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Doing a Job that You Like Is More Important than to Earn More Money - Coursework Example

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This coursework "Doing a Job that You Like Is More Important than to Earn More Money " describes concept of job satisfaction, examples of it, effects of doing a job that you don't like, and the positive effects of earning money…
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Doing a Job that You Like Is More Important than to Earn More Money
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Doing a job that you like is more important than to earn more money. Outline Introduction 2. Concept of Job satisfaction 3. Job satisfaction – examples 4. Effects of doing a job that you don’t love 5. Earning money can bring positive effects 6. Conclusion Introduction How happy one is with their job will always be more important in comparison to earning more or how much one is earning. The thing about money is the more you make it, the more your standard of living cost you, which means that one will always want to get more and more money. If you talk to the people who work very hard, they would give you similar answer as well. Keep in mind that when one does something that they dislike, it put a lot of stress and unhappiness on them. One would probably have to put up with traffic every day, or ride a full-train just to go to the work and make money, at the same time tolerating other peoples nonsense. And imagine if at such hours one gets fire then what will happen? This is what most of the corporations have been doing lately, can it be of worth? It would not, because as one would have used the money to buy a house, a car, and other things, then he would now have to lose them because they no longer have money coming in. Doing a job is therefore more worthy than just earning more. Here is something else to consider: you can make a lot of money with any job. Ill use McD as an example. You dont make that much as a cashier, but what if you were willing to promote your position as a manager? You could be a manager of more than one McD. Concept of Job satisfaction Doing a job that one likes help them provide Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be described as to how content an individual is with their job. The happier the people are with their job, more satisfaction they earn from their work. Job satisfaction is not same as the motivation or aptitude, though it is clearly linked. Better job design aims to enhance job satisfaction along with performance methods including job rotation, job enrichment, job enlargement and job re-engineering. Other influences over this satisfaction factor would include the management style, culture, employee involvement, autonomy and empowerment at work position. Job Contentment is very vital attribute which is frequently measured by individual and also in organizations. The most usual way questions affecting ones love for a job relate to rate of pay, work responsibilities, types of tasks, promotional opportunities, work itself and the co-workers. Money is not the only motivation when one sees job satisfaction but definitely covers the type of work one is doing. Basically doing a job that one prefers helps an employee with inner motivation and self encouragement as a result he or she can give best to his and organization’s success. Normally an employee who is in love with his work will also facilitate in creating positive working ambience for people around. His passion for the job will help him boost the morale of other employees of the organization. It’s a fact that many of us work for money yet these monetary benefits are not the sole criteria while selecting any job. Job seeker usually prefers selecting a job that provides them with inner satisfaction and happiness. Life thereby becomes happier and easier for one if he happier and easier with his or her jobMajority of well reputed companies today give lots of importance to measuring the level of employee satisfaction at work place. Great emphasize on good HR system in organization is to sort people who are job contented and love what is offer on sale. Job satisfaction therefore is absolutely necessary and benefits both the organization as well as physical and general wellbeing of the employee. Today much of the emphasize can be seen on worker’s satisfaction at work, the person needs to be satisfied with the work he does and such love, contentment and satisfaction brings in much benefit not only for the organization but the worker himself. As, he could freely work and contribute to success Job satisfaction – examples Some of the theories presented highlighting the importance of job contentment over pay as a motivator is given below. Two-factor theory fundamentals Attitudes and behaviors are connected with industrial mental health and this is related to Maslows theory of motivation. According to Herzberg, individuals aren’t content with simple satisfaction of lower order needs at work, for instance, those associated with the salary levels or safety and pleasant working conditions. Rather, the individuals look for fulfillment of higher level psychological needs these cover factors that act as the motivating force such as achievement, recognition, accountability, advancement, and nature of the work itself. This is shown in the Maslows theory of a hierarchy. However, Herzberg added a new notion to this theory by proposing two factor model of motivation, which was based on the rule that one set of job characteristics might lead to worker satisfaction at work, yet another or separate set of job characteristics could lead to dissatisfaction at work. This theory simply suggests that improve job attitudes and productivity, must not be assumed at cost of each other, i.e. they should be interlinked. The two factor theory or motivation hygiene theory, formed from data collected by Herzberg through interviews with large number of engineers along with accountants in the Pittsburgh area. From analyses of such interviews, he found that job characteristics which are related to what an individual nature of the work he carries out — apparently have capacity to gratify such needs like status, personal worth, achievement, competency, and self-realization, resolutely making him happy and satisfied. However, the absence of such amazing job characteristics does not appear to result to unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Instead, dissatisfaction results from not liked assessments of similar job related factors as company policies, salary, the interpersonal relations on the job, the working conditions supervision and the technical problems. Herzberg further analyzed respondents to describe such periods in their lives where they were either exceedingly happy or unhappy with their jobs. Each respondent then gave many "sequences of events" which result them being happy. The above given hypothesis verified that there were some of the factors which contributed mostly to workers satisfaction this mainly included factors other than earning more money and include achievement, intrinsic interest in the work advancement and responsibility. They were the ones mostly uni-polar; moreover they contribute very less to job dissatisfaction. On the other hand, some of the dis-satisfiers include (supervision, interpersonal relationships, company policy and administrative practices, working conditions, and salary) that contributes very little to worker’s satisfaction with his job. (The Motivation Hygiene Concept and Problems of Manpower in Personnel Administration) Two factor theories distinguish between: Motivators (e.g., recognition, challenging work, responsibility) that give positive satisfaction, arising from the intrinsic conditions of the job itself, covering recognition, achievement, or ones personal growth (Motivation through design of work in Organizational behavior and human performance)and Hygiene (e.g. salary, fringe benefits, status, job security, work conditions)that in themselves do not give any positive satisfaction, but instead dissatisfaction results from their absence. These are extrinsic to the work and include aspects such as company policies or wages/salary (One more time: how do you motivate employees? in Harvard-Business Review). Essentially, hygiene factors are must to ensure that worker at job is not dissatisfied. Motivation factors are must to motivate one to higher performance. Herzberg also recognizes the important of such, for a worker to perform well it is vital that worker is motivated to perform to his best potentials. Herzberg further classified our actions also how and why we do them, for instance, if you perform a work related action just because you have to do it then that is classed as the movement, but if you perform such work related action because you want to in that case it is classed as motivation. Thus, such analysis clearly focus on the above given factors more important than the pay itself, that is pay or money can act as a motivator but after some minimum level of pay it is generally job satisfaction which is more important for an individual and he would be striving to achieve such rather than working to earn more money. Affect Theory The Edwin A. Locke’s gave the range of Affect Theory in year (1976) that was one another theory recognizing the importance of job satisfaction arguably the most famous model. The main premise of the theory was that satisfaction is determined by discrepancy between what one wants in his job and what one has in his job. Further, the theory even emphasizes how much one value any given facet of work (e.g. degree of autonomy in his position) moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied he would become if expectations are/aren’t met. When any person values any particular facet of a job, his satisfaction would more greatly impact both positively (if expectations are met) and even negatively if expectations are not met), compared to one who does not value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values more autonomy in the workplace and Employee B is indifferent about this autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in this position that offers higher degree of autonomy and lesser satisfied in a position with little or even no autonomy compared to the Employee B. This theory also states that too much of any particular facet will generally produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more any worker values that facet. Dispositional Theory Another important work done over this is the well known job satisfaction theory that is Dispositional Theory Template: Jackson April 2007. It is very general theory that suggests that if people have innate dispositions that causes them to have tendencies toward any certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. This approach might become a notable explanation of job satisfaction in the light of evidence that job satisfaction is to remain stable over time / across careers and jobs. Research also indicates identical twins have just similar levels of job satisfaction. Effects of doing a job that you don’t love There are various negative effects in doing a job one doesn’t love or is not satisfied with. Work stress: Sources of work stress can range from various factors which are mostly outsider influences on you because simple you are not doing the job you love. Stress comes from supervisor roles, gender differences, Socio economic status and job control to outright burnout. Although my concentration here is the negative stress, it is just important to acknowledge that stress is very normal and that all stress is not harmful. Yet if person is over-stressed or over-burden then stress is harmful. Stress could result much social and political problem as for the health problem.Moreover, negative stress is hazardous the job Stress can lead to very poor health and even injury. Stress is defined differently in different places the harmful physical and emotional responses that may occur when requirements of the job do not match the resources, capabilities, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to very poor health and even injury at times. (National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, 1999) Stress is the awareness of simply not being able to cope with demands of one’s environment, and when the realization is for the concern to the person, in that both are just associated with negative emotional response. (Occupational Health and Safety commission of Australia, (OHS), publication, Stress and Fatigue- their impact on health and safety in the workplace, 1998) A job stressor is any event or environmental condition at the workplace that provokes worry or tension or anxiety .A non specific response of the body where there is just a natural and often essential reaction till it has accrued to a level which is beyond the individual’s ability to promoting reactions cope, , which are frequently abnormal and irrational. In one of the definition of stress it is defined as the “ perceived” physical, mental, or emotional demand that would result changes in behavior and biology along with a psycho physiological phenomenon. If managers and the supervisors have any role at all in that perceptions of employees then stress, negative internal stress is clearly management problem. (Dr Alison Drewry, New Zealand 2000) Much of the latest information appears to say that stress is trouble. The relationship between stress to heart attacks, hypertension, and other actual physical ailments appears to be usual knowledge but the heavier toll on those employees and their families cannot be understood. Just look at the Japan, they give you a word for working yourself to death, which is “karoshi”. Japan’s government has reported 10,000 cases in 1 year involving managers who just died from overwork. (Jane Weaver, 2003). According to NIOSH (National Institute for the Occupational Safety and Health, in the U.S. Federal Agency) reported job stress there was up 45% in 2002 and that was 37% from the year before. Moreover, 25% of U.S. workers called their jobs to a number one source of stress. With so much of research data showing such negative influences increase distress that is of large enough quantities could cause some individuals to become very sick. (Edward A. 1984) why cannot one learn from our past mistakes to sweep such problems under the rug? It should no longer of benefit to ignore the effects of negative stress with an unsatisfactory job if we want to bring on long term healthy society it is important for people to work at places they love to. Because such internal stressors are often hidden they go un-noticed and the police managers are not very quick to admit them at fault in contributing to internal turmoil within their very own departments. Earning money can bring positive effects Earning loads of money can even be more important than enjoying the job itself. This is considered important in the sense that it could bring some of the benefits. Today those people who have more money can apply for qualification that would help gain them more money. Meeting the financial needs, doing enjoyable activities such as traveling or working as donates could only be possible if one has more money. On the contrary, enjoying the job with insufficient income can only give one enjoyment, nothing else. The best thing about money is that it can easily be found if you want to, but satisfaction at your job is seldom seen. This is because every time one get something, they crave for more. Seldom that they feel satisfied with their job, taking into consideration bulk of work most importantly, the surrounding environment that one has. It is therefore even important to earn satisfying money, but if one is earning enough then other factors which result in contentment and satisfaction at job would be more important than just earning more. Conclusion Earning money can even bring on positive effects and result happiness more often yet it should not occur at the cost of working someplace where one is not willing to or the job is unsatisfactory or the job causes stress. As at the end one’s life, his health, family and what he loves to do is more important than just earning more bucks of money to lose all such in return. Exert your talents and just distinguish yourself. And, dont ever think of retiring from the world until those you know will be sorry that you have retired (Samuel Johnson). This could only happen if you are satisfied and passionate about your work. As the secret to happiness and the success is doing a job that you love rather than just earning more money. Work Cited 1. Edward A. Charlesworth and Ronald G. Nathan, Stress Management:, Comprehensive Guide to Wellness, 1984 2. Hackman J. R., & Oldham, G. R., 1976, "Motivation through design of work", Organizational behaviour and human performance, vol. 16, pp. 250–79 3. Herzberg, F. (1968). "One more time: how do you motivate employees?". Harvard Business Review 46 (1): 53–62. 4. Herzberg, "The Motivation-Hygiene Concept and Problems of Manpower", Personnel Administration (January-February 1964), pp. 3–7 5. Jane Weaver, 2003 6. National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, 1999 7. National Institute for the Occupational Safety and Health, in the U.S. Federal Agency, 2011 8. Occupational Health and Safety commission of Australia, (OHS), publication, Stress and Fatigue- their impact on health and safety in the workplace, 1998 9. Smash words book review from 10. Samuel Johnson, Quotes to get you moving Read More
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