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The Conflict Background - Case Study Example

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Most of the conflict brings about tension and adds anticipation and doubt for an outcome (Wandberg, 2001). Although most of the conflicts…
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Conflict Paper Introduction Naturally, a conflict is the incompatibility in the opinion or objectives between two ormore different force, parties, character or people. Most of the conflict brings about tension and adds anticipation and doubt for an outcome (Wandberg, 2001). Although most of the conflicts are always not resolved, it is of importance to understand that resolving of a conflict always brings a conflict to an end. The fundamental nature of a conflict is that there are always different ideology and forces that cause an opposing force. As a result of these opposing ideology or forces, a miss understanding is experienced by groups, individuals, forces and parties involved in the conflict (Raines, 2013). The two sides that are in a conflict are always referred to as antagonist and protagonist. Conflicts are of various classifications. These classifications include man against society, man against man, man against nature, and man against self. Man against Society: this is where man is in conflict with the man-made social institution. Some of the conflicts that can be classified under man against society include social conflicts which are bullying and slavery (Wandberg, 2001). The basic rule here is that man has no option but to make moral choices. Furthermore, man is forced by the moral rules and values of the society that frustrates him or her hence he or she becomes desperately long for change. Man against man: this is a point where people are against other people and can also be called as external conflict. This type of conflict may be in term of direct opposition which includes, use of a weapon in the World War II and Vietnam. It could also be a conflict of desire experienced between two or more parties this may include romance war or family dispute (Dana, 2001). Man against Self: this type of conflict is where man is determined to do away with his or her nature and follow a given path that he or she sees more desirable. This type of conflict can also be called as internal conflict and most of the time a person applies the logic of good or bad. This type of conflict may include a drug addict fighting to overcome his or her addiction, a sinner embracing salvation by trying to avoid sin (Hocker & Wilmot, 2013). Man against nature: in this type of conflict, man is in conflict with a given force of nature, for example, the wildlife. This has been evidence ion most of the parts of the world as man encroaches on areas that have been reserved for the wildlife (Iršič, 2007). Furthermore, man could be experiencing natural forces like storms, snow storms, and tornadoes. This paper will talk about the conflict background. Also to the background of the conflict, the paper is also to cover the analysis of the argument, ethics and strategies of the parties involved. This paper is majorly going to concentrate on the teachers strike. Strike A strike can be referred as a work stoppage by common agreement with the aim of resisting or obtaining a change in terms of employment (Langille, 2009). The body of the people working may be small or big, and work termination may be gradual or stimulus. For example, if the notice to stop work expires at dates that are different, the stoppage may, however, be a strike on condition that it takes place as the result of a common agreement. As indicated in the above definition on strike, however, it is the immediate result of a tacit, formal or agreement, on the work-people part to stop working. However, may result in a demand on the employer part as well as on the employees behalf. There are several types of strikes. They include sympathetic strike, unofficial strike (Dalton, 2011), and bumper strike. Strikes further include general strike, sectional strike, slow-down strike, hunger strike (Chard, 2011), sit down strike, and lightning strike. Strikes can be placed in two categories. As strike without notice and strike with notice. Reason teachers strike There are many reasons that could make the teachers union to go for a strike. One of the reasons may be wages, and the other reason may be benefits. The freeze or reduction of classroom allocated funds and resources may force the teachers to pay from their pocket to obtain the material needed for them to teach effectively (Gunster, 2008). This will also cause the teachers to strike. Taking away or taking on the responsibility to a teacher. For example, giving teachers responsibility to document and issuing suspension which is the responsibility that should be given to the principal. Furthermore, doing way with a special education program that will force most of the teachers to contain students with the certain condition without some proper resources and training. The changes to a curriculum that teachers do not approve of may cause the teachers to strike (Fullan, 2007). Another contentious issue is the reduction of prep time or addition of duty time. Another issue is the changes in the agreement language that will create doubt surrounding additional responsibility that can be issued. Apart of the wages, there are many issues that are contentious that may force the teachers union to strike. Most of the strikes experienced are because teachers do not fell that they are treated fairly for what they do. Teachers strike mostly not about money but the working condition in general. A teacher deciding to go for the strike is like telling the authorities that they will not be treated like dirt after the provision of their hard work. Most of the teachers do a lot of additional things after school. The mostly help the kids at a there own free time. Most of the money, they spend to buy a thing for the students are always theirs because the school wont provide them with any. Apart from a large number of assignments the teachers already have, they are still being loaded with more assignments by their principal. These may include planning, compiling report, grading and attending meetings. Teaching is always a work that is never ending. All that teachers need is the respect for all that they do. Background to the conflict Pena Nieto and his Party of Institutional Revolution Party (PRI) have clearly stated that they are prepared to confront the teachers and deal with them. Pena Nieto has confirmed that his negotiation with the teachers will take place. However, he has also stressed that the education reform law will be affected, and there is no turning back (Bravo, Zuniga & Infanzón, n.d). The teachers were also told by the education minister that the government has only one union which is the Mexican Teachers Union and not its dissident opposition. This the education minister was referring to the MTU opposition la CNTE, which he claimed only, presented ten percent of the total teachers. The most worryingly was the interior minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong who claimed that there is a limit to tolerance and if the mobilization of the teachers affects the country citizen, and then the law will be invoked. The Oaxaca teachers union has been campaigning in the main Mexico City square, the Zocalo protesting against the new educational reform implemented by the President Pena Nieto. The protesting teachers have denounced the reform claiming that it interferes with their labor rights, paves the way for school privatization. Furthermore, the reform fails to identify the need of students in the indigenous community at the rural. Teachers from the twenty-seven states have risen to support the protest, and they have been joined by the teachers from Michoacán, Chiapas, and Veracruz. On September 13, 2013, the government of Mexico announced of clearing the Zocalo in preparation for the celebration of the independent day which was to be two days later (Andalusia, 2013). The government request was rejected by the teacher union, and the government responded with brute force. This force included three thousand six hundred police who used a water cannon tank, tear gas, and black hawk helicopter to evict the teachers from the premises. Kin the process of eviction, a total of thirty teachers were arrested, and most of the teachers were arrested. Furthermore, thousands of teachers were forced to run away from the Zocalo without their belonging (Andalusia, 2013). On the independent day of Mexican, about ten thousand people who included teachers, the civil society members, and students denounced the repression and mobilized in support of the teachers union (Andalusia, 2013). On the night of 13th Friday 2013, teachers protests were evicted in Veracruz and Xalapa, and two independent environmental activist and journalist were arrested. Of the entire incidence, Mexico City protestors questioned the role of the Human Right Commission regarding the people who were wounded and those who were unaccounted for the Xapala and capital eviction. Analysis of the arguments In the system of education, the reform implies that a system of salary related productivity, exclusively based on efficiency, will be implemented for teachers evaluation. Although it is very clear that there is need of an evaluation mechanism. This is as a result of the poor Mexican education that is very extreme. The evaluation mechanism should be planned and organized by the teachers and workers and not by union bureaucrats and coalition technocrats. This is to mean that in this country that is diverse in culture and unequal economically, the assessment process will be combined, however, it will become unequal and unfair. The reform will also weaken the traditional labor right which includes both the permanent and full-time contract. Furthermore, the reform will also weaken the pension, the sick-pay and the right for independent trade union setting the structure of the corporation. The most important of the trade union is SNTE but it opposition CNTE is threatened directly by the reforms. SNTE is perceived to be largest union in Latin American with over 1.3 million teachers. For the past 15 years, the leadership of the union has negotiated with different political parties both at the local and national level. This was mainly to guarantee the existence of SNTE bureaucracy at the ministry of education of the nation. Also, the union was to be guaranteed the continuity lack of transparency of the Union and the non-enforcement of the democracy of the union. The third was the mobilization of votes in favor to those parts in favor for the previous pint. However, due to the political plot, Pena Nieto, who is the president of Mexico from the year 2012 imprisoned Elba E (Diego, 2013). Gordillo, who was the SNTE leader since 1989, was charged with embezzlement and corruption. This confirmed that the government in power is not ready to give up the grip over SNTE. This was mainly because the newly appointed leader immediately accepted to be loyal to the government. However, this political show allowed the radicalization of CNTE, which then move away from the SNTE (Diego, 2013). The CNTE has grown and now consists of about 100,000 teachers and over and most of the teachers were veterans of the previous strike and mobilization. CNTE presents itself as an organization that has been built by teachers who are democratic (Diego, 2013). Furthermore, they are independent of the bourgeoisie, and it is a class front because it is built of employees who accept the class struggle universal principle. Its main goal is defined as re-conquest of the SNTE for it is mandated to serve the mass interest and not the interest of the leaders. Following the principles declaration that is radical, and from the strategic point of view, the decision of not to split from SNTE was the correct move. However, because of the large gap that exists between the current leadership of the CNTE and the files and ranks is exemplified by the negotiation between them and the government and the new leadership of SNTE after the strike of 1989 (Diego, 2013). Furthermore, by the existence of a huge wage differential and the political co-optation that manifested through the agreement in voting with political parties that were bourgeois the Union is going through a period that is critical. Although CNTE insists that it is determined by fighting against the reform that is aiming to privatize education, it has no shame of defending its right to inherit and sell job positions. From the perspective of Marxist, privatization is the transformation of services or goods into a social dynamics commodity of private property. For example, something that can not be traded for its use value but can be traded according to its value of the exchange. In this case, union bureaucrats or individual teachers making themselves rich through the commodification of social benefits and job position are also a process of privatization. This is very different from the openly privatizing aims of the constitutional reforms. However, this can not be seen as a reason to deny CNTE any support. On the contrary, these dynamics of privatization and accumulation are perpetuated, and even teachers might benefit individually from it. However, they are still the minority, and once there is a shift of the whole organization to the left, there will be the marginalization of individuals that are corrupt. Some critics have argued that since some of the CNTE demands are unacceptable, the entire organization should be condemned (Diego, 2013). Most of the people understand that this is not the best way. This is because of three reasons. First is the movement strength. Second is the prospective ability to allay with other working class sector. Finally is the analytical process that is to be followed to understand that CNTE is going through a radicalization phase of file and rank versus the leadership reaction. The strength of the CNTEs: Apart from having a good number of members of over a hundred thousand teachers, the current CNTE mobilization in Mexico City was composed of members from other trade unions. These members fro semi- independent trade unions included SME electricity workers, students movements, and a few MORENA organization. Although there was no response by the leadership of MORENA on the mobilization by CNTE, there was a response in some of the sector (Diego, 2013). This is because in the analysis, this factor was a common struggle against privatization. Furthermore, it was not just about education, but the nature of the Mexican economy was also a factor. The real strength of CNTE is majorly about the understanding of these processes. A vital sector of the former best of the PRD has separated and is very determined in building a new political party. This is mainly on the basis of the nationwide political movement (MORENA). This leadership was pushed by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador who has been defeated twice in the presidential election (Diego, 2013). He has always presented a position that is contradictory between conservative and progressive political tactics. Today, for purposes of providing unity in the reforms of the constitutional on the critical socialist program basis, Lopez Obrador and leadership of MORENA have stepped aside. They have further denied CNTE direct support and have focused on other issues of political economic which is the constitutional energy reform. Lopez Obrador conservative mentality is weakening the broad movement, but MORENA files and rank should strongly support CNTE progressive masses by opposing its leadership of bureaucratic. The clearest allies for teachers mobilization are the 3.5 million members of MORENA (Diego, 2013). Neither Mexican rural areas autonomist organization nor industrial sector small independent unions openly supported the teachers mobilization. However, this fault is also the CNTEs. By strongly criticizing MORENA as an organization that .is reformist, the leaders of CNTE have avoided any strong political link. The surprise is that this is not a public statement made by the movement masses but by a leadership that is already co-opted. The suggestion by some journalist is that the leadership of CNTE is closely associated with the PRD. Therefore, by being radical in a word they are trying to harm the reputation of MORENA. In the early September at one of the mobilization highest point, most of the newspaper reported that the CNTE leadership was being criticized by the mass for not disclosing the outcome of its negotiation with the government. Development is threatened as discontent has strongly grown among the movement ranks and mistrust towards the leaders. The weakening and division of some militant sector of the CNTE and the frustration of a radical consciousness among some of the teachers group on the need of pushing a much more radical program. Teachers from the conservative states like Chihuahua, Guanajuato, and Querétaro traditionally controlled by the structure of bureaucratic of the SNTE, started to mobilize behind the call by the CNTE (Diego, 2013). Strategies Before the teachers were involved in a strike, they first went to talk to the president about the reform laws that were to be implemented by the government. However, there move to talked to the president and give out their view on the issue of the reform law was not successful. Teachers remaining with no option resolved to a strike as they believed that is the only way the government may hear their cry. Some of the issues that the teachers wanted to raise to the president were action taken against the new professional teaching law and the educational law of reform. Also, teachers also raised a complaint on the over local demands related to the working condition and wages. Though resolving to a strike was a traditional tactics, it was the most militant and the largest teachers union demonstration in the history of Mexico. Apart from the head of state, some of the stakeholders that the teachers union communicated with is the minister of education. The call for the dialog by the teachers with the stakeholders was to avoid any strike. Students and parents were also important stakeholders when it comes to the education sector. The parents and students were told of the aim for strike and how the sector of education will be affected by the constitutional reform and the need to support the teachers union strike. However, this strike by the teachers was never productive. Most of the teachers were arrested while some were seriously injured. Ethics of the parties involved. The parties involved in the teachers strike included the stakeholders who were the students, parents, teachers, and the union, and the government. The experienced, ethical communication was when both the parents and the students were in support for the negotiation between the teachers union and the government. This showed that both the students are the parents wanted the disputed that existed between the teachers union and the government to be solved in a way that was peaceful. The students and parents support for a peaceful negotiation was an ethical act that must be acknowledged. However, the unethical act of the students was when they took part in the strike that lead to the arrest of a good number of people and the injury of some (Pensado, 2013). This mainly took place after the effort of the teachers to directly talk to the president was not successful. The ethical act of the teachers union is also evidenced when the preferred negotiation with the government. Although the negotiation with the government was not fruitful, the teachers union called for a strike. This is the point where the teachers communication turned from ethical to unethical. Various unethical acts of the teachers were evidenced when they took over some of the building and blocked the roads. It was also unethical for the teachers to fight with the authority. This is so because teachers are people who are respected in the society and are entrusted with people children. These teachers should be the first one to act decently as they are the role model for most of the students. The government being the driving force for most of the unethical and ethical act experienced teachers, parents, and students (Ornelas, 2014). The unethical act of the government can be evidenced the moment the government turned down the efforts for the call for negation by the union. This is the main reason to why teachers went on strike. If the government could give the teachers an opportunity to meet the President as they requested, there could be no teachers strike. Unethical government act is also evidenced by the use of a large number of the police force to disperse the people who were demonstrating. Furthermore, the police used black hawk helicopter, water cannon tank, and tear gas. This also led to the injury and arrest of the most of the people. Conclusion In Mexico, for most of the union and organization to avoid the occurrence of any strike, they should participate in a sophisticated mutual gain negotiation. For this to be effective, both the parties need to accept the pluralist idea of partnership between entities that are legitimate with an interest that is divergent in a constitutional democracy. Union also has to realize that the use of strike to obtain benefits is always useless in an economy where there is power imbalance between labor and capital. In a society that is pluralist, parties that negotiate for mutual gain recognizes each other as stakeholders that are legitimate. This is so instead of perceiving them as enemies that need to be defeated in the war of class that is going (Brand, 2010). They recognize both their independence and dependence and accept that they have differences that are overlapping and different interest. Both the union and the government should recognize that their agreements for recognition are characterized by a joint obligation to freedom of democracy. Also, are also good faith bargaining, associations, exhaustion of procedures of dispute, non-violence, and picket rules. The provided commitments do not just exist in papers but are also complied with on a daily basis (Brand, 2010). In agreement with their vow to good faith bargaining, the government, and the union need to do the following. The combined team of negotiation of both the government and the teachers union should undergo a combined training in modern negotiation practices and theories. For there to be a success in the joint training, the major players in both the team of negotiation need to be present during the training session. It is vital to conduct regular refresher training so that the new negotiation team members become familiar with mutual gain negotiation and its fundamentals are reminded to the existing members (Brand, 2010). Because historically there has been a lack of trust that exists between the teachers union and the government, overcoming it will not be easy. There is a need for the facilitator assistance as a result of this. The main barrier for effective negotiation is poor communication and lack of trust (Brand, 2010). Also, because of the presence of many elements of the approach to mutual gain to negotiation that is very dissimilar from the customary adversarial approach. The presence of the facilitator is important to help the parties do most of the things which are counter sensitive from them. The first thing that both the government and the teachers union should do during the process of negotiation is to start by tabling there problems. The two parties should then analyze the problem before proceeding on to seek, evaluate, and then choose a solution. The facilitator and both the parties need to be sensitive to the paradox of a negotiation. On one hand, an approach of a mutual gain to a negotiation has the possibility to deliver an outcome that is strong. But the party principals may perceive this process to be weak. On the other hand, a militant and tough adversarial stance may be seen to be strong to the principals but it always delivers an outcome that is weak. The parties and the facilitators have the mandate to manage this in a way that does not result in an outcome that is strong but appearing to be weak without the representatives. If the appreciations of the gain mutual benefits are cascaded down in to the union and the government the problem management is easy (Brand, 2010). Reference Andalusia Knoll (2013), Photo Essay: Following Police Eviction, Mexicos Teachers Keep Fighting for Quality Education. Web < archives-79/4462-photo-essay-mexican-teachers-strike > accessed May 18, 2015. Brand John (2010). STRIKE AVOIDANCE – HOW TO DEVELOP AN EFFECTIVE STRIK AVOIDANCE STRATEGY. Web accessed May 18, 2015. Bravo, A. A. J., Zuniga, F. L. R., & Infanzón, M. L. N. G. The teachers strike: the perspective of parents in rural and urban communities of chiapas. Academic papers, 41. Chard, D. S. (2011). SCARd Times: Maines Prisoners Rights Movement, 1971-1976. Dalton, R. J. (2011). Youth and Participation Beyond Elections. R. Dalton, Engaging Youth in Politics: Debating Democracys Future, 112-131. Dana, D. (2001). Conflict resolution: Mediation tools for everyday worklife. New York: McGraw-Hill. Diego M Macías Woitrin (2013). 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Conflict resolution: Communication, cooperation, compromise. Mankato, Minn: LifeMatters. Read More
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