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Leadership and Behaviors - Coursework Example

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The coursework "Leadership and Behaviors" describes Leadership traits and behaviors. This paper outlines personality qualities of leaders in organizations, Steve Jobs Personality Traits, Steve Jobs leadership behavior, personality traits of individuals…
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Case analysis Introduction Leadership traits and behaviors are important for organizational success. Leadersin organizations have a role and on the other hand, they have their own personalities. The personality qualities of leaders in organizations are important in handling of situations. When situations arise in organizations that need attention, personality of leaders might influence its accomplishment. Steve Jobs was a complex individual. The individual is described as brilliant innovator and visionary in the manufacture of personal computer. The innovator centered his attention on the functionality and style of Apple personal computer (Cusumano, 2011). From the early ages of his life, Steve Jobs was interested in electronics. It was at his tender age of 14 when he started building computers with a friend known as Steve Wozniak. The two friends personalities propelled them work in unity. Something fascinating about their personalities was that they were both self- absorbed in their work and like working in solitary (Cusumano, 2011). The two individuals could work on a particular project to the extent that they were lost. This therefore reveals that their personality had a particular aspect of self-control and aspects of self-efficiency. Perhaps one of the greatest motivator for Steve Jobs was the knowledge that he was abandoned with his parents. Steve Jobs Personality Traits Steve Jobs work culture and ethics traces its roots in India. But he was not successful till he returned to California. During the Anti-Vietnam war, Steve Jobs was an employee at Atari together with Woz. In this industry, he worked as a technician. The Chief Engineer at the plant recalls that it was unusual to hire a dropout from Reed in the company. Nevertheless, Steve Jobs had an exceptional quality. The official recalls him as an enthusiastic, excited and very intelligent. However, it was also true that Steve Jobs character was difficult to control. The individual had his own schedule and way of life that amazed. For instance he believed that his vegetable and fruit laden diet would prevent him from body odor and mucus. Steve Jobs had a personality that reflex individuals with type B traits. He had a trait of being impatient and keeping to himself. On work ethics, Steve Jobs had the ability to make decisions without necessarily consulting other individuals. This however led to many losses to the organization that he fostered to correct. On his leadership traits, Steve Jobs was an insightful, Charismatic and influential. As a leader in Apple Steve Jobs was able to utilize and motivate talented minds towards accomplishing designs (Cusumano, 2011). On the other hand, he was a good communicator. This traits was instrumental in meeting supplier needs as well as customer needs. At Atari, he made his first successful deal. The deal was to reduce the number of chips in a game. His personality at this period reveals as to how he invited Woz into the project. The deal became a success and he shared some of the dollars with Woz. It was in the year 1776 that both Steve Jobs and Woz entered into a partnership that saw the creation of Apple computers. In this partnership, Steve Jobs concentrated in the development of circuit board for hobbyists while Woz specialized in the development of Apple II (Cusumano, 2011). Steve Jobs personality reveals that he was a handworker in finding deals, finding investors and in promoting their computers. Both Steve and his partner attended a computer festival and following the event Founded Apple. Apple received finance and expert assistance that it became a corporation. When the Apple became a corporation, Steve style of management came into focus. The character of Steve Jobs was unusual, he was a perfectionist and impatient (Cusumano, 2011). The management of Steve Jobs was centered on power. Jobs believed on impressing the end users thus he was interested on the computer screen and case. Steve Jobs insisted on implementing his ideas at Apple. He had wrangles with the president of the company on instilling a one-year warranty for customer loyalty. He was a negotiator who made friends with many people (Cusumano, 2011). He was a tough negotiator with suppliers to the corporation. It is a reality that he repeatedly made unrealistic goals concerning the corporation but individuals at the company believed on his perceptions. Steve Jobs leadership behavior Steve Jobs had some leadership behavior that made him a successful entrepreneur of his time. The first important trait of Steve Jobs was his imagination. The Individual was imaginative that he created a blueprint for his creations. This unique behavior resulted in the building of Apple the company that rivaled Microsoft in the market (Cusumano, 2011). His unique leadership character comes at the period when he founded another project called Macintosh. At the inception of Macintosh Steve Jobs was given the role of chairperson and removed from the operational role. His removal from the operational role did not please him leading to a power struggle. In response to this maneuver, Steve Jobs concentrated in the development of inexpensive computer for the masses. Therefore, in order to disrupt the project Steve Jobs micro managed the project insisting that it should end in 12 months. Following his reaction on the project of Macintosh, one would say that Steve Jobs loved to be in power. Since after disturbing the project and downplaying its creation he came weeks later and launched it as an original idea. This shows a perspective of Steve Jobs that he liked his ideas entangled with corporation designs. After the creation of Mac computers, there were massive sales. However, problems with the storage space resulting from Steve Jobs led to a fall in sales. It was the idea of Jobs to configure the hardware of the computer without first conducting market research. This therefore led to the ouster of him as the corporation head (Cusumano, 2011). At Apple Steve Jobs underwent another terrible leadership transformation. He was named chairperson the Global visionary. After this Steve Jobs was stripped of any management role at the company, thus he opted out. Steve Jobs leadership traits include an uncanny ability to design and develop technology products. After living the computer firm, he formulated another computer company by the name NeXT computer (Cusumano, 2011). The computer company would provide advanced technology for the academic fields as well as scientific activities. In his address to the interested customers of the product, Steve Jobs described the machines as interpersonal. He prescribed that the machines collaborated with individuals and facilitated communication. In respect to his leadership traits Steve Jobs was an insightful, good communicator, perfectionist and a hard worker. As an individual Jobs made a lot of successes as well as losses in the course of his duties. In respect to his character Jobs was a visionary; he saw that computer could transform the lives of individuals and change lives. Steve jobs had the ability to harness talent available in the market to the advantage of the company. Therefore, in relation to his leadership roles in Apple and in other corporations, Steve Jobs is seen as a transformational leader. He was able to transform the society into accepting the influence of technology. One can also say that he was a charismatic leader. Steve Jobs was able to utilize individuals’ talent for the benefit of the organization. However, one may also say that the individual depicted negative charisma in his dealing. In respect to this, one can clearly envisage the character of Steve Jobs in which he is self-promotional. Therefore, his leadership traits in theory may be relate to fielder contingency theory. In respect to contingency, it is essential to note that Steve Jobs had the ability to handle complex situations whenever they occurred (Cusumano, 2011). Another theory that would relate to Steve Jobs is the path goal theory. The individual was charismatic that he would influence workers. He had the ability to influence the functions of workers in his investment portfolios. In respect to Apple Steve Jobs was able to incorporate his creations and designs on workers of the organization. Another description of his leadership trait may incorporate the situational leadership tag. Steve Jobs leadership traits reveal that he had a directive approach to the performance of tasks (Cusumano, 2011). He had the leadership trait of directing actions towards product design and specifications. The entrepreneur had the ability of negotiating with diverse classes of individuals. However, it is also true that his lack of openness with others led to various setbacks on the agenda and product formulation. Conclusions Personality traits of individuals are important elements in organizational management. Individuals’ personalities have an impact on work and behavior. It is also imperative to note that people have diverse personalities that influence their behavior. In respect to personalities, individuals in groups or organizations might have different personality traits. Individuals may be either introverts or extraverts. In theory individuals, personalities may come under classes A and B personalities. Individuals of Type B personality are easygoing and relaxed in their activities. It is also important to note that individuals with type B personalities are able to influence others largely. These groups of individuals tend to be independent, easy to communicate with and influence. On the other hand, if such individuals hold leadership positions in an organization, they are able to influence others actions towards company’s needs. It is therefore important for organizations to cultivate good leadership traits in organizations. Properly leadership traits in organizations influence other individuals in the organizations. Such traits might influence actions of workers towards corporate goals. In the future organizations need to develop leaders through offering training programs. Concerning these organizations might liaise with other institutions of learning to provide training to its workers. On the other hand, organizations might be able to stimulate learning in boardrooms that would yield in the creation of leaders for future activities. Individual leaders need to develop their management skills largely. Individuals need to develop their communication, negotiation and other skills of importance. Concerning personal development, individuals need to attend leadership training and seminars. It is also important that individuals asses their own personalities and make changes where necessary. References Cusumano, M. A. (2011). The legacy of Steve Jobs. Communications Of The ACM, 54(12), 26-28. Read More
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