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Issues That Organization Undergoing Change Need to Address, Changing in Evaluation Parameters - Essay Example

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The paper “Issues That Organization Undergoing Change Need to Address, Changing in Evaluation Parameters” is a thrilling example of the essay on human resources. Human Resource Management is a very integral part of every organization. Every organization has a department that looks after recruiting, selection, training, and development of the employees…
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Executive Summary Organizational Change is an important aspect of every business. Organization transforming or undergoing changes need to ensure that the human resource department is able to understand the required changes and mould themselves. Human resource plays an important part and the ability of the employees and management to changes helps the business to achieve the stated objectives. The report looks into the manner an organization looking to change needs to work upon. It provides the different areas like induction program, job analysis, different parameters to evaluate the performance of the organization and the areas that they need to work upon. The report also provides different recommendations which if looked into will help to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization and ensure that the business is able to make the changes. This will help in long term planning and help to develop the business to face difficult situations. Table of Contents Introduction 3 Organizational Change 3 Using Change Specialist 4 Issues that organization undergoing change need to address 4 Areas that organization changing needs to work at 6 Changing in evaluation parameters 6 Change in perception towards evaluation 9 Changing the induction program 9 Improvement in Job Analysis 10 Conclusion 12 Recommendations 12 References 14 Introduction Human Resource Management is a very integral part of every organisation. Every organisation has a department that looks after recruiting, selection, training and development of the employees. The role of human resource increases with ever increasing competition. It is very imperative that organisation has the right workforce so that the resources could be effectively utilised for the development of the organisation. The role and scope of human resource has increased with developments. It is important for organisation to see that this department is performing its duties towards the wellbeing of the organisation and if any changes are required it should be dealt with. The report looks into the HRM strategies and plan than needs to be considered for organizations that are undergoing change. Adhering to the plan and analyzing the smaller factors will help to improve the effectiveness of the human management process and will guide the work force better. The report provides the different areas that need to be looked into to ensure an effective change. Organizational Change Organizational change is a process which business units alter from time to time to ensure that they are on track to achieve their goals. (McNamara, 2008) This change could be in any direction like change in process, employees, technology or any factor that has a bearing on the performance of the organization. Organizations look forward to this so that it increases the ability of the organization to produce better result by improving the resources and abilities. This increases the efficiency and different organization look it in different ways though the crux of all remain the same. (McNamara, 2008) Using change specialist Change in organization can be small ones and major ones. When an organization looks towards a minor change the change is accompanied within the organization by taking the staff within the organization. Structural or major changes are those which require a lot of information and hard work to ensure efficiency. To avail the maximum benefit from those organization look at external sources as they are people who have the required skills and can play a major role in shaping the manner of change. Using a change specialist help the business organization is a number of ways and also brings certain problems along with it. Organizations need to gauge both the benefits and drawbacks and decide the manner in which change specialist can be used. Change specialist are person with “specialist knowledge and skills” (Mary, 2010) who can give the necessary impetus to the management. This can motivate the organization and their readiness to change becomes easy. Issues that organization undergoing change need to address Organization looking towards change need to change the focus and provides the necessary impetus which will help the organization to deliver better services and pursue its objectives. The following issues need to be addressed through change Firstly, to clearly define the goals and the process this will lead the organization towards achieving those. (Seel, 2006) This will improve focus and will help organization to be able to deliver better services Secondly, improving connectivity between the diverse inputs and interactions (Seel, 2006) this will thereby help to understand the goals better and will act as a guide. This will also motivate the employees and will help to work on areas which will help to improve the process and achieve the effectiveness of the change process. The above two strategic objectives are interrelated and it ensures that the organization is able to make the change work towards their advantage. To ensure that the strategic objective is achieved business needs to follow the following steps which will act as a guide and help to determine the key objectives Business units have to ensure that the “change is realistic, achievable and measurable”. (Chapman, 2010) This will ensure that the objectives set have a direction and can be persuaded. Firstly, “change should be realistic”. (Chapman, 2010) The goals set should be such that it is under human control to achieve. Setting unrealistic goals will de-motivate the work force. It will have negative repercussions so it is important that it is real. Secondly, “change should be achievable”. (Chapman, 2010) This confronts with the previous objective and helps to give direction. Following this will ensure that the organization is able to put work force in the correct direction. Thirdly, “change must be measurable”. (Chapman, 2010) This will help to check the validity and the will put in effect a system which ensures that performance is on track. This will boost the change process and bring larger benefits then warranted as a system to measure is in place. Lastly, it is important that while doing so attention is laid to a time frame. This will help to achieve the objective within it and will increase the effectiveness of the process. This will thereby create greater synergy which will guide the workforce better. Areas that organization changing needs to work at An organization looking to change its manner of operations need to look at some important aspect of the business and needs to bring some changes so that the purpose for which an organization is changing is achieved. The following are some of the changes that organization needs to encounter with Changing in evaluation parameters Human Resource management needs to evaluate the performance of employees so that it reflects how well the company is performing. Evaluation also helps the manager to decide various matters like the compensation package, the incentive to be paid, and the promotion of employees and also helps to ascertain areas which need to be worked upon to improve the productivity and motivational level of the employees. The emphasis of evaluation of the performance increases because it lays emphasis on the cost, how well were the resource allocated, how well did it help to increase the bottom line and how can the firm gain advantage of this resources compared to the other firms (Aswathappa, 2008). An organisation undergoing change needs to employ different ways to find out the performance of the employee. Organisation need to measure the employee performance based on their productivity, absenteeism and turnover. These are the most prevalent measure to calculate how the employees are performing and if these three indicators indicate positive results it shows the effectiveness of the human resource department (Aswathappa, 2008) One such measure which an organisation can include in their evaluation process is the “Retention Metrics”. This measure also shows how good the human resource department is. This shows the ability to retain the manpower as they are vital asset for the company and the company needs to protect them. In this measure they can calculate the overall employee turnover and this can be further divided to the preventable turnover. They can also have a diversity turnover as it will help to find out how diverse their workforce is and would also present a good picture in the eye of the employee that the company hires the correct talent and there is no stereotyping. This will also show the organisation ability to retain the talent. (Aswathappa, 2008) Another measure which will help to determine the effectiveness of the human resource department is the “Recruiting Metrics”. This metrics will show how good the managers were in hiring the talent. It will also reflect whether the management hired the correct person for the job. It will also show the effectiveness of the department as hiring the wrong person would lead to incorrect decision making and this will affect the performance of the department. The effectiveness can be measured by calculating “turnover rate for new hires”, “financial impact of bad hire”, “new hire performance appraisal” and “manager satisfaction”. This all will help to measure the effectiveness of how good the recruitment process was. This will help the managers also to gain in confidence when they know that they were effective in choosing the correct person. (Aswathappa, 2008) Another measure which will also reflect on how well the human resource department is functioning is “Training and development metrics”. This will help to identify whether the training provided was what was required for the job. It will also show that the department understood the job requirements properly and designed the job that was needed. The management can check this measure by calculating “learning and growth opportunities”. This will show that the new hired along with the old ones were given a chance to advance forward in their career and for that they were provided the correct training that was required. (Aswathappa, 2008) Another measure is the utility analysis. Here we try to see the cost benefit analysis. Since, it sees the economic way of looking at things this help in better decision making. In this analysis the appraisal of employees, hiring of employee and there are training is also involved. Since, it’s a difficult way to calculate everything in economic terms this measure is being used by a few. Another way is the Balance Score Card. This is the most widely used way to calculate how the employees are performing. As this include four areas the decision on the basis of this are sounder. (Kalpan, Robert & Norton, 2004) This measure shows the current performance of the department at the same time helps and triggers how the company will perform in the future. Lastly is benchmarking. Here the performance of an employee is measured against the benchmark set. This is a simpler process and is most widely used. It helps to identify how well the employees are performing and on the basis of this helps to determine how well the entire organisation is performing as contribution of each and every employee reflects in the growth of the organisation. Change in perception towards evaluation It is a common seen fact that human resource department doesn’t want their performance to be measured. They know that they have contributed in the growth of the organisation but are reluctant to find out how much they have contributed in the growth and what measures they need to adopt in the future to improve the performance. Today it has become very important that the top management identifies how well each department is doing so that strategies for the future can be drafted on the basis of it. In case there are certain deficiencies they need to identify it and work on improving it. But, with human resource department a bit reluctant to find out their achievement creates a bit more pressure on the top management but the management has no option but to find out the performance of each individual in the department and the department as a whole so that they are better prepared for the uncertainties of the future. Changing the induction program Induction is a very important process the organisation follows. It helps the new employee to get oriented to people around the organisation and helps to calm and pacify the employee so that his nervousness is removed and he feels part of the organisation. Induction process is very important and cannot be considered as a waste of efforts because it helps to pass on critical information about the company to the employee who has been newly hired (Looney, 2011) Company undergoing a change should look forward to bring about a change in the induction program and should ensure that the orientation programme provides the following information. Firstly, the general information about the company and what is the daily work which the organisation does. Secondly, information about the company’s past history, their objectives, goals and how does the employee help towards the fulfilment of those goals and lastly, information about policies in the company, the rules and the benefits that the employees will get while they are associated with the company. There are still arguments raised on the success of the induction programme. There have been still cases where employees still find it difficult to adjust to the culture prevalent in the organisation and have to leave their job. Even studies show this. However good an induction programme is still there are some employees who leave the organisation. It is also shown that one out of three employees resign from their job after working for a few months. (Danielson, 1999) This is true but having an induction programme has reduced the number of employee resigning from their job as they feel more comfortable working. Studies have proved that having a good induction programme has helped to reduce the number of employee resigning from their job as they know what the organisation expects of them and how do they need to work in the culture prevalent. Improvement in Job Analysis Job analysis is a very important activity for human resource management. It is very important that correct information about the job is provided to the employees so that the correct employee is hired for the job. To be successful it is important that organisations have the right person at the right job. This makes it all the more important that managers pay attention to the job requirements. (Prien, Prien & Wooten, 2007) Now before dwelling on why job analysis is a very important function of human resource management it is important to understand what job analysis means and how do managers determine the requirements of the job. Job analysis is determining what the requirements of a job are and this is done by managers after having an intensive study. Here the manager collects information based on interviews, questionnaire and collecting all information that could affect the job. Then they make a final draft of the requirements adding what all are necessary qualities that the employee should have to perform that job. Then it is important that they hire the correct person for the job because if they have the wrong person for the job then it would affect the performance of the entire organisation. With increasing competition it is becoming harder especially for small business to sustain, so they need to evaluate the requirement of the job correctly. The human resource department needs to make a clear description of the job. With increasing government regulations and equal job opportunity for all in the society it is important that the job description is as per the requirement so that organisation doesn’t have to face additional pressure from the government agencies. There has been strong arguments raised as to what all does job analysis need to cover and how could it be helpful for the organisation to grow. Many scholars have pointed that with boundaries between nations vanishing and organisation coming under one umbrella it is all the more important that human resource management lays down more importance to job analysis. (Barauch, & Lessem, 1995) Organisation need to design the job in such a way that it covers most aspect of the job so that the right person is selected for the job. Conclusion Organization can benefit greatly from the changes but while changing it is important that the change matches with the business model of the organization. This will help the organization to ensure that the changes match with the requirements and the effectiveness can be multiplied. Today in very important that newer measures are used to find out how well the employees are performing as the performance of the employee is reflected in the performance of the department which is reflected in the performance of the organisation. Organization changing needs to bring a lot of changes in the human resource aspect and integrating these changes will require that the business is able to understand the requirements and mould the working environment accordingly. Recommendations An organization looking to change the manner in which their working is carried on needs to look towards accompanying the following recommendations Organizations looking to change should ensure that the goals and objectives are clearly defined and communicated so that the employees understand the manner in which they have to work to accomplish their task Human resource management needs to bring about a change in the evaluation pattern by using different parameters like productivity, absenteeism and turnover, retention metrics, recruiting metrics and other similar measures. The organization should use tools like benchmarking, Balance Score Card and utility analysis to ensure that the employees’ performance is evaluated effectively. This will ensure that the employees are compensated accordingly thereby helping to build employees for long term positions. Organization should transform their induction process along with the job evaluation process so that the correct talent is hired and the efforts are directed in the right way. This will help the organization to transform their working environment and will ensure that the changes are effective. References Aswathappa K, 2008, Human Resource Management, 5th edition, the McGraw Hill Company Barauch, Y. & Lessem, R. 1995. Job Analysis: can it still be applied? International Journal of Career Management, Volume 7, Issue 6, pp. 3-9 Chapman A, 2010, “Change Management”, Leadership and management, The New York Times Company Danielson, C. 1999. The Case for Mentoring. Teaching & change, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 251-257 Kalpan, Robest, S. & Norton, D. 2004. Why does business need a balance score card. Journal of Strategic Performance Measurement, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 5 Looney, J. 2011. Comprehensive Induction Programs. The ICCTE Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 1-4 McNamara C, 2008, “Organizational change and development”, retrieved on April 29, 2011 from Mary, 2010, “Change Management Description”, Change Management Tutorial Series, Global Conference Prien, K., Prien, E. & Wooten, W. 2007. Interrated Reliability in Job Analysis: Difference in Strategy & Perspective. The University of Memphis Seel, 2006, “The nature of Organizational Change”, retrieved on April 29, 2011 from Read More
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