tired me especially because I spending most of the time sitting down. The working environment for girls/ladies was much congested. There were 13 ladies within the same the same room meaning that the company lack specific and other places for the trainees. The sanitation of the place was not so appealing and conducive. Especially ladies were so dirty bathroom. Also in the residential rooms there were bugs that are probably caused by dirt. The archive room was extremely dusty since the files from the place suggested so; therefore the room is unhealthy to work in.   There were insufficient social amenities like cafes, restaurants etc. The company has just one café in their structures without dining arena for the workers. The company has no restaurant where the worker could be refreshing from During our internship process, the supervisor perhaps had very minimal time with us therefore we found very difficult and challenging to resolve some of the problem encountered for ourselves. Eventually, they had very minimal moments to mentor and teach us on the issues of our practicability of our theoretical knowledge. The supervisors we encountered in Dallah Company did not express a remarkable level of apprehension for our training, learning alongside growth except for the first week during our orientation in the company. Basically, I was frustrated with supervisor’s disability to bestow moments and concentration to the guide responsibility and their failure to commute and orally appraise our end-of the semester printed review of an intern’s performance. I faced a very crucial challenge on the task assigned. Some of the tasks that I were requested to undertake were quite challenging and hard to manipulate them effectively, although after a consultation from my supervisor, Ms. Shamila and other experienced and professional personnel I could manage to tackle it very well. For instance, at the closure of week 7, we had already worked in the payroll department. From there, the supervisor, Ms. Shamila gave us introduction about the section and without more detailed information, we were provided with various deputation allowances and requested to prepare and evaluate the sum total amount of those allowances. In addition we had also worked with Ms. Shamila in six training providers’ proposals, we had been asked to prepare a study for the entire six proposals and extract the important information and create a client list out of it in order to make it easier for her to compare between them. We have also been asked to prepare a training plan for us from the old one she used to have before. Q.E Personal SWOT Analysis. Strengths. I am flexible and adaptability features. In the 7th week of my internship we had been working on evaluation of sheet. Coincidentally, on the flowing week that is the 8th week, our supervisor requested us to make some substantial alterations on the same evaluation sheet and more so we translate it into Arabic. We comfortably did the assignment perfectly and our supervisor, Ms. Shamila said that she is going to use it for the evaluation. I possess quality leadership skills since my colleagues and I created the agenda for the meeting we had attended on week 7 of our internship with Dr. Hassan. In addition, I personally organized the coop trainees file, which involved the separation of the old files from the most recent and new ones, and finally I created an excel table to enter their data by extracting their information from their documents. Then, I had filled the summer trainees’ time sheet by calculating their total hours. Potentially, I have capability of synthesizing information unlike some of my intern colleagues. Despite the fact that the archive section is much difficult to understand, I did my best. On my 4th week of my internship date 12th to 14th of July I was given some document that were required to be fed and arranged in the employee’s file. So I started sorting the files regarding to its employee’s number and search for the file in the shelves by using the number and put the documents in it. From the task assigned, I had learnt lot of information concerning the archiving as I worked with the archive section again. I also learnt how to use excel by doing small assignments which was about entering data and creating tables using excel. Moreover, I did some office work such as scanning and organizing documents. And I also did some electronic archiving. I have well developed social and organizational behavior. My colleagues and I worked together for the whole duration and fortunately there was no clash from anyone of us. There are several sectors that we worked together; the payroll section, where we worked on calculating the end of service award, the housing loan request, the personal loan request, the vacation days and adjusting the vacation balance, and the warning deduction. We eventually associated very well without fender-bender amongst us. Weaknesses. During my internship I realized that I had a mesmerizing urge to do my tasks quickly at a rash so that I could remove them from my do list. Sometimes this was compelled by my perception concerning those tasks. The tasks were somehow challenging without sufficient know-how of the same was a real burden on my shoulder. This intrinsic challenge to an extent compromised the quality of the work I did. I get nervous when working under strict pressure which is caused by too much work allocation imparting tress. For instance, during my intern period, we were much bombarded by too much work of which some were not correspondence to my major. This same need to get things done also causes me stress when I have too many tasks. I do lack sufficient experience in my major, human resource. Compared to my competitors, my credentials and skills are really not hot cake since I just hold a degree while my competitors possess superior and competitive qualifications. At the end of the week we worked in the payroll section. We started with having an introduction about the section and its functions, and then we had been given several deputation allowance requests which we had to prepare and calculate the total amount. In addition we had also worked with Ms. Shamila in six training providers’ proposals, we have been asked to make a study for all of the six proposals and extract the important information and create a client list out of it to make it easier for her to compare between them. We have also been asked to prepare a training plan for us from the old one she used to have before. Some of the task assigned were too difficult to handle since are not part of my interest. We had our second follow up weekly meeting with Ms Shamila. After that we had assigned a task in the archive section; we entered seven new employees’ data into the system and arranged the files. Then I had assigned a task in the recruitment section which was about searching for potential candidates online for a specific position in the company and bring the CV’s to the Ms Rolla; the recruitment specialist. Opportunities. On Sunday Jun. 21, I have joined Dallah Al-Baraka Holding Company as a trainee to start my internship. Having for an internship is a standing opportunity that offers me a strong chance for job competition. I have achieved competent and effectual skills that are applied in daily work experiences. I have skills on academic learning which helps the student connect the knowledge achieved from the classroom into the real work situations. I possess skills in career development since during my internship I could be able to evaluate the qualifications, knowledge and skills needed, for various positions in the working world and hence enforcing me to venture and explore my interest in details. The experience attained in internship influenced my skill development as I participated in hands-on profession work and project management. The internship too improved my personal attributes such as critical reasoning, ability to make decision, communication skills, enhanced my esteem as well as confidence. I have done my internship requirement in the multilateral Dallah Al-Baraka Group. This has given a very competitive advantage compared to other student who attended their internship programs in the minor firms. The Company is big, and therefore has provided me with a broad knowledge and skills concern sectors like; Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior, Managing HR, HR Functions, Communication skills, High flexibility and adaptability, Ability to synthesize, Good business judgment, Leadership ability and Problem solving ability. The purpose of internship is to acquire professional experiences which are proficient at the same time, aims at creating references that probably help students ground their prior place in the work industry. The excellence letter of recommendation from Dallah Company from my supervisor is a millstone achievement. This kind of letter will definitely is very essential since it is the determinant for applying the job and landing on it too. From my handwork, frequent asking of questions of clarification, and an extra mile gone after the stipulate working hours, my intern recommendation letter was job competitive because it is persuasive, and authoritative from the records written in it. Threats. The threats that counter my major are several both organizational and personal. From the research I have made so far, below are some of the factors that are typically threatening the success in my faculty as a Human Resource personnel. The field or the faculty of human resource which is my major is gradually and negatively trending, consequently, the downsizing, diminishing and obsolescence of the job opportunities in the field. A stiff competition is drastically climbing the ladder among the human resource professionals definitely from the increment of the value or the number of the qualified personnel. Some of my cohort professional possesses superior skills with a longer duration experience, knowledge, and good reputation from of my immediate competitors. Some obstacles like lack of the sophisticated education/training compared to my adjacent competitors who therefore take advantage of opportunities. This limited improvements in my major (Human Resource), diminish my distinctive competitive factors which could be the cut-throat over the job opportunities. . Q.F Professional Development Plans (Areas of improvements, plans to improve with specific deadlines). To make sure that I have competently achieved the superior core competitive attributes, I must embark on my weak points to rigidify them by converting them into my strengths. In the competitive atmosphere of human resource, I shall improve my commitment, elasticity and eagerness for further studies to ensure I stand the competitive nature of the faculty. I shall therefore pursue some additional curricular human resource classes during my spare time, so that I gain superior skills. I should undoubtedly learn to be flexible. The confidence to work independently and also adapt to work as a group is much essential especially in my career. From the experience attained during my internship program in Dallah Company, I have specifically reinforced the understanding of team vibrant. As well, I am going to develop analytical time management technique to curb the problem of pressure and rush during work. Since my profession calls for multi-tasking, I am hence obliged to master the ability to priotize the work assignments and tasks by formulating flexible and well structured plan which meets the deadlines. My colleague and me helped Ms. Shamila with the new summer trainees by collecting their information and then enter it on excel, organizing and saving their documents and put them in files, photocopying the non-disclosure undertaking letter and distribute it to them and get it signed, and lastly writing a new indication letter for the them to be signed. In addition we had also worked with Ms. Shamila in six training providers’ proposals, we have been asked to make a study for all of the six proposals and extract the important information and create a client list out of it to make it easier for her to compare between them. We have also been asked to prepare a training plan for us from the old one she used to have before. Finally, we have had our third workshop which was about teamwork and team building and some activities during the workshop such as the “marshmallow challenge”. In the sixth week, most of the tasks were from the training and development section. I have been asked to prepare an orientation plan for the new hires, and after that I presented it to Ms. Shamila. Moreover, my team and I have created a study for one more training provider’s proposal. After the studies, we have been asked to write emails to each training provider to ask for the missing details. In addition, we had also written and send an email to the summer trainees to inform them about the starting date of the training. At the end of the week we worked in the payroll section. We started with having an introduction about the section and its functions, and then we had been given several deputation allowance requests which we had to prepare and calculate the total amount. Q.G Final thoughts on the entire experience of internship and Conclusion. I have completely fulfilled the internship program in respect to the terms and conditions from the Effat University department of Human Resource. I attended my internship delegations at Dallah Al-Baraka Company. The human resource student is supposed to have completed at least 300 hours of work on top of the weekly meeting with the course professor during the internship program. In general, the 3-credit internship course lasts for approximately 6 – 8 weeks. Students who are interested in a more comprehensive training opportunity may make arrangements for cooperative work experience. Cooperative experiences tend to be longer in duration and involve more intense work assignments. During my moment in the Dallah Company, I experienced some nasty situations that need to be rectified to enhance human survival and better working environment. I feel the company should take care of the female section and change the chairs. The environment was not conducive since the men section was too noisy from their loud voices to an extent of disturbing us when at work. Alternatively, the company should either insulate the walls or do something to curb the noise pollution which might hinder the proficiency of the work. Internship is much effectual and eminent in developing skills and tactics. The student acquires an experience on the skills and knowledge taught in the class such as the hands-on professional practice and project management. Encourage personal skills development where the interns get critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, decision-making skills, communications skills and increased confidence and self-esteem. Above all, they learn about professional responsibilities and experience how to conduct themselves in the working world. Internship programs are very essential therefore they should be emphasized to continue. It is not only important to the students but also to the employers and the universities. Internship maximizes educational values, and work experiences hence the students ought to receive standard, productive criticism, and reviews from their supervisors at closure of the internship. The imminent provided by the supervisors in this study recommend dialogue between university staff and intern supervisors concerning opportunities to fortify assessment and criticism processes.  The truth, though, is that those who attend internship are likely to expand their skilled rapport, able to meet foreign people in the business, and eventually press on their name in a cut-throat job market. Besides, these gained experiences are inspirational and exhilarating. They are nonentity like the occurrences on universities, and therefore, they recommend a unique approach to see the world both individually and as a hatchling HR expert. Reference List. The Report : emerging Bahrain 2007. London: Oxford Business Group, 2007. Print. Shoult, Anthony. Doing business with Saudi Arabia. London: Global Market Briefings, 2006. Print. Thomas, Mark. Mastering people management build a successful team : motivate, empower and lead people. London: Thorogood, 1997. Print. Rampersad, Hubert K. Authentic personal branding a new blueprint for building and aligning a powerful leadership brand. Charlotte, N.C: IAP/Information Age Pub, 2009. Print. Baird, Brian N. Internship, practicum, and field placement handbook : a guide for the helping professions. London: Routledge, 2016. Print. Guskey, Thomas R. Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press, 2000. Print. Read More
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