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Knowledge Management - Technology Team Project - Essay Example

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The Paper “Knоwlеdgе Маnаgеmеnt - Тесhnоlоgy Теаm Рrоjесt ” is an engrossing example of an essay on management. Knowledge management systems refer to any type of information technology system that stores and retrieves knowledge locates knowledge, improves collaboration captures and makes use of knowledge, mining of repositories for the hidden knowledge, etc…
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2. KNОWLЕDGЕ МАNАGЕMЕNT ТЕСHNОLОGY ТЕАM РRОJЕСT (Course Instructor) (University Affiliation) (Student’s Name) Date Introduction Knowledge management systems refers to any type of information technology systems that stores and retrieves knowledge, locates knowledge, improves collaboration captures and makes us of knowledge, mining of repositories for the hidden knowledge and in some other cases enhances the knowledge management process (Carrillo, et al., 2000). The concept of knowledge management system is considered as the most discussed topic in knowledge management. Knowledge management system is a system used for applying and the application and the use of knowledge management principles. They include data driven objectives on organizational productivity, competitive organizational and sectarian models intelligence analysis and so on. The knowledge management system is made up of software models that are served by a centrally placed user interface. Some of the aspects allows for mining of data on the history and the input of the customer along with the sharing or the provision of electronic documents (Carrillo, et al., 2000). Knowledge management system has had a significant impact in solving ethical issues in the construction industry particularly in the construction industry. The construction industry has had adverse effects on the environment brought about by the construction and the demolition waste, emissions, vibration, soil and ground contamination, water pollution, wildlife habitat destruction as well as the destruction of archaeological sites (Kazi & Samad, 2004). the objective of this report is to come up with a prototype of methodology of a knowledge management system that is based on a knowledge management system that is based on a holistic approach of an environmentally friendly project management in the construction industry which can make it possible for the facilitation of the knowledge management initiative that seeks to improve the competitiveness of construction companies in environmental management (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Developing a knowledge management system using environmental management system for pollution the construction industry Environmental management system refers to a knowledge management system where the management of an organization’s environmental program is done in a comprehensive, planned a documented and a systematic way. The system includes the structure of the organization, planning, implementing and a maintenance policy for purposes of protecting the environment. Formally speaking, the environmental management system is a system and a database which brings together the procedures and processes for the training of personnel, monitoring making summaries and the reporting of a specialized performance data to both internal and external stakeholders in an organization (Kazi & Samad, 2004). It is hard to accept an environmental management system without enough support from environmental management techniques and knowledge warehouse which is the significant component of an organization’s knowledge management system where the development, storage, processing and dissemination of knowledge are done (Prayudi et al, 2013). In the construction industry, knowledge management is a concept that promotes an integrated system to the creation, access, capture and the use of the profession’s domain knowledge on services, products and processes. During the construction process of any project, most of the project related issues of ethical nature, solutions, experiences and the knowhow are in the minds of the individual experts dealing with the project (Prayudi et al, 2013). The relationship between construction and pollution In the current world, the unpredictable and deteriorating world climate which has emphasized the need to preserve the environment is vital in getting of environmental degradation. Sustainability in the construction industry requires that a balance between economic growth, expanding the social space and the protection of the environment. in order to achieve these goals, the construction sector itself has to be sustainable and give emphasis on matters to do with environmental protection by reducing the level of pollution in addition to pursuing economic and social development(Prayudi et al, 2013).. Construction in a broader sense is responsible most of the environmental issues that we are dealing with today such as deforestation, air, land and water pollution, soil erosion, siltation of lakes and other water bodies as well as the discharging of toxic substances into the environment. The following are3 some of the areas of concern concerning environmental degradation: Rivalry for land with different uses, for example, agribusiness; Adverse impact on the land which are created also, their surroundings, for example, changing their natural attributes; Substantial utilization of both renewable and nonrenewable resources; Production of significant volumes of waste; Contribution to air contamination from the clean and substances, counting some poisonous ones, which are discharged amid the generation and transportation of materials and in a few development operation; and Disruption of lives of the general population living in the region of the activities through movement preoccupations, noise pollution and others. Environment management system Environment management system refers to a set of processes and practices that make it possible for an organization to significant reduce the environmental effects of its production activities and increase efficiency. It is a system that helps the organization in the identification, controlling and the monitoring of the activities that could have both the short term and long term effects on the environment. A typical environmental management system can be built on a Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) cycle which forms the structure on which the system continuously improves (Prayudi et al, 2013). The plan has to do with the identification of the environmental impacts and the establishment of goals aimed at addressing the impacts. Upon the completion of the identification process, the implementation stage will take placed beginning with a thorough evaluation of organizational operations and activities to establish how it would affect the environment (Prayudi et al, 2013).t. The main advantages of environment management system is that it leads to a systematic identification of the activities of the organization, its potential impact on the environment and the setting of goals to control the effects on the environment. Most of these goals will in most cases involve waste reduction and the prevention of pollution. The attainment of theses goals have a definite effect of improving the performance of the organization as well as having a better environment. Additionally, the system helps the organization in ascertaining the social, economic and environmental benefits of having environmental control measures in place. Considering that there are no specific techniques for applying in environmental management systems, the international organization for standardization developed the ISO 14001. The ISO 14001 is a standardization tool that was developed in order to assist in the implementation of environmental management system (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Developing a knowledge management system (EMS) for the construction industry Developing an environmental management system might seem to be a very huge task especially for small organizations but it doesn’t have to be. Time and resources are always scarce in any given organization and it is therefore was that resources are used wisely. The following are the ten environmental development stages. Step one: Define the company’s objectives for environmental management system. The initial stage of environmental management planning is to come up with a decision on the reason as to why the organization is pursuing the development of the system. In particular you should explain how the organization intends to improve its environmental performance in the construction sector. You should put down your goals and refer to them from time to time as you move forward to ensure that you stick to your objectives. As the designing and the implementation of the system proceeds you should always make sure that it is geared towards meeting its objectives, according to the scope, the role of each member of the organization is defined as well as the exact location where the project will be implemented(Kazi & Samad, 2004) .Step two: Secure the commitment of the top level management. One of the most important steps in the development process is having the commitment of the management to support the environment management system and its implementation. The top level management must first understand the advantages that accrue from having the system in place and what would be needed in order to have the system in place. To make them understand this, you will need to demonstrate the limitations and the weakness of the current approach and how the limitations can negatively affect the financial and environmental performance of the organization. the management also has a role in making sure that the objective s of the environmental management system have are clear and are consistent with the goals of the organization of making sure that the construction processes do not in any way lead to the degradation of the environment(Kazi & Samad, 2004). Step three: Selection of an environmental management champion Not all the small and medium sized construction organizations have the advantage of selecting from a number of candidates but the choice of the party to champion for the system is very significant. The champion should have the much needed authority and a clear understanding of the organization, and the skills to management the project. The person should also be a thinker of the system with knowledge of the ISO 14001 and should have the time to commit to the building of the system and have the support of the top level management. Step four: Build An Implementation Team A group with individuals from key administration level, for instance, HR, designing, finance etc can identify and evaluate issues, opportunities, and existing procedures. Incorporate the workers, suppliers or other external parties as part of the team where proper. The group should meet frequently, particularly in the early phases of the venture. A cross-utilitarian group can guarantee that strategies are reasonable and powerful, and can assemble duty to and "possession" of the EMS (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Step five: Hold the first Meeting Once the group has been chosen, hold a meeting to talk about the company’s goals in executing an EMS, the underlying strides that should be taken and the parts of colleagues. In the event that conceivable, get best administration to depict its dedication to the EMS at this meeting. The meeting is likewise a chance to give a few EMS coaching to the team (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Step six: Carry out Preliminary Review Next, is for the group to lead a preparatory survey of your present consistence and other environmentally related systems, and to look at these against the criteria for your EMS, for example, ISO 14001. Assess your company’s structure, strategies, approaches, natural effects, preparing programs and different elements (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Step seven: Prepare the Budget and Schedule This will be done based on the results of the preparatory survey, set up a time plan and spending plan. The plan ought to portray in detail what key activities are required, will's identity mindful, what assets are required, and when the work will be finished. Keep the plan adaptable; however set some extend objectives (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Step eight: Secure Resources, Assistance The budget and schedule plan ought to be investigated and affirmed by top administration. At times, there might be external financing or different sorts of help that you can use. It is very important that for the project to receive funding, it has to convince the funders that the investment is worth funding and that is aimed at protecting the environment (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Step nine: Involve Employees The ownership of an environmental management system would be significantly improved by the involvement of the employees in the development of the system. The workers could provide vital knowledge on environmental and the health issues that are related to their areas as well as giving an overview of the currently systems being used. The workers can therefore assist the employees in coming up with the procedures (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Step ten: monitoring and communicating the progress. As you develop the environment management system one should be sure to monitor the progress from time to time while comparing them to the organizational goals and pass the information on the progress to the rest of the organization. You should communicate what has been accomplished and give a description of what should be done next. You should also make sure that you keep the top level management informed on the progress and more so where more resources are needed (Kazi & Samad, 2004). Conclusion Knowledge management system is one of the most discussed topics in knowledge management. This is a system used for applying and the application and the use of knowledge management principles. They include data driven objectives on organizational productivity, competitive organizational and sectarian models intelligence analysis and so on. This paper aimed to develop a prototype of a system that would make it possible for the construction companies to effectively deal with the ethical issues of corruption without necessarily curtailing their need to earn more profits. This is informed by the fact that pollution is an issue that has been raised in the industry for a long time. The system makes it possible for experts to give their views on how to come up with a way of pursuing economic growth without sacrificing the need to conserve the environment. References Carrillo, P. M., Anumba, C. J. & Kamara, J. M. (2000). Knowledge management strategy for construction: Key I. T. and contextual issues. Viewed 19th Oct. 2016 from Kazi, & Samad, A. (2004). Knowledge management in the construction industry: A Socio-Technical. Idea Group Inc.: London. Viewed 19th Oct. 2016 from Nonaka, I. & NONAKA (2005). Knowledge management: Critical perspectives on business and management. New York: Routledge. Prayudi, Y., Nuryasin, I. & Dirgahayu, T. (2013). Prototype of knowledge management system for the higher education institution in Indonesia. Viewed 19th Oct. 2016 from Tupenaite, L., Kanapeckiene, L. & Naimaviciene, J. (2009). Knowledge management model for construction projects. Viewed 19th Oct. 2016 from Read More
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