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Project-Based Organizations, Embeddedness and Repositories of Knowledge by J. Sydow - Article Example

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The paper "Project-Based Organizations, Embeddedness, and Repositories of Knowledge by J. Sydow" is a delightful example of an article on human resources. One method of building on the information that we already have is through reviewing the works of the other practitioners in our field of study (Allen and Earl, 2010)…
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A Critique Report of People capability Report of Project-based Organizations: A Conceptual Framework Name Course Name and Code Instructor’s Name Date One method of building on the information that we already have is through reviewing the works of the other practitioners in our field of study (Allen and Earl, 2010). This can be attained through the application of systematic approaches to acquiring, confirming and developing on the information that is already contained. This allows the use of updated information when it comes to the actual field practice, for instance, when it comes to dealing with people’s capabilities with the functional, strategic as well as project capabilities. To attain this, it is important to engage in the application and review of the research findings related to the relevant field of study (Allen and Earl, 2010). This paper seeks to provide a critical review of a people capability of a project based organizations. The aim of the critique is to develop a conceptual framework purposed to provide a body of information that increases the understanding of human resource management in organizations that are project based. Generally, the aim of this paper is to distinguish the various types of evidence, strengths and weaknesses of the author through the employment of appraisal tools. The appraisal tools are deemed effective if they are evidenced by facts that justify the critique. Introduction It is apparent that the authors have provided an introduction that gives the reader an overview of people capability report of project-based organizations. The authors have clearly shown the objectives of the article, which are integrating project, based organizing and human resource management. The introduction gives a comprehensive definition of the word human resource management. A framework is also given to enhance people develop the required knowledge about human resource management. In addition, the introduction clearly shows how the paper has been divided. It shows that the first two parts will focus on the project based organizations as a context for human resource management and address the identified challenges within the human resource management in such organizations. The second part will focus on the capabilities perspective of project-based firms while the last part will introduce a conceptual framework for the project-based organization’s peoples’ capabilities. This is very important as it enables the reader to follow the article in an easy way. Evidently, the introduction also show that a number of researches have been carried out in the past and in the present investigating human resource management in project-based organizations. The authors are able to point out that in the previous researches, certain activities that are of great importance in project based organizations’ people capability had not been addressed and hence have suggested them. Summary of the journal article The paper aims at proposing the aspect of people capability to capture the organization’s ability to manage the relation that exists between people and their organizational contexts. It refers to the knowledge that an organization possesses with regard to the way it will perform human resource management. The paper has been divided in to different parts to help the reader comprehend the article easily. In the first two parts will focus on the project based organizations as a context for human resource management and address the identified challenges within the human resource management in such organizations. The paper has mainly focused on the project based organizations perform their main operations mainly in project form. The authors have clearly indicated that in these organizations, people use most of their time working on the temporary projects but this does not point out that the permanent structures are non- existent. According to Sydow et al. (2004), projects are mostly embedded in permanent context. This definition point s out that the organization does not require to be dissolved after the project has been dissolved. Other studies according to the article, a project based organization that has weak functional coordination is also very weak in coordinating resources as well as capabilities across the organization (Kamoche, 1996). The paper argues that the capabilities to manage the human resources entail an important part of the firm’s organizational capabilities. The paper further highlights that the capability requires further attention the project based setting for the reason that specific features for such a setting challenge the old ways of addressing human resource management as well as designing management systems for people. The article designates that the project based means of organizing develops an organizational context in which the old conceptions for human resource management as well as the people management systems created permanent organizational aspects, which do not always serve their intended purposes. The paper distinguishes the different in the management of people systems across a number of different organizations. Moreover, it is argued that the complexity and flexibility of the knowledge in the organizational form requires the management systems of the people to be corresponding with its contingencies. Moreover, it is apparent that the adhocracies should learn to use flexible policies for employment for them to be able to survive in the ever-changing environment. The paper clearly indicates that the adhocratic human resource management systems are basically designed as well as integrated to create flexibility in the organization so as to develop an integrated organization less conflict and provide highly committed as well as competent workers (Lado and Wilson, 1994). The authors in the study point out that there was need to enhance the human resource management in order to develop the skills that would make the organizational structure work. Besides, it clearly indicates that there is need to study the association between human resource management and project based organizations. The studies that focus on the project settings have clearly pointed out the challenges in the human resource management of the project based organizations. They have been named to include the difficulties that hinder the attainment of the long-term competence development (Kamoche, 1996). Also pointed out are the problems that are present in the handling assessment as well as performance evaluation. The second part will focus on the capabilities perspective of project-based firms while the last part will introduce a conceptual framework for the project-based organization’s peoples’ capabilities. The paper indicates that the researchers in the project intensive organizational settings have pointed out the capabilities perspective as an important aspect in project-based organizations. Evidently, the capabilities perspective enhances the knowledge of the organization, the routines that are practiced as well as the skills that are built into the firm that that make it different from other firms (Lado and Wilson, 1994). The project capabilities are an important aspect of the capabilities of the organization. The paper discusses the framework of strategic and the functional capabilities and later project capabilities. Strategic capability is the ability to determine, create as well as exploit the business opportunities and leave the declining areas faster than the competitors. On the other hand, functional capability refers to the ability to put into practice and develop the functional disciplines and the technologies that are required for the operation of an organization. In conclusion, project capability to the right knowledge, skills and experience required to carry out pre bid, bid, and project as well as post project activities. It is evident from the paper that the notions of project capabilities have a remarkable impact in the field of research for project management. In addition, it has elicited that the capabilities point of view has a generative potential within the field. The paper argues the present organizations capabilities framework in project-based organizations could benefit more if they were expounded to cover the human resource management dimension. Based on the capabilities perspective, management systems for people are regarded as the constituent as well as the expression of the capabilities of the organization manage the association between the organization and its people (Lado and Wilson, 1994). The paper proposes a management system for people be perceived as a constituent as well as an expression of the firm’s people capability. The paper explains that the capabilities are shaped by knowledge, experiences as well as skills. In addition, they are employed and practiced. Evidently, people’s capability just as other organizational capabilities, cannot be easily decided on and implemented by the firm’s manager. The management systems of people improve the capabilities of people when they are consistent with specific context in which they work (Lado and Wilson, 1994). Lastly, a system for managing people that integrates the capability of people with project as well as functional capability in a project based organization is perceived to include developing the firm’s project management careers and competencies, enhancing the organization’s access to skilled people to manage the project as well as integrate the development of competencies and people with the development of the project portfolio. Critical appraisal of the journal article The paper begins with an abstract that highlights the aims and objectives of the paper in a comprehensive way that is understandable to the reader. In addition, it also shows how the objectives of the paper are to be met by pointing out how the paper will be divided. One part of the paper will focus on the project based organizations as a context for human resource management and address the identified challenges within the human resource management in such organizations (Kamoche, 1996). The second part will focus on the capabilities perspective of project-based firms while the last part will introduce a conceptual framework for the project-based organization’s peoples’ capabilities. Moreover, the abstract contains every aspect that will be discussed in the paper including the suggestions for further research in the field of human resource management. However, despite the clear abstract, the author did not include how the data was collected and analyzed. It is apparent that the research paper has a formal introduction that remarkably introduces the relevance of the topic under discussion. According to research, articles should have a comprehensive introduction that captures the attention of the reader. The introduction is supposed to introduce the topic under discussion while comparing what different authors say about the topic. This is evident from the research paper, as the author has pointed out the different understandings of human resource management as defined in different researches. Moreover, it has shown how the term human resource has been integrated to manage people capabilities in project-based organizations. Moreover, the authors in the paper have reviewed the challenges that come along with human resource management (Clark and Colling, 2005). However, the authors have indicated a weakness in that they do not suggest how the challenges could be overcome to enhance future research in the field of human resource management. The authors have clearly indicated that in these projects based organizations people use most of their time working on the temporary projects but this does not point out that the permanent structures are non- existent. According to Sydow et al, 2004, projects are mostly embedded in permanent context. This definition points out that the organization does not require to be dissolved after the project has been dissolved. The main shortcoming here is that the authors do not indicate how such an organization that dissolves its project can still pursue and attain their aims. The author agrees to the argument that the organizational structures influence the capabilities of the organization as well as act as an analysis for the human management system in the project-based firms by enhancing the main activities for a system for managing people in such a firm (Kamoche, 1996). Despite this fact, it is not clear from the authors the negative effects an organizational structure could have on the human resource management (Wright, 2001). Studies have it that a poor organizational structure could not only hinder people management in an organization but also it will affect the ability of the organization to achieve its goals (Wright, 2001). A major plus for this research paper is that the author has been able to focus on certain activities such as the activity for a management system that incorporates the capability of people with project as well as strategic capabilities. This is deemed a good activity as it enhances a good relation between the people available and the organization’s project portfolio. According to studies the general review of other articles by other researchers to identify the strengths such as people’s ability that the organizations have access to and the weaknesses of these researches as well as to comment and suggest how the research can be improved is of paramount (Creswell, 2003). By so doing, the author has been able to focus on the practices as well as the processes directed towards attracting and creating the competencies required for future strategic projects. In addition, the researcher has been able to identify from the review of the past researches in the field that certain areas in the human resource field that could improve the company have not been addressed. It has hence provided a way forward by suggesting frameworks as ensuring a clear understanding of the project based organizations as well as the capabilities that are deemed essential for the organizations to function successfully. Furthermore, the author has been able to provide a more comprehensive rate view on human resource management in the project based organizations an aspect that was missing in previous researches. Evidently, this has helped people understand how structures and practices can be enhanced to fit in the context of organization (Allen and Kartz, 1995). A major shortcoming of this research paper is that it does not indicate the research design by which the researchers collected the data. In addition, it still does not show how the data collected was analyzed and interpreted to come up with the desired conclusions. In order to effectively collect data, a study sample covering the area of study needs to be identified (Creswell, 2003). From the research paper, it is not clear where the data obtained was collected. For such kind of a research, a cross-sectional study should have been applied since the study was broad (Ethridge, 2004). According to research, this kind of method could be deemed right as it is cost effective (Ethridge, 2004). Not having the methods of data collection is a weakness of the study, as it would hinder the attainment of the right information. Moreover, the study has not indicated the way it is going to measure the different investigated variables to determine whether they relate to the effective human resource management. The study involved only the review of documented report and hence it does not give firsthand information on the set variable. Another major strength of the research paper is that it uses an approach whereby the authors reviewed the approaches used by other authors highlighting their weaknesses (Creswell, 2003). It is apparent that the research paper has met the expected outcomes of the objectives of the research study. Moreover, it has provided the recommendations for the companies and future researchers, (Beth, 2010). This is an advantage since it gives a way forward for the field and this is what is required from the study. In the research paper, data was obtained through the review of the past reports on the human resource management. One advantage of this method of data collection is that it can be used to get data from a vast population without having a direct contact with them (Ethridge, 2004). Since our study aims at getting only the information that concerns the subject, this method is very effective, (Allen and Earl, 2010). In addition, it is a quick method of obtaining the required information. Recommendations/conclusions of the research article For researches to be successful, researchers should take into consideration what other researchers have recommended to better their study. In addition, they should also use the strengths of these researches in carrying out their research as well as build on their weaknesses to get better results to help the field grow. In conclusion, analyzing an article critically assists readers to understand the article better. Critically evaluating an article involves looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the article, and offering recommendations on such weaknesses. For it to be successful, human resource management, ought to be driven with a comprehensive understanding of the bigger picture of the institution to be in a position to influence the policies as well as the key decisions (Guest, 1997). In the contemporary world, the role of human resource management is emerging with the change in the competitive market environment as well as the recognition that the human resource management must play a vital role in enhancing the success of an organization or institution (Marchington and Gemgulis, 2000). This paper has analyzed the article people capability of project-based organizations. The aim of the analysis is to critique the article in order to develop a conceptual framework purposed to provide a body of information that increases the understanding of human resource management in organizations that are project based. Certain strengths such as having a comprehensive abstract and introduction that introduces the question under discussion to give the reader an overview of what is to be covered are evident. In addition, the paper has addressed certain issues that had been left out by past researchers, which are deemed essential for future research. Besides, the research paper uses an approach whereby the authors reviewed the approaches used by other authors highlighting their weaknesses. However, certain limitations are evident too from the research paper. They include not having a clear research design by which the researchers collected the data, as well as not mentioning how the past researchers could overcome their shortcomings and ensure success of human resource management in the organizations. References Allen, R., and Earl, R. 2010. Research methods for social work. London: Cengage Learning Allen, TJ., and Kartz R. 1995. the project oriented engineer: a dilemma for human resource management. R % D mang; vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 129-140 Beth, L. R. 2010. Guidelines for Critique of Research Reports. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Nursing. Clark, I. and Colling T., 2005, The management of human resources in project led organizations. Pers Rev, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 178-191 Creswell, J.W. 2003. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. London: SAGE Ethridge, D.E. 2004. Research methodology in applied economics: organizing, planning, and conducting economic research. London: Wiley-Blackwell. Guest, D. 1997. Human resource management and performance: a review and research Agenda, international. Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 263-76. Kamoche, K. 1996. Strategic human resource management within resource capability view of the firm. J Mang Stud, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 213-233 Lado, AA., and Wilson, MC. 1994. Human resource systems and sustained competitive advantage: a competency based perspective. AcadManag Rev; vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 699-727 Marchington, M., and Gemgulis, I., 2000. Best practice, human resource management perfect opportunity or dangerous illusion. International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1104-1124. Sydow, J., Lindvikst, L., Deffillippi, R. 2004. Project-based organizations, embeddedness and repositories of knowledge. Organ stud., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1475-1489 Wright PM, Dunford BB, Snell SA, 2001, Human resources and the resource based view of the firm. J mang, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 701-721 Read More
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